Course Registration Guide

Luverne High School
Course Registration Guide
21.5 credits total
4 credits in English
3.5 credits in Social Studies
3 credits in Math
3 credits in Science
2 in Health and Physical Education
1 in Fine Arts
Meet MN Academic Standards
Ninth Grade Classes
English 9 or Basic Communication*
Core I, Core 2, or Basic Math*
Gov/Careers and World History
Physical Science
Phy Ed 9 and Health 9
Fine Arts (Band,Choir, or Art)
Electives and/or Study Hall
*Requires an IEP
Tenth Grade Classes
• English 10, AP English 10, or Basic
• Core II, Core 3, or Basic Math*
• Biology or Non-Core Chemistry*
• American History
• Phy Ed 10
• Top Twenty Skills
• Electives and/or Study Hall
* Requires an IEP
Eleventh Grade Classes
2 English Classes
2 Social Studies Classes
Core III, Core 4, or Basic Math*
Chemistry, Chem-Com, or Non-core
• Health 11
• Electives and/or Study Hall
*Requires an IEP
Juniors and Seniors
English classes for juniors and seniors must
include two classes of literature and one class
each of writing and speech.
Social studies classes for juniors and seniors
must include government, economics, and
$ College Credit $
• Concurrent courses are offered in College Speech,
Intro to College Literature, College Principles of
Biology, College Anatomy/Physiology, College
Sociology, and College Psychology.
• AP courses are offered in AP English Literature and
Composition, AP Calculus, and AP German IV.
• Articulation agreements with technical colleges are
available for many vocational classes.
Post-Secondary Option
Students interested in taking classes at a
college for all or part of the 2010-11 school year
are required to have a conference with a parent
and the administration by May 14, 2010.
Course Registration Guide
1. Intro to Agriscience
• Open to students in
grades 9-12.
• This course is a
prerequisite for
many AG classes
including AG
mechanics and AG
2/3. Animal Science A and B
• Offered via ITV.
• Open to student in grades 9-12.
• Animal Science A is large animals beef, sheep, swine, dairy and poultry.
• Animal Science B is small or companion
animals - horses, dogs, cats, rabbits,
hamsters, reptiles, and birds.
4. AG Mechanics
• Open to grades 10-12.
• Prerequisite: Intro to
• 2-hour block
• Students must supply
safety glasses.
• May be taken only one
5. AG Welding
• Open to grades 10-12.
• Prerequisite: Intro to
• 2-hour block
• Students need to
purchase their own
steel and safety
• May be taken only one
Additional AG classes
that may be offered:
6. AG Business Management*
9. AG Sales and Marketing*
*These courses are offered via ITV and open to
student in grades 10-12 who have had Intro
to AG.
11. Aquaculture
• Open to students in
grades 9-12.
• No prerequisite.
• Learn all about
native and tropical
species of fish and
the water in which
they live.
Course Registration Guide
20/21. Art IA and IB
• Open to all students in
grades 9-12.
• Art IA is first semester;
Art IB is second. These
classes may be taken in
either order. There is
no prerequisite for IB.
• Meets the high school
fine arts requirement.
22. Studio Artist
• Develop your own “personal voice” in an area
of art of your choosing.
• Prerequisite is Art IA or IB.
• Lab fee required.
23. Photography
QuickTime™ and a
TIF F (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
QuickTi me™ and a
TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
• Open to students in grades
• No prerequisite.
• Lab fee required.
24. Pottery
• Open to students in
grades 10-12.
• No prerequisite
• Lab fee required.
Course Registration Guide
40. Computer App.
• Open to students in
grades 9-12.
• This course will
satisfy the college
recommendation for
an introductory
computer course.
41. Computer Science
• Open to students in grades 9-12.
• Opportunity to learn a variety of computer
related skills including web pages, digital
photo editing, and programming.
42. General Business
• Open to student in
grades 9-12.
• Opportunity to explore
the role of business in
our present day
economic system.
• Can attend local, State,
and national BPA
43. Personal Finance
• Open to student in grades 10-12.
• This class can benefit any student who has,
or will ever have, any money!
45. Accounting
• Open to students in grades 10-12.
• Learn the “language of business.”
• A must for students interested in a career in
48/49. Business Seminar
and Internship
• Offered second
semester to only
• Seminar and Internship
must be taken
• Internship is a 2-hour
block at the end of the
• Students may not have
an additional study hall.
Course Registration Guide
60/61. English 9
• Required for all
• Year-long class.
• Students who have
an IEP may be
eligible to substitute
Basic Comm. for
English 9.
62/63. English 10
• Required year-long
class for sophomores.
• Students with an IEP
may be eligible to take
Basic Comm. in place
of English 10.
• Advanced students may
apply to take English
10A/CP class.
67/68. AP Lit and Comp
• Interested students
should take American
and English Lit as
• Counts as 2 writing,
speech, and/or
literature requirements.
• Possible college credit
with AP testing.
69. Foundations of
• An English class
open to juniors and
seniors that meets
the State and school
writing requirement.
• Learn sound writing
habits for school
and life.
70. Creative Writing
• An elective English class.
• Open to juniors and seniors.
• This class does not meet the MN academic
standards for technical writing.
71. Writing and Research
• Open to college-bound
juniors and seniors.
• Meets school and State
writing requirement.
72. Speech
• Open to juniors and
• Meets school and
State speech
73. College Speech
• Open to juniors and
seniors who meet
college entrance
• Concurrent class
offered with MN
West for 3 college
74. Intro to College Lit
• Open to juniors and
seniors who meet
college entrance
• Concurrent class
offered with MN
West for 3 college
74. American Literature
• Open to juniors and
• Can be used as one
of your required
literature classes.
• A recommended
prerequisite for AP
76. English Literature
• Open to juniors and
• Can be used as one
of your required
literature classes.
• A recommended
prerequisite for AP
77. Regional Authors
• A new course for
2010-11, this class
will look at authors
from Minnesota as
well as authors from
nearby areas.
• Open to juniors and
seniors, this course
can count as a
literature credit.
Course Registration Guide
100/101. Foods I and II
• Open to students in
grades 9-12.
• Foods I must be
taken before Foods
• Possible articulation
certificated for
completion of both I
and II.
Other FACS classes
Elective classes for
grades 9-12:
• 102. The Be Real
• 103. Creative Living
• 104. Fashion!
• 105. Foundations of
Child Development
Course Registration Guide
120. Health 9
• Required course for all
• Covers topics including:
nutrition, alcohol,
tobacco, and drug use,
death and dying,
diseases, abstinence,
teen pregnancy
prevention, STD’s, and
121. Health 11
• Required course for
all juniors.
• Health 9 is a
• Helps students
make informed
decisions in six
priority health areas.
122/123. Physical
Education 9 and 10
• Required courses for all freshmen and sophomores.
• Students will learn to evaluate their fitness in the
areas of cardio-respiratory endurance, flexibility,
muscular strength and endurance, and body
124. Personal Training
• Open to juniors
and seniors.
• This class will
help you develop
your own fitness
125. Lifetime Fitness
Open to juniors and seniors
who want to experience a
variety of physical activities.
$30 Activity fee required.
Course Registration Guide
Two courses will be
offered in woodworking:
140. Beginning Woods
143. Advanced Woods
• Beginning woods is a
prerequisite for the two
hour block class
Advanced Woods.
• Students must pay for
the materials used in
their projects.
The following drafting class is also offered:
141. Beginning Drafting
Graphic Arts
• Graphic Arts I, II, and III are offered to
students in grades 10-12.
• These courses count towards the fine
arts requirement.
Course Registration Guide
160-171. Alg-Geo Core Plus
All students must take
three years of math.
• I - 9th grade
• II - 10th grade
• III - 11th grade
• IV - 12th grade
• 2 - Adv. 9th grade
• 3 - Adv. 10th grade
• 4 - Adv. 11th grade
Additional Math Classes
Seniors can also take:
•AP Calculus
•MCA Math
And students with an
IEP can take:
•Basic Mathematics
Course Registration Guide
179. Cantabile Choir
• A ninth grade girls’
• Performs at home
concerts and Large
Group Contest
• All boys and the girls
in grades 10-12
should sign up for
Concert Choir.
180. Concert Choir
181. Band
182. Flag Corps
• The flag corps is
composed of
students in grades
9-12 who perform
with the marching
band in parade and
field competitions
and at home football
Course Registration Guide
200/201. Physical
• Required course for
all freshmen.
• Opportunity to use
your problem
solving skills and
your knowledge of
chemistry and
physics to build the
best mousetrap!
202. Biology
Grade 10
Required class
2-hour block
Physical Science
Ethanol Plant Field Trip
205. Chemistry
• A 2-hour block
course offered to
juniors and seniors.
• Prerequisite is
• Offered first and
second semesters.
206/207. Chem Com
QuickTime™ and a
Motion JPEG OpenDML decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
• Chemistry in the
Community is
designed for the
student who is not
planning to pursue
any post-secondary
• It still meets the MN
academic standards
in chemistry.
203/204. Non-core Biology
• Prerequisite is Physical
• Offered to sophomores
and juniors.
• Offered every-other-year alternating with Non-Core
• This course is designed for
students not planning to
attend a post-secondary
• Teacher referral required.
210/211. Physics
A college preparatory science class for seniors.
212. College Biology
• Open to juniors and seniors
• Concurrent enrollment with MN West
• Possibility of 4 college credits
213. College
• Open to juniors and
• Concurrent
enrollment with
MN West
• Possibility of 4
college credits.
Course Registration Guide
220. Government/Careers
• A required social
studies class open to all
• Part of the class is
devoted to the study of
the Federal
• The rest of the class
deals with Careers.
• Students must complete
the Career unit in order
to pass the class.
221. World History
• A required social
studies class open
to all freshmen.
• Deals with
European, Asian,
African, MesoAmerican, and
Middle East history.
222/223. American History
• Required class for
• Deals with American
history from the Civil
War through the Cold
• And yes - that’s the text
being protected by a
sophomore student!
224. American Government
Required course open to juniors and seniors.
225. Global Economics
• A required social
studies course.
• Open to juniors and
226. Geography
• This required social
studies class is
offered to students in
grades 10-12.
• With the weight of
the world on your
shoulder, this course
will prepare you to
live in an everchanging world.
228. Psychology
• Open to student in
grades 10-12.
• An elective course
in social studies.
• This course is a
prerequisite for
College Psych.
• Two book reports
are required.
229. College Psychology
• Open to student in
grades 11 & 12.
• Prerequisite is
psychology and/or
college sociology
• Offered for college
credit through
concurrent enrollment
with MN West.
230. College Sociology
• Open to student in
grades 11 & 12.
• The science of
“Interaction among
• Offered for college
credit through
concurrent enrollment
with MN West.
231. Smart Money
• A new offering for
2010-11, this class
will teach you to be
a wise consumer
and a smart
• This elective course
is offered to juniors
and seniors.
Course Registration Guide
260-267. German
• Elective class
• Open to all grades
• Must be taken in
sequential order.
• Class trip offered in
even years.
• Most 4-year colleges
require two years of a
world language.
• Seniors may take an
AP test for possible
college credit.
270-277. Spanish
• Elective class
• Open to all grades
• Must be taken in
sequential order.
• Class trip offered in
even years.
• Most 4-year colleges
require two years of a
world language.
• Seniors may take a
CLEP test for possible
college credit.
280-283. Sign Language
• Offered via ITV
• First and second years offered
• Counts as a second language so it meets the
entrance requirements of 4-year colleges
Course Registration Guide
290/291. Annual/Echo
• Open to students in
grades 9-12
• No prerequisites
• Opportunity to work
on Luverne High
School newspaper,
the ECHO - and the
Cardinal yearbook.
292/293. Peer Helping
• Juniors and seniors may apply.
• Requires 45 hours of service per quarter.
• Seniors may have a study hall in addition to
their peer helping hour.
294. Study Skills
• Open to students in
grades 9-12 on an
IEP or by teacher
• Opportunity to learn
study skills and test
taking strategies.
295. Social Skills
• Offered to students
in grade 9-12 with
an IEP.
• Opportunity to work
on organizational
and social skills.
300/301. Study Hall
• Students may take a study hall for one or
both semesters.
• Juniors and seniors with privileges may have
open campus during assigned study hall.
• Students can have only one study hall per
• Students with D’s or F’s on a three-week
grade report will be restricted to study hall
until grade reports improve.
303/304. Resource Room
• Offered to students
in grades 9-12 on an
IEP who need extra
academic support.
• Confidentiality is
respected at all
320. Independent Study
• Offered to seniors only.
• Student must submit a proposal for a project
or area of study.
• Student must find a teacher who is willing to
supervise the project and who is certified to
teach the area.
• Independent studies may not be done for
classes that are required for graduation.
• Student with independent studies do not have
privileges during the assigned hour.
310. Top Twenty Skills
This class combines
the skills taught in “Top
Twenty Teens” with
test prep activities in
reading and math to
prepare students for
MCA and ACT tests. It
is required for all
Keys to successful
• Circle the course numbers of 6-7 credits
that you want next year.
• Make any notes on your registration
form that will help you to get a perfect
• Be sure to prioritize you electives.
• And turn your registration in to the office
by Friday!
Please complete
registration by Friday.