- Sigma Lambda Gamma

Expansion Information Packet
Updated: 7.21.14
© Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
Table of Contents
EXPANSION PROCESS OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 4
STAGES .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Interest ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Colonization ...................................................................................................................................... 6
BENCHMARKS ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Colony Petition Requirements ............................................................................................................. 8
Chapter Petition Requirements ........................................................................................................... 9
General Responsibilities & Duties ...................................................................................................... 11
Colony Operations Advisor (COA) ................................................................................................. 11
EXPANSION CYCLE DEADLINES .............................................................................................................. 13
FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................... 15
GUIDELINES AND EXPECTATIONS .......................................................................................................... 16
INTERESTED WOMEN...................................................................................................................... 16
COLONIES ...................................................................................................................................... 17
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................................... 18
CONTACT US ..................................................................................................................................... 18
COLONY PETITION ................................................................................................................................ 19
COLONY PETITION INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 20
COLONY PETITIONING CHECKLIST ...................................................................................................... 22
INSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION FORM ................................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER PETITION ............................................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER PETITION INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 26
ELIGIBILITY....................................................................................................................................... 27
TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER & BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION......................................................... 27
CHAPTER PETITIONING CHECKLIST .................................................................................................... 28
FACULTY ADVISOR INFORMATION FORM............................................................................................. 31
ADDITIONAL ADVISOR INFORMATION FORM ....................................................................................... 32
EXPANSION ADVISORY COMMITTEE INFORMATION FORM.................................................................... 33
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Thank you for your interest in Sigma Lambda Gamma! We are happy to provide you with all the
information necessary to decide if Sigma Lambda Gamma is right for you and your campus.
Sigma Lambda Gamma strives to be the premier organization committed to provide a mechanism of
empowerment to all women. Since April 9, 1990, Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. has
played an integral role in fostering the growth of women nationwide. Following the principles of
Academics, Community Service, Cultural Awareness, Morals & Ethics, and Social Interaction, we pride
ourselves in promoting respect and upholding standards of excellence in morality, ethics, and education.
By engaging in activities that focus on our founding principles, our members are able to develop and finetune their professional and leadership skills. Our entities are expected to perform educational and
principle-based programs throughout the semester.
These are just examples of what makes us proud and what drives an organization like ours to succeed.
Since 1990, our sorority has expanded at exponential rates and continues to do so, with several new
chapters being founded each year. This growth rate makes us the largest Latina-based, multicultural
sorority and the fastest-growing fraternal organization in the nation! We are honored that you are
interested in becoming a part of our growth efforts by participating in our Expansion Process.
This packet has been designed as an educational and informative tool for supporting women interested in
bringing Sigma Lambda Gamma to their college or university. This serves as your primary point of
reference and a foundation for future discussions.
At Sigma Lambda Gamma we understand that the process of choosing a sorority can be complicated. We
appreciate you taking our sisterhood into consideration. Joining Sigma Lambda Gamma entails a lifetime
commitment. If you decide that Sigma Lambda Gamma is for you, we want to see you succeed in your
endeavor! Adequate information is the first step to a successful Expansion Process; for this
reason, we encourage you to read through the Expansion Information Packet with a critical
mind. Additionally, your college or university may have their own expansion procedures and/or
guidelines, which you should become familiar with before making the decision to begin our expansion
process. Sigma Lambda Gamma is more than willing to work with your college or university’s
representative, and encourages your interaction with them as well. Feel free to share this information
packet with them.
The National Board of Directors and the Headquarters Staff of Sigma Lambda Gamma stand ready to
assist you in any way possible. If at any point you have any questions regarding our organization or the
expansion process itself, feel free to contact us. (Contact information is provided on page 18.)
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Terms that have an “*” afterwards are defined in the text box to the right.
Institutional Eligibility
Sigma Lambda Gamma prides itself in building positive partnerships
with its host institutions. These partnerships ensure that the
individuals involved have the necessary resources to have a fulfilling
and constructive Greek/Sorority & Fraternity Life and college
experience. In order to participate in the Sigma Lambda Gamma
Expansion Process, the potential host institution must meet the
following requirements:
 Accredited* four-year college and/or university
 Supportive to the development or establishment of
Greek/fraternal organizations on campus
Group Eligibility
In order to participate in the Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion
Process, the group of women interested in petitioning to become a
colony of Sigma Lambda Gamma must meet the following
 Group average cumulative/overall GPA of 2.75 or above on a
4.0 scale
 Ten eligible members (not including seniors*). Seniors* can be
on the petition, but will not count toward the necessary ten.
Individual eligibility is outlined below.
Individual Eligibility
In order to participate in the Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion
Process, the individuals involved must meet our membership
 Full-time undergraduate student at the potential host institution
 A cumulative 2.60 GPA on a 4.0 scale and a minimum of 12
college credit hours completed
o Transfer students require a cumulative GPA of 2.80 on a
4.0 scale
o Students who have completed less than 12 credit hours
must submit documentation of unconditional acceptance
to the university.
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
Terminology Clarification
Sigma Lambda Gamma recognizes
colleges and universities that are
accredited by the regional
accreditation agencies:
The Middle States
Association of Colleges
and Schools
The New England
Association of Schools &
The North Central
Association of Colleges
and Schools
The Northwest
Association of Schools
And Colleges
The Southern Association
of Colleges and Schools
The Western Association
of Schools and Colleges
A member is considered a senior if
they will graduate in less than one
academic year from when the
petition is submitted. Students
with senior academic standing who
are not graduating (within one
academic year) can count towards
the group member count.
An individual member will be held
to the transfer GPA requirement if
they have transferred to the
current institution from a two-year
accredited school and have not yet
earned a minimum of 12 credit
hours at the current institution.
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The Expansion Process is composed of three stages: interest, colonization and chapter chartering. Each
is differentiated by the type of relationship that exists between the group and Sigma Lambda Gamma.
I. Interest
During this stage, the women who are interested should gather information about Sigma Lambda
Gamma, their institutional expansion guidelines, and make the decision as to whether or not Sigma
Lambda Gamma is right for them. In this stage, there is no formal relationship between Sigma Lambda
Gamma and the interested women, as will be explained in more detail later.
These are some action steps to consider in preparation to petition to become a colony of the
 Remember that your academic achievements come first!
 Familiarize yourself with our expansion process and all the applicable policies.
 Meet with your campus Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Advisor to discuss the possibility of bringing
Sigma Lambda Gamma to your campus.
o Make sure you discuss our expansion policies AND campus expansion policies, and how
these overlap or differ from one another.
o Discuss with your Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Advisor what would be the correct way to
obtain access to campus resources (room reservations, advising and other assistance given
to student organizations). Many campuses will require that you register as a student
organization. Clarify to your Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Advisor that, due to not being
affiliated with Sigma Lambda Gamma, you may not use our name when registering your
student organization.
o Discuss with your Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Advisor the correct procedure for joining a
Greek/fraternal council on campus.
 Contact SLG Headquarters with questions, concerns, or doubts.
o The information provided by Headquarters will supersede all information provided by other
sorority entities. Many times chapters, colonies or alumnae of the organization
may provide misinformation, through no fault of their own, as they might not
have the most current facts regarding the expansion process.
 Approach other women on your campus who may be interested in joining Sigma Lambda Gamma
and share with them the information you have acquired!
 Create a group e-mail account that will allow us to communicate with the group in a centralized
 Start development of permanent record keeping systems for your group. Some examples of
important information to maintain are minutes of meetings (include attendance records), all
communication with SLG representatives, all communications with campus officials, any resources
that might be beneficial for the group in the future, etc.
 Fundraise! The financial responsibilities will be further outlined below.
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II. Colonization
In order to advance to this stage in the expansion process, the interested women must submit a Colony
Petition to their appointed Headquarters Director. Upon receipt, Headquarters Staff will review the
materials submitted and render a decision (more information in the Benchmarks and Expansion Cycle
Deadlines sections).
Women that are approved as part of a colony are referred to as colony members. At this point in the
process, the group is considered part of the organization. As such, they must adhere to all Sigma
Lambda Gamma policies and provisions. Additionally, they are held to the same reporting standards as
chapters. Colony status is considered a probationary period, which means that the colony does
not possess voting privileges at the regional or national level. Colonies that do not follow the values,
principles, and/or policies of Sigma Lambda Gamma risk getting their colony status revoked.
Several of the characteristic responsibilities of the colony period are:
 Familiarize the members with all Sigma Lambda Gamma policies and procedures
 Recruit more interested women and maintain a 75% retention rate or higher for inducted
members becoming initiated members
 Join a Greek/fraternal governing council on campus
 Attend monthly meetings with the Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Advisor on campus
 Acquire an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Tax-ID number
 Establish a group bank account. It is highly recommended to open the bank account in the name
of your University’s Name SLG Entity. For example, “University of Iowa SLG Entity.” This is
recommended so that you do not need to change the name of your bank account after receiving
chapter status. You are not allowed to open the account under the name of our National
Organization for liability purposes.
Development of colony bylaws
o Sigma Lambda Gamma is governed by a National Constitution. Each chapter has a set of
bylaws that governs their day-to-day functioning, while never superseding the National
Constitution and other policies of the national sorority. These bylaws are developed during the
colonization period.
Participate in one of the four Academic Improvement Programs provided by Sigma Lambda
Gamma, or an academic program available to the group through your university
Fundraise! Other financial responsibilities will be further outlined below.
Participate in the Associate Member Education Program
Hold weekly meetings and provide minutes to Expansion Advisory Committee within 48 hours
Solidify administrative and clerical systems
Participate in colony teleconferences
Maintain good standing with the National Headquarters Office with all national paperwork including
Work closely with your Expansion Advisory Committee, your Regional Director, Headquarters Staff,
and the National Board of Directors
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III. Chapter Charting
In order to advance to this stage in the expansion process, the interested women must submit a Chapter
Petition to their appointed Headquarters Director, who in turn will present it to the National Board of
Directors. Upon receipt, the National Board of Directors will review the materials submitted and render a
decision (more information in the Benchmarks section).
Upon approval of chapter charter, the group will be assigned a letter designation (i.e. the Alpha Alpha
Chapter). At this point in the process, the group has full membership in the organization including voting
rights. While chapter status signifies that the group is no longer at a probationary status, voting rights
and other privileges as well as revocation of chapter status can happen if the chapter does not maintain
good standing with Sigma Lambda Gamma’s policies.
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The transition between each stage of the expansion process is marked by the submission and approval of
a progress report (colony/chapter petition). Once your group has met the necessary requirements and
has gathered the documentation to confirm that the benchmark has been reached, the petition for the
next stage should be submitted to their appointed Headquarters Director. We suggest contacting
Headquarters before submitting the petition to discuss the necessary materials and ensure compliance.
Once all materials are submitted and verified, the petition will be reviewed for approval. Submission of
a compliant petition does not guarantee approval.
Colony Petition Requirements
1. Completed Colony Petitioning Checklist
o Established group e-mail account
o Less than one year has passed since the interest group received the Expansion Information
2. Group Picture & Colony Applicant Roster
o Ten eligible members (see page 4 for eligibility requirements)
3. Completed Institutional Information Form
4. Anecdotal Statement
5. Meet with the professional staff person who advises for Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Life
o Letter of Support from Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Advisor
6. Copies of campus policies or protocols
o Campus expansion policies/protocols
o Bylaws of the Greek/fraternal council that the group intends to join
7. Minutes from Meetings
8. Group average cumulative/overall GPA of 2.75 or above, on a 4.0 scale
o Official Grade Verification (page 23)
9. Fee
o Filing Fee of $250
If the colony petition is not approved, interest groups must wait one year before submitting another
colony petition.
If the colony petition is approved, the new colony will need to:
Submit an Induction fee of $125 per individual (Will cover induction, and induction pin).
Attend a mandatory retreat hosted by your Expansion Advisory Committee.
Have both members of your Expansion Advisory Committee go through Associate Member
Certification Training through the EmpowerNet resource center.
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Chapter Petition Requirements
1. Completed Chapter Petitioning Checklist
o Maintained a retention rate of 75% or higher for inducted members becoming initiated
o No more than two years, and no less than one academic year has elapsed since
the induction of the founding group.
2. Completed Chapter Applicant Roster
o Ten eligible members (see page 27 for eligibility requirements)
3. A minimum of two advisors identified for the potential chapter (committee of four advisors is
preferable; two advisors need to be local)
o Completed Advisor Information Form for each advisor (pages 31-33)
4. Membership in a Greek Council
o Letter of support from the council representative detailing progress made by the group to
join said council.
5. Monthly meetings with Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Life Advisor
o Letter of support from Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Life
Terminology Clarification
Verification from EAC regarding
6. Documentation to show the colony has established necessary
completion of Associate Member
financial resources
Program and Initiation Ceremony
should be in the form of a letter
o Established Organizational bank account (refer to page 6 to
indicating that all members have
ensure name guidelines are met)
successfully completed the
o Established Employer Identification Number or Tax ID
Associate Member Program and
also stating that all induction &
initiation paperwork has been
o Annual Budget
submitted following the correct
SLG procedures.
7. Future Chapter Bylaws Completed
8. Group average cumulative/overall GPA of 2.75 or above, on a 4.0
Verification from EAC regarding
weekly meetings and
o Official Grade Verification (page 30)
documentation needs to be in the
form of a letter indicating the
9. Filing Fee of $200
10. Completion of the Associate Member Program and Induction &
1) If the colony had weekly
Initiation Ceremonies by all petitioning members.
If the colony sent the
o Verification letter* from Expansion Advisory Committee
meeting minutes to the
11. Regular (weekly) meetings and the proper documentation
EAC within 48 hours after
every meeting
o Verification letter* from Expansion Advisory Committee
12. Entity is in good standing with Headquarters with paperwork and
National Paperwork is required of
all colonies and chapters and
o Participation in 90% of colony teleconferences
Fact Sheet
o Met all fiscal requirements; has no debt to Headquarters
Membership Dues
Grade Verification
o All national paperwork* submitted correctly and on time
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
Induction Form
Initiation Form
Standards of Distinction
Risk Management Form
for all events
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Headquarters Staff
Among other professionals, Sigma Lambda Gamma’s Headquarters Staff includes one full-time Director of
Engagement and one full-time Director of Education. Expansion within Sigma Lambda Gamma is overseen
by both Directors. Some of their responsibilities include:
Director of Education- Lexi Cabrera
The Director of Education is responsible for all collegiate colonies and chapters in the Central,
Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, North Central, and Southeast Regions. In addition to member
services, the Director of Education is responsible for overseeing collegiate resources and the
assessment of sorority programs and initiatives.
Director of Engagement- Genevieve Padro
The Director of Engagement is responsible for all collegiate colonies and chapters in the
Northwest, Plains, Southern, Southwest, and Western Regions. In addition to member services,
the Director of Engagement is responsible for overseeing the sorority’s communication, marketing,
including managing social media, website, and the sorority’s overall online presence.
Examples of the services both Directors provide are: consultation on program ideas, awareness
and information regarding SLG policies, support during the development of colony/future chapter
protocols and administrative structures, and many others. Many times, these Directors will be
your advocate. On other occasions, this same individual will have the hard task of holding our
expanding groups accountable for violations to our policies and protocols. They keeps consistent
contact with the members of the Expansion Advisory Committee and the Headquarters Staff in
efforts to continuously provide better services to our interested women, our colonies, and our new
Regional Director (RD)
 The Regional Director is an important part of the support system for our chapters and colonies.
They play a key role in relaying important information from the National Board to the general
membership. They also facilitate regional retreats and are able to answer questions of policy,
procedure, and other sorority aspects. They are familiar with the region they serve as they reside
in the same region. They make up an important part of our volunteer leadership, and will be
instrumental in aiding you to build a network with the entities in your area.
Expansion Advisory Committee (EAC)
 The Expansion Advisory Committee plays an important part in the development of our expansion
groups. Each Expansion Advisory Committee consists of two sorority alumnae in good standing
appointed by the Headquarters Staff.
 Members of the EAC
o Colony Operations Advisor
o Colony Intake Advisor
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General Responsibilities & Duties
Be well-versed in all SLG policies and standards
All members of the EAC are responsible to maintain continuous communication with
Headquarters Staff and each other. Everyone is in this together. This should be a team effort
You may have discussions and provide advice about all roles in your EAC, the person appointed
to the role will have the final say however
Serve as a mentor and provide support with the new Chapter once established
Assist the colony in developing programs upholding our five principles
Colony Operations Advisor (COA)
Aid the colony in meeting paperwork submission deadlines and financial requirements.
Be the Assistant Associate Member Educator for the Founding Ship
Familiarize the colony with national policies and requirements, including, but not limited
 National Convention attendance and expectations
 National Sisterhood Retreat
 National Constitution
 SLG Policy Manual
 Sisterhood Enhancement Manual
 Parliamentary Procedure Handbook
 EmpowerNet
 Assist the colony in completing their chapter petition.
 Record keeping and documentation of colony operations and activities
 Provided assistance in scheduling meetings and entity time management
 Educate the colony on basic entity operational procedure
 Assist entity in creating their Bylaws
 Meeting management/Robert’s Rules of Order
 Maintain awareness of all colony committee meetings
 Executive Board make-up and officer training
 Transition protocol
 Communication protocol
Assist in creating a functioning Sisterhood Enhancement Committee
Awareness of national and regional structures
Work in conjunction with the rest of the EAC and the Faculty Advisor to ensure the EAC
is delivering a consistent message
Must be certified in the current Associate Member Education Program
Colony Intake Advisor (CIA)
Maintain constant communication with the rest of the EAC
Be the Associate Member Educator for the Founding Ship
Oversee the Alpha Ship as the Assistant Associate Member Educator
An undergraduate sister in the colony will be the Associate Member Educator for the
Alpha Ship and your role will be to guide and mentor her through successfully
completing The Journey.
 Ensure all members are aware and adhere to Sigma Lambda Gamma, institutional, local,
state and national laws, policies and regulations on hazing and human dignity.
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Coordinate Ritual activities.
Keep detailed records of the group’s progress through the associate member education
Work in conjunction with rest of the EAC and the Faculty Advisor to ensure the EAC is
delivering a consistent message.
Assist the colony with sisterhood/bonding events throughout their colony status period
Sorority colonies are assigned Expansion Advisors to assist with colony development and management.
The Expansion Advisors work under the guidance and supervision of the Director of Expansion.
Colony List Serve
This is an important communication tool that the organization uses to disperse information to the
colonies. It also provides a forum for colonies to be a resource for each other. Colony women have the
opportunity to share programming ideas, solutions for common concerns, and answers to common
administrative situations. While the colony president is required to be a member of the listserve, all
colony members and expansion advisors can join.
Sigma Lambda Gamma’s membership database is called the EmpowerNet. This community database is
used to manage all SLG business items. It contains resources, important files, paperwork/forms, and
social-networking opportunities. Semester reporting is conducted through EmpowerNet, which allows our
membership to update and access information 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Teleconference / Web Conference
Teleconferences / web conferences are hosted by the either a Headquarters Director or Regional Director
to provide another forum for communication for entities. Each conference acts as an official update on
new information from National Headquarters and an opportunity for the groups to ask questions and
provide updates on their progress. It is expected that colonies have a representative present for
each call (100%). However, the chapter petition requires that colonies have a least a 90%
attendance for teleconference calls.
National Headquarters will broadcast live podcasts focused on discussions on topics that influence our
sisterhood. These podcasts will be made available through our EmpowerNet Resource Center.
La Mensajera
This is our Bi-Annual newsletter. La Mensajera is used to post news submitted by all entities across the
nation to share with the national membership.
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November 1
Fall Colony Petition Deadline
November 14
Call for Expansion Advisory Committee (EAC)
December 5
All EAC Applications should be submitted
December 14
EAC will be appointed
December 17
Notification sent out regarding approval of colonies and EACs
January 16
HQ Teleconference with all new EACs
January 30
Deadline for EAC to have retreat with each other and another retreat with the
February 15
Deadline for the Founding Ship to be inducted
March 1
Spring Colony Petition Deadline
March 15
Call for EACs
April 2
All EAC Applications should be submitted
April 15
EAC will be appointed
April 16
Notification sent out regarding approval of colonies and EACs
May 14
HQ Teleconference with all new EACs
September 30
Deadline for EAC to have retreat with each other and another retreat with the
October 15
Deadline for the Founding Ship to be inducted
Please note that colony petitions that are received by November 1st will be notified of their
approval/denial by December 17th. Colony petitions that are received March 1st will be
notified of their approval/denial by April 16th.
Colony petitions that are received after the petition deadline will be kept and reviewed for the next
petition deadline, but will not be reviewed during the current review cycle.
If the colony petition is not approved, interest groups must wait one year before submitting another
colony petition.
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Below you will find an ideal timeline for the Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Process.
Once interest groups have received the Expansion Information Packet they have one year to petition for
colony status.
Colonies must submit the chapter petition packet no more than two years, and no less than one academic
year, from the induction of their founding group.
Semester 1: Interest Stage
 Meet with Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Advisor
 Recruit interested and qualified women
 Review colony petition requirements
 Upon completion of all colony petition requirements, submit Colony Petition
Semester 2: ***Pending colony approval***
 Assemble and appoint Expansion Advisory Committee (Headquarters)
 Educate colony on Sigma Lambda Gamma policies and procedures
 Establish goals to meet Standards of Distinction
 Establish goals and timeline for Associate Member Education Program
 Begin outlining procedures to meet chapter petitioning requirements
 Continue to recruit interested and qualified women
Semester 3:
 Continue to strive for Standards of Distinction
 Founding group Associate Member Education Program (eight-week program that may take up to
ten weeks to complete due to college/university holidays)
 Work on completion of chapter petitioning requirements
o Fundraise for chapter petition fee
 Continue to recruit interested and qualified women
Semester 4:
 Continue to strive for Standards of Distinction
 Alpha group Associate Member Education Program
 Continue to recruit interested and qualified women
 Continue fundraising for chapter petition fee and participation in national annual summer
 Submission of Chapter Petition upon completion of all requirements
Semester 5:
 Continue to strive for Standards of Distinction
 Beta group Associate Member Education Program
 Continue to recruit interested and qualified women
 Continue fundraising
 Completion of chapter petitioning requirements
 Submission of Chapter Petition
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For Interested Women
The only financial obligation associated with your interest will be related to the preparation of the Colony
For the Colony Petition
 Colony petition filing fee of $250. Should be submitted by money order payable to Sigma Lambda
Gamma. This is a non-refundable fee.
For Approved Colonies
The financial responsibilities of an approved colony are mostly associated with the demands of running an
effective organization on your respective campus and a viable entity of Sigma Lambda Gamma. There are
four main types of expenses incurred by approved colonies.
Induction fee of $125 per woman. Payment must be made in one lump sum by money order
payable to Sigma Lambda Gamma. Fee should be accompanied by a listing of who has paid.
Once women are inducted, this is a non-refundable fee.
The most present ones are the expenses related to the daily operations of the colony, which
include the payment of national dues by initiated members ($115 per semester). The majority of
your expenses will be administrative, or related to the principle-based and educational
programming planned by the colony. For this reason, the establishment of a colony dues system
is strongly encouraged.
The second type of expense is initiation dues. Initiation dues are $150 per member.
The third type of expense is related to attendance at our annual summer conference. All entities
must send two representatives to National Convention, hosted in even years, and to our National
Sisterhood Retreat, hosted in odd years. The cost of attendance (estimate including all expenses)
could range anywhere from $500 to $900 per representative.
Fourth, as a colony, you should always have available the expenses related to the chapter petition
fee and possible charter. The chapter petition filing fee of $200 must be submitted with the
Chapter Petition.
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Sigma Lambda Gamma does not formally recognize interest groups as official entities. This benefits both
the interested women and the organization. Since interested women are not recognized as an official
group of the organization, we have a limited relationship scope. For instance, an interest group is not
held accountable for GPA standards, financial obligations, insurance fees to cover liability for the usage of
our name, and other administrative matters.
At the same time, because of the lack of affiliation, there are some restrictions that must be followed:
The Headquarters Staff will be your main point of contact.
Interested women may NOT represent themselves as affiliated with, or as members of, the
organization. Representations of membership include:
o Use or purchase of sorority paraphernalia. This entails clothing or merchandise with the
Greek letters, the sorority name spelled out or any derivative and/or abbreviation of the
sorority name (i.e. ΣΛΓ, SLG, Sigma Lambda Gamma, Gammas, Gammitas, etc).
o Use of the sorority name and its derivatives, the shield, flower, or other identifiers in any
printed media or advertisement of any kind.
o Doing the sorority sign or call.
o Failing to clarify your lack of affiliation with the organization upon inquiry.
NOTE: Interested women may use the sorority name during informational meetings and for recruitment
purposes, but the verbiage used must clarify that the group is not a part of SLG. For example, the group
may state that they are “Women Interested in Sigma Lambda Gamma” or some similar derivative.
Interested women are expected to communicate their intentions of pursuing Sigma Lambda
Gamma to their college or university and to keep the appropriate administrators abreast of their
Interested women are expected to contact Sigma Lambda Gamma Headquarters upon making the
decision to pursue the expansion of Sigma Lambda Gamma to their institution
If interest groups violate any of these expectations, they will not be granted colony status.
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Colonies play a special role in Sigma Lambda Gamma. Their success is what has made us the fastest
growing fraternal organization to date. As a colony, you are officially part of our organization, thus held
to organizational standards.
Some of the guidelines and expectations that apply to colonies include, but are not limited to:
Your Expansion Advisory Committee is your first point of contact. If you require
further assistance, contact Headquarters for administrative and operational matters or
your Regional Director for regional concerns.
Colony members must abide by all Sigma Lambda Gamma policies and procedures as prescribed
by the SLG National Constitution, bylaws, policies and rituals.
Colony members who have NOT been initiated may use the Sigma Lambda Gamma Greek letters
(ΣΛΓ) and the sorority flower (the pink rose) only on printed publicity materials used for
recruitment and advertising (i.e. flyers, information pamphlets, table tents, banners, etc), provided
these materials comply with all other applicable policies.
Colony members who have NOT been initiated may NOT represent themselves as members of the
organizations. Representations of membership include:
o Use or purchase of clothing or merchandise with the Greek letters, the sorority name
spelled out or any derivative and/or abbreviation of the aforementioned letters.
o Use of the shield in any merchandise, paraphernalia, printed media and/or advertisement of
any kind.
o Doing the sorority sign or call.
o Failing to clarify the status of your membership upon inquiry.
Associate members must be initiated at the completion of their Associate Member Education
Colonies must meet all organizational reporting requirements by the prescribed deadlines, which
include, but are not limited to:
o Semester fact sheet (once per semester)
o Membership dues paid to the national organization (once per semester)
o Official grade verification to corroborate compliant academic performance (required once
per semester)
o Standards of Distinction Assessment (once per year)
o Annual Budget (once per year)
o Stay current on induction and initiation reporting (once per semester)
o Risk Management Form completed for all events
o Weekly meeting minutes submitted to Expansion Advisory Committee within 48 hours of
meeting (weekly)
All required paperwork and reference documents should be made available through the Sigma
Lambda Gamma EmpowerNet.
Colonies must send two representatives to National Convention (even years) or National
Sisterhood Retreat (odd years)
o Colonies are encouraged, but not required to attend the national event hosted in the
academic year of their approval.
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The Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Process is not a feasible option for me or my
institution at this time. But I am still interested in joining the sisterhood. What can I do?
There is one more option for you. After graduation, you may undergo our Graduate Member Program. This
program is designed for women who are alumnae of institutions where joining Sigma Lambda Gamma was not
an available option. If this sounds like the right move for you, please contact our Headquarters for more
I don’t think the Expansion Process is for me or my institution and I don’t want to wait until
graduation. Can I join at another chapter? Unfortunately, that is not an option. As mentioned in the
eligibility section, you must be an undergraduate student at the host institution to be able to join that specific
chapter or colony.
How long is the associate member education program? Sigma Lambda Gamma’s Associate Member
Education Program is an eight-week program that due to college/university holidays may take up to ten weeks
to complete. Remember that there is more to the Expansion Process than the Associate Member Education
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. Headquarters
125 E. Zeller St. Suite D, North Liberty, IA 52317
Phone: (319) 626-7679
Fax: (319) 626-7688
For general information regarding Sigma Lambda Gamma, please visit
For more information on the Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Process, please email
Lexi@SigmaLambdaGamma.com or Genevieve@SigmaLambdaGamma.com
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Congratulations! If you are completing the following pages it means that you are ready to petition to
become a colony of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
We look forward to receiving and reviewing your petition!
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The Colony Petition is a collection of forms with brief instructions. In
addition to the forms provided, the petition requires additional
supporting documentation. All documents (with the exception of the
grade verification and fee) are to be submitted electronically to the
Headquarters Directors, Lexi Cabrera, Lexi@sigmalambdagamma.com,
and Genevieve Padro, Genevieve@sigmalambdagamma.com.
The following items must be completed in their entirety and
submitted electronically:
1. Colony Petitioning Checklist (attached on page 22)
2. Group Picture & Colony Applicant Roster (attached on page 23)
3. Institutional Information Form (attached on page 24)
4. Anecdotal Statement*
5. Letter of Support from Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Advisor*
6. Copies of campus expansion policies or protocols
7. Minutes from Meetings
The following items may be submitted in hard-copy form:
8. Grade Verification
Requirement can be fulfilled by submitting either of the
 (preferred) Signed grade report from the office of
Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Life (page 23)
Terminology Clarification
The Anecdotal Statement
should include how the
petitioning women heard about
Sigma Lambda Gamma, and
how they became interested in
joining the organization. It
should also include the group’s
motivations for bringing Sigma
Lambda Gamma to their
The Letter of Support from the
Greek/Fraternity & Sorority
Advisor should indicate that the
school is open to expansion of
Sigma Lambda Gamma on their
campus. It should include
information regarding the
advisor’s interactions with the
group of petitioning women. It
should also include ways in
which these women will be
supported if colony status is
 Official transcripts. (Must show grades through most recent completed term. Must be
official, sealed copies from Registrar’s Office.)
If sending a signed grade report, this can be sent electronically provided that it comes directly
from the Greek/Sorority & Fraternity Life Advisor via email.
Filing Fee of $250
Please mail grade verification and fee to:
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
Attn: Expansion
125 E. Zeller St. Suite D
North Liberty, IA 52317
You also have the option to pay your fee through the
EmpowerNet Paperwork Center
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If the colony petition is not approved, interest groups must wait 1 year before submitting another
colony petition.
If the colony petition is approved, the new colony will need to:
Submit an Induction fee of $125 per individual (Will cover induction, and induction pin).
Attend a mandatory retreat hosted by your Expansion Advisory Committee.
Have both members of your Expansion Advisory Committee go through Associate Member
Certification Training through EmpowerNet.
The purpose of this packet is to be as user-friendly as possible. If you have any questions, do not
hesitate to contact the Director of Education 319-626-7679 ext. 3# or Director of Engagement at 319626-7679 ext. 4# for clarification.
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
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Utilize this checklist to keep track of all petitioning requirements. This checklist will help you ensure that
all necessary materials and documentation are included in the petition. Please include the completed
checklist with colony petition.
Petition contact person:
Group email:
Ten eligible* members; Completed Colony Applicant Roster (page 23)
Group Picture (include caption that identifies women in the picture)
Completed Institutional Information Form (page 24)
Anecdotal statement* detailing interest in Sigma Lambda Gamma
The group met with the professional staff person who advises Greek/Fraternity & Sorority
Life to discuss the expansion process.
Please include a letter of support* from the individual.
Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Advisor:
E-mail address:
Copies of campus policies or protocols
Campus expansion policies/protocols
Bylaws of the Greek/fraternal council that the group intends to join
Planning meetings have been held and have been properly documented. Please include
meeting minutes as documentation.
Group average cumulative/overall GPA of 2.75 or above on a 4.0 scale. Include appropriate
grade verification as outlined on page 20.
Group Cumulative Average: __ /
Include fees
Money order to cover the $250 filing
Items 1-3 can be completed using the forms on pages 22-24 of this packet
Items 4-9 will require outside documentation to be submitted with this packet
Send in money order to cover the induction fees for each individual. Please send
$125 per member, along with a list of all paid individuals.
A newly established colony must induct 10 women by their Founding Ship
Induction deadline in order to continue their expansion process. (page 12)
*TERMINOLOGY CLAIFICATION: Eligible Member – see page 4; Anecdotal Statement & Letter of Support
– see page 20
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
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First and
Last Name
Email Address
Mailing Address
Year in
School &
First and
2nd Yr
Last Name
(Yes or
GPA (on 4.0
*Transfer student is defined on page 4
Attach additional pages if needed
Group Cumulative GPA:
Group Semester GPA:
I______________, the Fraternity & Sorority Life Director for _____________, verify that the
above GPAs are accurate according to University Records.
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This form must be completed in full and submitted with your petition for colony status.
Institution Name:
Institution Address:
Institution type: Select one box from each subsection/category
Undergraduate Population of
Ethnic Enrollment of Institution:
Total # of undergraduates:
Sophomores: #:
American Indian/Alaskan Native #:
Asian or Pacific Islander
Black, Non-Hispanic
White, Non-Hispanic
Race/Ethnicity Unknown
Greek Life Information:
Council you intend to join:
Select the Greek councils at your institution (include _________________________
number of organizations in each council):
Name the organizations in your potential council
and the number of members:
Organization: ____________, # of members ___
National Pan-Hellenic
Organization: ____________, # of members ___
Multicultural Greek or Similar
Latino Greek or Similar
Organization: ____________, # of members ___
Other: _______________
Organization: ____________, # of members ___
Other: _______________
Organization: ____________, # of members ___
Organization: ____________, # of members ___
Attach additional pages if needed
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
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Congratulations! If you are completing the following pages it means that your colony is ready to
petition to become a chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
We look forward to receiving and reviewing your petition!
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
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The Chapter Petition is a collection of forms with brief instructions. In addition to the forms provided, the
petition requires additional supporting documentation. All documents (with the exception of the grade
verification and fee) are to be submitted electronically to the Headquarters Directors, Lexi Cabrera,
Lexi@sigmalambdagamma.com, and Genevieve Padro, Genevieve@sigmalambdagamma.com. .
The following items must be completed in their entirety and submitted electronically:
1. Chapter Petitioning Checklist (attached on pages 28 & 29)
2. Chapter Applicant Roster (attached on page 30)
3. Advisor Information Form (attached on page 31); Submit one per Advisor (minimum two,
maximum four)
4. Letter of Support from the Council Representative detailing progress made
5. Letter of Support from Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Advisor
6. Documentation to show the colony has established necessary financial resources
7. Future Chapter Bylaws
The following items may be submitted in hard-copy form:
8. Grade Verification
 Official Transcripts - This only applies for interest groups who have chosen not to have the
grade verification form filled out and signed.
 If sending a signed grade report, this can be sent electronically provided that it comes
directly from the Greek/Sorority & Fraternity Life Advisor via email.
9. Filing Fee of $200
Please mail grade verification and fees to:
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.
Attn: Expansion
125 E. Zeller St. Suite D
North Liberty, IA 52317
You also have the option to pay your fee through the
EmpowerNet Paperwork Center
All colony members must be included in this petition including roster and grade verification.
The purpose of this packet is to be as user-friendly as possible. If you have any questions, do not
hesitate to contact the Director of Education 319-626-7679 ext. 3# or Director of Engagement at 319626-7679 ext. 4# for clarification.
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
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Group Eligibility
In order become a chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma, the colony must meet the following requirements:
 Group average cumulative/overall GPA of 2.75 or above on a 4.0 scale.
 Ten eligible members (See below for eligible member requirements.)
Any colony members who do not meet the individual eligibility requirements must still be included
in your petition, but will not be counted towards the ten eligible members required for approval of
the chapter petition.
 Maintained a retention rate of 75% or higher for inducted members becoming initiated members
No more than two years, and no less than one academic year has elapsed since the induction of
the founding group.
Individual Eligibility
Individual members must meet our national membership requirements to be considered eligible members
of this petition.
 Initiated member of Sigma Lambda Gamma
Terminology Clarification
 Full-time undergraduate student at the potential host institution
 A cumulative 2.60 GPA on a 4.0 scale and a minimum of 12 college
An individual member will be held
to the transfer GPA requirement if
credit hours completed
they have transferred to the
o Transfer students* require a cumulative GPA of 2.80 on a
current institution from a two-year
4.0 scale
accredited school and have not yet
o Students who have completed less than 12 credit hours
earned a minimum of 12 credit
must submit documentation of unconditional acceptance to
hours at the current institution.
the university.
All chapters, colonies, and alumnae associations are required to establish an Employer Identification
Number (EIN, Tax ID#) through the IRS. A tax identification number/employer identification number acts
as a Social Security Number for organizations and businesses and establishes them as separate entities
for the IRS. Tax identification numbers are necessary to open a checking account under the entity’s
name to conduct entity business.
Many campuses, through the Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Life or Student Activities Office, will establish an
organization account for new chapters, and the tax identification number can be obtained from the office.
Please refer to your Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Life or Student Activities Office to see if this service is
available to the colony.
For those campuses that do not provide that service, the SS-4 form is available at www.irs.gov, and the
headquarters staff can assist you with any questions you may have concerning the application. Once the
EIN is assigned, colonies are required to establish an organizational bank account following the name
requirements as outlined on page 6 (University/College’s Name SLG Entity).
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
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Utilize this checklist to keep track of all petitioning requirements. This checklist will help you ensure you
have included all necessary materials and documentation in the petition. Please include this checklist,
accompanying forms, and supporting documents with completed petition.
Colony Name:
Contact's Phone:
Group email:
Petition contact person:
Contact's Email:
Retention rate for inducted members becoming initiated members is 75% or higher
No more than 2 years, and no less than 1 academic year has elapsed since the
induction of the founding group. Founding group induction date:
The Colony is in good standing with national paperwork and finances.
Ten eligible members (refer to eligibility on pg 27).
Completed Chapter Applicant Roster (pg 30)
The group has an advisory committee consisting of two to four advisors (two must be local)
Completed Advisor Information Form for each advisor (pages 31-33)
Colony Operations Advisor:
Faculty Advisor:
; Other:
The group has the support of the Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Life Office.
Letter of Support from Greek/Fraternity & Sorority Advisor
; Colony Intake Advisor:
E-mail address:
The colony is part of a Greek/fraternal governing council at their institution.
A letter from a council representative detailing progress made has been included. (If there
is no governing council, please include letter from a Student Activities Representative.)
Council/Student Activities Organization Name: ____
Council/Student Activities Representative’s Name:
The colony established the necessary financial resources. Provide documentation as
indicated below.
Organizational bank account. Please refer to page 6 of the Expansion Information
Packet to make sure that the name guidelines are met.
Employer Identification Number: #
Financial budget (Use example provided on the EmpowerNet resource center)
Completed future chapter bylaws
Colony average cumulative/overall GPA of 2.75 or above on a 4.0 scale. Include
appropriate grade verification as outlined on page 26.
Group average:
Money order to cover the $200 filing fee
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
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Completion of the Associate Member Program and Induction & Initiation Ceremonies by
all colony members.
Verification letter from Expansion Advisory Committee (reference page 9)
Held regular (weekly) meetings with proper documentation.
Verification letter from Expansion Advisory Committee (reference page 9)
Entity is in good standing with Headquarters with paperwork and finances
Participation in 90% of colony teleconferences
Met all fiscal requirements; has no debt to Headquarters
All national paperwork submitted correctly and on time (reference page 9)
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
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All colony members must be included on roster.
Email Address
Permanent Address
Year in
School &
GPA (on
4.0 scale)
Attach additional pages if needed
Group Cumulative GPA:
Group Semester GPA:
I_________________, the Fraternity & Sorority Life Director for ________________,
verify that the above GPAs are accurate according to University Records.
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
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Phone #:
Current Employment:
Post-secondary Education (if applicable):
Please provide a brief statement detailing your contact and experience with the group. Please highlight
your motivations for advising this group and, detail why you support these women gaining chapter status.
Faculty Advisor Signature: ________________________ Date:
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
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Advisory Role in Colony: ____________________________________________
Phone #:
Current Employment:
Post-secondary Education (if applicable):
Please provide a brief statement detailing your contact and experience with the group. Please highlight
your motivations for advising this group and, detail why you support these women gaining chapter status.
Additional Advisor Signature: _______________________ Date:
Sigma Lambda Gamma Expansion Information Packet
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Colony Operations Advisor
Home Entity:
Colony Operations Advisor Signature: ___________________________ Date:
Colony Intake Advisor
Home Entity:
Colony Intake Advisor Signature: ___________________________ Date:
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