
Coaching Package
Confident You!
Leap Outside Your Comfort Zone and Achieve What You Want
Self-Study Coaching Program
Write or Module #1 - What is Confidence?
“Welcome to the coaching program on Confident You! –
Leap Outside Your Comfort Zone and Achieve What You
In this coaching program you are going to learn several
key points about confidence that will make a dramatic
impact on how you view yourself, and how to present
yourself to the world. This program is broken down into
the following components:
What is confidence?
Confidence boosters – things you can say
and do.
Confidence zappers – the things in life that
zap our confidence.
Celebrating ourselves – who you are, what
makes you truly unique.
How we show up and the energy we give
Let’s begin our exploration of confidence now.”
“We all want to perform at our best in our work and
personal lives. In order for this to happen, we must
believe in ourselves and truly be confident in our abilities.
But what exactly does it mean to be confident? What is
‘confidence,’ anyway? Is it just a concept? A feeling? A
state of being? Confidence is like gravity – we can’t see it,
but we know if it’s there or not there.”
[Client Activity]
“Take out the Worksheet #1 - “Me and Confidence”.
Complete each of the four statements on the worksheet.
Then return to this module.”
“In this coaching program, let’s work from a common
definition of confidence.
“Confidence is the assurance you have in
yourself, and in the powers or abilities you
Confidence is not to be confused with self-esteem or selfworth. Self-esteem is defined as “a favorable impression
of oneself.” Self-worth is defined as “a sense of one’s own
value as a person.”
Having self-esteem and self-worth leads to being
confident. They suggest that in order for us to be
confident we must first look at ourselves in a new light.
In Module #2, you will explore this further.”
Handout #1–
“Me and
Write or Module #2 - Confidence Boosters
“Welcome to Module 2 of the coaching program on
“Confident You!”
In this section you are going to explore confidence
boosters which are things you can say and do to see
yourself in a new light.”
“You know how it is said that everything should be done
in moderation? Confidence is one of those things that we
would like to have more than moderation. You never hear
people saying they don’t want any more confidence. It’s
like our bank account – we always want it to keep
So what can we do to increase our confidence? In this
section you will explore numerous boosters for your
[Client Activity]
“Take out Worksheet #2 -“Confidence Boosters”
Below are some strategies to boost your confidence. As
you review these strategies, fill-in-the-blanks in each
‘confidence booster’ box on your worksheet. Then return
to this module.
Statement #1 – “For me, confidence is…”
- being able to prove that I can do something:
evidence of the past.
- repetition – being able to do something
successfully over & over again.
- being able to articulate my strengths.
Statement #2 – “I am at my best when I…”
- am passionate or enthusiastic about something.
- am alive and vibrant.
Handout #2 Confidence
am in balance – mind, body, spirit.
Statement #3 – “I can keep my confidence high by…”
- controlling my inner dialogue – what I can
positively tell myself about who I am.
- stopping my negative thoughts.
- giving myself permission to be myself and enjoy
Statement #4 – “Whenever I feel nervous I can regain my
confidence by…”
- take deep breaths.
- visualizing success.
- focusing my attention outward instead of inward by
being fully present with others.”
“To complete this module, select at least one “Booster”
that you feel would contribute most to increasing your
Fill the information on your worksheet including how you
feel you can benefit.
Then move on to Module #3.”
Module #3 - Confidence Zappers
Write or
Record: “Welcome to Module 3 of the coaching program on
Confident You!
In Module 2 you looked at ways to boost your confidence
levels, but even the most self-assured people still
occasionally find themselves in circumstances that shake
their confidence.
When a Confidence Zapper gets you, you can experience
many different emotions ranging from self doubt, fear,
anger, helplessness, feeling flustered, to physical things
like having a dry mouth and wobbly knees.
Usually there is also some sort of internal dialog going on
that magnifies the situation. Negative thinking is probably
the biggest Confidence Zapper there is.
So what happens when your Confidence Zappers affect
you? You may end up playing it safe, avoiding risks, or
steering clear of challenges and new situations.
Obviously, succumbing to your negative self talk will have
an impact on how you live your life.
Next, you will identify your Confidence Zappers, and take
away the ‘sting’ you feel from them.”
[Client Activity]
“Take out the worksheet #3 - “Dissecting My Confidence
Identify your worst Confidence Zapper and then answer
the questions listed on the worksheet.
(A Confidence Zapper is a message from you or someone
else, that makes you feel uncertain about yourself.)
Then return to this module.”
Handout #3 –
“Dissecting My
[Debrief Questions]
“To complete this module, answer the debrief questions
Then move on to Module #4.”
1. What stood out for you as you went through this
2. Which confidence affirmation did you select (or
create) and why?
3. How do you think this confidence affirmation will
help you in the future?
Module #4 - Confidence Through Our Authentic Selves
Write or
“Welcome to Module #4 of the coaching program on
Confident You!
As you have been discovering through this program, what
you say to yourself can dramatically impact your
confidence level and how you present yourself to the
We could all feel increasingly more confident if we would
change the stories we tell ourselves about who we are.
Instead of focusing on how we are coming up short in our
actions, we can instead, recognize and remember the
qualities that make us truly unique.
Next, you will reflect upon who you really are, appreciate
your uniqueness, and acknowledge the many reasons you
have to be confident.”
“In order to build a building, an architect must first
visualize the type of building he or she wants. Mental
imagery is projected onto a piece of paper that becomes a
blueprint. The builders then execute the ideas on the
The concept of ‘Visualization’ works the same way. The
mental picture you hold of yourself in your mind becomes
a reality in your life. The constant flooding of your mind
with positive thoughts will eventually cause any negative
ideas to lose power and dissolve.
[Client Activity]
Take out Worksheet #4 – “My Star.”
Next you will listen to a short excerpt from Og
Mandino’s book “The Greatest Miracle in the World.”
From this excerpt you will ponder who you are at your
core, and what makes you truly unique. By being in
touch with your authentic self you will become more
Handout #4 –
“My Star”
For the next few minutes get comfortable, relax, focus on
and visualize what you are about to hear. When you are
ready, play the recording entitled “The Greatest Miracle.”
“The Greatest Miracle”
“In Og Mandino’s Book, The Greatest Miracle in the
World, he wrote The God Memorandum, which is a
message from God to me and you. Here is an excerpt from
the memorandum.”
“Today is your birthday. This is your new date of birth.
Your first life, like a play in a theatre, was only a
This time the curtain is up.
This time the world watches and waits to applaud.
This time you will not fail.
Light your candles. Share your cake.
Pour the wine. You have been reborn.
Like a butterfly from its chrysalis you will fly ...
fly as high as you wish,
and nothing will obstruct your mission,
or your search for the true riches of life.
Let me share with you, again,
the secret you heard at your birth...and forgot.
You are my greatest miracle.
You are the greatest miracle in the world.
Let us take inventory of the miracle that you are.
Let us take inventory of your blessings:
First, you have eyes to see.
You have the ability to enjoy a snowflake, an eagle, a
child, a rainbow ... and the look of love. Count one
You can hear.
Your ears hear the wind in the trees, children at play ... and
the words I love you. Count another blessing.
You can speak.
No other creature has words to calm the angry, warm the
lonely, encourage the defeated... and say I love you. Count
another blessing.
You can move.
You are not a tree condemned to a small plot. You can
stretch, run, dance and work.
Count another blessing.
You can give and receive love.
For you know that to receive love
it must be given with no thought of its return.
To love unselfishly is its own reward.
And should love not be returned, it is not lost.
Count another blessing.
Your heart is strong. It beats hour after hour,
day and night, and year after year.
Man has never created such a machine. Count another
And your brain - Your brain is the most complex structure
in the universe. You can file away every perception,
sound, taste, smell, every action you have ever
Are you poor? No. You are rich!
Study the list. Count them again. Tally your assets!
There are four laws to happiness and success.
The first law is to count your blessings.
The second law is to proclaim your rarity.
You are a great rarity.
Consider a painting by Rembrandt
or a bronze by Degas
or a play by Shakespeare.
They have great value.
But you are the most valuable treasure
on the face of the earth.
Never, in all the seventy billion humans
who have walked this planet
since the beginning of time
has there been anyone exactly like you.
Never, until the end of time,
will there be another such as you.
You have shown no knowledge or appreciation
of your uniqueness.
Yet, you are the rarest thing in the world.
Why have you valued yourself in pennies
when you are worth a king's ransom?
Why did you listen to those who demeaned you ...
and far worse, why did you believe them?
Do not hide your rarity any longer.
Bring it forth. Show the world.
Imitate no one. Be yourself.
This is the second law. Proclaim your rarity.
And now you have received two laws of success and
happiness. Count your blessings! Proclaim your rarity!
Next is the third law ...
the secret that will produce riches and acclaim beyond
your dreams. Go another mile!
The only certain means of success is to render more and
better service than is expected of you, no matter what your
task may be. This is a habit followed by all successful
people since the beginning of time.
Therefore the surest way to doom yourself to mediocrity
is to perform only the work for which you are paid.
For there is a pendulum to all life,
and the sweat you deliver, if not rewarded today,
will swing back tomorrow, tenfold.
Go another mile.
Three laws of success Count your blessings! Proclaim your rarity! Go another
Now we come to the
fourth law of success and happiness ...
the power to choose.
You have complete control over your destiny.
You have the power to choose.
Use wisely, your power of choice.
Choose to love ... rather than hate.
Choose to laugh ... rather than cry.
Choose to create ... rather than destroy.
Choose to persevere ... rather than quit.
Choose to praise ... rather than gossip.
Choose to heal ... rather than wound.
Choose to give ... rather than steal.
Choose to live ... rather than die.
You can choose failure and despair,
or success and happiness.
The choice is exclusively yours.
Remember, the four laws of happiness and success.
* Count your blessings.
* Proclaim your rarity.
* Go another mile.
* Use wisely your power of choice.
This day you have been notified.
You are the greatest miracle in the world.”
“On your “My Star” worksheet, capture what you would
like to most remember from this passage.
Then return to this module.”
“As you realize the incredible miracle that you are, you
will become more confident in yourself. The more
confident you become in yourself, the more you will
embrace your uniqueness, stretch and take risks, and live
more authentically. This, in turn, builds even more self
Naturally, if you are becoming more confident,
experiencing more joy, and living as your authentic self,
these changes will be reflected in your thoughts.”
Module #5 -The Energy We Give Off
Write or “Welcome to Module 5 of the coaching program on
Record: Confident You!
In Module 4 you discovered the incredible miracle that
you are, as there is and never will be anyone like you.
In this module, you will discover another important factor
of confidence – your thoughts. Your thoughts carry
energy, and that energy has tremendous power to either
boost or diminish your confidence.”
“The word ‘vibe’ is often used to describe an energy that
you pick up from someone else. It comes from the longer
word: vibration.
Your thoughts cause you to emit a vibration – an energetic
frequency. At any given moment, all of us are sending out
either positive or negative vibrations, and because of this
you will find yourself attracted to some people and weary
of others. It’s like dialing into the frequency of a radio
station – you are radiating certain energy waves that have
people either tuning into you or turning you off.
Similarly, you are sending out a frequency that is either
telling others you are confident or not. Remember:
thoughts are things, and your thoughts give off either a
positive or negative energy.
Obviously, low self-esteem emits a low energy frequency,
and confidence emits a high energy frequency.”
[Client Activity]
“Take out the worksheet “Energy Scale”.
Think back to the beginning of this coaching program
when you explored your confidence boosters. Refer to the
Handout –
“Energy Scale”
energy scale on your worksheet and assign a number that
represented your energy when you were thinking about
boosting your confidence.
Then assign a number from the scale that represented your
energy when you were thinking about your confidence
Finally, to complete this module, answer the questions at
the bottom of your worksheet.”
1. What was the difference in your numbers?
2. What do you think about the energies you may be
giving off?
3. How does the energy we give off affect our level of
Module #6 - “Your Confidence Quote”
Write or “Welcome back to the final module of the coaching
Record: program on “Confident You.”
You have come a long way in this program and hopefully
have a new perspective on the incredible, unique being
you are.
To review, you have:
- Evaluated your current confidence level,
- Discovered some confidence boosters to help you
when you need them,
- Learned to eliminate your confidence zappers,
- Embraced the incredible miracle that you are, and
- Discovered the power of your thoughts and the
energy they emit.
To complete this program, you will put your thoughts
about confidence into an original quote.”
[Client Activity]
“Take out the worksheet entitled “My Confidence Quote.”
Many brilliant teachers have gone before us to encourage
us to believe in ourselves and the value we bring to the
Zig Ziglar said, “You are the only person on earth who can
use your ability.”
Peter T. McIntyre said, “Confidence comes not from
always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.”
And Ana Freud said, “I was always looking outside myself
for strength and confidence but it comes from within. It is
there all the time.”
Review your notes and activity sheets, and write in the box
provided a quote that captures your thoughts about
confidence. Claim it as your own by putting your name on
Then return to this module.”
“This concludes the coaching program on Confident You!
I hope you found it valuable to learn how you can take
charge of your confidence levels and feel great about
yourself, your value, and your success!”
Activity Sheets
Worksheet #1 - “Me and Confidence”
Statement #1 – “For me, confidence is…”
Statement #2 – “I am at my best when…”
Statement #3 – “I can keep my confidence high by…”
Statement #4 – “Whenever I feel nervous I can regain my confidence
Worksheet #2 - “Confidence Boosters”
Statement #1 – “For me, confidence is…”
 being able to prove that I can do something:
 _________________ – being able to do something successfully over & over
 being able to articulate my _______________.
Statement #2 – “I am at my best when I…”
 am _________________ or _________________ about something.
 am _______________ and _______________.
 am in balance – _________, _________, _________.
Statement #3 – “I can keep my confidence high by…”
 controlling my inner _______________ – what I can ______________ tell
myself about who I am.
 stopping my ____________ thoughts.
 giving myself _____________ to be myself and enjoy things.
Statement #4 – “Whenever I feel nervous I can regain my confidence
 taking _____________________.
 ____________________ success.
 focusing my attention _____________ instead of _________________.
My favorite confidence booster(s) are:
They will help me best because:
Worksheet #3 - “Dissecting My Confidence
Many things can zap our confidence. Experiences such as not receiving
encouragement from others, a perception of never getting a break, being
overlooked, being criticized, making mistakes, etc. all create a lack of confidence
in us. Below, identify a Confidence Zapper and then answer questions 1 through
4 that follow.
My Confidence Zapper is: (Example: “I am always late”)
1. When your Confidence Zapper occurs, what message do you tell yourself?
(“You’re always late. Why can’t you get anywhere on time?”)
2. Because of this message, what’s the lie you believe about yourself that chips
away at your confidence? (“I’m a failure; I’m a loser; I don’t have my act together.”)
3. What’s the real truth about who you are or your circumstance that you can
realize if you shifted your perspective? (“I’m only late sometimes and this has nothing to do
with having my act together. I’m just trying to do too much sometimes.”)
“Dissecting My Confidence Zappers” (continued)
4. From the following list (or make one up yourself), identify an affirmation you
can tell yourself that can help diminish the ‘sting’ of your Confidence Zapper.
Confidence Affirmations
I am filled with independence and
I can retain a calm, optimistic
I feel powerful and in control.
I have great inner-courage.
I freely accept this.
I can do whatever I set my mind to.
I forgive myself.
I am peaceful, secure and confident.
I let go of the things I cannot change
and focus my energy on what can be
Every day in every way I now become
more confident.
My mind is calm and I project a
positive self-image.
I now make my life work better and
My possibilities are endless.
I am socially skilled.
I am peace with myself, the world and I will remain confident and unaffected
everyone in it.
by the negative attitudes around me.
I love myself for who I am.
I am worthy of love.
My inner vision is always clear and
I can accomplish anything I set my
mind to.
I am free to be myself.
I am beautiful inside and out.
I can do this.
I deserve to have a great life.
I am worthy of great love, and I
deserve to be loved fully and
I am already healed, happy, loving,
wealthy, successful, physically and
emotionally well.
My affirmation:
My affirmation:
Worksheet #4 - “My Star”
What do I most want to remember from the Authentic Self
guided visualization?
Worksheet #5 - “Energy Scale”
Think back to the beginning of the coaching program when you explored your confidence
Refer to the energy scale below and assign a number that represented your energy when
you were thinking about boosting your confidence.
Next, assign a number from the scale that represented your energy when you were thinking
about your confidence zappers.
Energy Level
What was the difference in your numbers?
What do you think about the energies you may be giving off?
How does the energy we give off affect our level of confidence?
Worksheet #6 - “My Confidence Quote”
Write a positive thought or affirmation in the box below that captures your thoughts about
confidence. Then claim it as your own by putting your name on it.
And finally, post it somewhere you can be reminded of your uniqueness and brilliance.
Additional Coaching
Confident You! Leap Outside Your Comfort Zone to Achieve What You
Self-Study Coaching Follow Up
If you desire, you can offer additional questions to the participants at the end of the
program followed by a 15-30 minute follow-up consultation. This is another way to stay
in touch, offer value and check in to hear how their learning from the program has
improved their skills in real life. This also gives you an opportunity to assess their needs
and move them into another product, program or service.
Here are additional questions:
What is an area of your life that you would like to feel more confident?
How will you use the tools provided through this program to increase your confidence?
When do your confidence zappers get the best of you? How will you overcome them going
Write about the incredible miracle that you are. (Do not be bashful – embrace your
Here are some other ideas and questions for your follow-up activities:
Ask the client about their homework answers, success stories, and frustrations they are still
experiencing. If helpful, create a checklist of questions to ask such as:
• Name something that this program has helped you to improve. Give at least one detailed
success story.
• What are the positive consequences of this improvement in your life?
• What new perspective have you been able to own as a result of this coaching program?
• What one or two things do you want to continually focus on?
Remember, follow up is another very important “touch” in your multi-touch marketing
Following up with clients not only shows them that you care, but allows you another
opportunity to develop a long-term relationship and continue to serve.
IMPORTANT: Only offer this extra value if you plan to follow through on it.
Nothing is more unprofessional than offering to do follow ups and then not following
through in a timely manner as promised.
Handout: Quick Tips for Better Confidence
People aren’t just born with confidence. Like most behaviors, confidence is learned and
practiced. There are many simple tips you can implement to help develop your confidence.
As with any list of tips, the intent is not to try and do all of them at once; rather, choose the
one or two that feel like they would work best for you and your circumstances. As with most
tips, practice will be required, so give them an honest effort and be patient for the results to
appear. Remember also to look for evidence that you are more confident than you think and
can accomplish more than you realize.
Tip#1 – What’s the worst things that could happen?
By not managing our minds, we often let our fears overtake our thoughts. We start imagining
things not in realistic terms, but in improbable terms of what might happen. When you really
ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” you can get a realistic picture of potential
consequences, which turn out to be less dire than what we first thought.
Tip #2 – Use your imagination.
Imagine a more positive outcome through the use of visualization. See yourself behaving in
more confident ways in the challenges you face. See an excellent outcome of your efforts in
your mind.
Tip #3 – Think of positive memories.
Don’t let previous failures and difficult experiences fill up your thoughts. Instead, dwell on
positive accomplishments and experiences you have had. It’s easy to forget all the positive
things that have happened to us. Let your mind remember the good rather than the bad.
Instead of dismissing the good in favor of the bad, reverse this tendency.
Tip #4 – Look back from the future.
Imagine yourself a few years in the future of your life. From this vantage point ask yourself:
Will this be a big deal or even something I’ll remember? The answer will almost always be no.
By asking yourself this question it puts your day-to-day troubles into proper perspective.
Tip #5 - The past is not the present.
What happened in the past doesn’t necessarily mean it will happen in the future. We create
our futures in the present. If we keep this in mind, we can realize that we don’t have to let our
past sabotage our future. We can realize that the future can be different.
Tip #6 – Look at ‘failure’ differently.
The most successful people respond differently to failure. They don’t take failure personally.
With failure, they look at what they can learn from the experience. They see failure as just
feedback on what you need to work on so that they will do better the next time. Be open to
the learning that failure affords you