Genetically Modified Crops and the Third World

Genetically Modified
Crops and the
Third World
Allison Miller
“Worrying about starving future generations
won’t feed the world. Food biotechnology will.”
--Monsanto advertising campaign, 1998
Genetic Modification vs.
Traditional Plant Breeding
Genetic Modification (rDNA Methods)
◦ Can use genes from any living organism
◦ Can modify one gene or several genes
Traditional Plant Breeding
◦ Can only cross with closely related species
◦ Many genes are modified at once
Source: Lemaux 2008
Need for GM crops and
Food and Agricultural Organization of the
United Nations (FAO) estimates that:
◦ 842 million worldwide are underfed
◦ 798 million live in developing nations
◦ World population is expected to reach 9 billion
by 2050
Source: Sairam and Prakash 2010
“The affluent nations can afford to adopt
elitist positions and pay more for food
produced by the so called natural
methods; the 1 billion chronically poor
and hungry people of this world cannot.
New technology will be their salvation,
freeing them from obsolete, low-yielding,
and more costly production technology.”
--Norman Borlaug
Source: Borlaug 2000
“To feed a world of 9 billion people in
2050…Africa has to increase its food
production by 300%, Latin America by 80%,
and Asia by 70%. Even North America would
have to increase food production by 30% to
feed its own projected population of 348
million people. Without an increase in farm
productivity, an additional 1.6 billion hectares
of arable land will be needed by 2050”
-- R.V. Sairam and C.S. Prakash
Source: Sairam and Prakash 2010
Examples of GM Crops
Herbicide tolerant (HT)
Pest resistant (Bt)
Other traits
◦ Cotton
◦ Corn/Maize
◦ Potatoes
◦ Increased nutrient content
◦ Virus resistance
◦ Drought tolerance
Source: James 2009, Lemaux 2008
Global Area of GM Crops By Crop
Source: James 2009
Source: James 2009
Contribution to Sustainable
Development in Developing
Food security
Conservation of biodiversity
Alleviation of poverty and hunger
Prevention of disease and malnutrition
Reduction of agriculture’s environmental
Economic benefits
Source: James 2009
Food Security
Increases productivity
◦ Increases yields
◦ Lowers food prices
Decreases production cost
◦ Fewer inputs
◦ Less labor
Source: James 2009
Conservation of Biodiversity
Decreases land required
◦ Helps maintain plant biodiversity
◦ Reduces environmental degradation
 Deforestation
Reduces amount of pesticide used
◦ Helps maintain insect biodiversity
Sources: James 2009, Lemaux 2009
Alleviation of Poverty and
Increases income for farmers
◦ Means to purchase food
Increases availability of food
◦ Reduces absolute hunger
Source: James 2009
Prevention of Disease and
Reduces exposure to harmful chemicals
◦ Pesticides
Increases nutrient content of food
◦ Decreases micronutrient malnutrition
 Disease
◦ Vitamin A Deficiency
◦ Golden Rice
Source: James 2009, Lemaux 2008
Reduction of Agriculture’s
Environmental Footprint
Fewer inputs
◦ Pesticides
◦ Water
Reduces/eliminates plowing
◦ Reduces CO2 emissions
◦ Prevents degradation of soil
Source: James 2009
Economic Benefits
Global net economic benefits
◦ Developing nations earned $22 billion from
1996 to 2007
Source: James 2009
Case Studies
Insect Resistant Cotton (Bt)
◦ China
 Yields increased by 10%
 Pesticide usage decreased by 67%
 Net profit increased by $500/hectare
◦ India
 Yields increased by 40%
 Pesticide usage decreased by 50%
 Net profit increased from $75/hectare to
Source: James 2009
The Future of GM Crops
Pest resistance
◦ Fungus resistant potatoes
Agronomic performance
◦ Rice with higher photosynthetic capacity
Abiotic stress tolerance
◦ Tomatoes with tolerance to high salt content
Improvements in food quality
◦ Potatoes with increased calcium levels
◦ Tomatoes with increased folate levels
Medical applications
◦ Potato-based Hep B vaccine
Source: James 2009
Borlaug, Norman. “Ending World Hunger: The Promise of Biotechnology and
the Threat of Antiscience Zealotry.” Plant Physiology. 124.2 (2000): 487490.
James, Clive. “2009 ISAAA Report on Global Status of Biotech/GM Crops”.
ISAAA Briefs No. 41. 1-9.
James, Clive. “Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2008.”
ISAAA Briefs No. 39 (2008): 1-275.
Lemaux, Peggy G. “Genetically Engineered Plants and Foods: A Scientist's
Analysis of the Issues (Part I).” Annual Review of Plant Biology. 59.
(2008): 771-812.
Lemaux, Peggy G. “Genetically Engineered Plants and Foods: A Scientist's
Analysis of the Issues (Part II).” Annual Review of Plant Biology. 60.
(2009): 511-559.
Sairam, R. V. and C. S. Prakash. “OBPC Symposium: Maize 2004 & Beyond:
Can Agricultural Biotechnology Contribute to Global Food Security?”. In
Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant. 41.4 (2005): 424-430.