Applied Languages current trends at the university paris diderot paris 7 July 1 - Jornades de Docencia From L1 to D8: Bologna Agreement Licence: 3-year degree Foreign and applied languages (general) Technical writing (professional) Master Applied Languages: 2-year degree M1 ILTS/CDMM/LSCT/EMTT M2 LSCT (research) M2 ILTS (professional) M2 CDMM (professional) EMTT (double degree), ISIT (double degree) PhD in Linguistics: 3-year degree (wishful thinking!) July 1 - Jornades de Docencia UFR Intercultural studies and applied languages Licence (BA) Pro technical writing Licence (BA) langues étrangères appliquées Master’s in Applied Languages (Langues appliquées) Master 1 ILTS/CDMM/LSCT Master 2 R: LSCT Double degree: EMTT => EMTT Master 2 Pro: ILTS: IL or TS Double July 1 -degree: Jornades deISIT Docencia Master 2 Pro: CDMM Licence LEA: BA foreign and applied languages 4 degrees: EN/ES, EN/DE, EN/ZH, EN/JP 3 options: Language industry and specialised translation Languages and law Languages and cultural studies (Bridge to the professional BA for the third year) July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Languages applied to Translation and professions related to translation Convey fundamental knowledge in each field => very good command of two other languages and competence in one of the applied fields Develop comprehension, analysis and synthesis skills Help students become autonomous, help develop communication skills and team work => tutored projects Help student think of their professional choice and help them develop a professional project => internship and « choice education » July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Further education outside Paris Diderot Specialised translation (law, audio-visual,..) International commerce Accounting and management Information and communication International negociation Journalism, public relations Librarian Teaching Human resources Law tourism July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Further education at Paris Diderot Professional BA in technical writing Professional MA in language industry and specialised translation Professional MA in multimedia and multilingual document design Research MA in LSPs, corpus linguistics, terminology and translation studies Research MA in history and compared cultural studies July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Working after the BA Translator or interpreter Terminologist Document designer Multilingual websites designer E-learning Language teacher Librarian Journalist Personal assistant Steward or stewardess Marketing Public relations Technical tradeperson July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Technical writer after 3 years Third year of the LEA BA Appenticeship: two weeks/two weeks English, French and technical fields: Automotive industry, software companies, mechanics, aeronautic industry July 1 - Jornades de Docencia BA Pro: Contents and aims Introduction to technical writing Tools: Word, Framemaker, Robohelp Markup languages: HTML, XML Technical and industrial English Optional second language Oral communication, ppt slides => Write technical docs in French from English of French sources (Spanish and German optional) July 1 - Jornades de Docencia MA in applied languages : ILTS Advanced computer-literate translators, terminologists, linguists, etc… Specialised translation: various fields, year-long projects + courses + workshops Translation methodology Corpus linguistics + tagger +concordancer, etc TM, MT, localisation +tools Terminology + tools Markup languages + Linux +perl Professional skills: project management July 1 - Jornades de Docencia MA in applied languages: CDMM Advanced computer-literate bilingual technical writer, website content writers, elearning content designer Website design, technical, journalistic and marketing writing, info mapping, single sourcing, editing, terminology, e-learning, etc. Tools:HTML/CSS, Dreamweaver, Robohelp, Flash, Framemaker… Image processing, technical illustrating, controlled languages… July 1 - Jornades de Docencia MA in applied language: LSCT Researchers in applied linguistics, engineers in language applications, terminologists, language experts, teachers Terminology, specialised translation, translation theory, corpus linguistics Research in applied linguistics, linguistics policies, discourse analysis, terminology, LSPs, etc… Tools July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Some interesting points? L3: Terminology project M1: Specialised translation, corpus linguistics, terminology, tools, earth sciences M2 Pro: One-year project combining specialised translation, terminology, corpus and searching for information M2 Pro CDMM: e-learning project M2 R: research project July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Partnerships in teaching INALCO, Paris 3, Paris 10 : PluriTAL => Computational linguistics MA Shared classes with LSCT ISIT: double degree with ILTS, IL option EMTT: double degree with Pompeu Fabra, Bologna (SSLMIT), Vienna Limmerick: in progress… July 1 - Jornades de Docencia So applied to what? A series of slightly different professions Specialised translator, technical translator Terminologist Linguist in NLP companies, banks, insurance companies, industry Multilingual information manager Technical writer, website content designer E-learning content designer Cross-cultural communication Project management in translation and language-related professions …university Professor! July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Some Figures L1: 311, L2: 115, L3: 135, M1: 83, M2: 80, PhDs: 10 L3: around 20 => M1 M1: around 25 => M2 Pro M1: 2 => M2 R M2 ILTS: 95% found a job after 10 months M2 CDMM: 100% found a job after 6 months M2 LSCT: 70% found a job after 6 months, 30% either enrolled in the PhD program or another MA July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Research in applied languages Corpus linguistics terminology Discourse analysis E-learning Writing aids LSPs Translation aids… Technical writing Language policies July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Pragmatic translation theory PhDs Caractérisation de l’anglais des droits de l’homme en tant que langue de spécialité. Elsa Pic, 2007 Étude et modélisation des phénomènes collocationnels : Implémentation dans un système d'aide à la rédaction en anglais scientifique. Alexandra Volanschi, 2008 La terminologie de l’industrie cosmétique. Sandrine Péraldi, 2010 Analyse et traitement de la phraséologie contrastive français/anglais en traduction et rédaction spécialisée: application au domaine de l’industrie automobile. Fanny Jarnet, 2010 July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Projects MeLLANGE: learner translator corpus ESIDIS-ARTES Observatoire de la néologie History of terminology Urbana, Illinois Cambridge ESOL and linguistics department on evaluation, e-learning, and learner corpora Linguistics departement: correcting prosody in English July 1 - Jornades de Docencia MeLLANGE 3-year European-funded project including universities and professionals: October 2004September 2007 Partnership: Université Paris 7, France Universita di Bologna, Italy, Universität Wien, Austria, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain, University of Leeds, UK, Ecole de Traduction et d’Interprétation, Genève, ITI, UK, Praetorius, France July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Aims Adapting the vocational training of translators and language professionals to the new needs of the market by: Devising a methodology for the collaborative creation of corpus-based e-learning teaching content in translation, language resource management and technology. Designing a European MA that will be recognised by the different partners, thus enabling student and professional mobility within the European Community July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Learner Translator Corpus 400-word samples of legal, technical, administrative, and journalistic texts (copyright-free) Consists of: Source texts and their translations Student translations; professional translations (reference) Meta-data (L1, L2, education, etc.) Source languages: ca, de, en, es, fr, it (fi, da, nl, pt) Directionality: towards mother tongue Online translation collection July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Error typology Objective: Used for identifying and classifying errors, not for quality evaluation encoding Three types of errors Content transfer Language User-defined Twice revised after annotation tests Localised into FR, DE, ES, CA The corpus was intended to contribute to the formative process of training, rather than playing any role in assessment July 1 - Jornades de Docencia If the examination is carried out by another doctor, the medical examination report (Annexes 3 and 4) and test results must be forwarded to the organisation's medical officers as soon as possible. Si la revisión la realiza otro [doctor]la-tl-it , el informe médico ( Anexos 3 y 4 ) y los resultados [de las pruebas]tr-om tendrán que ser enviados a los médicos asesores de la organización tan pronto como sea posible . . [Si es otro médico quien realizará la]la-sy revisión , deberá tramitar , lo más pronto posible , [el historial médico]la-tl-fc y los resultados de las pruebas [a l encargado]la-tl-in de la institución médica . July 1 - Jornades de Docencia ESIDIS-ARTES National Research Agency Partnership with LIDILEM, University of Grenoble III 2-year project From theoretical to applied research combining several research directions: - corpus linguistics, LSPs, phraseology, scientific writing, lexical databases, translation theory, didactics, discourse analysis, and semantics – => bridge the gap between fundamental empirical research, and applied research July 1 - Jornades de Docencia ESIDIS-ARTES:AIMS Multi-disciplinary discourse analysis : A study of invariants and variations across scientific domains with a purpose of designing a scientific writing tool: describing, through a phraseological analysis of invariants and variations across scientific domains, the semantic and discourse functions at work in scientific writing. Analysis of the current evolution of scientific discourse Development of a writing-aid for scientific writing = answer to evolving needs. July 1 - Jornades de Docencia ESIDIS-ARTES: Objectives compiling a comparable FR/EN reference corpus in sciences investigating scientific cross-disciplinary phraseology through a corpus-based study; identifying discourse-semantics functions shared by various scientific disciplines; ontology of sciences => epistemological reflexion on the conceptual organization of the cross-scientific knowledge; disciplinary variations of identified functions; discourse and phraseological analysis of the interaction between French and English database =>tool of Assistance with the Drafting of Scientific Texts; teaching applications : comprehension and the acquisition of the scientific knowledge; general epistemological reflection on the criteria of “scientificity” July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Other projects Observatoire de la néologie with Paris 13 History of terminology with the linguistics department at Paris 7 Urbana, Illinois: partnership in progress with the Asian Languages Department, the English department, the Linguistics Department, the French Department, the Applied Languages and intercultural studies department => All around translation July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Future prospects Research in technical writing must be developed Range of masters in translation and language-related professions among Parisian universities and higher education institutes July 1 - Jornades de Docencia Thank you for your attention! July 1 - Jornades de Docencia