Cell Signaling Components Signaling Molecules: an agent that influences the activities of a cell Promoters, Enhancer, and Terminators Transported in animals through the circulatory system Ex: Insulin tells the liver to store glucose as glycogen Receptor Molecules: Proteins activated by a specific signal Will only interact with the signaling molecule that fits Signal Transduction Pathway: series of relay proteins or enzymes that amplify and transform the signal to one understood by the machinery of the cell Altered shape or movement Altered metabolism or cellular function Altered gene expression and the types and amount of proteins produced General Steps 1. Binding of the signal 2. Transduction of the signal 3. Response of the cell depending on what type protein is targeted Gene Expression Operons Tumor Suppressors Mutations in Cell Signaling Tumors Cancer Senses Pheromones: a chemical signal in low concentration that is passed between members of the same species Communication: action by a sender that may influence the behavior of a receiver Auditory Visual Tactile Verbal Plant Responses Cytokinins: promotes cell division Gibberellins: regulates growth Auxins: growth hormone Neurotransmitters • Acetylcholine • Epinephrine • Norepinephrine • Dopamine • Serotonin • GABA http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/chnt1.html Examples Insulin Testosterone Growth Hormones Estrogen Thyroid Hormones Immune System