Pre-Algebra Learning Objectives

Pre-Algebra (Express)
Pre-Algebra (McDougal Littell; 2005)
Chapter 1
* Evaluate variable expressions;
* Evaluate powers;
* Use the order of operations to evaluate expressions;
* Compare and order integers;
* Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers;
* Identify and plot points in a coordinate plane.
Chapter 2
* Use properties of addition and multiplication (commutative, associative, identity);
* Use the distributive property;
* Simplify variable expressions;
* Use mental math to solve equations;
* Use addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division to solve equations;
* Use positive and negative decimals.
Chapter 3
* Solve two-step equations;
* Solve equations having like terms and parentheses;
* Solve equations with variables on both sides;
* Solve inequalities using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division;
* Solve multi-step inequalities.
Chapter 4
* Factor numbers and monomials;
* Find the GCF of numbers and monomials;
* Write fractions in simplest form;
* Use the LCD to compare fractions;
* Use rules of exponents to simplify products and quotients;
* Rewrite expressions containing negative or zero exponents;
* Write numbers in scientific notation.
Chapter 5
* Write, compare and order rational numbers;
* Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with the same denominator, and
with different denominators;
* Multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers;
* Use multiplicative inverses to solve equations with fractional coefficients;
* Solve equations and inequalities with rational numbers.
Chapter 6
* Find and interpret a unit rate;
* Solve proportions using algebra;
* Solve proportions using the cross-products property;
* Find the ratio of corresponding side lengths of similar triangles;
* Find unknown side lengths of similar figures;
* Find distances using scales and scale drawings;
* Find the probability of an event;
* Use the counting principle to count possibilities.
Chapter 7
* Use fractions to find the percent of a number;
* Use proportions to solve percent problems;
* Use decimals to find the percent of a number;
* Use an equation to solve percent problems;
* Solve problems involving percent of change;
* Find markups, discounts, sales tax, and tips;
* Calculate interest (simple and compound) earned and account balances.
Chapter 8
* Use graphs and mapping diagrams to represent relations;
* Find solutions of linear equations in two variables;
* Find the intercepts of the graph of an equation;
* Find the slope of a line;
* Find the slope and y-intercept of a line;
* Write an equation of a line parallel to a given line;
* Use function notation;
* Solve linear systems in two variables by graphing;
* Graph linear inequalities in two variables.
Chapter 9
* Find and approximate square roots;
* Simplify radical expressions;
* Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find unknown side lengths of right triangles;
* Compare and order real numbers;
* Use the distance and midpoint formulas;
* Find unknown side lengths in special right triangles;
* Use the tangent, sine, and cosine ratios to find an unknown length in a right
Chapter 10
* Find unknown angle measures and classify triangles;
* Classify polygons and quadrilaterals;
* Find the areas of parallelograms and trapezoids;
* Find the circumferences and areas of circles;
* Find the surface areas of prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones;
* Find the volumes of prisms, cylinders, pyramids, and cones.
Chapter 11
* Make stem-and-leaf plots, box-and-whisker plots, and histograms;
* Choose appropriate displays for data sets;
* Identify populations and sampling methods;
* Make conclusions about populations using surveys;
* Use permutations to count possibilities;
* Use combinations to count possibilities;
* Find probabilities of disjoint and overlapping events;
* Find probabilities of independent and dependent events.
Chapter 12
* Identify polynomials and write them in standard form;
* Add and subtract polynomials;
* Multiply a monomial and a polynomial;
* Multiply binomials (FOIL);
* Simplify powers of products and quotients;
* Graph quadratic functions;
* Solve problems involving exponential growth and decay;
* Identify and extend sequences (arithmetic, geometric, and "neither").
Chapter 13
* Identify and find measures of complementary, supplementary and vertical angles;
* Identify angles formed when a transversal intersects two lines;
* Find measures of interior and exterior angles of convex polygons;
* Translate, reflect, rotate, and dilate figures in a coordinate plane.