MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA Annual Report 2005 CONTENTS Year in Review President’s Report MAV Board CEO’s Report MAV Governance Economic & Finance Environment General Projects Health & Human Services Governance, Training & Relationships Planning Transport & Infrastructure Communications & Information Human Resources MAV People Committees Financial Overview Guide to the Financials Glossary Financial Report 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 21 24 26 28 29 30 32 34 36 38 39 LEADING THE WAY TO A BETTER FUTURE PURPOSE To promote the efficient carrying out of municipal government throughout the state of Victoria and to watch over and protect the interests, rights and privileges of municipal corporations AIM To be a world class peak body for world class local government OBJECTIVE To be the representative and influential collective voice of local government year in review This was another year of concerted effort and significant achievement… a year in which a raft of new services and programs were initiated and the effectiveness of existing initiatives was acknowledged with renewed funding. New Board settled and working well Several changes to Board representation occured over the year. Elections were held in August 2004 for a new President and in September 2004 to fill the vacancy created by this appointment. The February 2005 Board elections saw five new Board members elected for two-year terms, and a further appointment in June 2005. The new Board members have settled into their roles and are working well and productively towards common and specified goals. R2R funding renewed and increased The MAV campaigned strongly throughout the year for renewal of the highly successful R2R program. The Association’s efforts were rewarded with an additional allocation of $1.35 billion per annum to roads nationally over next four years to 2008/09. MAV/HACC program partnership a first PERIN powers to be upgraded The MAV’s Home and Community Care (HACC) campaign had a dual focus this year – to increase Federal and State Government investment and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of new and existing programs. A definite highlight for the year was the brokering of a program partnership agreement with the Department of Human Services – the first time such an agreement on planning, policy and provision of HACC services had been achieved. Significant progress was made during the year on the review of the Penalty Enforcement by Registration of Infringement Notice (PERIN) system. Having received an in-principle agreement from the State Government, the MAV anticipates the introduction of a range of improved enforcement powers for the Sheriff’s office in late 2006. Massive increase in immunisation funding After a sustained and determined period of lobbying, the MAV was successful in obtaining State Government funding of an additional $1.3 million per annum for delivery of immunisation services. This represents a significant increase of almost 50 percent on current funding. 2 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Local ECO-Buy program attracts international award In recognition of the outstanding work undertaken to promote the purchase of environmentally-friendly products, the innovative local government ECO-Buy green purchasing program attracted a range of awards during the year, including the United Nations World Environment Day Award. Safeguarding the financial sustainability of local government In September 2004 the Federal Government announced the abolition of the National Competition Policy (NCP) payments to State Governments. In response, the MAV stepped up its campaign to ensure that local government retained access to incentive payments. Throughout the year the MAV also continued to advocate, through the Australian Local Government Association, on behalf of Victorian councils to negotiate an Intergovernmental Agreement. Through this process, the MAV’s aim is to reduce the cost burden increasingly borne by local government on behalf of the Federal and State Governments. The Agreement is currently being produced for consideration at the Local Government and Planning Ministers’ Council in March 2006. The position adopted by the MAV has national support across all local government associations. Ensuring the best possible outcomes for Melbourne 2030 This year the MAV’s Melbourne 2030 focus was on the key issues of public transport and infrastructure funding, consistency of advice and support from DSE and the State Government, and better communication to build community understanding and ownership of the Melbourne 2030 framework. MAV takes the lead in wise water management Now in its third year, the MAV’s Clearwater program is widely recognised as a leader in the delivery of professional development programs. In 2004/05, Clearwater conducted a range of innovative education and training programs which addressed the issue of sustainable urban stormwater management. The programs were attended by every council in Victoria. MAV only local government body to receive Australian Financial Services Licence In April 2005, Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) granted MAV an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL). The licence entitles the MAV to provide public liability and fidelity insurance services and to operate as an independent insurance business on an equal commercial basis with general insurance organisations. Conferences and training programs delivered on multiple fronts The MAV hosted a number of successful conferences and delivered a range of professional development training programs and specialpurpose policy forums during the year. These included the Asset Management Conference, the Future of Local Government Summit, the Councillor Development Weekend, the Councillor Fundamentals Development Program and, of course, the MAV Annual Conference. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 3 PRESIDENT’S REPORT “…strong organisations don’t balk in the face of change. They embrace it, taking the opportunity to review, then improve their performance.” Whichever way you look at it, 2004/05 was a challenging year for the MAV. But strong organisations don’t baulk in the face of change. They embrace it, taking the opportunity to review, then improve their performance. And if this year taught us anything, it’s that the MAV is both strong and resilient. We not only experienced changes to the Board, but to our staffing structure. This resulted in an eventual increase in staff numbers, including the first-time appointment of a Director of Policy and Programs and new staff working on programs for water, volunteering and Melbourne 2030. We also experienced a baby boom, with three key staff members taking maternity leave. 4 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Our focus, as outlined in the Strategic Direction document adopted in May 2005 by State Council, was to improve accessibility and strengthen our links to member councils. We did this in a carefully planned, three-stage process. The first step was to undertake a systematic review into the way we collect and collate information. We then hit the road to hear, first hand, the views of councils throughout the state, and to receive their feedback on the issues they face on a daily basis. Finally, we set in train the processes needed to work collaboratively and effectively to achieve positive outcomes for the sector as a whole, to share information, and to build our networks. In November 2004 I was elected Vice President of the Australian Local Government Association. This presents the MAV and Victorian councils with an opportunity to have our interests heard in the national arena, and to ensure that the peak body responsible for local government in Australia is well positioned and informed to advocate for our interests. At a time when the Federal Government has telegraphed its intention to build a positive relationship with local government nationally, there has never been a better time to assume such an influential position within the executive of the national local government organisation. Back in Victoria, significant progress was made on a range of important programs aimed at building the capacity of member councils to grow and thrive within the current social, economic and political environment. Throughout the year, the MAV has taken a leading role in improving local government practices and lowering costs and risks on a range of fronts, including IT, community volunteering, rural and urban water management, indigenous affairs, programs for youth and the unemployed, maternal and child health, disability access and inclusion, and planning – both in rural Victoria and in relation to Melbourne 2030. This has been achieved through the development of new – and the refinement of existing – policies and strategies, and supported by the hosting of ongoing professional development programs for councillors and staff. 2005/06 will see the MAV working on a united front with member councils to deliver the goals set out in the Strategic Plan. The Board has already commissioned a comprehensive review of the structure, roles and Rules of the MAV. Following consultation and feedback from member councils, an options paper will be circulated early in the New Year, with resulting amendments to be taken to State Council for debate and resolution in 2006. Work is also underway to address existing and anticipated work force challenges confronting the sector, to negotiate on behalf of Victorian councils – through the ALGA – for an acceptable Intergovernmental Agreement, and to meet our ongoing commitment to lobby for a better funding deal for local government. My thanks to the MAV CEO, Board and staff for their continued support, commitment and hard work during the year. I would also like to thank Victorian member councils for supporting us over the past 12 months, for providing the essential information, data and advice which enables the MAV to develop robust positions and advocate for better outcomes from all levels of government. GEOFF LAKE PRESIDENT MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 5 THE MAV BOARD AS AT 30 JUNE 2005 CR GEOFF LAKE CR JENNY DALE CR SAM ALESSI Monash City Council Indigo Shire Council Whittlesea City Council MAV PRESIDENT Councillor Monash City Council 2000 to current. Mayor Monash City Council 2002-03 and 2003-04. DEPUTY PRESIDENT MAV MAV Board Representative Rural North East Region. Councillor Indigo Shire Council 1997 to current. Mayor Indigo Shire Council 1997-99 and 2003-04. Deputy Mayor Indigo Shire Council 1999-00. Board Member Australian Local Government Association (ALGA). State President Australian Local Government Women's Association-Victorian Branch (ALGWA). Advisory Board Member La Trobe University. Councillor La Trobe University. Member Roads Corporation Advisory Board. Board Member Victorian Association of Health and Extended Care. Awarded to State Government Honor Roll of Victorian Women 2005. MAV Board Representative Interface Region. Councillor Whittlesea City Council 1997 to current. Mayor Whittlesea City Council 1997-98, 2000-01, 2004-05. Chair MAV Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Group. Member MAV Library Working Party. Chair City of Whittlesea Responsible Gaming Forum. Council Representative Whittlesea Community Connections Committee of Management. Board Member Yarra Plenty Regional Library Services Board of Directors. Representative Whittlesea YMCA Board of Directors. Council Representative Interface Councils Group. BOARD MEMBERS NOT PICTURED WHO HELD OFFICE IN 2004-05 CR JOSEPH CUTRI CR ROD FYFFE Maribyrnong City Council Greater Bendigo City Council RAE PERRY MAV Board Representative Metro West Region. Councillor Maribyrnong City Council 1997 to current. Mayor Maribyrnong City Council 2001-02, 2004-05. Chair MAV Humans Services Portfolio Committee. Member Braybrook/Maidstone Public Housing Redevelopment. Member Maribyrnong Pool Planning Committee. MAV Board Representative Rural North Central Region. Councillor Greater Bendigo City Council 1996 to current. Mayor City of Greater Bendigo 2003-05. Member MAV Insurance Committee. Chair MAV Library Working Party. Member State Library Public Libraries Advisory Committee. Member Ministerial Advisory Council on Libraries. Chair Regional Cities Victoria. Chair Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance. Member Bendigo Easter Festival Committee. Member Bendigo Mining Environmental Trust. Board Member Metropolitan Central Region JULIE EISENBISE Board Member Metropolitan Region JIM RYAN Board Member Rural South West Region CHRIS PAPAS Board Member Metropolitan Western Region GEOFF DAVEY Board Member Rural Gippsland Region CLARE O’NEIL Board Member Metropolitan Southern Region 6 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 CR JEFF AMOS CR DARRYL ARGALL CR JOHN BRUCE CR JOHN CHANDLER Wellington Shire Council Hindmarsh Shire Council Manningham City Council Stonnington City Council MAV Board Representative Gippsland Region. Councillor Wellington Shire Council 2003 to current. Mayor Wellington Shire Council 2004-05. Deputy Mayor Wellington Shire Council 2005-06. Member MAV Professional Development Reference Group. Life Member Apex Australia. Secretary Yarram Country Club Bowls. Executive Member Yarram Genealogy Group Inc. Council Representative Timber Towns Victoria. Member Tarra Festival Organising Committee. Member Victorian Institute of Teaching. Member West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority Community Consultative Committee. Member WGCMA Biodiversity Portfolio Group. MAV Board Representative of Rural North West Region. Councillor Hindmarsh Shire Council 1997 to current. Mayor Hindmarsh Shire Council 1997-99 and 2004-05. Chair MAV Strategic Environment Advisory Group. Member North West Municipalities Association. Member Wimmera Catchment Management Authority (WCMA) Board. Member WCMA Communication Committee. Member Gerang Landcare Group. Member Hindmarsh Landcare Network. Member Gerang Fire Brigade. MAV Board Representative Metro East Region. Councillor Manningham City Council 1997 to current. Mayor Manningham City Council 2002-03. Member MAV Economics & Finance Advisory Group. Member MAV Melbourne 2030 Reference Group. Member MAV Planning Advisory Group. Member Good Governance Advisory Group. Member Royal Australian Planning Institute. Member Australian Institute of Company Directors. Vice President Stormwater Industry Association Victoria. Chair Melbourne Valley of the Arts Tourism Marketing Board. Council Representative Department of Infrastructure North East Integrated Transport Strategy. MAV Board Representative Metro South East Region. Councillor Stonnington City Council 1996 to current. Mayor Stonnington City Council 1996-97. Chair MAV Economics and Finance Advisory Group. Member MAV Audit Committee. Member Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). Member ABCB Building Access Policy Committee. Member ABCB Energy Efficiency Steering Committee. CR DICK GROSS CR BRENDA HAMPSON CR NAIM MELHEM CR MAX O’SHEA Port Phillip City Council Moyne Shire Council Hepburn Shire Council MAV Board Representative Metro Inner Region. Councillor City of Port Phillip 1996 to current. Mayor City of Port Phillip 1998-2000. Member MAV Insurance Committee. Chair City of Port Phillip Statutory Planning Committee. Member Towards Zero Waste Advisory Committee. Vice President Association of Waste Management Groups of Victoria. Deputy Chair Western Region Waste Management Committee. Member St Kilda Edge Committee. Member Metropolitan Transport Forum. MAV Board Representative Rural South West Region. Councillor Moyne Shire Council 1999 to current. Mayor Moyne Shire Council 2002-05. Board member South West Sports Assembly. Member Deakin University Reference Group Warrnambool Campus. Chair Barwon South West Regional Drug and Alcohol Coalition. Chair Mortlake Community Development Committee. Assistant Secretary Deakin University Football/ Netball Club. Chair South West Regional Transport Taskforce. Greater Dandenong City Council MAV Board Representative Metro Southern Region. Councillor Greater Dandenong City Council 1997 to current. Mayor Greater Dandenong City Council 1999-00. Board Member Southern Health. Member Audit Committee Southern Health. Board Member Antiochan Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of Australia and New Zealand. MAV Board Representative Rural South Central Region. Councillor Hepburn Shire Council 1997 to current. Mayor Hepburn Shire Council 1998-2001. Chair MAV Planning Advisory Group. Chair MAV Professional Development Reference Group. Member MAV/VicRoads Liaison Group. Member Daylesford Secondary School Council. Chair Central Highlands Regional Library Corporation. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 7 CEO’S REPORT “2004/05 was the year we stopped momentarily, looked at where we’ve been, mapped out where we’re heading, and made sure everything was in place… to continue representing the interests of local government…” After several years consolidating our position as the peak local government body in Victoria, 2004/05 was the year we stopped momentarily, looked at where we’ve been, mapped out where we’re heading, and made sure everything was in place – a strong organisational structure, efficient systems and professional staff – to continue representing the interests of local government in the most effective way. 8 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Sustained lobbying at both State and Federal levels resulted in several wins for local government in the areas of community care, immunisation, road funding and financial sustainability. We successfully argued for and gained an additional $1.3 million per annum for the delivery of immunisation services, and got the final sign-off on the Home and Community Care (HACC) program partnership agreement – a first in the area of planning, policy and provision of HACC services. We campaigned strongly for the renewal of the highly successful Roads to Recovery (R2R) program which also resulted in the allocation of a further $1.35 billion nationally to roads over the next four years. And as part of the ongoing review of the Penalty Enforcement by Registration of Infringement Notice (PERIN) system, we obtained an in-principle agreement from the State Government to introduce a range of improved enforcement powers for the Sheriff’s office in 2005. Always keeping one step ahead of the game by identifying the issues that will impact on the Victorian community and therefore local government, we instigated or contributed to a range of reviews and studies. This year we particularly turned our attention to the areas of transport, planning and infrastructure, producing several important strategy and issues papers for discussion at all levels of government. 2004/05 was also a year of great upheaval and change. In the wake of Cr Brad Matheson’s highly publicised resignation, we experienced two presidential elections, a Board by-election in late 2004, and the biennial Board election in February 2005. We also saw significant movement of key MAV staff – three went on maternity leave, one was seconded to work for the Department of Premier and Cabinet, and another left to work with the State Government. Each of these changes was necessarily accompanied by a period of adjustment, where the organisation forged new relationships, created new partnerships, and accommodated new visions and directions. No mean task! I’m happy to say, however, that despite all this, we made significant progress on a range of important issues during the year. One of our major achievements was undoubtedly the granting of the Australian Financial Services Licence by ASIC in April 2005. The licence is crucial in that it legitimises MAV’s right to operate as an independent insurance business – on an equal commercial basis with general insurance organisations – to provide public liability and fidelity insurance services. The fact that the MAV is the only government organisation to be granted the licence is something we are particularly proud of. We continue to work closely with councils to support them in dealing with current issues as well as identifying those that will potentially be the issues of the future. One of the many important areas we have paid a great deal of attention to in recent years is environmental management. So it is with great pleasure that our work in local government green purchasing through the ECO-Buy program was again recognised by several awards including the United Nations World Environment Day Award. Our efforts too in the area of insurance for local government have also been strong this year. We registered an overall surplus of $10.1 million for MAV insurance, as well as locking in a favourable reinsurance agreement that makes the most of the benefits of tort reform. But none of this would have been possible without the commitment and hard work of the MAV Board and the wonderful people who make up our staff. Their energy and innovation on numerous projects not only ensures that local government has a strong voice where it counts, but is able to carry out its work efficiently and effectively. ROB SPENCE CEO MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 9 MAV governance Structure and accountabilities A range of structures and accountabilities defined in legislation, rules and protocols, governs the way the MAV operates and makes decisions. 2005, the Board determined not to hold a by-election to fill these vacancies. Municipal Association Act 1907 The Act established the MAV as a corporation. It requires the MAV to provide a public liability scheme for local government, and empowers it to provide fidelity insurance for the sector. In the February 2005 Board elections, five new Board members were elected for a two-year term. The Act defines the purpose of the MAV as being to promote the efficient carrying out of municipal government throughout the state of Victoria and watch over and protect the interests, rights and privileges of municipal corporations. The MAV Rules Approved by Governor in Council, the MAV Rules outline the role, function and operation of the Association, its State Council and Management Board. State Council State Council meets twice yearly and is comprised of a representative (councillor) of each financial member council of the MAV. State Council elects the MAV Board of Management, sets the strategic direction of the Association, and appoints the MAV auditor. A final change occurred in May 2005 with Cr O’Neil resigning her position. A by-election was conducted in the Metropolitan Southern Region, with Cr Naim Melhem elected uncontested in June 2005. New advisory committee structure In 2004/05, the MAV Board reviewed its advisory structures, confirmed existing roles, and established a number of new committees in recognition of the breadth and complexity of the issues confronting local government and member councils’ needs. As well as providing advice to the Board, the new structure assists in the development of policies and strategies and provides networking and development opportunities to councils. Each committee is chaired by a Board member who is accountable for keeping the Board informed of committee activities and recommendations. MAV advisory committees · Human Services Portfolio Committee · Strategic Environment Advisory Group MAV Management Board · Planning Advisory Group In accordance with the Rules of the MAV, the Management Board is · Economics and Finance Advisory Group comprised of 12 members, each elected by a geographic region. · Strategic Transport and Infrastructure Group The 13th member, the MAV President, is elected at large. The Board · Professional Development Reference Group. has responsibility for the conduct of the affairs of the Association. It is responsible for setting the budget and subscription levels, defining MAV Strategic Plan the detail of the policy and strategy direction of the MAV, and appointing the CEO who, in turn, is responsible for day-to-day Planning and reporting cycle management of the Association. Janaury February/ Board changes During the 2004/05 reporting period, there was significant change to the MAV Management Board. In June 2004, the then President, Brad Matheson, resigned. Deputy President, Jenny Dale, was appointed by the Board to act in the capacity of Acting President until the Presidential election was conducted. The MAV membership elected existing Board member, Cr Geoff Lake as President in August 2004. A by-election for the Metropolitan Southern Region was then held to fill the vacancy created by Cr Lake’s appointment as President. Cr Clare O’Neil from Greater Dandenong was elected to fill the position in September 2004. Council elections held in November 2004 also impacted on the Board. Cr Rae Perry was unsuccessful in her bid for a further term as councillor and was therefore ineligible to continue as a Board representative, and Cr Jim Ryan did not recontest his council’s election. Cr Julie Eisenbise resigned from the Board in December 2004. With the biennial Board elections due to be held in February 10 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Issues identification and data collation undertaken by MAV staff March Regional meetings with membership April MAV Board strategy session November State Council – report back to members October Annual report on achievements May State Council adoption of work plan by membership The planning and reporting cycle outlines the process undertaken annually by the MAV. As a result of Board elections occurring in February, this process was delayed in 2005. Consequently, regional meetings usually held in February and March occurred in March and April, the Board workshop was held in May, and the work plan was sent out for consideration by State Council just prior to its meeting. In 2006 normal timing will be followed to ensure adequate time for councils to consider the draft work plan prior to its adoption at State Council. Board allowances In accordance with the MAV Board Expense and Allowance Policy, Board members receive an annual allowance paid quarterly in advance, and are able to claim for out-of-pocket expenses for travel, parking, accommodation and meals. Board allowances for 2004/05 were as follows · President $46,500 Review of MAV Rules In response to a State Council request, the Board undertook to conduct a comprehensive review of MAV Rules. This process has commenced and it is anticipated that redrafted Rules will be presented to a State Council in 2006 for approval. · Deputy President $9,750 · Board member $6,500. Allowance and expense payments made to Board members in 2004/05 Risk management To further improve the management of risks, the Board appointed an audit committee comprised of an independent chair, two independent members and two Board members. The committee has commenced work on risk identification and the development of a work plan. Sam Alessi Jeff Amos Annual Allowance $6,500 Travel and/ or parking $605 $2,167 $339.16 1 Darryl Argall $6,500 $7,081.762 John Bruce $2,167 John Chandler $6,500 Joseph Cutri Accommodation TOTAL and meals $7,105 $440.46 $2,946.62 $3,607.90 $17,189.66 - $384.4 $2,167 - - $2,167 - $6,884.40 - $2,167 At the May 2005 State Council meeting, following recommendation from the MAV Board, it was resolved that expressions of interest be called for the external auditor. It was considered timely that this appointment be reviewed. A recommendation is planned for the October State Council. Jenny Dale The MAV Insurance Committee continues to provide support and advice to the MAV Board on the management of the public liability and fidelity insurance schemes. This committee is independently chaired and, in addition to industry experts, comprises representatives from local government and the MAV Board. Geoff Lake Board meeting attendance The above amounts do not correlate to the allowance and expense payments figures in the financial statements as this includes some payments made to Board members for expenses incurred in 2003/04 and claimed in 2004/05. Some expenses are also charged to other areas in the MAV accounts. Payments were either made direct to Board members, to their council for travel where they have utilised a council fleet vehicle, or directly to the hotel for some accommodation expenses. It should be noted that some Board members will lodge claims after 30 June 2005, details of which will be reflected in the 2005/06 annual report. Sam Alessi July Aug Sept ✔ ✔ ✘ Oct Nov Dec ✘ ✔ ✔ Feb Mar April May June ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ $17,442.313 $5007.604 Geoff Davey $4,333 $936.92 Julie Eisenbise $3,250 Rod Fyffe $6,500 Dick Gross $2,167 - - $2,167 Brenda Hampson $2,167 - - $2,167 $40,048.40 $1,860.72 $24,310.63 $479.50 - $4,190.70 $3,123 Max O’Shea $6,500 Chris Papas $4,333 $1,052.84 Rae Perry $3,250 $1,325.756 Jim Ryan $3,250 $3,250 - $10,690.70 $1,272.88 Clare O’Neil $5,749.42 - $2544.24 $43,865.525 - $2,699.04 - $3,123 $1,613.35 $10,812.39 $1988 - $5,385.84 $6,563.77 - $3,250 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Jenny Dale ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 2 Paid to Hindmarsh Shire Council for use of council vehicle Geoff Davey5 ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ - - - - Julie Eisenbise 4 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Rod Fyffe ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ 3 Includes component of Presidential allowance while Acting President, as well as allowance for Deputy President 4 Includes payments made to Indigo Shire Council for use of council vehicle Dick Gross - - - - - - - ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Jeff Amos Darryl Argall John Bruce John Chandler Joseph Cutri Brenda Hampson ✘ ✔ ✔ Geoff Lake Clare O’Neil1 & 7 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ Max O’Shea ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✘ Chris Papas6 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ Rae Perry2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ - - - - - - Jim Ryan3 ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ - - - - - - 1 ✘ Term commenced September 2004 2&3 Term concluded November 2004 4 Resigned December 2004 5&6 Term concluded February 2005 7 Resigned April 2005 - ✘ - - - 1 Payment made to Wellington Shire Council for travel expenses 5 As President, Geoff Lake is also provided with full private use of a motor vehicle at a cost in 2004/05 of $14,950.80 and mobile phone $3,059.77 6 Includes travel to ALGA as MAV representative Compliance In addition to the requirements of the Municipal Association Act 1907 and its Rules, the MAV must comply with regulations and obligations applicable to statutory and public bodies including the Information Privacy Act 2000, Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001 and Freedom of Information Act 1982. The MAV has established policies and procedures with respect to legislative requirements. Staff are advised of these policies on induction, and copies are publicly available on the MAV website. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 11 economics & finance LEADING BY EXAMPLE The MAV’s economic and financial focus is sharp, steady and singleminded. With its sights set on a continually improving financial position for local government, the MAV assumes a responsible, yet imaginative approach to achieving better State and Federal government funding, while supporting local government in the strategic use of existing resources. 12 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Policy and Advocacy PERIN legislative reform imminent The review of the Penalty Enforcement by Registration of Infringement Notice (PERIN) system continued during the year, with legislation now anticipated for introduction in late 2005. This marks a significant achievement for the MAV and local government. After what has been a long and hard-fought struggle, a range of improved enforcement powers for the Sheriff’s office has now been mooted by the State Government. The MAV is continuing to advocate for a review of the VicRoads database, and is liaising with the State Government on methods for improving the integrity of data used to locate offenders. Preparing for the introduction of water rates reform In response to the State Government’s decision to uncouple water value from property valuations from 30 June 2006, the MAV modelled the anticipated impact of the reforms. The conclusion of the modelling – that there is no solution available in the rating system that will provide a suitable outcome to all ratepayers – has been raised with the Department for Sustainability and Environment and the Department of Premier and Cabinet. The MAV is continuing to advocate for direct funding to enable councils with substantial portions of water-based rates to undertake reviews of rating strategies, and to implement the reforms equitably. MAV appointed to MFES Board After intense lobbying, an MAV representative was appointed to the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board (MFESB) for the first time in 2004. As the voice of local government on the Board, the MAV was instrumental in determining the strategic priorities of the MFESB, highlighting the fact that continued increases in the fire services levy was ultimately an impost borne by ratepayers. As a consequence, the increase was reduced for 2005/06. MAV exerts influence in federal arena In the lead up to the 2004 Federal election, the MAV successfully campaigned for key local government concerns to be addressed. These included community care, immunisation, road funding and financial sustainability. In response to MAV lobbying, the Federal Government renewed the successful Roads to Recovery (R2R) program and announced a productivity commission inquiry into the ability of local government to source and obtain revenue. This will have considerable influence on the financial sustainability of the sector. During the year, the Federal Government also delivered a detailed response to the Hawker Inquiry into cost shifting. The report recommends the introduction of an intergovernmental agreement specifying reallocation of responsibilities, improved processes and efficiency at council level, and a review of revenue streams. New electricity rating regime benefits councils After sustained lobbying by the MAV, a new rating regime was introduced, providing affected councils with an increase of approximately 20 percent on the previous level of rates paid by electricity generator businesses. Valuation of Land Act review completed The MAV coordinated a sector-wide response to the review of the Valuation of Land Act 1960. A number of issues were raised including opposition to · the introduction of fees for objectors · the extension of the ‘highest and best use’ principles underpinning site valuations · the requirements placed on local government to issue multiple rates notices to both tenants and property owners. The MAV understands that all proposals objected to by the sector will be abandoned. Lobbying to negate impact of funding cutback In September 2004, the Federal Government announced the abolition of National Competition Policy (NCP) payments to state governments by 2006. As a result, incentive payments traditionally passed to Victorian councils are likely to cease, with significant adverse implications on the capacity of local government to deliver services. The MAV is lobbying the Federal Government for a continued provision of NCP payments beyond 2006, and advocating for ongoing local government access to incentive payments. Capacity Building Collaboration the key to enhancing council IT During the year, information technology has been a major MAV focus for supporting the efficiency of council business functions and enhancing competitiveness. Accordingly, the MAV IT&T Management Committee was established to coordinate statewide local government IT initiatives and collaborative projects. Over 70 councils contributed to the process, resulting in lower participation costs, reduced level of risk, and greater transparency. Getting ready for regional business growth The MAV appointed financial services provider, Ernst & Young, to support a contract between the MAV and Minister for State and Regional Development to promote the Regional Business Investment Ready program. The program provides regional municipalities with a financial advisory resource to assist with business case development for infrastructure projects and funding proposals. Promoting volunteering in local communities The MAV is taking a lead role in strengthening and sustaining volunteer participation in local communities. In partnership with the Department for Victorian Communities, the MAV is coordinating delivery of the Local and Regional Resource Networks (LRRN) Project. Future Directions · The Fire Services levy continues to be a key concern for both the MAV and local government and will continue to be carefully monitored. · With regard to the unbundling of water rights, the MAV will continue to advocate for direct funding to enable affected councils to undertake reviews of rating strategies. · Continued lobbying to ensure NCP payments to local government is ongoing. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 13 environment BREAKING NEW GROUND The MAV took the lead on key environmental management issues this year. Always looking for the most effective way to represent the interests of local government and offer practical support, the MAV participated in crucial decision-making forums, initiated critical reviews and developed groundbreaking programs to advance environmental management in Victoria. 14 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Policy and Advocacy Submission made on National Packaging Covenant This year the MAV, the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) and the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) carried out an independent review of the National Packaging Covenant (NPC). The review found that local governments around Australia were critical of the NPC and would like to see a number of key reforms to the Covenant. The MAV also made a submission to the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) on the NPC, identifying a number of serious concerns about the conclusions reached, and calling on the Environment Protection Council (EPC) to further investigate the options presented. The MAV emphasised the need to ensure that new NPC targets would not impose additional costs to local government and ratepayers. With support from the MAV, the URL program achieved several significant milestones in 2004/05. These include an increase in the program coordinator’s hours to three days, the participation of 27 schools (over 800 students) in the program, establishing key networking partnerships, and attracting sponsorship from Rural Finance Victoria. Reviewing native vegetation management In 2004/05, the MAV completed a 12-month study investigating the challenges faced by local government in meeting its responsibilities for native vegetation management. A key issue was the capacity of Leading in sustainable urban water management councils to administer increasingly complex native vegetation The Clearwater program is jointly managed by the MAV and the planning controls with few resources. Stormwater Industry Association of Victoria (SIAV), and is funded by During the year the MAV also made submissions to both the State the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) through the Government’s Native Vegetation Operational Guidelines and the Victorian Stormwater Action Program. It develops and delivers Federal Government’s review of the National Framework for Native tailored education and training packages for local government and Vegetation Management. industry professionals which address the sustainable management of urban stormwater. MAV signs sustainability accord The MAV’s ongoing commitment to sustainable management of the environment was reinforced this year with the signing of a Heads of Agreement to begin developing a local government sustainability accord between the State Government and councils. Improving waste management throughout Victoria MAV and EcoRecycle Victoria established a liaison group to build high-level relationships and improve understanding between the two organisations. The main focus of the group is to jointly promote issues relating to waste avoidance, and improve resource recovery from the sector. Capacity Building Award-winning ECO-Buy leads the country in green purchasing ECO-Buy, the innovative Victorian local government green purchasing program, this year attracted recognition for its outstanding work with local government promoting the purchase of environmentally friendly products from · United Nations (Australia) World Environment Day Award · 2004 Premier’s Business Sustainability Award · Banksia Award 2005 – finalist. The success of the ECO-Buy program is also reflected in the continuing growth of its membership which now includes more than 75 percent of councils. Victorian local government continues to lead the way on environmental purchasing initiatives with expenditure on green products increasing from $5.9 million in 2002 to $36.9 in 2004. NRM facilitator appointed to work with local government The MAV and the Federal Government appointed a Local Government Natural Resource Management (NRM) facilitator in Victoria as part of the new national Australian Government NRM Facilitators Network. The facilitator’s main task is to assist local government in the planning and implementation of its natural resource management program, particularly initiatives supported by the Natural Heritage Trust and other Federal Government NRM programs. URL program achieves significant milestones The Urban Rural Links (URL) program, housed at the MAV, brings together local government and primary schools from across Victoria to share information about their community and environment. Now in its third year, Clearwater is widely recognised as a leader of professional development programs for integrated urban water management. In 2004/05 Clearwater conducted a range of innovative education and training programs which were attended by every council in Victoria. Managing risk through the MAV Smart Septics program In partnership with the EPA and other organisations, the MAV developed the Smart Septics program to improve local government’s capacity to address significant risks to the State’s waterways and public health. In 2004/05, the program produced a package of new planning and management tools for councils. This package assists councils to educate the community about best-practice management of household wastewater systems, provides guidance on managing wastewater system data, and sets out guidelines for managing household wastewater in areas where reticulated sewerage is not currently a feasible option. Beach cleaning subsidies for bayside councils Councils provide a vital service in maintaining safe, clean beaches which is, in part, achieved with subsidies from the State Government. In 2004/05, the MAV worked in partnership with the Association of Bayside Municipalities (ABM) to ensure all eligible councils received the subsidy. Future Directions · The MAV, with SIAV and EPA Victoria, will explore options to continue and expand the Clearwater program beyond the life of its current funding. · A partnership with DSE will provide funding for rural and interface municipalities to develop Domestic Wastewater Management Plans which complement the work of the Smart Septics program. · The MAV will continue its discussions with the State Government on future capacity of councils to administer native planning controls. · The ECOBuy program will work with the Office of the Commonwealth Games to support the establishment of greenpurchasing practices by the business sector. · In 2005/06 an Australian/Indian school links pilot will be established as part of URL’s ongoing efforts in setting up international school links. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 15 general projects Policy and Advocacy ALL BASES COVERED The MAV takes a fiercely proactive stance to protect the interests and rights of local government, without fear or favour. When the Association identifies an issue affecting councils – be it Indigenous rights, jobs for young people or bushfire management – it takes decisive action to address the issue now, for the benefit of the future. 16 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Financial Services Licence signed, sealed and delivered In a significant achievement for the year, the Australian Financial Services Licence was finalised. (For more detailed information see the MAV Insurance Annual Report.) MAV initiates statewide insurance education program Following State Government reform to insurance legislation, the MAV initiated the Public Liability Insurance, Risk Management and Victorian Community Groups project. This project, which builds on existing forums conducted by the MAV and, aims to educate community organisations about the recent legislative changes, and improve understanding about the importance of adequate insurance and risk management. The project places particular emphasis on regional and rural areas. In line with the goal to educate and inform, the project distributed newsletters to all municipalities and ran workshops across the state. Capacity Building Promoting local government involvement with Aboriginal communities As a strong supporter of reconciliation, the MAV is involved in a number of initiatives to ensure that local government structures, planning processes and services are relevant and accessible to Indigenous people. In 2004/05, the MAV coordinated two Indigenous committees – one that works with federal and state agencies, and another that provides networking opportunities within local government. The MAV provided feedback on discussion papers, produced by the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE), and Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, about local government involvement in preserving Aboriginal cultural heritage and the practical problems councils face in undertaking additional activities in this area. With the demise of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC), the MAV contacted the Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination – the new body in Victoria created by the Federal Government to replace ATSIC – and the State Government to explore the implications of the changes for local government. Working to create jobs for unemployed young people This year the State Government provided a second round of funding for the Jobs for Young People program. The MAV has continued to encourage councils to match skill shortages in the sector with local government traineeships and apprenticeships for unemployed young people. Councils are supportive of the principles of the program and welcome the opportunity to participate in the skill development of young people within their communities. The final stage of the project saw the launch of a web-based risk assessment program which allows community groups to assess their risk and receive advice on areas for improvement. Fire refuge guidelines finalised The MAV has been a key participant in the Fire Refuges Strategy Group which developed guidelines and standards for the provision of fire refuges. The document Fire Refuges – Policy and Practice was finalised during the year and, following ministerial approval, is expected to be released later in 2005. Importantly the document concludes that the refuges may not be the best community safety solution in all communities. Ongoing participation in municipal fire management planning As part of its commitment to representing the interests of local government, the MAV is actively involved in the Integrated Municipal Fire Management Planning (IMFMP) Project. With funding provided from the project, the MAV seconded the IMFMP Local Government Consultation and Communications Manager to ensure local government’s views and interests are considered. The MAV also sits on the Multi-Agency Reference Group for this project. A discussion paper on integrated fire management planning will be released for comment by the IMFMP project team later in 2005. Leading the way on the future of local government Almost 300 participants from Australia and overseas attended the inaugural Future of Local Government summit in Melbourne in June 2005. Hosted by the MAV, this two-day summit featured local and international speakers – from the United Kingdom, Europe, USA, Canada and New Zealand – who provided fascinating insights into local government trends around the world. An important outcome of the summit was the production of a draft vision statement: ‘Local government is valued by all Australians for building strong and successful communities’. MAV hosts online demonstration conference In November 2004, the MAV hosted the fourth national Local Government Online Demonstration Conference. Held at Melbourne’s Telstra Dome, the conference explored the potential that innovation in IT offers local government service delivery. An area of particular interest was the concept of shared services. Future Directions · After the release of the Fire Refuges – Policy and Practice guidelines, the MAV in conjuction with the Office of the Emergency Services Commissioner (OESC), will hold a series of information sessions for councils which currently have fire refuges. · Following on from the Future of Local Government summit, the MAV has established a working group to advance the outcomes and plan for a 2006 summit. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 17 health & human services READY FOR ACTION With the announcement in April of a new social action plan for A Fairer Victoria, the State Government quickly passed the baton to the MAV. The Association has maintained its early lead, providing the assistance councils need to play their part in addressing disadvantage and creating opportunities within their communities. 18 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Local government youth charter guides launched As a joint initiative of the MAV and RMIT University, two youth guides were produced for local government during the year – the Youth Charter Guide and Engaging Young People. Working towards an integrated statewide library system The MAV is continuing its work with councils to develop local government policy and a preferred funding position. As an important part of this process, the MAV is participating in ‘vision’ development for libraries through the Ministerial Advisory Council. Policy and Advocacy Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of community care Throughout 2004/05, the MAV’s community care campaign focused on two primary goals: to increase investment by Federal and State Governments, and to improve efficiency and effectiveness by facilitating the integration of disparate programs. Community Care for the Ageing campaign delivers results As an active member of the Victorian Community Care Coalition (CCC), the MAV · participated in the national summit in 2004 · increased awareness amongst Victorian Federal MPs and election candidates of the valuable work of both paid and unpaid carers via its federal election ‘call to parties’ · generated 96 stories in Stage 1 · facilitated the hosting by councils of nine CCC regional forums in the second half of 2005. Statewide HACC program partnership breaks new ground The Home and Community Care (HACC) program partnership agreement negotiated by the MAV and the Department of Human Services (DHS) was finalised and circulated to councils for comment. This is the first time agreement between the State and local government has been achieved on planning, policy development and provision of HACC services. The Home and Community Care food services review was successfully launched in March 2005. OH&S guidelines drafted for home care industry In a project jointly managed by the MAV and the Victorian Association of Health and Extended Care, draft Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) guidelines were completed and circulated to all stakeholders, including councils, in late 2004. MAV takes the lead in childcare debate In April 2005, the MAV – in conjunction with Community Child Care – completed a discussion paper on the role of local government in supporting childcare. Undertaken in response to the challenges councils are currently facing in accommodating a growing demand for childcare, the MAV was successful in putting Victorian council concerns to the Federal Minister for Family and Community Services. A key MAV achievement was obtaining the Department's agreement in the re-tendering process for the Children’s Services Resource and Redevelopment Officer as a regional program to fund successful councils individually under separate agreements with the Department. In conjunction with relevant State departments and Viclink (the peak body for library professionals), work is continuing towards the establishment of an integrated library system to improve access and increased information technology capacity, particularly in rural libraries. Close monitoring of proposed Health Act amendments In December 2004, the MAV responded to a discussion paper released by the Department of Human Services concerning a revised Health Act. As this review will have funding and capacity implications for local government and is likely to impose additional liabilities, the MAV is closely monitoring the range of new directions which emerge from the consultation process. MAV negotiates better deal for Tobacco Act enforcement On behalf of the State Government, the MAV again administered service agreements with councils for their enforcement of the Tobacco Act 1987. In 2004/05, approximately $612,000 was distributed to 77 councils and two statutory authorities to fund visits to tobacco retailers and food outlets, presentations to educational institutions and test purchases aimed at preventing cigarette sales to minors. The MAV also negotiated a better deal for local government than initially considered by the State Government for enforcement of a new raft of anti-smoking proposals announced in late 2004, and lobbied for additional tasks to be fully funded. Lobbying delivers significant immunisation funding increase As a result of a costing study initiated and undertaken by the MAV, and subsequent lobbying for increased funding, the State Government agreed in January 2005 to provide an additional $1.3 million per annum to local government for immunisation service delivery – an increase of almost 50 percent on current funding. During 2005 the MAV continued to lobby the Federal Government for acknowledgement of the efficient and universal service provided by local government in Victoria. In particular, the MAV asked for Federal Government agreement to the introduction of a local government immunisation incentive scheme. The MAV also urged the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), newly appointed as an observer member of the National Immunisation Committee, to lobby for such a scheme. Working party reviews food safety legislation Responding to a request from the Department of Human Services (DHS), the MAV established a DHS/MAV food safety legislation working group in March 2005 to develop recommendations for legislative reforms that would improve local government enforcement of the Food Act 1984. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 19 Capacity Building Targeting maternal and child health workforce issues A project addressing recruitment and retention issues of maternal and child health nurses commenced this year. The project focuses on · identifying priority areas (with an emphasis on raising the profile of maternal and child health nursing) · developing a coordinated approach to maximise service delivery · developing support mechanisms to retain maternal and child health nurses in local government · attracting maternal and child health students to local government employment. Developing culturally responsive HACC services In partnership with the State Government, the MAV is implementing the Culturally Equitable Gateways Strategy (CEGS). The MAV is working with CEGS-funded councils to support, resource and enhance the capacity of HACC services to respond to the needs of elderly people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Victorian councils first to complete MEYPs Facilitated by the MAV, Victorian councils are the first in Australia to have completed Municipal Early Years Plans (MEYPs). The model for integrated planning for young children’s health, care and education has been presented to government officials, community leaders and policy makers at the state, national and international levels. The MAV/DHS Annual Early Years Forum was held in April 2005 with an attendance of 180. The MAV has successfully negotiated with DHS for continuation of the MEYP project until June 2006. MAV’s work on PCAC acknowledged The report of the Premier’s Children’s Advisory Committee (PCAC) was released in December 2004. The work of the MAV and councils was recognised in the report, and its recommendations for policy and service development relating to early childhood generally – and Maternal and Child Health Services (MCHS) in particular – were endorsed by the Premier. Improving disability access and inclusion The MAV is currently in the process of rolling out a three-year strategy to assist local government’s capacity to improve access and participation of people with disabilities. This includes completion of an MAV Disability Action Plan, representation on the Public Transport Access Committee, the Round Table on Tourism, Sport, Recreation and Arts for people with a disability, and the Metro Access Advisory Committee (initiated by the MAV). It involves partnerships with all metropolitan and rural councils and with relevant disability services including the Disability Advisory Council of Victoria. 20 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Future Directions · The next stage of the Community Care campaign will include discussions with the Federal Minister for Ageing on the need for research into the relative decline in the dollar value of community care services, and development of best practice models. Presentations to State Government community cabinet meetings will also be facilitated. · Discussions with the Minister and the Department of Family & Community Services will focus on childcare planning, maintenance of infrastructure and family day care, including council concerns that under the new Family Day Care (FDC) formula, financial support for FDC will decline in real terms. governance, training & relationships PEOPLE MATTER The MAV knows that local government’s greatest asset is its people – those who work within the sector and those who govern. The Association understands the importance of attracting and nurturing talent to ensure the longterm vitality of local government, and actively seeks ways to provide opportunities for networking, training and employment. Policy and Advocacy MAV represents local government on electoral representation reviews The MAV conducted initial research to examine the current process and outcomes of electoral representation reviews, and wrote to the Minister for Local Government expressing local government concern at the current electoral representation review process. Following a resolution of the May 2005 State Council, the MAV will continue to advocate for councils to ensure they have adequate input into the electoral structures set for their municipalities. Councillor remuneration discussion paper drafted Using the results from a survey of Victorian councillors, and an extensive assessment of councillor and mayoral remuneration schemes overseas and interstate, the MAV prepared a draft discussion paper on councillor and mayoral remuneration in Victoria. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 21 Large attendance at MAV’s 2004 Councillor Development Weekend In July 2004, 110 elected representatives from 46 councils across Victoria came together for the MAV’s annual professional development weekend at the newly-developed Geelong Waterfront. Launch of new professional development program for new councillors In December 2004, the MAV launched the Councillor Fundamentals development program to assist new councillors gain the skills and knowledge they need in the early months of their first term. Highlights of the program included the presentations of renowned author, Arnold Zable who spoke about the power of narrative, and Melinda Muth, Professional Fellow at the Melbourne School of Business, who explored the behavioural side of good governance. The program also included a number of development workshops in areas such as emotional intelligence, influencing and negotiating, and decision making. The program consisted of four workshops covering financial management, planning, governance and media skills. The workshops provided a broad overview of each area and developed councillors’ skills and understanding of critical issues affecting local government. Once again, a large number of delegates’ families attended the weekend. The MAV continues to encourage the participation of families and partners in recognition of the significant role they play supporting councillors in their demanding roles. Offered in Melbourne and Camperdown, the workshops were attended by newly-elected and more experienced councillors from across the state. Winner of 2004 Fellowship explores council role in forest management Cr Phil Millar from Hepburn Shire Council used this year’s $10,000 Australia Post/MAV Fellowship research grant to examine local government’s role in public forest management through participation in community forest management (CFM). CFM is a newly-emerging system for the management of forests that involves more active community input and participation through a collaborative decision making and management approach. Capacity Building Statewide graduate recruitment program expands Now in its second year, the MAV’s graduate recruitment program, GoGrad, continued to build on the success of its first year. In 2004/05, the program received over 200 applications for positions across metropolitan and rural Victoria – a significant increase on the previous year – and successfully recruited a number of graduates for work in engineering, planning and public policy. As part of a long-term plan to encourage greater representation of talented young people in the sector – particularly in rural and regional areas – the MAV actively sought opportunities to raise the profile of local government as a choice employer. In one of a series of marketing initiatives, the MAV invited council staff to attend university careers fairs to pass on valuable first-hand knowledge, as well as promote the diversity of roles available in local government. Supporting new graduate recruits In 2004/05 the MAV developed GetSet, a new program to support the latest group of GoGrad recruits. Following extensive consultation with senior officers and specialist staff, eight workshops were developed to build new graduates’ skill base and provide an understanding of the local government sector. Over 80 participants from 30 Victorian councils have so far attended one or more of the workshops, which will continue to be offered throughout 2005. Tailored staff development programs increasingly popular During the year, the MAV received an increasing number of requests from local government for tailored staff learning and professional development programs. One workshop, Understanding Local Government (developed for the GetSet program), has been particularly popular, attracting over 100 participants. Another program conducted across the state in 2003, was offered to all councils this year. With the significant support of the City of Casey, the Authorised Officers Program was conducted in four Victorian locations and attracted over 60 participants from 35 Victorian councils. 22 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 As part of his research, Cr Millar visited the USA and Canada to investigate existing community-managed forest models of relevance to Australia. Cr Millar’s research will benefit councils involved in forestry activities and will have wider applications for councils considering community involvement in a range of natural resource management issues. Annual Conference 2004 plans for the future The 2004 Conference attracted 240 delegates from councils across Victoria. Officially opened by The Hon John Thwaites, Minister for Environment, Water and Victorian Communities, the conference featured keynote speakers Dr Keith Suter, social commentator and author, and Professor Louise Rolland, Centre for Ageing and Work at Swinburne University. Both speakers focussed on the theme of planning for the future, identifying current demographic changes and the challenges faced by local government. A new, and very popular, addition to the conference program this year was the ‘Conversation’ sessions. Skilled facilitators and expert panellists led discussions on a range of topics including advocacy, demographics and rating strategies. MAV celebrates 125 years at Annual Conference dinner Almost 400 delegates, partners and guests attended the Annual Conference dinner which this year formally celebrated the MAV’s 125th anniversary. To commemorate the occasion, each guest received a copy of The Road to Municipal Leadership: Mapping the early years of the MAV , a short history produced especially for the anniversary. Guests were also treated to a performance of a speech by one of the MAV’s founding fathers, Allan McLean. Newly-elected councillors welcomed to sector by MAV The MAV’s President and the Minister for Local Government officially welcomed newly-elected councillors at a cocktail party in February 2005. Coinciding with the completion of the first Councillor Fundamentals workshops, this event was a good opportunity for new councillors to start building relationships across the sector. Working to attract more women to local government The MAV is an active member of the Women’s Participation in Local Government Coalition (WPILGC). In 2004/05, the coalition established the Victorian Women’s Charter Awards. The coalition also redeveloped its Women-Get-Elected workshop program with funding from the Community Support Fund, and received secretariat support from the Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA). Ongoing support for the Rural Councils Network This year the MAV again provided secretariat support for the Rural Councils Network to assist the 26 smallest Victorian councils. MAV pre-election information sessions well received Formed as a cooperative grouping of councils, the network works In November 2004, 25 councils faced general elections. In collectively to influence decision makers and tackle the long-term preparation for these elections, the MAV coordinated a series of strategic challenges facing rural communities with small populations. evening sessions to provide prospective candidates with the information needed to make a considered decision to nominate. Good Governance Advisory Group (GGAG) During the year, the GGAG assisted councils to respond to the range of legislative changes impacting on governance practices in local government. This included meeting with representatives of key organisations such as the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) and advocating on behalf of the sector on key governance issues. Nineteen information sessions were held across metropolitan and regional Victoria, and were all well attended. MAV staff chaired the sessions which involved a series of presentations from CEOs, councillors and representatives of the VEC. Guest speakers were brought in from neighbouring councils to preserve impartiality. In response to the requirement that all councils develop a code of conduct, GGAG prepared a minimalist code to assist councils in developing their own. In addition, the GGAG obtained funding from the Department for Victorian Communities (DVC) to produce a publication that guides councils through the process of creating a code of conduct. The publication will be completed towards the end of 2005. Passing on knowledge and expertise to local community groups In conjunction with, and with funding from the Community Support Fund (CSF), the MAV began a series of seminars – Secrets to Successful Boards and Committees – in June 2005. The seminars were hosted by each of Victoria's 79 councils. Governance Officers Network The Governance Officers Network met twice in 2004/05 to discuss the many governance challenges facing local government. Both sessions were well attended and featured guest speakers from the VEC and Local Government Victoria. The group will continue to meet on a regular basis. Governance support At the request of a large number of Victorian councils, the MAV provided various levels of governance support during the year. This included offering advice and information to individual councillors and CEOs, as well as providing more formal support to 15 councils – through tailored workshops, developing performance review frameworks and facilitating CEO performance reviews. Future Directions · The MAV will formulate a proposal to the State Government outlining recommendations for the revision of the existing councillor and mayoral remuneration framework. The proposal will take into account the variety of councillor and mayoral duties across Victoria. · Based on feedback received from participants, the Councillor Fundamentals program will be further developed and offered in 2006 following the next round of council elections. An additional resource kit will also be developed to support new councillors in their first months in office. · The GetSet learning and development program will be redeveloped before being offered to all councils in 2006. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 23 planning BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS Protecting community and local government interests is the MAV’s number one priority. In its role of interpreting and facilitating the implementation of State Government policy, the MAV always takes a practical and professional approach. It is strongly committed to assisting councils in finding their way through the complex and evolving planning environment. 24 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Capacity Building Agreement guarantees universal internet access Working with the Wired Development Consortium councils and the Minister for Information and Communication Technology, the MAV developed a contract which ensures universal conduit access on new housing estates. This agreement provides metropolitan interface councils with an important tool for negotiating with housing developers where existing broadband infrastructure is not available. It will be used for the first time by VicUrban in the new Aurora housing estate. Policy and Advocacy Driving planning system reform Building on the improvements provided by the Better Decisions Faster initiative, the MAV Planning Advisory Group (PAG) produced an issues paper in May outlining further suggestions for fundamental reform of the planning system. Distributed to local government planning managers for comment, the suggestions were based on a paper prepared by the Planning Institute of Australia in 2004, and include recommendations for · strengthening leadership in planning · bolstering the state planning policy framework · balancing state and local interests · increasing emphasis on ecologically sustainable development · clarifying the role of the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) · reviewing the Victorian planning provisions · recruitment and retention of planners. Lobbying succeeds in streamlining developer contributions After a period of sustained lobbying by the MAV, the Developer Contributions Bill was passed in December 2004. The amendments to the Planning and Environment Act 1987 streamline the approach to introducing developer contributions, while retaining crucial accountability measures. Councils granted interim height controls Responding to council concerns, the Minister for Planning approached the MAV for assistance in resolving the issue of developers exploiting the objectives of Melbourne 2030. The overriding concern – that developers were applying for high-rise developments in activity centres where structure plans had not been completed – was brought to a head when the City of Whitehorse challenged a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) decision for a high-rise apartment building in Mitcham. After intensive discussions with the Minister, the MAV was successful in brokering an agreement on height controls which has been embraced by both State and local government. Councils are now able to introduce interim height controls in activity centres and residential areas pending the finalisation of structure plans. Making the most of Melbourne 2030 The MAV continued to work with State and local government to ensure the best possible outcomes for Melbourne 2030. This year’s focus was on the key issues of public transport and infrastructure funding, consistency of advice and support from DSE and the State Government, and better communication to build community understanding and ownership of the Melbourne 2030 framework. Significant achievements include · the appointment of a Melbourne 2030 liaison officer at the MAV · development of capacity building programs through beacon project identification · the participation of all 31 metropolitan and interface councils in the MAV Melbourne 2030 Councillor Reference Group and the Planning Technical Committee · facilitation of training and information exchange · hosting of high-level members’ forum resulting in an action plan for improved MAV advocacy and assistance to councils. Addressing the shortage of rural and regional planners Jobs for Young People offers paid work experience, training and qualifications leading to sustainable employment. The MAV played an instrumental role in developing and adapting this program to address the critical shortage of planners in regional and rural Victoria. Future Directions · Following amendments to the Planning and Environment Act 1987, the MAV will continue to address concerns not currently included in developer contribution schemes, and lobby to increase the amount of infrastructure revenue able to be generated. · A comprehensive overhaul of the fee structure will be pursued (working group comprising councils already established to conduct a review of planning fees). · As part of the MAV annual budget submission, a memorandum of understanding will be developed with the State Government to assist in implementation and preparation of an annual Melbourne 2030 priority statement for local government. · A further round of Melbourne 2030 forums will be hosted on structure planning, integrated transport planning and amenity and design. · Following a change in State Government direction, the MAV will put forward proposals to support councils in the implementation of the new rural zones. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 25 transport & infrastructure MAKING THE RIGHT CONNECTIONS In a year that saw a major shift in focus – from road transport to an integrated and sustainable community transport system – the MAV has been the driving force behind the forward-thinking, strategic approach adopted by local government. Along the way, the Association made sure that protective measures were in place to counteract the abolition of nonfeasance. 26 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Policy and Advocacy Providing effective support, feedback and liaison The MAV, in conjunction with the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and other state associations, was proactive in providing · support for the development of the AusLink Green and White Papers, including representation on national working groups · feedback to the Federal Government on the effectiveness of the Roads To Recovery (R2R) program, and lobbying successfully for its continuation – resulting in the allocation of a further $1.35 billion to local roads in the four years to 2008/09. In preparation for the anticipated future emphasis on regional policy by State and Federal Governments, the MAV, in conjunction with Victorian councils, established regional transport groups. Capitalising on the opportunity for developing council-specific RMPs The virtual abolition of nonfeasance by the High Court resulted in the State Government passing the Road Management Act 2004 as a means of providing public bodies with a public policy defence. This opened up opportunities for councils to develop Road Management Plans (RMPs) to identify appropriate policies and practices within their jurisdictions. Seventy eight Victorian councils have now sought the protection offered by the Road Management Act by developing their own RMPs. The MAV Step Asset Management program has placed a heavy focus on assisting councils with this process, including onsite reviews of the alignment of RMPs and the documentation, processes and systems relative to the Road Management Act and CMP requirements. Public transport liaison group established In association with the Department of Infrastructure (DoI), the MAV established a high-level executive transport liaison group to discuss and resolve public transport-related matters. In addition to MAV and DoI executive management and senior staff, the group invited local government representatives to give councils the opportunity to raise matters of vital concern for the sector. MAV transport strategy addresses key challenges The MAV Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Group prepared a comprehensive strategy paper setting out a strategic framework and recommendations for the MAV and local government to address key transport challenges facing Victorian communities. Building on a broad analysis of the current status of transport across the state, the paper identifies critical gaps and challenges, and sets out priorities and recommendations for action. Capacity Building Step Asset Management program continues to deliver results During 2004/05, the Step Asset Management program continued to offer valuable assistance enabling councils to meet requirements and timelines within an evolving and challenging environment. Major outcomes include · involvement of 78 Victorian councils in the process, with four other state associations also established · improvement in sector-wide asset management performance in all categories including policy, strategy, planning and operations · development of a range of support tools to assist councils to complete RMPs in accordance with the Road Management Act · development of the Road Asset Management Plan framework, audit and field reviews of council RMPs, and provision of legal advice. In recent months, the focus of the program has begun to shift to other asset classes, with an emphasis on building infrastructure. Accordingly, MAV Step providers established a buildings framework to support councils in this process. Asset management conference a first for Australia The inaugural Asset Management Conference held in May 2005, brought together the most impressive array of knowledge on local government asset management presented in Australia. Delegates included over 300 asset, finance and risk managers as well as councillors from around Australia. The conference agenda underlined the current importance of asset management for local government. Future Directions · Following the success of the Step Asset Management program within Victoria, the MAV will work to encourage its acceptance across local government nationally. · An infrastructure renewal 'gap' program and associated management process for all councils will be developed, along with asset management plans for all classes of assets. · An assessment of service sustainability will be carried out for all Victorian councils. · In partnership with member councils, the State Government and other stakeholders, the MAV will develop a proactive, sustainable and long-term strategy to address the broad range of transport challenges facing Victorian communities. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 27 communications and information Efficient, targeted communications achieved in-house The MAV Communications Unit provides comprehensive in-house communications services, including issues management, strategy development, stakeholder relations, media relations, publication and web content management. The unit is the first port of call for all media inquiries and is responsible for managing relationships with key media personnel. Staff monitor issues that have potential to impact on local government and advise the President and Chief Executive on appropriate media and communication management strategies. The Communications Unit identifies opportunities to communicate the role and achievements of local government. This year opportunities were proactively pursued with The Age and community television station Channel 31, to enhance positive media coverage of local government activities. Another key function of the unit is to keep councils informed. This role was expanded during the year through the brokering of a heavily discounted media monitoring service and a wholly subsidised parliamentary monitoring service. Council-wide media monitoring service negotiated Targeted TV news program delivers on several fronts In 2004 the MAV entered into an arrangement with community television station Channel 31 to support the development of a new nightly news service, C News. Consisting of locally-focused news and current affairs, the program not only gives the MAV a unique opportunity to promote local government and send community messages direct to the target market, but importantly, enables Channel 31 to employ a dedicated local government reporter. This arrangement greatly assists the MAV to deliver its dual objectives of representing and advocating the interests of local government and raising its profile. At the same time, the MAV’s involvement supports the production of a high-quality nightly news service that provides balance to the increasingly global focus aired on commercial stations at the expense of local news. This year, local government messages delivered through sponsorship The MAV brokered an arrangement with media monitoring agency, spots included community insurance and council elections. Rehame, to extend its service to member councils at greatly reduced rates than could be negotiated on an individual basis. Subscribing councils receive access to services that would otherwise be unaffordable. This is particularly relevant for smaller regional and rural councils. The service is delivered via an internet portal protected by individual logins and passwords. In addition to standard packages, the contract negotiated by the MAV gives councils the choice of additional levels of service at a discount of 20 percent. Enhancing the image of local government The MAV worked with The Age newspaper to launch Local Life, a monthly colour supplement which ran in three editions of the paper. The project was well supported by councils and was successful in promoting awareness, visibility and exposure of local government. 28 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Unprecedented council access to political process Throughout 2004/05, the MAV wholly subsidised the cost of a weekly electronic newsletter which provides councils with regular updates on state parliamentary, political, regulatory and legislative developments. Published each Friday, the e-newsletter summarises all press releases, Hansard, bills, regulations and parliamentary committee reports, and details the progress of inquiries tabled within state parliament in that week. It is delivered to nominated email addresses free of charge. The e-newsletter is linked to a password-protected website enabling councils access to all relevant documentation. The website also acts as an electronic library with an advanced search engine for sourcing state parliamentary and government decisions and information dating back to 1999. human resources The MAV prides itself on recruiting and retaining high quality staff with a shared commitment to supporting a strong and vibrant local government sector. Staffing changes 2004/05 was a year of significant change in the staffing profile of the MAV. Overall staff numbers grew by 20 percent with the increase being primarily in staff numbers in grant-funded positions. During this period, three senior staff members were also on maternity leave with their positions being backfilled by other staff and consultants. Organisational profile The staffing profile of the MAV is divided into three components · employees funded by membership subscriptions and MAV revenue to deliver policy and advocacy advice, capacity building programs, and representation of Victorian councils There was also a number of departures from the MAV with the resignations over this period of the Director Policy, Manager Environment, Senior Policy Adviser, Disability Project Officer, Water Project Officer and Receptionist. All of these vacancies were filled. · employees funded by state and federal grants to deliver specific programs and support to Victorian councils Staff development · specialist consultants, contractors and advisers to support a range of functions within the organisation in areas such as the insurance scheme contract management and business development. As a consequence of changes to the staffing profile of the organisation, work commenced on the rebuilding of a cohesive team. The first step in this process was a strategy and team development session held in October 2004. This session identified areas for improvement within the organisation and allocated responsibility for supervision of the process to nominated teams. Staff numbers as at 30 June each year Staff numbers 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Full time 24 13 15 16 16 26 23 24 Part time 2 1 1 1 0 4 4 3 Temp/casual - - - - - - 2 Vacant/other* - - - - - - - 26 14 16 17 16 Total staff 30 Work also continued on development and agreement of position profiles for all staff and the implementation of a performance management system for the organisation. Continuing effort and focus on this area is planned for 2005/06. 30 4 1 1 2# 2# 30 30 37 $22,506 was spent on staff training and development during the 2004/05 reporting period. Gender Male 7 6 5 4 6 11 11 10 Female 19 8 11 13 10 19 18 18 11 26 Vacant - - - - - - 1 2(f) 2(f) EFT Positions MAV filled 24.1 11.5 14.5 15.5 MAV vacant/other - 3 1 MAV temp/casual - - - Grant funded 1 2 Grant vacant - - Grant casual - - - Total EFT’s 14 19.7 20.8 20.4 20.8 1 3 - - - - 0.6 0.6 0.6 1 2 2 8 4.3 5.6 11.9 - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - 25.1 16.5 16.5 18.5 - 2 2 Policy 1 Training and Operations Corporate Grant 1 5 6 14.1 1 3 1 6 19 27.7 27.7 28.3 35.3 1 8 1 6 1 6.9 1 8 1 1 9 8.4 1 1 - 2 3.8 5.4 6 7* 7.5 5.5 7.5 8 8 7 7 7 2 1 2 2 8 6.3 # maternity leave * includes 2 staff on maternity leave In line with the growth in the size and function of the organisation, the MAV recognised and addressed the need for greater internal structure and more rigour in processes. · In May 2004, a Director of Policy position was created to provide support to the CEO in the management and overseeing of the policy and grant programs delivered by the MAV. Categories Management Systems and structure improvements 5.6 11.9 · Implementation of the Information Technology Strategy commenced in 2004/05 with changeover of hardware, and approval from the MAV Board to migrate from a platform of Lotus Notes to Microsoft. Work also commenced on the development of a new file classification system and identification of records management needs in the lead up to a tender for a new records management system in 2005/06. In 2005/06 further work will be undertaken to strengthen internal policy and procedures, and develop an appropriate and equitable remuneration structure for the organisation. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 29 THE MAV PEOPLE AS AT 30 JUNE 2005 ALLAN HOLMES TANIA STRUZINA PAULA GILES JOHN RYAN JULIE JACKSON JOHN HENNESSY GAVIN MAHONEY IMOGEN BAGHURST ADAM MAXEY SARAH FAGAN ALISON STANDISH VICKY MAVROS ADRIENNE STEPHENS JODIE DELANEY FIONA McALLISTER AMY McDONALD ALISON RAYMOND CHRISTINE JONES MAV STATE COUNCIL MAV MANAGEMENT BOARD FINANCE & INSURANCE CONSULTANT# SENIOR ECONOMIST EXECUTIVE ADVISER CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CEO DIRECTOR POLICY, PROJECTS & COMMERCIAL# COMMUNICATIONS ADVISERS 2 EFT SECTOR DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT# MANAGER CORPORATE & SECRETARIAT MANAGER PEOPLE & PERFORMANCE PROJECT MANAGER MANAGER ENVIRONMENT POLICY & PROGRAMS SENIOR ADVISER SOCIAL POLICY SENIOR ADVISER PLANNING VOLUNTEERING IT PROJECT PROJECT MANAGER* CONTRACTOR# EVENTS MANAGER POLICY ANALYSTS 3.4 EFT EXECUTIVE OFFICER ECOBUY* DISABILITY PROJECT OFFICER* 2030 SENIOR LIAISON OFFICER* VOLUNTEERING PROJECT OFFICER* PROJECT OFFICER IMFMP PROJECT OFFICER* RESOURCE OFFICERS ECO-BUY 1.8 EFT* PROJECT MANAGER DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR PROJECT MANAGER CLEARWATER* EARLY YEARS PROJECT OFFICER* ACCOUNTING SUPPORT OFFICER PROJECT OFFICER CLEARWATER* CEGS & HACC PROJECT OFFICER* CORPORATE SUPPORT NRM FACILITATOR* POSITIVE AGEING PROJECT OFFICER* RECEPTIONIST ABM EXECUTIVE OFFICER* PROJECT OFFICER *Grant funded #Consultants URBAN RURAL LINKS COORDINATOR* SARAH JONES TIMBERTOWNS EXECUTIVE OFFICER* DAVID DENNIS NAREE ATKINSON PROJECT MANAGER DOMESTIC WASTE* WATER KELLIE KENDRICK LIZ HOGAN ELEANOR JACOBS LIZ JOHNSTONE MAY YIN POSARNIG CLARE HARGREAVES TAIMOR HAZOU ROB SPENCE SIMON MORGAN LUKE MURPHY GILL PISANI ROD MUMMERY OWEN HARVEY-BEAVIS MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 31 committees As the peak body for local government, the MAV is regularly asked by both State and Federal governments, and related agencies, to provide nominations and represent the sector on a range of external committees. External committees A current or former councillor, council officer, MAV Board member or MAV employee represented local government on the following committees during 2003/04 Accessible Built Environment Working Group Advisory Committee on Public Libraries Agricultural Subcommittee of the State Emergency Recovery Planning Committee Alpine Advisory Committee Animal Welfare Advisory Committee Asbestos Management Working Group Association of Bayside Municipalities Association of Regional Waste Management Groups Australian Building Codes Board Australian Environmental Labelling Association Advisory Committee Country Town Water Supply and Sewerage Project Steering Committee Implementation Steering Committee Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Service Board Telecommunications Working Group Timber Towns Victoria Development Assessment Forum DHS Industry Development Plan Reference Group Metropolitan Transport Forum Transport Safety Committee Ministerial Advisory Council on Public Libraries DSE Continuous Improvement Program Urban Rural Links Steering Committee Ministerial Drought Taskforce DSE Urban Stormwater & Water Conservation Fund Steering Committee Ministerial Employment Advisory Panel VicHealth Planning and Health Advisory Panel DE&T/MAV Joint Working Party DSE Sustainability In Built Environment Reference Group Eastern Water Recycling Proposal Steering Committee EcoRecycle Victoria Liaison Group Emergency Management Manual Victoria – Strategy Group Environmental Weeds Working Group Committee EPA On-site Wastewater Advisory Group Fire Refuges in Victoria Steering Committee Flood Warning Consultative Committee Victoria Hospital Admission Risk Program (HARP) Reference Group Influenza Pandemic Planning Committee Infringements Framework Reference Group Intergovernmental Agreement Working Party Broiler Code Committee LGIIP Assessment Panel for Compliance Building Regulation Advisory Committee LGPro Human Resources Special Interest Group Business Skills Victoria Board Library Network Committee Central Region Sustainable Water Use Plan Advisory Group Local Sustainability Accord Committee Commonwealth Aged Care Advisory Committee Commonwealth Aged Care Planning and Building Approvals Issues Forum Commonwealth Children’s Services Planning Advisory Committee Community Health Policy Reference Group Community Safety Month Reference Group Community Services and Health Industry Training Board M2006 Commonwealth Games Emergency Management Services Working Group MAV/DHS Disability Services Working Party MAV/DHS HACC/Primary Care Working Party MAV/DHS Community Care Partnerships Working Party Melbourne 2030 Implementation Reference Group Melbourne Transport Committee Coordination Committee for Local Government Melbourne Water/VicSES Liaison Group Country Fire Authority Board Melbourne Water Drainage 32 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Model Split Contracts Advisory Group Municipal Emergency Management Enhancement Group Municipal Emergency Management Plan Audit Committee National Local Government Training & Professional Development Group National Packaging Covenant Council National Parks Advisory Council Native Vegetation Exemptions Review Advisory Group Towards Zero Waste Working Party VicRoads Board (Roads Corporation Advisory Board) Victorian Advisory Committee for General Practice Sub-committee Victorian Agricultural Chemicals Advisory Committee Victorian Catchment Management Stakeholders Forum Victorian Childcare Industry Liaison Group Victorian Community Care Coalition Native Vegetation Permit Tracking System Advisory Group Victorian Emergency Management Council Neighbourhood Environment Improvement Plans Committee Victorian Feedlot Committee Victorian Food Safety Council Personal Emergency Plans Project Steering Committee Victorian Jurisdictional Recycling Group Place Names Committee Victorian Litter Action Alliance Advisory Group Port Phillip & Westernport Catchment Management Authority Local Government Working Group Victorian Local Government Disability Planners' Network Public Administration and Emergency Services Victorian Local Sustainability Accord Committee Public Land Stewardship Reference Group Victorian Ministerial Housing Council Public Records Advisory Committee Public Transport Access Committee Roundtable on Inclusive Arts, Tourism, Sport and Recreation for People with a Disability Rural Disputes Settlement Centre Working Group Rural Workforce Agency Victoria Saferoads Partnership State Emergency Mitigation Committee State Emergency Recovery Planning Committee State Emergency Relief Sub-committee State Flood Policy Committee State of the Parks Stakeholder Reference Group State Weed Policy Committee Stormwater Industry Association of Victoria Tackling Weeds on Private Land Initiative Stakeholder Reference Group Victorian Road Based Public Transport Advisory Committee Victorian Road Freight Advisory Council Victorian Road Safety Reference Group Victorian Settlement Planning Committee Victorian Speed Limit Advisory Group Victorian Universities Rural Health Consortium Vision Super Board Water Quality Improvement Plan Steering Committee [?] Women’s Participation in Local Government Coalition Working Party on Council Sports Facility Tenancy Agreements – Insurance & Indemnities Yarra Study Liaison Group Year of the Built Environment Steering Committee Internal committees The MAV has established a number of advisory committees to assist the organisation in developing policies. These committees serve to benefit the local government sector by providing opportunities for the exchange of information. MAV advisory committees include MAV Economics and Finance Advisory Group Provides strategic advice to the MAV Board and provides support to achieve objectives relating to financial sustainability for local government, including the development of campaigns, submissions and analysis of issues. MAV Human Services Portfolio Committee Provides strategic advice to the MAV Board on social policy and human services issues, particularly in intergovernmental relations. The committee also facilitates consultation with regional groupings of councils on current statewide issues. MAV Planning Advisory Group Provides strategic advice to the MAV Board on strategic and statutory planning issues impacting on local government and guides MAV policy and position development on planning related issues. MAV Professional Development Reference Group Provides input into the MAV’s professional development program for councillors, identifies ongoing areas of need within the sector to be addressed, and encourages participation of colleagues in the MAV professional development program. MAV Strategic Environment Advisory Group Provides advice to the MAV Board on environmental issues of importance to local government and the needs and issues of members for delivery of environmental outcomes. to furthering reconciliation between non-Indigenous and Indigenous Victorians. MAV Strategic Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Group Provides advice to the MAV on infrastructure and transport issues impacting on local governments and assists the MAV Board to carry forward key policies and campaigns in this area. Local Government Indigenous Network Network of councillors and council officers interested in promoting Indigenous issues within Victorian local government. Other MAV Committees Clearwater (formerly Stormwater Capacity Building) Steering Committee Committee directs development and delivery of statewide education and training program for local government and industry professionals in sustainable management of urban stormwater. Comprises EPA, Melbourne Water, Stormwater Industry Association of Victoria and LGPro. EPA/MAV State Environmental Protection Policy Implementation Steering Committee (SEPP) Comprises senior MAV and EPA staff to oversee development and delivery of joint project aimed at improving local government implementation of the SEPP (Waters of Victoria). Good Governance Advisory Group Joint initiative of MAV, VLGA, LGPro and the Department for Victorian Communities. Indigenous Interagency Coordination Committee Comprises representatives from State and Federal government agencies involved in service delivery to Indigenous people, and representatives from local government. Role to assist local government and other agencies to maintain and improve governance responsibilities for Indigenous communities, and whole-of-government approach MAV Audit Committee Advisory committee established by MAV Board to oversee and make recommendation to the MAV on potential risk exposures to the organisation and its management. MAV Competition Committee Discussion and consultation on competition policy and Local Government Improvement Incentive Program (LGIIP), and issues of training, implementation and compliance. MAV/EcoRecycle EcoBuy Steering Committee Representatives from funding partners, provides direction for EcoBuy program. MAV/EcoRecycle Victoria Liaison Committee Quarterly forum for senior MAV staff, EcoRecycle Victoria and the EcoRecycle Board to consider and advance strategic waste management issues of mutual interest and relevance to both State and local government. MAV Insurance Committee Management Committee established under deed by the MAV Board to oversee arrangements for Civic Mutual Plus (CMP) and the Municipal Officers Fidelity Guarantee Fund, and provide recommendations where required to the MAV Board. MAV IT Management Committee Plans, coordinates and supports information technology and communication initiatives for better delivery of council services and to reduce ITC costs. MAV Library Working Party Provides support to the MAV on campaigning for improved outcomes for councils in public library funding, policy input and planning. MAV PERIN Reference Group Provides advice to the MAV on issues with the infringement system and the enforcement of outstanding infringement notices. It is composed of council officers from predominantly metropolitan Melbourne. MAV/VicRoads Liaison Group Facilitates regular consultation between the MAV and VicRoads at executive level to identify issues of mutual concern and to establish arrangements for more detailed consideration and resolution. National ECO-Buy Alliance Aims to support and partner other states and territories in establishment of successful green purchasing programs. Membership comprises the MAV, Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA), Local Government Association Queensland (LGAQ), ACT Chief Minister’s Department, Local Government & Shires Association of NSW, NSW Buy Recycled Alliance and NZ Ministry of Environment. Public Lighting Reference Group Council officers actively involved in advancing public lighting issues. Issues include energy efficiency of public lighting, pricing systems and market regulation. Victorian Local Sustainability Network Group of councils and stakeholders actively pursuing local sustainability approaches such as Local Agenda/Action 21. Meetings offer networking opportunities for exchange of ideas on sustainability. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 33 financial overview Structure and accountabilities In accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Association Act 1907 and applicable accounting standards, the economic activity of the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), the Municipal Officers’ Fidelity Guarantee Fund and Local Government Mutual Liability Insurance Scheme (Civic Mutual Plus) is reported to the members as an economic entity within the annual accounts. The combined activities are shown as the consolidated account and the Municipal Association of Victoria, being the parent entity, is shown separately Financial results – MAV as the MAV General Fund. In 2005, the MAV incurred a deficit for the year of $166,370 (2004 The MAV represents local government in Victoria. One of the $38,479). The result, inclusive of grants received and expended for activities of the MAV is to seek out, apply for, and administer grant the 2005 year, was a surplus of $718,583 (2004 $223,900 deficit) funds for and on behalf of its members for the benefit of local with net assets rising to $4.43 million (2004 $3.71 million). government and the Victorian community. This activity of the During 2005 the MAV received a further $4.95 million (2004 $2.27 Association has been accounted for as a segment and included at million) in grants from both Federal and State governments. It was a Note 21 in the financial statements. year when the MAV delivered on several significant projects that had The MAV financial statements also include activities of its insurance been funded by grants from both Federal and State governments. business, MAV Insurance, which operates the Municipal Officers’ These grants are managed by the MAV for the benefit of the local Fidelity Guarantee Fund and the Local Government Mutual Liability government sector and Victorian communities. The surplus relating Insurance Scheme (Civic Mutual Plus) for the benefit of councils and to grant activities was $885,000 for the year ended 30 June 2005 other local authorities. Both insurance activities are mutual funds as compared to a deficit in 2004 of $262,000. and are subject to the overseeing of the Association’s Board of Consequently, as at 30 June 2005 the MAV has a commitment to Management, which acts through a committee of management expend $3.0 million (2004 $2.1 million) of grants funds on projects constituted by the Board (the MAV Insurance Committee of for the benefit of local government and Victorian communities. Management). During 2005 the MAV achieved solid project delivery and firm The MAV Insurance Committee of Management carries out cost control. overseeing and contract management of the operational activities of both the Municipal Officers’ Fidelity Guarantee Fund and Civic The operating surplus of the consolidated entity was $1.89 million Mutual Plus. Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Ltd provides the claims and (2004 $2.46 million). This had the affect of increasing the net assets risk management services under contract to the MAV. of the MAV from $12.69 million in 2004 to $14.57 million this year. 34 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Civic Mutual Plus Prudent management and improved performance of the fund’s members has seen an improvement in this years result. Financial results – MAV Insurance The MAV Insurance business consists of Civic Mutual Plus and The Municipal Officers’ Fidelity Guarantee Fund. Under the Municipal Association Act 1907 the MAV is required to provide public liability and can provide fidelity insurance to local government and to other statutory authorities. MAV Insurance is not subject to Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) regulations. However, the MAV Insurance Committee of Management views compliance with these regulations as being good business governance and practice and has a policy of complying with the spirit of the APRA regulations. The MAV holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (No 27143). The AFSL ensures that MAV Insurance maintains the highest standards of governance, provides operational efficiency and enhances future viability of the MAV Insurance business for the betterment of both the Scheme and Fund members. 2005 was a year of consolidation for the insurance industry. With prudent financial management, MAV Insurance has achieved an excellent outcome for the year. The introduction of tort reform is starting to provide financial benefits to Civic Mutual Plus. In addition, evidence suggests that tort reform has also had a positive impact on the under-excess claims paid by CMP Scheme members. The combined surplus for 2005 was $1.7 million (2004 $2.7 million). The net asset position at the end of 2005 was $10.14 million (2004 $8.97 million). The fund is still dealing with · the failure of two insurance companies that directly impacted this year’s results · the abolition of the non feasance defence for road authorities. The Board of the MAV has considered these matters carefully, and has decided to take a conservative approach by providing fully for the potential losses from these occurrences. The general insurance environment also improved and together with strong financial management this has led to stable returns for the year. The operating surplus of Civic Mutual Plus for this year was $1.4 million (2004 $2.8 million). The surplus of assets against liabilities at 30 June 2005 was $10 million (2004 $8.6 million). Municipal Officers’ Fidelity Guarantee Fund During 2005 the Fidelity Guarantee Fund again experienced higher reinsurance premium payments, up by 23.8%, as against an increase of 32.5% in 2004. The year included continuing high claims expenditure – $412,833 in 2004 to $329,786 in 2005. The major fraud claims on the Fund during the year were in the area of electronic funds transfer. The operating deficit for 2005 was $215,289 (2004 deficit $111,264). The net asset position of the Fund reduced to $146,816 (2004 $362,105) with cash assets amounting to $352,506 (2004 $236,108). MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 35 guide to the financials The financial report is a key part of the Annual Report of the Municipal Association Victoria (MAV). It shows how the MAV performed financially during the 2004/05 financial year and the position at the end of the financial year (30 June 2005). The financial report is presented in accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards and the recommendations of the Urgent Issues Group. The MAV is a not-for-profit association that represents its members who are the 79 local governments authorities around Victoria. The MAV also runs the MAV Insurance business. The business consists of two entities, Civic Mutual Plus (public liability and professional Financial Statements indemnity insurer) and the Municipal Officers’ Fidelity Guarantee Fund. The MAV also manages grants received from Federal and 1. Statement of financial performance State governments for and on behalf of the local government sector. The statement of financial performance shows · The MAV’s revenue from its various activities All these different interests are accounted for separately and then consolidated into the MAV financial report. · The expenses incurred in running the MAV and its business activities. The MAV is committed to accountability in all respects of its operations. It is with this in mind that this plain English guide has been developed to assist readers understand and analyse the financial report. These expenses relate only to the business operations and do not include the costs associated with the purchase of assets. The expense item ‘depreciation’ spreads the cost of the assts over the estimated life of the assets. What is contained in the annual financial report? 2. Statement of Financial Position The Statement of Financial Position shows the assets the Association owns and the liabilities it owes a the 30th June. The financial report contains three main sections – the financial statements, the notes to the financial statements, and the statements by the directors and auditors. The statement separates the assets and liabilities into current and non-current. Current means those assets or liabilities that will be either collected or that fall due within the next twelve months. The financial statements include the statement of financial performance, statement of financial position and statement of cash flow. The components of the Statement of Financial Position are The notes to the financial statements detail the MAV’s accounting policies and sets out the detailed values that are carried into the financial statements. The statements by directors and auditors provide the views of the directors of the MAV and the independent auditors with regard to the financial report. The statement by directors confirms the view of the directors that the financial report provides a true and fair view of the financial performance, financial position and solvency of the Association. The audit report by the independent auditor expresses the auditor’s opinion as the whether the financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Association as at 30 June 2005, and the results of the various business operations and cash flows for the year ended 30 June 2005 in accordance with Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional report requirements. 36 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 2.1Current and Non-Current Assets Cash Assets include cash held in the bank, petty cash, cash deposits and cash investments. Receivables are monies owned to the Association. Prepayments are payments made in the current financial year, which relate to the next financial year (ie annual subscriptions). Property, Plant and Equipment represents the value of the equipment, furniture and fittings, computers, trademarks, web site and intranet and motor vehicles owned by the Association. Intangible Assets are trademarks, educations programs and other intellectual property owned by the Association. Other Financial Assets represent the value of shares held by the Association in the Co-operative Purchasing Scheme. 2.2Current and Non-Current Liabilities Bank Overdraft indicates the amount the Association owes its bankers on its daily operating account. Payables are monies owed by the Association to its suppliers as at 30 June. Premiums In Advance is insurance premiums relating to the next financial year billed to members of the insurance fund before 30 June. Provision for Employee Entitlements is the accounting term for annual leave, long service leave and staff retirement gratuities owed to staff. Provision for Claims Outstanding represents insurance claims reported by members together with an estimate of claims incurred but not yet reported including an estimate of the costs of settlement for these claims. Other Liabilities represent insurance premiums received in advance and fees received in advance for seminars and conferences to be Notes To The Financial Statements held in the 2005 financial year. 2.3Total Equity Total Equity describes the components making up net assets. In effect, the only component that comprises Total Equity is Accumulated Surplus which is the value of all net assets accumulated over time. 3. Statement of Cash Flows The Statement of Cash Flows summaries cash payments and cash receipts for the year. The values may differ from those shown in the Statement of Financial Performance because the Statement of Financial Performance is prepared on an accrual basis. Cash is derived from, and is used in, two main areas: 3.1Cash Flows from Operating Activities Receipts relate to al cash received into the Association’s bank account from members and others who owed money to the Association in the form of fees or premiums. Receipts also include interest earned from the Association’s cash investments. It does not include cash paid for the sale of assets. Payments relate to all cash paid out of the Association’s bank account to staff, creditors and others. It does not include receipts from the purchase of assets. 3.2Cash Flows from Investing Activities This relates to cash receipts and cash payments resulting from either sale or purchase of property, plant and equipment. The Statement of Cash Flows concludes with ‘cash at end of year’, which indicates the cash the Association has at 30 June to meets its debts and liabilities. To enable the reader to understand the basis on which the values shown in the statement are established, it is necessary to provide details of the Association’s accounting policies. These are described in Note 1. Apart from the accounting policies, the notes also give details behind many of the summary figures contained in the statements. The note numbers are shown beside the relevant items in the statement of financial performance, statement of financial position and the statement of cash flows. Where the Association wishes to disclose other information, which cannot be incorporated into the statements, this is shown in the notes. The notes should be read at the same time as reading the financial statement in order to get a full and clear picture of the financial statement. Statements By Directors And Auditors Statement By Directors The Statement By Directors is made by two directors on behalf of the MAV Board. It states that in the opinion of the Board the financial statements present a true and fair view of the operations of the Association and that the Association can pay its debts as and when they fall due. Independent Audit Report This report is the independent auditor’s opinion on the financial statements. It provides the reader of the financial statements with a completely independent opinion of the financial statements of the Association. The opinion covers all statutory and accounting standards and compliance requirements as well as providing a view on the truth and fairness of the financial statement. MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 37 glossary ABCB – Australian Building Codes Board ABM – Association of Bayside Municipalities ALGA – Australian Local Government Association ALGWA – Australian Local Government Women's Association CCC – Community Care Coalition CEGS – Culturally Equitable Gateways Strategy CFM – Community Forest Management CSF – Community Support Fund DHS – Department of Human Services DoI – Department of Infrastructure DSE – Department of Sustainability and Environment DVC – Department for Victorian Communities EPA – Environment Protection Authority EPC – Environment Protection Council FDC – Family Day Care GGAG – Good Governance Advisory Group HACC – Home and Community Care IMFMP – Integrated Municipal Fire Management Planning LGAQ – Local Government Association of Queensland LGIIP – Local Government Improvement Incentive Program LRRN – Local and Regional Resource Networks MCHS – Maternal and Child Health Services MEYP – Municipal Early Years Plans MFESB – Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board NCP – National Competition Policy NPC – National Packaging Covenant OESC – Office of the Emergency Services Commissioner PAG – Planning Advisory Group PBS – Performance Based Standards PCAC – Premier’s Children’s Advisory Committee PERIN – Penalty Enforcement by Registration of Infringement Notice RIS – Regulatory Impact Statement RM – Road Management RMPs Road Management Plans R2R – Roads To Recovery SEPP – State Environmental Protection Policy URL – Urban Rural Links SIAV – Stormwater Industry Association of Victoria VCAT – Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal VEC – Victorian Electoral Commission VLGA – Victorian Local Governance Association WCMA – Wimmera Catchment Management Authority WALGA – Western Australian Local Government Association WPILGC – Women’s Participation in Local Government Coalition 38 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 Published by Municipal Association of Victoria Level 12, 60 Collins Street Melbourne 3000 Telephone: 03 9667 5555 Facsimile: 03 9667 5550 GPO Box 4326 Melbourne 3001 E-mail: Website: Writers Costigan & Murphy Photography Steven Diffey Photography Design Frank Design Pty Ltd MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2005 MAV ANNUAL REPORT 2004/5 39 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 CONSOLIDATED NOTE 2005 $ MAV - GENERAL FUND 2004 $ 2005 2004 $ $ REVENUE FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 2, 3 61,565,779 49,946,566 9,687,690 7,277,598 EXPENSES FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 4(b) 59,680,127 47,490,651 8,969,107 7,501,498 2 1,885,652 2,455,915 718,583 (223,900) 16 1,885,652 2,455,915 718,583 (223,900) SURPLUS(DEFICIT) FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES TOTAL CHANGES IN EQUITY The accompanying notes form an integral part of these statements MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 41 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 30 JUNE 2005 CONSOLIDATED NOTE 2005 $ MAV - GENERAL FUND 2004 $ 2005 $ 2004 $ CURRENT ASSETS Cash Assets 8(a) 25,830,204 20,154,086 4,339,500 3,318,973 Receivables 9 40,483,814 44,048,992 802,376 508,235 Prepayments TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 280,168 114,823 280,168 114,823 66,594,186 64,317,901 5,422,044 3,942,031 51,970,077 44,626,582 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Receivables 9 - - Property, Plant and Equipment 1(e),11 578,841 599,778 578,841 599,778 Intangibles 1(e),12 160,520 93,865 160,520 93,865 Other Financial Assets 10 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 52,709,448 TOTAL ASSETS 10 45,320,235 119,303,634 109,638,136 10 10 739,371 693,653 6,161,415 4,635,684 CURRENT LIABILITIES Payables 3,905,043 3,412,894 29,975,891 29,205,209 Premiums in Advance 10 Provision for Employee Entitlements 15 282,708 240,825 Provision for Claims Outstanding 13 17,015,589 13,780,202 Other Current Liabilities 88,140 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 51,267,371 1,049,983 472,462 - 282,708 240,825 - - 111,064 88,140 111,064 46,750,194 1,420,831 824,351 124,300 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Provision for Employee Entitlements 15 124,300 98,097 Provision for Claims Outstanding 13 53,153,955 50,101,954 Other Non-Current Liabilities 184,465 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS EQUITY 16 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these statements. 42 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 98,097 - - - 184,465 - 53,462,720 50,200,051 308,765 98,097 104,730,091 96,950,245 1,729,596 922,448 14,573,543 12,687,891 4,431,819 3,713,236 14,573,543 12,687,891 4,431,819 3,713,236 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS AS AT 30 JUNE 2005 CONSOLIDATED NOTE 2005 $ MAV - GENERAL FUND 2004 $ 2005 $ 2004 $ CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES RECEIPTS Subscriptions, Grants and Fees 46,510,145 Investment Income Excesses and Recoveries 45,117,397 10,580,819 1,036,681 880,295 192,915 15,318,370 12,705,898 7,780,746 211,212 - - PAYMENTS Suppliers (40,432,431) (38,717,627) Claim Payments (16,413,015) (15,984,094) NET CASH PROVIDED BY/(USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES 8(b) (9,409,575) (8,683,478) - - 6,019,750 4,001,869 1,364,159 (691,520) 88,064 247,772 88,064 247,772 Payments for Fixed Assets & Intangibles (431,696) (568,337) (431,696) (568,337) NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES (343,632) (320,565) (343,632) (320,565) NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH HELD 5,676,118 3,681,304 1,020,527 (1,012,085) 20,154,086 16,472,782 3,318,973 4,331,058 25,830,204 20,154,086 4,339,500 3,318,973 CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of Fixed Assets Cash at Beginning of Year CASH AT END OF YEAR 8(a) The accompanying notes form an integral part of these statements. MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 43 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 30 JUNE 2005 1 SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial report is a general purpose financial report which has been drawn up in accordance with Accounting Standards, Mandatory Professional Reporting Requirements (Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views) and other relevant requirements. The principal accounting policies adopted in preparing the financial report are stated to assist in a general understanding of the financial report. Accounting policies have been consistently applied unless otherwise indicated. (a) Basis of Accounting The accounts have been prepared on the accrual basis using historical costs and, except where stated, do not take into account current valuations of assets. (b) Principles of Consolidation The economic entity comprises the financial report of Municipal Association of Victoria and of its 100 percent controlled entities the Local Government Mutual Liability Insurance Scheme (trading as Civic Mutual Plus, - CMP), and Municipal Officers’ Fidelity Guarantee Fund. A controlled entity is any entity controlled by Municipal Association of Victoria (Incorporated under the Municipal Association Act 1907). Control exists where Municipal Association of Victoria has the capacity to dominate the decision-making in relation to the financial and operating policies of another entity so that the other entity operates with Municipal Association of Victoria to achieve the objectives of Municipal Association of Victoria. The affects of all transactions between entities in the consolidated entity have been eliminated. (c) Change in Accounting Policy – Insurance Activities The MAV Insurance Committee requested the independent actuary to provide an estimate of the provision required to cover claims settlement administrative expenses that would be incurred in managing all outstanding claims in the event that Civic Mutual Plus winds down. This practice is consistent with insurance industry standards. In accordance with the recommendation of the independent actuary the Committee has decided to provide 4% of the gross outstanding claims estimates (including gross IBNR and Development) as the provision for claims settlement administration costs. This provision has been established over the last two-years. As a result of the change in accounting policy the surplus for the 2005 financial has been reduced by $163,001(2004 $1,257,798) (d) Income Tax The Association is exempt from income tax, in accordance with sections 50-10 and 50-25 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (e) Property, plant, equipment, trademarks and intellectual property Property, plant, equipment, trademarks and intellectual property are carried at cost, less where applicable, any accumulated depreciation or amortisation. The carrying amount of property, plant, equipment, trademarks and intellectual property is reviewed annually by directors to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount from those assets. The recoverable amount is assessed on the basis of the expected net cash flows that will be received from the assets employment and subsequent disposal. The expected net cash flows have not been discounted to present values in determining recoverable amounts. On disposal of an item of property, plant, equipment, trademarks and intellectual property the difference between the sales proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset is recognised as a gain or loss. The depreciable amount of all fixed assets including buildings and capitalised leased assets are depreciated/amortised on a straight line basis over their estimated useful lives to the entity commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use. Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the shorter of either the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated useful lives of the improvements. THE FOLLOWING DEPRECIATION RATES ARE IN USE: 20% Furniture and Equipment at cost 20 – 33% Motor Vehicles at cost 20% Interactive Communications System at cost 33% Software, Web Site and Intranet at cost Trademarks, Intellectual Property & Educational programs at cost 44 ANNUAL RATE Leasehold Improvements at cost MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 33% 10 – 20% NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 (f) Leases A distinction is made between finance leases which, effectively transfer from the lessor to the lessee substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of the leased property, without transferring the legal ownership, and operating leases under which the lessor effectively retains substantially all the risks and benefits. Where assets are acquired by means of finance leases, the present value of minimum lease payments is established as an asset at the beginning of the lease term and amortised on a straight line basis over the expected economic life. A corresponding liability is also established and each lease payment is allocated between such liability and interest expense. Operating lease payments are charged to expense on a basis which is representative of the pattern of benefits derived from the leased property. Lease incentives received under operating leases are recognised as a liability. (g) Employee Entitlements The following liabilities arising in respect of employee entitlements are measured at their nominal amounts: wages and salaries, annual leave and sick leave regardless whether they are expected to be settled within twelve months of balance date. Other employee entitlements that are expected to be settled within twelve months of balance date. All other employee entitlements, including long service leave, are measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows in respect of services provided up to balance date. Liabilities are determined after taking into consideration estimated future increase in wages and salaries and past experience regarding staff departures. Related on-costs are included. Contributions made to an employee superannuation fund are charged as expenses when incurred. (h) Revenue Recognition INTEREST REVENUE Interest revenue is recognised on a time proportionate basis that takes into account the effective yield on the financial asset. GRANT REVENUE Grants are recognised as revenue when the Association obtains control over the assets comprising the contribution. Control ov er the grants is normally obtained upon their receipt or upon prior notification that a grant has been secured. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND SPONSORSHIPS Subscriptions and Sponsorships are recognised on an accrual basis. SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES RELATING TO INSURANCE ACTIVITIES (i) Premiums Premiums comprise amounts charged to members of the Schemes for policy cover, net of amounts returned to members as bonuses. The earned portion of premiums received is recognised as revenue. Premiums are treated as earned from date of attachment of risk. The pattern of recognition over the policy is based on time, which is considered to closely approximate the pattern of risks undertaken. (j) Premiums Receivable During the month of June each year, the Schemes issue premium notices to Scheme Members. The risk attaches to the premiums in the next accounting period and accordingly the revenue is recognised each following year commencing 1 July. (k) Claims Claims incurred expense and liability for outstanding claims are recognised in respect of direct business. The liability covers claims incurred but not yet paid, incurred but not yet reported claims, and the anticipated direct and indirect costs of settling those claims. Claims outstanding are assessed by reviewing individual claim files and estimating claims not notified and settlement costs using statistical and actuarial techniques. The liability for outstanding claims is measured as the present value of the expected future payments, reflecting the fact that all the claims do not have to be paid out in the immediate future. The expected future payments are estimated on the basis of the ultimate cost of settling claims, which is affected by factors arising during the period to settlement such as normal inflation and “superimposed inflation”. Advice from the MAV’s actuary has estimated normal and superimposed inflation to be 6% (2004 6%)and the discount rate at 5.2% (2004 5.5%) Superimposed inflation refers to factors such as trends in court awards, for example increases in the level and period of compensation for injury. The expected future payments are then discounted to a present value at the reporting date using discount rates based on the investment opportunities available to the organisation on the amounts of funds sufficient to meet claims as they became payable. Details of rates applied are disclosed in note 13. MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 45 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 (l) Excesses and Recoveries Excesses and other recoveries are brought to account when established at the time of consideration of the claims details and only where a definite set of circumstances exist which will support the credibility of the justification of obtaining either a recovery of excess from scheme member or recovery of claim cost from a third party. (m) Revenue Recognition Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefit will flow to the entity and the revenue can be reliably measured. The following specific recognition criteria must also be met before revenue is recognised. (i) Premiums – recognised in the period the fund is at risk. (ii) Excesses and Recoveries – on an accruals basis. (iii) Investment Income – on an accruals basis including adjustments to bring values of cash backed unit trusts to account as investment income. (n) Provision for Reinsurance Recoveries During the 2001 financial year two of the participants in the Scheme’s reinsurance program were placed into the hands of liquidators. These companies were part of the reinsurance programs in fund years from 1994 to 1998. The Directors have determined that sufficient information to reasonably estimate the extent and timing of the return to the Scheme from the liquidators of these companies is not currently available. The Directors therefore determined in the 2001 year that the most prudent course of action was to provide against 100% of the estimated future recoveries due from these insurers. The Directors continue to constantly monitor the position with a view to ensuring that the Scheme takes all reasonable steps to protect its position and to maximise potential recoveries. The Board is monitoring the provision made during the 2001 year. The information made available by the liquidators to date regarding potential returns to unsecured creditors is not considered to be sufficient for the Board to make any change to the level of the provision. As at the date of this report the Directors are of the view that the potential for any recovery is still uncertain and the policy of providing against 100% of the estimated future recoveries due from these insurers is continuing. (o) Investment Income Investment income is recognised on a time proportionate basis that takes into account the effective yield on the financial asset. (p) Other Financial Assets Investments are valued at net market value at balance sheet date. Investment income includes interest received and receivable on investments and changes in net market values of investments in unit trusts. The schemes have adopted a policy of investing in secure investments backed by fixed interest securities of amounts and terms broadly matching its liabilities for claims and unearned contributions. (q) Comparative Figures Where necessary, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform with changes in presentation in the current year. 46 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 CONSOLIDATED 2005 $ 2 MAV - GENERAL FUND 2004 $ 2005 $ 2004 $ CONTRIBUTION TO OPERATING SURPLUS CONTRIBUTION FROM INSURANCE ACTIVITIES Premium income 30,360,081 Catastrophe insurance 29,784,412 (23,128,011) (22,511,076) NET INCOME BEFORE CLAIMS 7,232,070 Claims expense (Note 4(a)) 7,273,336 (23,907,535) (13,906,333) Excesses and Recoveries 21,206,941 12,561,825 NET CLAIMS EXPENSE (2,700,594) (1,344,508) 4,531,476 5,928,828 848,927 674,730 UNDERWRITING RESULT Investment income Reduction in Doubtful Reinsurance Debts Administration and general expenses INSURANCE ACTIVITY OPERATING SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) PARENT ENTITY SURPLUS / DEFICIT OPERATING SURPLUS 355,377 36,946 (4,568,711) (3,960,689) 1,167,069 2,679,815 718,583 (223,900) 1,885,652 2,455,915 CONSOLIDATED 2005 $ 3 MAV - GENERAL FUND 2004 $ 2005 2004 2,030,588 2,020,263 $ $ REVENUE FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES REVENUES FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Subscriptions/premiums 32,324,809 31,804,675 Insurance excesses and recoveries 21,206,941 12,561,825 1,190,426 1,092,588 1,190,426 1,092,588 Seminars & sale of publications 706,482 629,599 706,482 629,599 Project, sponsorship and management income 227,048 461,355 699,048 813,354 4,769,193 2,269,166 4,769,193 2,269,166 60,424,899 48,819,208 9,395,737 6,824,970 1,052,816 879,586 203,889 204,856 88,064 247,772 88,064 247,772 Brokerage and Management Fees Income Grant income Total Revenue from operating activities - - REVENUES FROM NON-OPERATING ACTIVITIES Investment Income Proceeds from Sale of Non Current Assets TOTAL REVENUE FROM OUTSIDE THE OPERATING ACTIVITIES TOTAL REVENUE FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 1,140,880 1,127,358 291,953 452,628 61,565,779 49,946,566 9,687,690 7,277,598 CONSOLIDATED NOTE 2005 $ 2004 $ 4(a)CLAIMS EXPENSES Paid Outstanding claims at end of financial year Outstanding claims at beginning of financial year TOTAL CLAIMS EXPENSES 13 17,620,147 17,193,571 70,169,544 63,882,156 (63,882,156) (67,169,394) 23,907,535 13,906,333 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 47 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 CONSOLIDATED 2005 $ MAV - GENERAL FUND 2004 $ 2005 $ 2004 $ 4(b)OPERATING EXPENSES The following items have been recognised in the operating surplus (deficit): Claims expense 23,907,535 13,906,333 - - Reinsurance Expense 23,128,011 22,511,076 - - - - - - Doubtful Reinsurance Recovery Stamp Duty General Scheme Expenses (36,946) 1,970,768 238,699 251,590 Salary and Payroll Costs 1,908,185 1,802,751 1,908,185 1,802,751 Grants, Projects and Legal 3,789,263 2,656,324 3,789,263 2,656,324 Administration 1,672,100 987,551 1,438,668 1,079,469 271,597 151,474 271,597 151,474 248,564 Operating lease rental expense Superannuation Contributions Scheme Management Fee Meetings and Seminars 248,564 194,297 1,590,167 1,478,250 - - 194,297 - - 561,432 667,243 561,432 667,243 Written down value of Non- current assets disposed of. 64,382 216,488 64,382 216,488 Depreciation Leasehold Improvements 18,694 60,075 18,694 60,075 Depreciation Furniture and Equipment 49,650 90,585 49,650 90,585 Depreciation Motor Vehicles 92,045 74,959 92,045 74,959 Amortisation of Website, Educational programs and Trademarks Board of Management Expenses ALGA Membership TOTAL EXPENDITURE 5 (355,377) 1,968,553 52,076 27,082 52,076 27,082 167,600 179,315 167,600 179,315 306,951 301,436 306,951 301,436 59,680,127 47,490,651 8,969,107 7,501,498 LEASING COMMITMENTS Operating lease commitments, being for lease of computer and other equipment: Not later than one year 22,372 14,000 22,372 14,000 Later than one year but not later than five years 11,186 21,000 11,186 21,000 TOTAL LEASE COMMITMENT 33,558 35,000 33,558 35,000 254,785 20,213 254,785 20,213 1,435,198 1,366,334 1,435,198 1,366,334 916,593 1,303,307 916,593 1,303,307 2,606,576 2,689,854 2,606,576 2,689,854 47,700 53,855 19,000 12,855 Operating lease commitments, being for lease of leasehold premises: Not later than one year Later than one year but not later than five years Later than five years TOTAL LEASE COMMITMENT 6 AUDITORS REMUNERATION Amounts received or due and receivable for audit services: Audit Services Other Services 48 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 - - - - NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 CONSOLIDATED 2005 $ 7 MAV - GENERAL FUND 2004 $ 2005 $ 2004 $ SCHEME MANAGEMENT FEES Scheme management fees are paid to the Scheme Manager for: 8 Risk Management and Administrative Services 1,590,167 1,478,250 Claims management 1,301,046 1,209,478 TOTAL SCHEME MANAGEMENT FEES 2,891,213 2,687,728 NOTES TO STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, the Association considers cash to include cash in hand, cash at bank, certificates of deposit with short terms to maturity, bank bills and other financial assets. All of the surplus funds of the Civic Mutual Plus Scheme are invested at market rates with UBS Asset Management (Aust) Ltd in their Cash Enhanced Cash Fund and their Australian Bond Fund. Investments are brought to account at net market value at balance date. (a) Cash at balance date as shown in the Statement of Cash Flows is reconciled to the related items in the Financial Position as follows: CONSOLIDATED 2005 $ MAV - GENERAL FUND 2004 $ 2005 $ 4,339,500 2004 $ Cash 15,293,081 10,708,619 Other financial assets 10,537,123 9,445,467 3,318,973 TOTAL CASH 25,830,204 20,154,086 4,339,500 3,318,973 - - (b) Reconciliation of Net Cash Used In Operating Activities to Operating Surplus/(Deficit) Surplus (Deficit) for year 1,885,652 2,455,915 718,583 (223,900) Depreciation &Amortisation 212,465 252,566 212,465 252,566 Doubtful reinsurance 355,377 - (Surplus)/deficit on disposal of assets (23,683) (31,285) - - (23,683) (31,285) Changes in assets and liabilities (Increase)/decrease in accounts receivable (Increase)/decrease in prepayments Increase/(decrease) in accounts payable Increase / (decrease) in provision for employee entitlements Increase/(decrease) in outstanding claims Increase/(decrease) in accrued revenue (4,271,131) (294,140) 165,614 (165,345) (41,254) (165,345) (41,254) 922,379 (210,634) 871,118 (514,450) 68,086 47,542 68,086 47,542 6,287,388 (3,287,238) 748,562 409,000 Increase/(decrease) in LAS Liability CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATIONS 4,661,108 6,019,750 (22,925) (253,851) 4,001,869 1,364,159 (92,502) (253,851) (691,520) MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 49 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 CONSOLIDATED NOTE 9 2005 $ MAV - GENERAL FUND 2004 $ 2005 2004 $ $ RECEIVABLES Reinsurance and other recoveries receivable 1(l) Discount to Present Value 83,837,756 79,058,485 (11,115,162) (12,950,150) 72,722,594 66,108,335 Provision for Doubtful Reinsurance Recoveries (6,832,663) (7,188,040) Net Reinsurance and other Recoveries Receivable 65,889,931 58,920,295 Excesses Recoverable Premiums receivable Other Receivables 1(j) 3,690,111 4,935,966 22,241,911 24,359,930 631,938 459,383 802,376 508,235 92,453,891 88,675,574 802,376 508,235 CURRENT 40,483,814 44,048,992 802,376 508,235 NON-CURRENT 51,970,077 44,626,582 TOTAL 92,453,891 88,675,574 29,975,891 29,205,209 Leasehold Improvements - at cost 397,008 397,008 397,008 397,008 Less accumulated depreciation 361,735 343,041 361,735 343,041 35,273 53,967 35,273 53,967 Furniture and Equipment -- at cost 456,236 388,028 456,236 388,028 Less accumulated depreciation 356,255 306,603 356,255 306,603 99,981 81,425 99,981 81,425 Motor vehicles - -at cost 512,116 448,546 512,116 448,546 Less accumulated depreciation 104,295 44,836 104,295 44,836 407,821 403,710 407,821 403,710 112,584 101,275 112,584 101,275 76,818 40,598 76,818 40,598 35,766 60,677 35,766 60,677 Interactive Communications System - at cost 287,913 287,913 287,913 287,913 Less accumulated depreciation 287,913 287,913 287,913 287,913 TOTAL PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 578,841 TOTAL RECEIVABLES REPRESENTED BY: 802,376 508,235 10 PREMIUMS IN ADVANCE Contributions billed in advance - - 11 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Software, Web site and Intranet Less accumulated amortisation - 50 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 599,778 578,841 599,778 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 CONSOLIDATED MAV - GENERAL FUND 2005 2004 2005 53,967 102,042 53,967 $ $ $ 2004 $ (a) Reconciliations Leasehold Improvements Movements during the year Beginning of year Additions - 12,000 102,042 - 12,000 Depreciation 18,694 60,075 18,694 60,075 End of year 35,273 53,967 35,273 53,967 Beginning of year 81,425 130,968 81,425 130,968 Additions 80,475 41,042 80,475 41,042 Write Offs 12,269 Depreciation 49,650 90,585 49,650 90,585 End of year 99,981 81,425 99,981 81,425 Beginning of year 403,710 275,405 403,710 275,405 Additions 195,634 419,751 195,634 419,751 Disposals 99,478 216,487 99,478 216,487 Furniture and Equipment Movements during the year - 12,269 - Motor Vehicles Movements during the year Depreciation End of year 92,045 74,959 92,045 74,959 407,821 403,710 407,821 403,710 Interactive Communications System Movements during the year - Beginning of year - - - - Depreciation - - - - End of year - - - - Software, Web site and Intranet Movement during the year Beginning of year 60,677 40,875 60,677 40,875 Additions 11,309 43,625 11,309 43,625 Amortisation 36,220 23,823 36,220 23,823 End of year 35,766 60,677 35,766 60,677 179,636 97,124 179,636 97,124 19,116 3,259 19,116 3,259 160,520 93,865 160,520 93,865 12 INTANGIBLE ASSETS Trademarks and Intellectual Property Less accumulated amortisation MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 51 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 CONSOLIDATED NOTE 2005 2004 $ $ 13 OUTSTANDING CLAIMS Reported claims outstanding Provision for incurred but not reported claims, claims development and settlement costs Discount to present value 35,105,177 29,454,174 45,820,914 47,117,002 (10,756,547) (12,689,020) Total Outstanding Claims 70,169,544 63,882,156 Current 17,015,589 13,780,202 Non-Current 53,153,955 50,101,954 TOTAL CLAIMS PROVISION 70,169,544 63,882,156 COMPRISING: Actuarial advice indicates that: (a) The average term to settlement of outstanding claims is 2.9 years (2004: 3.6 years). (b) The following average inflation rates and discount rates were used in measuring the liability for outstanding claims. Inflation factor Discount rate 1(k) 6.0% 6.0% 5.2% 5.5% CONSOLIDATED 2005 2004 163,001 1,257,798 $ $ 14 NET CLAIMS INCURRED Allowance for claims settlement costs Net claims incurred: current financial year incidents Net Claims Settlement Costs Reassessment for prior years claims NET CLAIMS INCURRED 309,146 164,991 1,301,046 1,209,478 927,401 (1,287,759) 2,700,594 1,344,508 CONSOLIDATED 2005 $ MAV - GENERAL FUND 2004 2005 2004 $ $ $ 15 PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEE ENTITLEMENTS The aggregate amount of employee entitlement liability is comprised of: Provisions (Current) 282,708 240,825 282,708 240,825 Provisions (Non Current) 124,300 98,097 124,300 98,097 TOTAL EMPLOYEE ENTITLEMENTS 407,008 338,922 407,008 338,922 12,687,891 10,231,976 3,713,236 3,937,136 1,885,652 2,455,915 718,583 (223,900) 14,573,543 12,687,891 4,431,819 3,713,236 16 EQUITY Balance at beginning of Year Surplus (Deficit) from ordinary activities BALANCE AT END OF YEAR 52 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 17 Superannuation Contribution The Municipal Association of Victoria contributes in respect of its employees to both the Local Authorities Superannuation Fund’s LASPLAN and the Defined Benefits Fund. The amount of superannuation contributions paid by the Municipal Association of Victoria to the Local Authorities Superannuation Fund’s LASPLAN (or Accumulation Fund) and the Defined Benefits Fund during the reporting period was, $248,564 (2004 $194,297). The Municipal Association of Victoria contributes to LASPLAN based on a fixed percentage of employee earnings in accordance with the Superannuation Guarantee Legislation 9% in 2005 and 9% in 2004. No further liability accrues to the employer as the superannuation benefits accruing to employees are represented by their share of the net assets of the Fund. Contributions to the Defined Benefits Fund are determined by the Scheme’s actuary. The Funds liability for accrued benefits for defined benefit and defined contribution members was determined in the 31 December 2004 actuarial investigation carried out by Local Authorities Super pursuant to the requirements of Australian Accounting Standard AAS 25. The actuarial investigation calculated the Unfunded Superannuation Fund Liability in the Defined Benefits to be $127 million. The Municipal Association of Victoria’s portion of this unfunded superannuation liability, including contributions tax, was calculated to be $Nil (2004 $nil) 18 COMMITMENTS – UNEXPENDED GRANT MONIES The Association receives grant monies from various Federal and State Government Departments on behalf of Local Government. Grant monies received have been accounted for as income in accordance with Australian Accounting Standard 15 (AAS 15). At the end of the f inancial year the Association had commitments to expend grants totalling approximately $2,987,029 (2004 $2,103,090) after deducting an estimate of costs of administering the grants. 19 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS INTEREST RATE RISK EXPOSURE The Group’s exposure to interest rate risk and the effective average interest rate for the classes of financial assets is set out below: CONSOLIDATED NonInterest Earning MAV - GENERAL FUND Floating Non- Interest Rate Interest Earning Floating Interest Rate 2005 $ $ $ $ FINANCIAL ASSETS Bank 100,001 Cash Investments 10,946,309 - Receivables 92,453,891 Total Financial Assets 92,553,892 Weighted Average Interest Rate 92,730 14,783,894 - 25,730,203 4,246,770 802,376 - 895,106 4,246,770 5.8% 5.8% FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Outstanding claims 70,169,544 - Unearned premiums/subscriptions 30,064,030 - 88,140 - 3,905,043 - 1,049,983 - 104,138,617 - 1,138,123 - Accounts payable Total Financial Liabilities - - MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 53 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 CONSOLIDATED NonInterest Earning MAV - GENERAL FUND Floating Non- Interest Rate Interest Earning Floating Interest Rate 2004 $ $ $ $ FINANCIAL ASSETS Bank 233,631 Cash Investments 7,389,646 - Receivables 88,675,574 Total Financial Assets 88,909,205 233,631 12,530,809 - 19,920,455 Weighted Average Interest Rate 3,085,342 508,235 - 741,866 3,085,342 5.7% 5.86% FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Outstanding claims 63,882,156 - Unearned premiums/subscriptions 29,316,273 - 111,064 - 3,412,894 - 431,321 - 96,611,323 - 542,385 - Accounts payable Total Financial Liabilities - - The carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities represent their approximate net fair value. 19 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS INTEREST RATE RISK EXPOSURE (CONTINUED) Credit Risk Exposure The maximum credit risk exposure on financial assets is represented by the carrying amounts of assets recognised in the Financial Position. Concentrations of Credit Risk Receivables due from Debtors in specific industry segments expressed as a percentage of the total balance receivable: CONSOLIDATED 2005 $ MAV - GENERAL FUND 2004 $ 2005 $ 2004 $ State Government - - 8% 3% Local Government 33% 38% 78% 25% Reinsurers 67% 62% - - Apart from the foregoing, the entity had no significant concentrations of credit risk with any single ‘counter-party or group of counter-parties’. 20 RENT FREE PERIOD During the 2004 financial year the Association negotiated a new ten-year lease over the property at Level 12, 60 Collins Street with the Reserve Bank of Australia. The lease commenced on 1 March 2004 and had 15 months rent free period up to 31 May 2005. In accordance with UIG Abstract 3 “Lessee Accounting for Surplus Leased Space Under Non-Cancellable Operating Lease”, lease incentives received have been recognised as a liability. This liability recognised in respect of the lease incentive will be reduced by allocating lease rental payments between rental expense and reduction of the liability. The Association is of the view that the treatment adopted by the standard does not fully recognise the position with regard to not for profit enterprises. Members need be aware that even though a deficit has been booked due to implementing the accounting standard the cash benefit of the saving from the rent free period has been passed on to members by holding subscription levels down and the deficit shown in the accounts will be returned over the next 8 years of the lease rental contract. 54 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 61,565,779 2,455,915 49,946,566 49,946,566 2004 $ 1,885,652 2,455,915 104,730,091 (225,113) 104,730,091 568,337 252,701 96,950,245 96,950,245 - 431,696 212,465 119,303,634 109,638,136 (225,113) 119,303,634 109,638,136 1,885,652 61,565,779 2005 $ CONSOLIDATED TYPES OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES (886,646) 2004 4,453,293 (886,646) 2005 4,270,676 1,333,063 2004 $ ELIMINATIONS SEGMENT 21 SEGMENT INFORMATION – PRIMARY SEGMENT 2004 ASSOCIATION Insurance Grants Association 2005 2,472,305 1,333,063 (233,724) - - 822,308 - 5,275,601 521,032 241,059 798,480 2,393,480 38,479 1,267,203 (166,370) 2,612,764 1,184,131 339,121 197,488 (233,724) 5,537,879 2005 $ LOCAL GOVERNMENT 2004 $ 4,945,014 GRANTS 43,020,968 2005 $ 52,350,089 47,305 11,642 283,002 2,401,234 (262,389) 2,472,305 64,338 92,575 14,977 579,477 3,582,661 884,954 4,945,014 43,085,306 2,679,824 65,860 1,167,068 96,093,876 113,341,933 105,068,535 103,200,207 - - 52,415,949 INSURANCE Insurance including Public Liability, Professional Liability, Product Liability and Fidelity Guarantee. Obtains Federal and State Government grants and expends these grants on projects for the betterment of both local government and the community in Victoria Local Government Industry group and represents and provides support to Local Government and its communities in Victoria BUSINESS SEGMENTS OPERATING REVENUE Sales to Customers outside the group Inter-segment Sales TOTAL SEGMENT REVENUE TOTAL CONSOLIDATED REVENUE SEGMENT RESULT CONSOLIDATED ENTITY SURPLUS FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES ASSET S Segment Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITI ES Segment Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES OTHER SEGMENT INFORMATION: Acquisition of property, plant and and other non current equipment assets Depreciatio n 55 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 22 CONTINGENT ASSET Reinsurance Share of Profit The Association’s Local Government Mutual Liability Insurance Scheme (CMP), in conjunction with similar Local Government Self Insured Mutual Liability Schemes around Australia has entered into a profit sharing arrangement with its primary reinsurers, based on the National Local Government claims experience. The arrangement enables any surplus per each year over the five-year reinsurance period to be shared between the various Schemes and the reinsurers on a proportional basis. No amount is payable until June 2007 and, some of the surplus can only be redeemed on the commutation of the reinsurance policy. The actuary has calculated the potential value of the CMP Scheme’s profit share for the first two years of the five-year program, at balance date, to be $3.4 million. There is significant potential for future events to impact the profit share receivable and a number of variable factors involved in the final determination of the Scheme’s profit share. Accordingly the directors are not satisfied at 30 June 2005 that the potential benefit is an asset that is probable of receipt and reliably measurable. The financial statements do not include any value attributable to the share of profit. The position will be monitored on an annual basis. 23 CONTINGENT LIABILITY MAV Insurance provides cover to members up to a sum insured of $2million each and every claim and then arranges for insurance cover with each member with various insurers up to a sum insured of $300 million each and every claim. The $2million sum insured provided by MAV Insurance is reinsured through the international reinsurance market. There is uncertainty as to whether a portion of the premium paid to overseas based insurers for the insurance cover provided to each member in excess of the $2million sum insured provided by MAV Insurance is subject to withholding tax. If withholding tax is payable the amount of withholding tax liability has been estimated at $1.5 million. There is significant uncertainty in relation to whether withholding tax liability exists and if so as to the amount of any such liability.. 24 REPORTING STANDARDS (IFRS) The Association is required to prepare financial statements that comply with Australian equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (“A-IFRS”) for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005. Accordingly, the Association’s first annual financial report prepared under A-IFRS will be for the year ended 30 June 2006. In 2004, the Association established a process to manage the transition to A-IFRS. In consultation with the external auditors staff of the Association have completed the process set out and agreed in the document “Identifying the impact of AASB standards for 2005 (IFRSs Equivalents) on the financial reports of Australian entities.” This process is now complete. Likely Impacts of A-IFRS on the results and the financial position of the Association and Consolidated entity. The following reconciliation outlines the likely impacts on the current year result and financial position of the Association and Consolidated entity had the financial statements been prepared using A-IFRS, based on the accounting policy decisions current at the date of this financial report. Readers of the financial report should note that further developments in A-IFRS (for example, the release of further pronouncements by the Australian Accounting Standards Board and the Urgent Issues Group), if any, may result in changes to the accounting policy de cisions made by the Association and, consequently, the likely impacts outlined in the following reconciliation. NOTE CONSOLIDATED MAV - GENERAL FUND $’000 $’000 1,885 719 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING SURPLUS Operating Surplus (Deficit) (AGAAP) Net Claims aa OPERATING SURPLUS (DEFICIT) (A-IFRS) bb (57) - 1,828 719 14,574 4,432 RECONCILIATION OF NET ASSETS Net Assets (AGAAP) Provision for Claims Outstanding NET ASSETS (A-IFRS) aa (96) 14,478 4,432 aa Net Claims Under 5.1.8 of the revised accounting standard AASB 1023 for the reporting year ending 30 June 2006 a risk margin is required to be added to the central estimate of the present value of expected future payments. AASB 1047 requires disclosure of the impact of adopting this standard in the 2005 financial statements. Actuarial advice from the independent actuary to the Association has advised that a prudential margin of 20% of the next provision for outstanding claims is appropriate. These estimates have been included as an adjustment in the “Reconciliation of Operating Surplus” bb Revenue from ordinary activities Although not impacting the net surplus of the MAV – General Fund or the consolidated entity, the adoption of A-IFRS will result in a number of 56 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 NOTES TO AND FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2005 transactions being recorded on a “net” basis rather than a “gross” basis. In addition, the adoption of A-IFRS results in the reclassification of proceeds from the sale of non-current assets from “revenue from ordinary activities” to other income and expense items in the statement of financial performance. As a consequence, revenue from ordinary activities will decrease by $88,064 (MAV –General Fund $88,004), other expenses will decrease by $64,381 (MAV – General Account $64,381 and a gain on sale of non-current assets of $23,683 (MAV – General Fund $23,683) will be recognised for the financial year ended 30 June 2005. cc Defined benefit superannuation plan Under A-IFRS, the consolidated entity is required to recognise the surplus or deficit of defined benefit plans as an asset or liability in the statement of financial position. AASB 119 provides an exemption for multi employer sponsored funds where the assets and liabilities are pooled, which is the case with the defined benefits plan of the Local Authorities Superannuation Fund. The Association is a member of the Local Authorities Superannuation Fund. dd Property Plant Equipment and Intangible Assets Property, plant, equipment and intangible assets of the Association will be subject to an impairment test when there is an indication that impairment exists by reference to internal and external market factors. Any item of property, plant, equipment and intangible assets that is impaired must be written down to its recoverable amount. The amount of the impairment write down for assets carried at cost will be expensed through the statement of financial performance. Management has considered the carrying values of property, plant, equipment and intangible assets and considers that there is not material impact upon adoption of the AIFRS 25 RELATED PARTIES The Municipal Association of Victoria is a body corporate established under the Municipal Association Act of 1907 to provide services for and the representation of Local Government authorities in Victoria. The Association and its wholly owned controlled entities trade with its members in the normal course of business and on an arm’s length basis. The discreet nature of these transactions is not material. There were no material related party transactions during the year. Directors. Members During The Year G. Lake J. Ryan (Elected July 2004, Resigned November 2004) R J Fyffe J. Eisenbise (Resigned December 2004) D. Argall R. Perry (Resigned November 2004) J V Chandler R. Gross (Elected February 2005) S. Alessi C. Papas (Resigned February 2005) J Dale G. Davey (Resigned February 2005) M O’Shea B. Hampson (Elected February 2005) J. Amos (Elected February 2005) J. Bruce (Elected February 2005) J. Cutri (Elected February 2005) N. Melham (Elected June 2005) C. O’Neil (Elected September 2004 Resigned April 2005) CONSOLIDATED MAV - GENERAL FUND 2005 2004 2005 2004 167,599 179,315 167,599 179,315 $ $ $ $ Remuneration of Directors Total Income received or receivable by Directors MAV - GENERAL FUND 2005 2004 17 15 $10,000 - $19,999 1 1 $40,000 - $49,999 1 1 $ $ Number of Directors of parent entity whose total income falls within the following bands: $0 - $9,999 Loans to Directors No loans were made to or are payable by Directors Other Transactions There were no other material transactions with Directors. MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 57 STATEMENT BY DIRECTORS In the opinion of directors of The Municipal Association of Victoria: (a) the accompanying Statement of Financial Performance is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the surplus of the association for the year ended 30 June 2005; (b) the accompanying Statement of Financial Position is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the association as at that date; (c) at the date of this statement there are reasonable grounds to believe that the association will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due; and (d) the accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements give a true and fair view of the matters with which they deal. The financial statements and consolidated financial statements have been made out in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements. Signed in accordance with the resolution of directors. Geoff Lake President Melbourne 29 September 2005 58 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 John Chandler Director CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL REPORTSINDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT To the members of the Municipal Association of Victoria Scope We have audited the financial statements of The Municipal Association of Victoria for the financial year ended 30 June 2005 as set out on pages 41 to 58. The financial report includes the consolidated entity comprising the Municipal Association of Victoria and the entities it controlled at the year’s end or from time to time during the financial year. The Municipal Association of Victoria’s directors are responsible for the financial report. We have conducted an independent audit of this financial report in order to express an opinion on it to the members of the Municipal Association of Victoria. Our audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards to provide reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. Our procedures included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the financial report, and the evaluation of accounting policies and significant accounting estimates. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion whether, in all material respects, the financial report is presented fairly in accordance with Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements and statutory requirements so as to present a view which is consistent with our understanding of the Municipal Association of Victoria and the consolidated entity’s financial position and performance, as represented by the results of their operations and their cash flows. The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis. Audit Opinion In our opinion the financial statements present fairly in accordance with Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements the financial position of the Municipal Association of Victoria and the consolidated entity as at 30 June 2005 and the results of their operations and their cash flows for the year then ended. PKF R. A. Dean Partner Chartered Accountants A Victorian Partnership Melbourne 29 September 2005 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 59 OTHER INFORMATION Legal Form The Municipal Association of Victoria is an Association Incorporated by the Municipal Association Act 1907 Domicile: Melbourne, Australia Address of Registered Office and Principal Place of Business: Level 12, 60 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3000, Victoria, Australia Nature of the Operation and principal activities: The Municipal Association of Victoria represents, promotes and supports the interest of Victorian local governments and their communities. Employees Average number of equivalent full time employees during the year is 35.3 EFT. 60 MAV FINANCIAL REPORT 2004/5 Published by Municipal Association of Victoria Level 12, 60 Collins Street Melbourne 3000 Telephone: 03 9667 5555 Facsimile: 03 9667 5550 GPO Box 4326 Melbourne 3001 E-mail: Website: Writers Costigan & Murphy Photography Steven Diffey Photography Design Frank Design Pty Ltd