
Preface 课程方式
Management education new model ----servicelearning: at its core, service-learning is about
creating opportunities for students to apply theory
they learn in the classroom to real-world problems
and real-world needs.
Preface: 课程目标
Maybe still confused, but at a higher
level at the end of this course.
Preface: 课程基本结构
Preface: 课程进度安排
Strategic Planning
Performance Management
Compensation Management
Training & Developing
Motivation Management
Competency Management in Public Sectors
Employment Relationship Management
Emergency Management
Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter1 Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public sector in the
twenty-first century
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
The implementation of workforce and succession planning in the public sector
Chapter3 Selecting/Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international compendium of
trends and practices
Chapter4 Performance Management
Performance management model: A system-based approach to public service quality
Chapter5 Compensation Management
How much should federal employees be paid? The problems with using a market
philosophy in a broadband system
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Training and Development: Best Practices
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Developing competency models to promote integrated human resource practices
Competency management in the Flemish and Dutch civil service
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
The employment relationship in the UK Public sector: A psychological contract
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Preparing for the unthinkable: managers, terrorism and the HRM function
Chapter11 Creating high-performance organizations in public sectors
Creating high-performance organizations in public sectors
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Human capital crisis 人力资本危机
Public sector 公共部门
Presidential agendas 总统议程
Public policy 公共政策
Upcoming retirement 即将退休
Early retirement提前退休
Downsizing 裁员
Public service/Civil service 公共服务
Human resource (HR) crisis 人力资源危机
Human resource management (HRM) 人力资源管理
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Government agency 政府机构
Public confidence 公众信心,公众信任
Bureaucratic bashing 官僚冲击
National commission of Public Service 公共服务国家委员会
Quiet crisis 寂静的危机
Imminent catastrophe 即将到来的灾难
General Accounting Office (GAO) 总审计署(美国)
Organizational capability 组织能力
Civil service reform 公共服务改革
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Workforce demographics 劳动力(人员)人口统计特征
Government institutions 政府机构
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) 人事管理局(美国)
Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) 绩效系统保护委员会(美国)
Federal agency 联邦机构
Presidential priority总统特权
Oversight agency 督察机构
Public sector think tank 公共服务智囊机构(班子)
Clinton and Bush Administrations 克林顿 /布什政府(当局)
Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) 政府绩效和效果法案(美国)
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Organizational culture 组织文化
Policymaker 政策制定者
Performance management 绩效管理
Senate Subcommittee on Governmental Affairs (美国)参议院政府事务小组委员会
Shared vision 共同愿景
Aging of supervisory and managerial personnel 主管和管理人员老龄化
Eligible 合格的,符合条件的
Pipeline problem 人员输送(选拔)问题
Savvy workforce 老练员工/精明员工
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Department of Homeland Security 国土安全部(美国)
Transportation Security Administration 交通安全局(美国)
Public administration 公共管理/行政管理
Job vacancy 工作职位空缺
Job announcement 招工告示
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (美国)航空航天局
Fiscal year 财政年度
Workforce planning 人员规划
Revamping 翻新/改进
High-quality service 高质量服务
Mass exodus 大批人员离去
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Span of control 控制幅度
Leadership competency model 领导能力模型
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 联邦航空管理局
Office of Management and Budgeting (OMB) (美国) 管理与预算局
Human capital strategy 人力资本战略
Senior Executive Service (SES) 高级行政管理人员机构
Managerial competency 管理胜任力
E-government 电子政府
Strategic Human Capital Management 战略人力资本管理
Core competency 核心能力
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Myriad 无数的,极大数量的
Human resource planning 人力资源规划
New public service 新公共服务
Flexible organization 柔性组织
US Department of Agriculture (USDA) 美国农业部
Leadership development 领导力开发
Center for Creative Leadership 创造性领导中心
Performance management 绩效管理
Diverse workforce 多元人员组成
National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) 公共事
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Perfunctorily 敷衍了事地,马马虎虎地
Risk averse 风险规避
Public service ethic 公共服务伦理
Utilitarian incentives 功利性激励
Policy windows 政策窗
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
Reforming in public sector organizations: efficiency and effectiveness
Status quo in public sector organizations: Public-service motivation
•Compensations level?
Tight labor market in public sector organizations (for example in USA)
Attracting, retaining and motivating job applicants.
Strategic view to human resource issues: Connecting people?
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
The nature of human resource crisis and its causes
•Lack of recognition of the importance of human capital
•The pipeline problem
•Recruitment and hiring
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
•Capacity problem and skill gap
•Supervisory and leadership issues
Turning crisis into opportunity
•Strategic human capital management
•Greater emphasis on HR Planning
•Understanding new public service
•Developing executive and supervisory talent
•Improved skills in diverse workforce
•Improve HRM Practices
•Reestablishing public service ethic
Chapter 1: Introduction
From crisis to opportunity: human resource challenges for the public
sector in the twenty-first century
۩Crisis in human resource encountered by public sector? And the
reasons behind them.
۩Difficulties and challenges in human resource management in your
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter 2: Strategic Planning
The implementation of workforce and succession planning in the public sector
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Workforce / Succession planning (WFSP) 人员/继任计划
Public sector 公共部门
Human resource (HR) 人力资源
State government / local government 国家(州)政府/地方政府
Public organization/agency 公共组织/机构
Layoff 下岗
Job cuts 裁员
Row office 街道办公室
Reservist 预备役军人
Chapter 2: Strategic Planning
The implementation of workforce and succession planning in the public sector
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Strategic planning 战略规划
Human resource planning 人力资源规划
National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) 公共管理国家协会
HRM strategy 人力资源管理战略
Human resource requirement 人力资源需求
Line manager 直线经理
Competency gap 能力缺口
Attrition rate 损耗率;人员流失率
Human capital 人力资本
Action plan 行动计划
Chapter 2: Strategic Planning
The implementation of workforce and succession planning in the public sector
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Fixing accountability 固定责任
Top management 高层管理(者)
Impending retirement 即将退休
Incumbent employee 在职人员
Demand forecast 需求预测
Employee development 员工开发
Information technology (IT) 信息技术
Retirement annuity 退休年金
Dot.com organization 网络公司
Nonprofit organization 非赢利组织
Chapter 2: Strategic Planning
The implementation of workforce and succession planning in the public sector
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Job analysis 工作分析
Job specification 工作说明书
Keep abreast of 与….并进(Keep abreast of the times/与时俱进)
Data inventory 数据库
Sick leave 病假
Human resource information system (HRIS) 人力资源信息系统
Functional requirement 职能需求
Succession analysis 继任分析
Gap analysis 缺口分析
Job classification 工作分类
Taskforce 任务组(人员组)
Chapter 2: Strategic Planning
The implementation of workforce and succession planning in the public sector
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Focus group 焦点小组
First-level supervisor 一线管理人员
Stakeholders 利益相关者
Career path 职业轨迹
Union member 工会成员
Managerial and executive development 管理人员开发
Problem-solving skills 问题解决技能
Interpersonal skills 人际技能
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 联邦高速公路管理局(美国)
Professional development 专业开发
Chapter 2: Strategic Planning
The implementation of workforce and succession planning in the public sector
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Continuous learning 持续学习
IPMA-HR( International Public Management Association
for Human Resources)国际公共人力资源管理协会
Nuts and bolts 工作细节(部件)(美口语)
Organizational change 组织变革
Interdepartmental cooperation 部门间合作
Reward system 奖励制度
Turnover 离职
Chapter 2: Strategic Planning
The implementation of workforce and succession planning in the public sector
Strategic decision making needs
Tight labor market in public sector (especially in north America and Europe)
Impending retirement/turnover
Loss of workforce skills and knowledge
Competency out of time
Recruiting, selecting and allocating the right people on the right job
positions in the right time
While effective and flexible HR planning is not easy implemented
Chapter 2: Strategic Planning
The implementation of workforce and succession planning in the public sector
Definition and process of WFSP
Human resource planning
Implementing the WFSP
Career development
Managerial and executive development
Problems and implications of WFSP
The changing role of HRM
Chapter 2: Strategic Planning
The implementation of workforce and succession planning in the public sector
Main processes in aligning WFSP with organizational missions.
In your opinion, what are advantages when implementing WFSP.
How to identify the gap between current staff status quo and future demands
in your organization.
Recommend “ Training and Developing as a integral part of WFSP”.
Main obstacles during implementing WFSP in your organization, for example,
the latest human resource planning in your “Eleventh five-year plan”.
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Unprecedented staffing challenge 史无前例的人员变革
Luring talent 吸引人才
Selection and recruitment 选拔与招聘
Economic, social and organizational pressures 经济、社会和组织压力
Attract and Retain 吸引和保留
Developed countries 发达国家
Less Developed Countries (LDCs) 欠发达国家
Best practices 最佳实践
Competent cadre 有能力的干部
Civil servant /public servant 公务员
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
International community 国际社会
Political system 政治制度
Social structure 社会结构
Social and political upheavals 社会与政治大变动
Global war for talent 全球人才战
Human resource management (HRM) 人力资源管理
Indigenous civil service 本土化公共服务
Aging 老龄化
High turnover 高离职率
Leadership bench 领导层
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Troubled waters 混乱状态 (Fish in troubled waters/混水摸鱼)
Public image (government bashing) 公共印象
Employee loyalty 员工忠诚
Privatization and outsourcing of government jobs 政府工作私有化和外包
Job security 工作保障
Benefit package 福利包
Accountability 责任
Harkens back to 倾听
Classical management /Scientific management /Taylorism 古典管理学派/科学管
Intrinsic satisfaction 内在满意
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Hyperbole 夸张法
Recruitment crisis 招聘危机
Staffing decision 人员配备决策
Public personnel system 公共人事制度
Competitive wage 富有竞争力的工资水平
Job market 劳动力市场
Public service ethic 公共服务道德
Civic-minded people公民心目中的人
Job applicant 申请工作者
Bureaucratic recruitment process 官僚式的招聘流程
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Job description 工作描述
Line management 直线管理者
Circumvent 智胜,包围
New public management 新公共管理(主义)
Central authority 中央权力机构
Modern bureaucracy 现代官僚
Colonial rules 殖民法规
Democratic political institution 民主的政治机构
Liberal democracy 自由民主(党)
Ritualism 仪式主义
A caste structure 社会等级结构
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Nepotism 裙带关系
Merit system 绩效系统
Recruitment based credentials 基于(学历)证书的招聘
Complementary HRM system 互补式人力资源管理系统
Incremental change 递增变革
Procedural change 程序变革
Archaic rules 陈旧的规则
Screening applicants 筛选应聘人员
Qualified candidate 合格的后选人
Performance-based test 基于绩效的测评
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Biodata 简历信息(Biography Data)(一种招聘方法)
Structured interview (结构化面试)
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)(经合组织)
Hotbed (温床)
Telecommuting (借助现代通讯技术基础上的)(在家办公)
Non-monetary incentives 非现金激励
Job rotation 工作轮换
Decentralization movement 分权运动
Pay-for-performance system 基于绩效的薪酬体系
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Headhunter 猎头
Temporary worker / Internship 临时员工/见习
Virtual HRM 虚拟人力资源管理
On-line job posting 在线工作(空缺)告示
Computer-assisted Technology (CAT) 计算机辅助技术
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Good government requires good people.
Recruiting and selection is one of two critical issues encountered by public sectors,
and the other is to retain and motivate, regardless of political system.
Recruiting and selection reliability and validity.
Recruiting and selection techniques diversity.
Recruiting and selection criteria-related.
Recruiting and selection cost and effectiveness.
Search for “Best practices” in recruiting and selection process.
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Problems in recruitment and selection confronted by developed
countries and LDCs.
Precursors to successful recruitment and selection
•Reversing the erosion of public service ethic
•HRM as partner to line management
•Civic culture and tradition
•Managerial system
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Emerging approaches to recruitment and selection
•Procedural change
•Improvement to recruitment and selection process
•Use of technology
The future?
Chapter 3: Selecting & Recruiting
Recruitment and selection of public workers: an international
compendium of modern trends and practices
Problems in recruitment and selection in Chinese public sectors.
Recruitment and selection techniques in your organization and
Challenges in recruitment and selection in your organization.
Suggestions for improvement in recruitment and selection in your
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter 4: Performance Management
Performance management model: A system-based approach to public
service quality
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Developing countries 发展中国家
Over-centralized 过于集权化
Public service quality 公共服务质量
Performance management (PM) 绩效管理
Public sector organizations (PSOs) 公共部门组织
New public management (NPM) 新公共管理
ABC (Activity-based costing ) 基于行为的成本核算系统
BSC (Balanced Scorecard) 平衡计分卡
RDF (Results and Determinants Framework) 结果与关键要素框架
EVA (Economic value added) 经济附加值
Chapter 4: Performance Management
Performance management model: A system-based approach to public
service quality
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Bureaucratic Public Administration 官僚式行政管理
Management accountability system (MAS) 管理责任系统
Service quality management 服务质量管理
Performance gap 绩效缺口
Customer-oriented 客户导向
Pragmatic approach 实践方法
Economic entity 经济体
Performance measurement 绩效测量
Performance appraisal 绩效评估
On-the-job training (OJT) 在职培训
Chapter 4: Performance Management
Performance management model: A system-based approach to public
service quality
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Learning organization 学习型组织
Positive reinforcement (R+) 正强化
Negative reinforcement (R-) 负强化
Punishment (P+) 惩罚
Extinction (P-) 消灭,废除
Maslow‘s theory of hierarchy of needs 马斯洛的需求层次理论
 Motivation hygiene theory 激励保健理论
Systemic Analysis Theory (SAT) 系统分析理论
NAHT(National Association of Head Teachers)全英校长协会代表在英国
LGMB(Local Government Management Board)(英国)地方政府管理协会
Organizational Development (OD) 组织发展
Achievement culture 成就动机文化
Market-based planning 基于市场的规划
Public sector reform 公共部门改革
Chapter 4: Performance Management
Performance management model: A system-based approach to public
service quality
Traditionally, public services are described as ``nonproductive'' and a drain on the ``wealth-producing'' part of
the economy in developing countries.
The emphasis is on decentralization, devolution and
modernization of public service delivery.
Current urgent suggests that the PM model is in place
when there is a strong linkage between primary objectives
and secondary objectives and between strategic plans and
performance measures.
Performance debates: on earth, what is measured?
Chapter 4: Performance Management
Performance management model: A system-based approach to public
service quality
The conceptual framework
•Service quality management
•What is Performance?
•Factors affecting performance
ABC model of behavior change
Chapter 4: Performance Management
Performance management model: A system-based approach to public
service quality
PM model
BSC Model in local government
Concluding remarks
Chapter 4: Performance Management
Performance management model: A system-based approach to public
service quality
Discuss what is performance in Chinese public sector in the view
of individual level.
How to align individual performance with organizational
performance in your organization.
Difficulties and Challenges in performance appraisal confronted
by your organization.
Suggestions for improvement to current performance
management system in your organization.
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter 5: Compensation Management
How much should federal employees be paid? The problems with using a
market philosophy in a broadband system
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Broadband system 宽幅度(薪酬)系统
Market philosophy 市场哲学(理念)
General Schedule (GS) Salary system 总的工资系统方案
Salary management 工资管理
Department of defense (DOD) 国防部
Salary system 工资系统
Internal Revenue Service 国内税收署
Securities and exchange Commission 证券交易委员会
General accountability office 总审计署
Chapter 5: Compensation Management
How much should federal employees be paid? The problems with using a
market philosophy in a broadband system
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Pay for performance (Performance-based pay) 基于绩效的薪酬体系
White-collar employee 白领(人员)
Universal practice 一般实践
Public agency 公共机构
Federal Employee Pay Comparability Act (FEPCA)(美国) 联邦员工支付对比法案
Bureau of labor statistics (BLS)(美国) 劳动统计局
Salary survey 工资调查
Resuscitated 苏醒的,复苏的
Chapter 5: Compensation Management
How much should federal employees be paid? The problems with using a
market philosophy in a broadband system
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Market pay rates 市场工资标准(率)
Government agency 政府机构
Override 压倒,制服
Pay gap 工资缺口
Salary band 工资幅度
World War II 第二次世界打战
Ivy League Schools 常情藤学校联合会(包括美国最著名
New grads 新来毕业生
Chapter 5: Compensation Management
How much should federal employees be paid? The problems with using a
market philosophy in a broadband system
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Pay equity 公平报酬
Law of economics 经济法则
Minimum age 最小年龄
Job specification 工作说明书
Job families 工作群
Market pricing 市场定价
A broadband salary structure 宽幅度工资结构
Fair labor standards act 公平劳动标准法案
Exempt and non-exempt employee 豁免与非豁免员工
Starting salary 起薪
Career ladder 职业梯
Chapter 5: Compensation Management
How much should federal employees be paid? The problems with using a
market philosophy in a broadband system
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Payroll 发工资
National compensation survey (NCS) 全国薪酬调查
Federal Salary Council 联邦薪酬委员会
Compensation planning薪酬规划
Benchmark job 标杆工作
Job tenure 工作年限
Senior Executive Service (SES) 高级行政管理人员机构
Chapter 5: Compensation Management
How much should federal employees be paid? The problems with using a
market philosophy in a broadband system
Compensation issues related in public sector are debated heatedly
and openly.
Compensation is an impediment to public sector to accomplish their
missions and achieve strategic goals.
Compensation policy reform:
•Compensation level?
•Equality between different regions?
•Equality between different sectors in the same local region?
•How much should be paid?
•Compensation model choice? (Based what ?)
Chapter 5: Compensation Management
How much should federal employees be paid? The problems with using a
market philosophy in a broadband system
Federal pay problems
Supply, Demand and Wage determinants
Labor Market and Market Pricing
Corporate Pay Policies
Starting salary for new college grads
Problems with Comparisons at higher job levels
Salary survey problems
How competitive are federal salaries
What is an appropriate federal pay policy?
Salary management in a broadband framework
Chapter 5: Compensation Management
How much should federal employees be paid? The problems with using a
market philosophy in a broadband system
Identify Compensation system problems in Chinese
current public sectors.
Review Compensation policy in your organization.
Constructive Suggestions for your compensation policy
reform in future.
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter 6
Training & Development
Training and Development: Best Practices
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Training and Development 培训与开发
IPMA HR Benchmarking Committee 国际公共人力资源管理协会标杆委员会
Best Practices 最佳实践
Benchmarking project 标杆项目
Organizational Mission 组织任务
Strategic alignment 战略匹配
Transfer of learning 学习转移
Training effectiveness 培训有效性
Competency-based training 基于能力的培训
Chapter 6
Training & Development
Training and Development: Best Practices
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Jurisdiction 管辖区;司法权
Competency assessment 能力测评
Organization strategy 组织战略
Administrative Mandates 行政命令
Training need 培训需求
Lifelong learning 终生学习
Generic training 一般培训
Mandatory training 强制性培训
Sexual harassment training 性骚扰培训
Operational training 操作培训
Chapter 6
Training & Development
Training and Development: Best Practices
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Tuition reimbursement 学费补充
Education Leave 进修(假)
Training opportunities 培训机会
Retention strategy 留人策略
Adult Learning 成人学习
Peer-coaching 同级指导
Chapter 6
Training & Development
Training and Development: Best Practices
Acquire Talents / train and develop talents? Talents War.
Training and development is an important HRM tools.
How much is spent on training? (Training cost)
What kinds of training are available in your organization?
What is the quality of training? (Training Effectiveness)
Efforts to Search for “Best Practices”
Chapter 6
Training & Development
Training and Development: Best Practices
Best practices criteria in the view of IPMA HR Benchmarking
Broward Country, Florida
Strategic Alignment
Types of Training
Assessment and Transfer of Learning
Hennepin County, Minnesota
Strategic Alignment
Assessing training needs and transferring learning to the workplace
Chapter 6
Training & Development
Training and Development: Best Practices
What is your opinion about the so-called “Best
Practices” in training and development.
How about training and development in your
organization. (Strategic alignment, cost budgeting,
types available and effectiveness)
Suggestions for improvement to training and
development in your organization.
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter 7: Motivation Management in Public Sector
Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations
Key terms & Professional Expressions
Motivation context 激励环境
Motivation technique 激励技术
Monetary incentive 金钱激励
Goal setting 目标设置
Job design 工作设计
Goal clarity 目标清晰
Job security 工作保障
Public sector organization 公共部门组织
Public manager/employee 公共管理者/员工
Fad 时尚,流行
Chapter 7: Motivation Management in Public Sector
Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations
Key terms & Professional Expressions
Zero-based budgeting (ZBB) 零基预算
Cutback management 削减(生产或人员)管理
Total performance measurement 总的绩效测量
Total pay comparability 总的薪酬可比性
Government efficiency 政府效率
Civil servant/service 公共员/服务
Governmental agency 政府机构
Appropriate/proper 恰当的
Delimit 划清界线
Chapter 7: Motivation Management in Public Sector
Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations
Key terms & Professional Expressions
Individual characteristics (such as need for achievement, affiliation and
power) 个人特质(比如成就动机、归属感和权力欲望)
Nonprofit sector/profit sector 非盈利部门/盈利部门
Valued economic wealth 经济价值财富
Counterpart 对等物(人)
Deficiency 无效
Entrant 入门(人),新来者
Government structure 政府构架
Motivational process 激励过程
Job characteristics (such as individual performance, goal clarity, and job
challenge) 工作特点(如个体绩效、目标清晰和工作挑战性等)
Chapter 7: Motivation Management in Public Sector
Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations
Key terms & Professional Expressions
Service provider/goods provider 服务提供者/商品提供者
Task accomplishment 任务完成
Satisficing criteria 满意标准
Performance criteria 绩效标准
Performance appraisal 绩效考核
Role conflict 角色冲突
Role ambiguity 角色模糊
Quality of working life 工作生活质量
Bureaucratic role 官僚角色
Chapter 7: Motivation Management in Public Sector
Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations
Key terms & Professional Expressions
Work environment characteristics (such as system reward, organizational
climate) 工作环境特征(如薪酬系统、组织环境等)
Peer group(同级群体)
Emanate from 发出,散发出
Organizational commitment 组织承诺
Personal significance reinforcement 个人重要性强化
Stability of expectation 期望稳定性
Transitory program 短暂项目
Work group 工作组
External environment characteristics (such as socinormative, economic,
political and technical conditions) 外部环境特征
Chapter 7: Motivation Management in Public Sector
Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations
Key terms & Professional Expressions
Self-fulfillment 自我实现
Aesthetics / ethics/ indulgence 美学/伦理/溺爱(纵容)
Pragmatic attitudes 实用态度
Public attitudes 公众态度
Legislative mandates 合法命令
Job enlargement 工作扩大化
Job enrichment 工作丰富化
Output-based merit 基于产出的绩效
Piecework system 计件制
MBO (Management by object/ Management buy outs) 目标管理/管理层收购
Chapter 7: Motivation Management in Public Sector
Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations
Key terms & Professional Expressions
Bureau of census 人口普查局
Countervailing 补偿,抵消
Vagueness of goals of public organizations公共组织目标模糊
Internal /external constituency 内部/外部选民(顾客)
Resource scarcity 资源稀缺
Collective bargaining 集体讨价还价
Individual-organizational match 个人-组织匹配
Chapter 7: Motivation Management in Public Sector
Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations
High quality public service and responsibility demands : Publicservice motivation
Market-oriented economy lure
Talent retention in public organization
Why does public sector intensely attract so many job applicants?
Factors affecting motivation in public organization
Choice of motivational technique in public organization
Chapter 7: Motivation Management in Public Sector
Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations
Context of motivation
•Individual characteristics
•Job characteristics
•Work environment characteristics
•External environment characteristics
Efficacy of motivational technique
•Monetary incentives
•Goal setting
•Job design
•Participation (Involvement)
Chapter 7: Motivation Management in Public Sector
Factors affecting the context for motivation in public organizations
Factors affecting motivation in public sectors.
Motivational techniques in public sectors.
Why do you enter public organizations rather than
other organizations?
Appropriate suggestions for motivation management
in your organizations.
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P1: Competency management in the Flemish and Dutch civil service
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Competency/Competency Management能力/能力管理
Sustainable Competitive Advantages/持续竞争优势
Civil Service/servant公共服务/公务员
Human Resource Management (HRM)人力资源管理
Bureaucracy/Bureaucratic Culture/Bureaucratism官僚/官僚式文化/官僚主义
Anonymous 匿名的
Novelty 新异
Job Description工作描述
Function-based approach 基于职能的方法
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P1: Competency management in the Flemish and Dutch civil service
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Competency-based approach基于能力的方法
Strategic HRM战略人力资源管理
Decentralized system分权制度
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P1: Competency management in the Flemish and Dutch civil service
Global Competitiveness Report 2005-2006:
“In many ways the Nordics have entered virtuous circles
where various factors reinforce each other to make them
among the most competitive economies in the world ”
------Lopez Claros Augusto, Chief Economist and Director,
Global Competitiveness Programme, World Economic Forum
Index Component System:
Public Institution
Macroeconomic Environment
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P1: Competency management in the Flemish and Dutch civil service
Background (Cont.)
Reform in public sectors (Downsizing, restructuring/reengineering);
Inefficient and inflexible in public sector;
Rapid Changing (Uncertainty) in external /internal environment faced
with public sector;
According to the OECD, the general trend HRM in the public sector is
integration into strategic management;
The modernization of the Nordic administration is considered quite
successful in international comparative research.;
Improving Competency of Government/Regulation in China, CPC.
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P1: Competency management in the Flemish and Dutch civil service
Definition of Competency and Competency
Reason of competency management in public sector
Competency management and the changing role of HR;
Competency management in Flemish civil service
(PLOEG system)
Competency management in Dutch civil service (ADB
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P1: Competency management in the Flemish and Dutch civil service
What is competency? And how about the competency
What drives competency management process in public sector?
Describe the changing role of HRM in competency
Recommend the PLOEG system in Flemish administration.
Recommend the ADB system in Dutch civil service.
What is your suggestion for Chinese administrative sectors.
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P2:Developing competency models to promote integrated human resource
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
OPM (Office of Personnel Management) (美国)人事管理局
High-performing people/organizations 高绩效人/组织
Tight labor market “紧”劳动力市场(通常S<D)
Competency 胜任力
Intelligence 智力
Human resource management professionals 人力资源管理专家
Recruitment/Selection/development strategies 招聘/选拔/开发策略
Job-based selection 基于工作的选拔
Competency-based selection 基于能力的选拔
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P2:Developing competency models to promote integrated human resource
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Organizational Survival 组织生存
Creative thinking 创造性思考
Staffing 人员配备
Job analysis 工作分析
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologist (SIOP) 工业与组织心理学协会
Task force 任务小组
Competency Modeling technique 胜任力建模技术
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) 公平就业机会委员会
Uniform Guideline for Employment Selection Procedure 就业选拔程序统一指导规则
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P2:Developing competency models to promote integrated human resource
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Softer Skills “软”技能
KSAOs (Knowledge, Skills, Ability, and Others) 知识、技能、能力和其他
Emotional intelligence 情绪智力
Occupational Analysis 职务分析
Multipurpose Occupational Systems Analysis Inventory–Closed-ended (MOSAIC)
Career lattice approach 职业方格技术
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) 主观专家(技术)
Rating Scale 评分表
Job incumbents 在职工作者
Task-to-Competency linkage 任务与胜任能力关联原则
Competency Benchmark 胜任能力标杆上海交通大学MPA
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P2:Developing competency models to promote integrated human resource
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Developing a competency model for Occupation Group 为职业群开发胜任能力模型
Developing a competency model for an Occupation 为单一职业开发胜任能力模型
Line Managers 直线管理人员
Succession planning 继任计划
Consortium 联合
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 标准职业分类
Vacancy announcement 职位空缺公告
Career Banding 职业幅度
Merit System 绩效制度
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P2:Developing competency models to promote integrated human resource
Rapidly changing business environments, organizations are
recognizing the value of a workforce that is not only highly
skilled and technically adept, but more importantly, a workforce
that can learn quickly, adapt to change, communicate effectively
and foster interpersonal relationships.
Testing competency rather intelligence.
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P2:Developing competency models to promote integrated human resource
Competency are the future
Competency in the federal government
Occupational Analysis Methodology
Developing a competency model
Application of competency modeling
Chapter 8:Competency Management
P2:Developing competency models to promote integrated human resource
Definition of competency according to OPM.
Comparativeness of traditional job-based selection and
competency-based selection.
Comparing the traditional occupational analysis, what are the
advantages of MOSAIC?
Description of Importance of Task-to-Competency linkage
Comparativeness between an occupation and occupational group
during developing and applying the competency modeling.
In your organization/sector, what is the most difficult to encounter
if developing and applying a competency model.
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter 9:Employment Relations Management
The employment relationship in the UK Public sector: A psychological contract
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Public service motivation 公共服务动机
Psychological contract 心理契约
Reciprocal exchange 互惠交换
Organizational Commitment 组织承诺
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) 组织公民行为
High-quality service 高质量服务
Health care 保健
Social care 社保
Employment relationship 雇佣关系
Chapter 9:Employment Relations Management
The employment relationship in the UK Public sector: A psychological contract
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Human resource management (HRM) 人力资源管理
Employee disposition/ orientation 员工倾向/入职培训
Policy maker/making 政策制订(者)
Public-service motivation (PSM) 公共服务动机
Intrinsic reward 内在激励
Employee-employer exchange relationship 员工-雇主交换
Incentive system 激励制度
Thatcher government 撒切尔政府(英国)
Devolution (中央权力)下放;转移
Chapter 9:Employment Relations Management
The employment relationship in the UK Public sector: A psychological contract
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Pay level 支付水平
Job security 工作保障
Precarious 不稳定的,不安全的
Employee belief 员工信念
Mutual obligation 相互义务
Transactional contract 交易性合同
Perceived Organizational Support (POS) 知觉的组织支持
Socioemotional needs 社会经济需求
Contract fulfillment 合同履行
Chapter 9:Employment Relations Management
The employment relationship in the UK Public sector: A psychological contract
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Local authority/central government 地方政府/中央政府
Looming financial deficit 赫然出现财政赤字
Transactional contract fulfillment 交易性合同履行
Relational contract fulfillment 关系性合同履行
Fulfill obligation 履行义务
Career prospect 职业展望
Decision making 决策
Fair pay 公平支付
Fringe benefit 小额优惠(福利)
Well-being 健康
Chapter 9:Employment Relations Management
The employment relationship in the UK Public sector: A psychological contract
Importance of Employment relationship management to
Public servant: motivation
Contract management perspectives: explicit VS. implicit
contract (psychological contract)
Psychological contract in employment refers to the system of
beliefs that an individual and his or her employer hold
regarding he terms of their exchange agreement.
Chapter 9:Employment Relations Management
The employment relationship in the UK Public sector: A psychological contract
 Arguments related Public service motivation
Discrepancy between Employees’ expectation and
Employers’ expectation
Breaching implicit contract and outcomes (attitude and
behavior): dissatisfaction/ lower commitment/Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB)/turnover
Chapter 9:Employment Relations Management
The employment relationship in the UK Public sector: A psychological contract
Context change
Psychological contract contents:
Perceived Organizational support
• Transactional contract: refer to a short-term exchange of
specific benefic benefits and contributions that are highly
monetary or economic in focus.
• Relational contract: refers to a long-term arrangement
without specific performance reward contingencies
(socioemotional and economical terms)
Chapter 9:Employment Relations Management
The employment relationship in the UK Public sector: A psychological contract
Outcome of Breaching and Violent psychological
• Attitude: Organizational commitment
Behavior: Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Chapter 9:Employment Relations Management
The employment relationship in the UK Public sector: A psychological contract
What is your public service motivation?
In your opinion, besides explicit contract terms, what would
you expect in your routine work. (Such as from your direct
leader or organizational unit)
Have you experienced breach or violence of psychological
contract? If no, just imagination a case that you would be under
this situation. How would you respond?
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public Sector
Chapter 10:Emergency Management
Preparing for the unthinkable: managers, terrorism and the HRM function
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Cold war 冷战
Nuclear Attack 核袭击
Government continuity 政府连续性
Rubric 映红字的标题
Sporadic 偶尔发生的,零星的
Terrorism/terrorist 恐怖主义/分子
Municipal Department 市政部门
Emergency planning 应急规划
Department of Homeland Security 国土安全局
Chapter 10:Emergency Management
Preparing for the unthinkable: managers, terrorism and the HRM function
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Traumatic incidents 创伤事件
Workplace disaster 工作场所灾难
Victim 受害者
Legitimacy 合法性
Jurisdiction 司法(权)
Inundated with 淹没,充满
Sanitation 卫生,环境(提供)
Volcanic Eruption 火山爆发
Nuclear power plant accidents 核电站事故
Tornadoes 龙卷风
Chapter 10:Emergency Management
Preparing for the unthinkable: managers, terrorism and the HRM function
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Constellation 星座,灿烂一群
Organizational viability following disaster 灾难后的组织生存
Emergency preparedness 应急准备
Public opinion poll 公众民意调查
Surveillance and Intelligence督察和情报
Temporary Relocation 临时搭建
Organizational Inventory 组织存货
Presidential Disaster Declaration 总统灾难声明
Evacuation 撤离
Chapter 10:Emergency Management
Preparing for the unthinkable: managers, terrorism and the HRM function
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Roster of volunteers 志愿者名册
Periodic checks/training 周期性检查/培训
Federal Reimbursement 联邦政府补偿
Ward off 避开
Chapter 10:Emergency Management
Preparing for the unthinkable: managers, terrorism and the HRM function
9/11 terrorism attack, World Trade Center & Pentagon,
New York, USA,2001
SARS,2003, in China
Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2004
Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,2005
Chapter 10:Emergency Management
Preparing for the unthinkable: managers, terrorism and the HRM function
Continuous/Sustainable public service when
emergency comes out
Most emergency planning has focused on preserving
citizens and public structures, with much less emphasis
upon protecting government employees and their ability
to function at work.
Chapter 10:Emergency Management
Preparing for the unthinkable: managers, terrorism and the HRM function
Context of concern: Emergency Situation
Lessons from disasters
Managerial Decision and Disaster Plan
Case data analysis:
•Attitude towards terrorism threats
•Operations relocation potential
•Organizational Inventory
Chapter 10:Emergency Management
Preparing for the unthinkable: managers, terrorism and the HRM function
Workplace Protection
Measures for extended operations
Employee family outcome
Documentation System
Conclusion: HRM functions during emergency
Chapter 10:Emergency Management
Preparing for the unthinkable: managers, terrorism and the HRM function
Lessons from disasters.
How would HRM play a critical role for emergency
management? In what area? Process? Possible difficulties?
Chapter1 Introduction
Chapter2 Strategic Planning
Chapter3 Selection/Recruiting
Chapter4 Performance Management
Chapter5 Compensation Management
Chapter6 Training & Developing
Chapter7 Motivation Management
Chapter8 Competency Management in Public Sectors
Chapter9 Employment Relationship Management
Chapter10 Emergency Management
Chapter11 Creating High-Performance Organization in Public
Chapter 11: Creating high-Performance
Organizations in Public Sector
Creating high-performance organizations in public sectors
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
U.S. Mint 美国铸币局
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (美国)环境保护署
High-performance organizations 高绩效组织
Organizational culture 组织文化
Psychological culture 心理文化
Culture change 文化变革
Federal agency 联邦机构
President’s Quality Award Program 总统质量奖
Government Performance and Result Act (GPRA) 政府绩效和效果法案
Organizational culture survey 组织文化调查
Chapter 11: Creating high-Performance
Organizations in Public Sector
Creating high-performance organizations in public sectors
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Personnel Resource and Development Centre (PRDC)人事资源与开发中心
Organizational Assessment Survey (OAS) 组织测评调查
Organizational learning network 组织学习网络
Advisory Committee on Federal Workforce Quality 联邦政府人员质量咨询委员会
Chapter 11: Creating high-Performance
Organizations in Public Sector
Creating high-performance organizations in public sectors
Key Terms & Professional Expressions
Merit System Protection Board 绩效系统保护委员会
Effective Organizations 有效组织
Organizational performance 组织绩效
Organizational support 组织支持
Organizational politics 组织政治
Performance America 绩效美国(是一系列美国公共部门
Chapter 11: Creating high-Performance
Organizations in Public Sector
Creating high-performance organizations in public sectors
Effective Organization
High-performing organization
Organizational culture
Individual competency
Organizational competency
Chapter 11: Creating high-Performance
Organizations in Public Sector
Creating high-performance organizations in public sectors
Developing a model
Forming Performance America
Case Studies
Discussion and implication
Chapter 11: Creating high-Performance
Organizations in Public Sector
Creating high-performance organizations in public sectors
Review organizational culture in your organization.
How to create a high-performing organization in public
sector in your perceptions.