Part 1 TO Bike Sharing Chart of Account for the Month ending April 30th, 2011 a/b) Balance Sheet Accounts Asset Account Current Assets No 101 Name of Account Date Cash 1-Apr 105 Supplies 1-Apr 120 Prepaid Software 1-Apr 130 Prepaid Insurance 1-Apr 140 Prepaid Insurance 1-Apr 150 Keys 1-Apr Equipment (Truck) 1-Apr Equipment 1-Apr Fixed Assets 151 160 Description Victor deposited cash (15 shares in cash for Victor and 25 for Sam) Supplies bought from Jimmy’s Super Store Prepaid amount to BS Software Solutions Prepaid insurance to Riskale insurance company for stations and bikes Prepaid insurance to Riskale insurance company for pick up trucks Purchase of 1200 keys from Sam Amount in $ 40,000 665.00 3,120 9,000 2520 2,400 Victor’s 10,000 contribution of a pickup truck Purchase of 8 39,600 (Stations) 170 Equipment (Bikes) Liability Account 200 Notes Payable 1-Apr 1-Apr 201 Unearned revenue 7-Apr 206 Unearned revenue 7-Apr 210 Unearned revenue 7-Apr 220 Unearned revenue 14-Apr 240 Unearned revenue 14-Apr 250 Unearned revenue 14-Apr 251 Unearned revenue 21-Apr 256 Unearned revenue 21-Apr 270 Unearned revenue 21-Apr 285 Unearned revenue 28-Apr 290 Unearned revenue 28-Apr 291 Unearned revenue 28-Apr stations from Sam Purchase of 48 26,400 bikes from Sam Purchase of stations, bikes and keys Master card transaction made from the website Visa card transaction made from the website Amex card transaction made from the website Master card transaction made from the website Visa card transaction made from the website Amex card transaction made from the website Master card transaction made from the website Visa card transaction made from the website Amex card transaction made from the website Master card transaction made from the website Visa card transaction made from the website Amex card transaction made 68,4000 5,820 5,044 814.80 504.40 426.80 16.49 383.15 465.60 72.75 114.95 683.85 11.64 from the website Profit and Loss Account Revenue Account 300 Earned revenue 30-Apr Earned revenue, 13,477.63 unearned revenue $880 Expense Account 400 Gas Expense 1-Apr 401 Gas Expense 4-Apr 402 Gas Expense 7-Apr 420 Gas Expense 11-Apr 450 Gas Expense 11-Apr 451 Gas Expense 18-Apr 460 Gas Expense 22-Apr 470 Gas Expense 27-Apr 485 Gas Expense 25-Apr 490 Gas Expense 1-Apr 491 Bank charge 28-Apr Gas Expense to Hell Gas Station, ($1.28 per litter) Gas Expense to Hell Gas Station ($1.31 per litter) Gas Expense to Hell Gas Station ($1.30 per litter) Gas Expense to Hell Gas Station ($1.32 per litter) Gas Expense to Hell Gas Station ($1.33 per litter) Gas Expense to Hell Gas Station (1.35 per litter) Gas Expense to Hell Gas Station (1.35 per litter) Gas Expense to Hell Gas Station (1.36 per litter) Repair Expense to Dr. Bikes Repairs Telephone Expense to Beltel Monthly bank service charge 64.00 65.50 65.00 66.00 66.50 67.50 67.50 68.00 630.00 610.00 50.00 Other 501 Withdrawals 1-Apr 510 Withdrawals 25-Apr Monthly Adjustment 600 Accumulated depreciation 30-Apr 605 Accumulated depreciation 30-Apr 610 Accumulated depreciation 30-Apr 630 Accumulated depreciation 30-Apr 640 650 Income tax 30-Apr Expense Interest payable 30-Apr 651 Supplies Expense 30-Apr 670 Prepaid software 30-Apr 680 Prepaid Insurance 30-Apr 681 Prepaid Insurance 30-Apr 690 Mailing Expense 30-Apr Victor’s withdrawals from bank Victor’s withdrawals 3,000.00 Stations Accumulated depreciation Keys Accumulated depreciation Truck Accumulated depreciation Bikes Accumulated depreciation To record income tax expense To record interest paid to Sam for the purchase of bikes, stations and keys (12% per annum) To record office supplies expense To record prepaid software prepaid to BS Software To record prepaid insurance for stations and bicycles to Riskale insurance group To record prepaid insurance for pick up truck To record mailing expense 330.00 3,000.00 644.00 486.40 500 1,300.00 684.00 505.00 1,040 750 210 317.00 TO Bike Sharing T-Account April 30, 2011 c) Assets: Cash Truck 40,000 (101) 3,120 (120) 5,044 (206) 9,000 (130) 814.80 (210) 2,520 (140) 5,820 (201) 64.00 (400) 504.40 (220) 65.50 (401) 426.80 (240) 65.00 (402) 16.49 (250) 66.00 (420) Accumulated Depreciation (Truck) 10,000(151) 486.40 (610) $10000 $486.40 Office Supplies 383.15 (251) 66.50 (450) 465.60 (256) 67.50 (451) 665 (105) 72.75 (270) 67.50 (460) $160 $1756 114.95 (285) 68.00 (470) 683.85 (290) 630(485) Equipment (Bikes) Equipment (Stations) 11.64 (291) 665 (105) 50.00 (491) 26,400 (170) 39,600 (160) $26400 $39600 $37843.43 505.00 (651) Supplies (Keys) 2,400 (150) 644.00 (605) Prepaid Software 3,120 (120) Accumulated Depreciation(Stations) 1,040 (670) Accumulated Depreciation (Bikes) 330.00 (600) 500.00 (630) $330 $500 $2080 Prepaid Insurance 9,000 (130) 2,520 (140) 750.00 (680) 210.00 (681) $10560 Liabilities & Share Equity: Share Capital 3,000 (501) 40,000 (101) 3,000 (510) Note Payable Account Payable 68,400 (200) 610.00 (490) 3,000 (501) 3,000 (510) 10,000 (151) $44,000 317.00 (690) $74,400 $927 Interest Payable Income Tax Payable 684.00 (650) 1,300 (640) $684 $1300 Unearned Revenue 6,000 (201) 5,200 (206) 13,922.50 520.00 (220) 840.00 (210) 440.00 (240) 17.00 (250) 395.00 (251) 480.00 (256) 75.00 (270) 118.50 (285) 705.00 (290) 12.00 (291) $880 Revenue and expenses : Revenue (Usage & Access fee) Depreciation (Bikes) Depreciation (Truck) 13,922.50 (300) 486.40 (610) $13922.5 $486.4 Expense Expense Depreciation (Stations) Expense 330.00 (600) Supplies (Keys) $330 Expense Office Expense 500.00 (630) 644.00 (605) 505.00 (651) $500 $644 $505 Supplies Repair Expense Mailing Expense Telephone Expense 630.00 (485) 317.00 (690) 610.00 (490) $630 $317 $610 Bank Service Fee Income Tax Expense Insurance Expense 50.00 (491) 1,300 (640) 750.00 (680) 210.00 (681) $50 $1300 $960 Credit card (Expense) Discount Gas Expense Software Expense 180.00 156.00 64.00 (400) 65.50 (401) 1,040 (670) 25.20 65.00 (402) $1040 15.60 13.20 66.00 (420) 66.50 (450) 0.51 67.50 (451) Interest Expense 11.85 14.40 67.50 (460) 684.00 (650) 68.00(470) 2.25 3.55 21.15 0.36 $444.07 $684 $530 d) TO Bike Sharing General Journal 30-Apr-11 Monthly Adjustments 30-Apr Interest expenses 684.00 Interest payable 684.00 30-Apr To record 12% per annum interest paid to Sam for purchase of stations, bikes and keys. Software expenses 1,040.00 Prepaid expenses 1,040.00 To record software expense from prepaid amount to BS software solutions 30-Apr Insurance expenses 750.00 Prepaid expenses 750.00 To record insurance expense from prepaid amount to Riskale insurance group for stations and bicycles: All Perils Limit of Liability 30-Apr Operation expense 210.00 Prepaid expense 210.00 To record insurance expense from prepaid to Riskale insurance group for Third party liabilities - pick up truck 30-Apr Supplies Expense 505.00 Office Supplies 505.00 30-Apr To record the $160 left of supplies Depreciation expense 486.40 Accumulated depreciation 486.40 30-Apr To record truck accumulated depreciation for 7296 Km usage Depreciation expense 330.00 Accumulated depreciation 330.00 30-Apr To record stations accumulated depreciation Depreciation expense 500.00 Accumulated depreciation 500.00 30-Apr To record bikes accumulated depreciation Supply (Keys) 644.00 Supply expense 644.00 30-Apr To record the 322 keys delivered to customers and activated Mailing expenses 317.00 Trade payable 317.00 30-Apr To record mailing expenses for mailing keys to customers Unearned revenue 13,922.50 Earned revenue 13,922.50 To record earned revenue 30-Apr Income tax expense 1,300.00 Account payable 1,300.00 30-Apr To record April’s income tax Telephone expense 610.00 Account Payable 610.00 30-Apr To record telephone expense to BelTel (To be paid May 8th 2011) Bank Fees 50.00 Cash 50.00 To record monthly bank service charges e) Account Title Cash TO Bike Sharing Trial Balance April 30, 2011 Debit 37,843.43 Prepaid Expenses 2,080.00 Prepaid Insurance 10,560.00 Office Supplies 160.00 Supplies - Keys 1,756.00 Truck 10,000.00 Equipment (Stations) 39,600.00 Equipment (Bikes) 26,400.00 Accumulated Depreciation (Truck) Accumulated Depreciation (Stations) Accumulated Depreciation (Bikes) Account Payable Interest Payable Income Tax Payable Note Payable Deferred Revenue Shared Capital Revenue ( Bikes Usage & Access fee) Depreciation Expense (Truck) 486.40 Depreciation Expense (Stations) 330.00 Depreciation Expense (Bikes) 500.00 Supplies Expense- Keys 644.00 Office Supplies Expense 505.00 Gasl Expense 530.00 Software Expense 1,040.00 Interest Expense 684.00 Insurance expense 960.00 Income Tax Expense 1,300.00 Mailing Expense 317.00 Repairs Expense 630.00 Telephone Expense 610.00 Bank Service Fee 50.00 Credit Card Discount Expense 444.07 Total 137,429.90 f) TO Bike Sharing Income Statement April 30, 2011 Revenues: Bikes rent fees 13,922.50 Total revenue 13,922.50 Less: Expenses Credit Card Discount Expense Depreciation Expense (Stations) Depreciation Expense (Truck) Office Supplies Expense Depreciation Expense (Bikes) Supplies Expense (Keys ) Telephone Expense Software Expense Insurance Expense Repair Expense Mailing Expense Bank Service Fee Gas Expense 444.07 330.00 486.40 505.00 500.00 644.00 610.00 1040.00 960.00 630.00 317.00 50.00 530.00 Interest Expense 684.00 Total Expenses: 7,730.47 Income Before Tax Less: Income Tax 6192.03 1,300.00 4892.03 Net Income TO Bike Sharing Statement of Retained Earnings for the month ending April 30, 2011 Retained Earnings, April 01, 2011 Plus: Net income 4,892.03 - Less: Dividends Retained Earnings, April 30, 2011 4,892.03 g) TO Bike Sharing Balance Sheet As of April 30th, 2011 Assets: Current : Cash 37,843.43 Prepaid Expenses 2,080.00 Prepaid Insurance 10,560.00 Office Supplies 160.00 Supplies (Keys) 1,756.00 Total Current Assets: 52,399.43 Non-Current: Truck 10,000.00 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (Truck) 486.40 9513.6 Equipment - Stations 39,600.00 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (Stations) 330.00 39270 Equipment (Bikes) 26,400.00 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (Bikes) 500.00 25900 Total Non-current Asset 74,683.60 Total Assets: 127,083.03 Liabilities: Current : Account Payable 927.00 Interest Payable 684.00 Income Tax Payable 1,300.00 Note Payable 74,400.00 Unearned Revenue 880.00 Total Current Liabilities: 78,191.00 Total Liabilities: 78,191.00 Shareholders' Equity: Share Capital 44,000.00 Retained Earning 4,892.03 Total Shareholder’s Equity: 48,892.03 Total Liabilities and Shareholder’s Equity: 127,083.03 Part 2 Name of Company: Tim Hortons Website Address: ( a) Tim Hortons is in the restaurant industry. Its main competitors are McDonalds Corp., Domino’s Pizza Group plc, Whitbread Plc and Mitchells and Butlers Plc. b) The amount of revenue that was reported for the year 2011 is $2,852,966. c) The change in revenue during the year is: Current year – Previous year / previous year Current year (2011) = $2,852,966 Previous year (2010) = $2,536,495 $2,852,966 – $2,536,495 / $2,536,495 = $0.124. Therefore change in revenue during the year is $0.124 d) The company generates its revenue from sales such as distribution sales, sales from Company-operated restaurants and sales from VIEs that are consolidated. According to the annual report presented by Tim Hortons, the main reason given in the management’s discussion and analysis for the change in revenue is because of the increase in sales for the fiscal year of 2011 over the fiscal year of 2010. Sales increased from $2,012.2 million in 2010 to $256.9 million in 2011. The increase in sales was partly because of Tim Hortons distribution business and the 30 million allocation made to restaurant owners during 2010 fiscal year. e) The amount reported for total assets and net income for the year 2011 is $2,203,950 and $382,812 respectively. f) The auditor report was dated January 1st 2012. g) The chair of the Board of Directors at the time the annual report was issued is Paul D. House Part 3 kunmi Saliu's Company Profit & Loss December 2012 Total Income Sales 210,718,765.00 Total Income 210,718,765.00 Gross Profit 210,718,765.00 Expenses Rent Expense Telephone Expense Wage Expense Total Expenses 42,143,753.00 21,071,876.50 21,071,876.50 $ 84,287,506.00 Net Operating Income $126,431,259.00 Net Income $126,431,259.00 Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 08:54:00 PM PDT GMT-4 - Accrual Basis kunmi Saliu's Company Balance Sheet As of December 31 2012 Total ASSETS Current Assets Bank Accounts Cash 295,006,271.00 Checking 210,718,765.00 Total Bank Accounts Other current assets $ 505,725,036.00 Prepaid Rent -42,143,753.00 Proceeds of a Bank Loan 421,437,530.00 -$ 463,581,283.00 $ 42,143,753.00 Total Other current assets Total Current Assets Fixed Assets Equipment Total Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Wage Payable Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Retained Earnings Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 105,359,382.50 $ 105,359,382.50 $ 147,503,135.50 21,071,876.50 $ 21,071,876.50 $ 21,071,876.50 $ 21,071,876.50 0.00 126,431,259.00 $ 126,431,259.00 $ 147,503,135.50 Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 09:02:32 PM PDT GMT-4 - Accrual Basis