HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BEIJING Curriculum Newsletter - Term 1 August 2013 Year 12 The information given in this document is to give a brief outline of the nature of the work being carried in out in classes this term. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the department concerned or the Director of Studies, Alasdair MacRae. Subject (inc. exam board / spec) Time/ Dates Topic/Area of Study GCE From August to December Component 2: Coursework Students will produce one coursework folder exploring two or more of the following areas: Drawing, Painting, Printing, Mixed media, Digital photography and Ceramics/3D. Art and Design (CIE) Assessments There will be a continual assessment of observational drawing techniques, use of skills in materials, media and processes and an evaluation of critical contextual studies as the student progresses. This will take place during Students develop a personal concept, one to one tutorials and will which they then develop into a also include peer and selfsustained evidence of research, assessments. exploration of material, development of idea and further use critical Throughout the course there contextual studies to support their will be a continual emphasis research. Students then present a final on a clear understanding of perceptive outcome, which reflects the Assessment Objectives their own personal interpretation of the set by the Examination theme. Board, which each count 25% of the final A-level mark. Leadership for a better world Other information Homework will support the coursework portfolio and may be in the form of research or practical work. Component 2 is 20% of final A level mark HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BEIJING Subject (inc. exam board / spec) Time/ Dates GCE SPO Biology 1. Until Mid-September (Edexcel) 2. October 3. November - December Topic/Area of Study 1. General transport, water and circulatory system 2. Heart structure, function and disease, blood 3. Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins AFO / CWA Assessments Other information Class tests at the end of each topic section, using past AS questions Biology drop in support sessions run on Tuesday lunchtimes for any student needing additional help Regular homework tasks Lab reports 4. Until Mid-September 4. Cell structure 5. October 5. Mitosis and Meiosis 6. November - December 6. Gametogenesis Totipotency GCE Business Studies (Edexcel) Unit 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Unit 1 3 weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks 4 weeks Unit 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. Marketing Demand and Supply Leadership Finance Unit 2 3 weeks 1 week 4 weeks 1 week 3 weeks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Marketing Elasticity Production Legislation Finance Leadership for a better world Topic tests Homework Group Work HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BEIJING Subject (inc. exam board / spec) Time/ Dates Topic/Area of Study Assessments Other information GCE AB ABY 1. Until October 2. Until December 1. Enthalpy, Hess’s law. Mass spectrometry 2. Organic chemistry Class tests at the end of each topic section, using past AS questions Chemistry drop in support sessions run on Wednesday lunchtimes for any student needing additional help Chemistry (Edexcel) Extended reading presentations Lab reports SSC Extended reading independent task 1. Molar masses, reacting masses. Born-Haber cycles. Ionic and Covalent bonding. 2. Repulsion theory, Electronegativity, Intermolecular forces GCE From August to December Drama & Theatre Studies (Edexcel) GCE Economics (Edexcel) 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 5 weeks plus revision Regular homework tasks 1. Study of two play texts – ‘Our Country’s Good’ and ‘Servant of Two Masters’. 2. Exploration of the texts with reference to at least one major theatrical practitioner. 3. Attendance of two compulsory theatre performances and writing theatre evaluations. 4. Completion of two pieces of written coursework with reference to the above. 1. 2. 3. 4. Intro to Economics Market Failure Demand Supply/Elasticity Leadership for a better world Teacher assessment of student contribution during class work in line with Edexcel guidelines (formal). Assessment of written coursework in line with Edexcel guidelines (formal) Tests Homework Group Work Students are expected to read both texts independently at home and ask for assistance with language prior to formal lessons. HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BEIJING Subject (inc. exam board / spec) Time/ Dates GCE English Literature Topic/Area of Study Assessments Unit 2 1. 2 weeks (Edexcel) 1. Introduction to A Level Literature Coursework: Brief overview of literature, its history and the key periods in English literature. 2. 13 weeks c.500 words creative criticism/textual adaptation 8% AS 2. Shakespeare Study: Introduction to Shakespeare (2 weeks), Shakespeare text 1 (7 weeks), Shakespeare text 2 (3 weeks) Reading Journal Work Students begin supervised private reading programme Unit 1 3. 3 weeks 3. Introduction to Theory and Criticism 4. 6 weeks 4. Set Text 1: Study of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. 5. 9 weeks 5. Set Text 2: Study of The Colour Purple by Alice Walker, followed by comparative study of two novels Leadership for a better world Independent Reading Journal Other information Presentation, discussion and research work Essays on different aspects of Shakespeare’s work (in preparation for coursework drafting after Christmas) HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BEIJING Subject (inc. exam board / spec) Time/ Dates Topic/Area of Study GCE From August to December French (Edexcel) GCE From August to December Revision of all key grammar from IGCSE. Work based on the topics of: technology, youth lifestyle, fashion, health (including drugs and eating habits), pollution, the environment and relationships. Assessments Other information Homework tasks, including regular vocabulary tests. Year 12 is team taught by ERI and DVI. The topics here mentioned are covered alternately by each teacher. Written and spoken assessments for each unit covered. Unit 1 Geography World at Risk (Core Physical Unit) Exam questions in class. (Edexcel: specification A ) Going Global (Core Human Unit) Exam questions in class. Leadership for a better world HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BEIJING Subject (inc. exam board / spec) Time/ Dates Topic/Area of Study GCE From August to December With EBE History (Edexcel) Assessments Progress Grades 1: Take home essay – How far Term one will be spent focusing on was the boom of the ‘20s paper 1: Ideology, Conflict and economically and socially Retreat: the USA in Asia, 1950-73. beneficial? The content covered will be the Conflict in Korea and the escalation of Progress Grades 2 : US involvement in Vietnam Class presentations on social and political intolerance With BSA Progress Grades 3: Term one will focus on paper 2: Unit In class exam: How far was 2: British Historical Depth Studies - the actions of Hoover the C1 - Experience of Warfare in Britain: main reason for the extent of Crimea, Boer and the First World War the depression? – 1854-1929. The content covered will focus on changing warfare in the In addition Crimea and Boer wars. Coursework paragraphs typed in an ongoing schedule – progress grades will be based on these responses Leadership for a better world Other information HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BEIJING Subject (inc. exam board / spec) Time/ Dates Topic/Area of Study Assessments Other information GCE Hours – approximately 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Via HW exercises, Mathsnetalevel and regular common assessments Exercises are from Advanced Maths AS Core for Edexcel teachers own resources. Mathematics (Edexcel) GCE Further Mathematics (Edexcel) 1 – 4: 11 hours 5 – 8: 12 hours 9 – 12: 15 hours 13 – 16:15 hours Hours – approximately 1 – 4: 19 hours 5 – 8: 13 hours 9 – 13: 20 hours 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Surds and indices Algebraic expressions Equations, quadratics & functions Linear and quadratic inequalities Differentiation Simultaneous equations Co-ordinate Geometry Graphs and functions Integration Further Methods in algebra Co-ordinate circle geometry The Binomial Expansion Applications of differentiation Trigonometric functions Applications of trigonometry Exponentials and logarithms Complex numbers Numerical Methods Further Coordinate systems Matrix Algebra Series Proof by induction Mathematical modelling Discrete and continuous data, mean, median & mode. Quantiles, variance, standard deviation and coding Representation of data Probability Correlation (Linear) Regression Leadership for a better world The number of hours given are for guideline purposes; there may be fluctuations. Via HW exercises, Mathsnetalevel and regular common assessments Exercises are from Advanced Maths AS Core for Edexcel teachers own resources. The number of hours given are for guideline purposes; there may be fluctuations. HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BEIJING Subject (inc. exam board / spec) Time/ Dates Topic/Area of Study Assessments Other information GCE Approximately 2 weeks per topic Formative assessment Website recommended: Presentations; http://www.nciku.com/ Quality of work; http://www.chinese.cn/ Mandarin (AS) (Edexcel) Education and employment; Leisure Youth interests Chinese festivals. Homework; Weekly vocabulary test Unit test End of term test GCE Mandarin (A2) Approximately 3 weeks per topic (Edexcel) Food, diet and health; Transport, travel and tourism; Education and employment; Leisure, youth interests and Chinese festivals Formative assessment Website recommended: Presentations; http://www.nciku.com/ Quality of work; http://www.chinese.cn/ Homework; Weekly vocabulary test Unit test End of term test GCE From August to December Music (Edexcel) Pupils will learn to analyse the first four set works from the Anthology. Alongside, they will study the basic principles of harmonizing Bach Chorales and learn compositional technique. They will prepare one solo and ensemble performance to be performed in front of an audience.. Leadership for a better world Students will receive regular and detailed feedback about their compositions and performances. They will be tested on their knowledge and understanding of the set works studied in preparation for unit 3 of the course. HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BEIJING Subject (inc. exam board / spec) Time/ Dates Topic/Area of Study Assessments Other information GCE Teacher 1 Teacher 1 1. Until Mid-November 2. End November 3. December 1. All of mechanics – motion, Newton’s laws, projectiles, energy and power. 2. Language of waves. 3. Extended reading presentations Class tests at the end of each topic section, using past AS questions Physics drop in support sessions run on Thursday lunchtimes for any student needing additional help Physics (Edexcel) Regular homework tasks Lab reports Extended reading independent task Teacher 2 Teacher 2 4. Until mid-October 5. Mid October - December 4. All of materials – fluid flow, Hooke’s law, strength of materials. 5. Electricity – circuits, resistivity, potential dividers Leadership for a better world HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BEIJING Subject (inc. exam board / spec) Time/ Dates Topic/Area of Study Assessments GCE From August to December Students will learn the details of, and how to evaluate, key studies in Social and Cognitive Psychology. Particularly concerning obedience, prejudice, memory, and forgetting. Furthermore they will consider how the findings of these experiments are relevant to real world situations. Students will be formally As the course progresses assessed in line with the notes will be published on school progress grades. moodle2. Psychology (Edexcel) These assessments will take the form of They will also begin to learn about various research methods that Psychologists use through designing, carrying out, and writing up their own investigations. GCE Spanish (Edexcel) From August to December Revision of all key grammar from IGCSE. Work based on the topics of: technology, youth lifestyle, fashion, health (including drugs and eating habits), pollution, the environment and relationships. Leadership for a better world an extend piece of writing evaluating Social Identification Theory in September, an examination style paper on Social Psychology in October, and a write up of a student led practical investigation into the human memory in November. Homework tasks, including regular vocabulary tests. Written and spoken assessments for each unit covered. Other information