Breaking Into Print - Open Court


Breaking Into Print

Before and After the Invention of the Printing Press parchment quill scribes manuscripts tinkered

Open Court Level 4 / Unit 5 - Communication/ Lesson 3/ pp. 436-439

Melissa Lape- Wilson Elementary


Animal skin, usually from sheep or goats, that is made into a tough translucent paper for writing.

A French monk sat hunched over a parchment page.

The ancient diary was written on parchment.

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary


A hollow wing or tail feather used for writing

He dipped a goose quill in some ink and began to write.

A quill dipped in ink was an early kind of pen.

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary


People who copy manuscripts or books by hand

His scribes , however, created a new script that made writing easier to understand.

Scribes , or people who copied manuscripts, were very important to the community long ago.

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary


Books or papers written by hand

The risk of fire from candles posed too great a danger to their precious manuscripts .

Original manuscripts of early books are very rare and valuable.

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary


Worked in a clumsy or unskilled way

Over the next few years, Guttenberg tinkered with the printing process.

My father tinkered with the car, but he wasn’t able to fix it.

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary

Breaking Into Print

- Vocabulary Review -

parchment_ quill_ scribes_ manuscripts_ tinkered_

A. A hollow wing or tail feather used for writing

B. People who copy manuscripts or books by hand

C. Worked in a clumsy or unskilled way

D. Animal skin, usually from sheep or goats, that is made into a tough translucent paper for writing.

E. Books or papers written by hand

Breaking Into Print

Word Knowledge

The words in the list are all comparative forms.

longer long longer longest cheaper taller simpler cheap cheaper tall taller simple simpler cheapest tallest simplest easier (easy) * change the y to i then add -er

Regular comparative adjectives and adverbs are formed by

Melissa Lape adding the suffix –er.

Wilson Elementary

Breaking Into Print

Word Knowledge

These words have the /f/ sound spelled ph.

alphabet phrase philosophy geography trophy dolphin

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary

Breaking Into Print

Word Knowledge

Theses words show how single and double consonants following a vowel sound hopped hoped filled filed robbed

The double consonant signals short vowel sound.


The single consonant signals long vowel sound

He hoped to finish before the first snow fell.

Melissa Lape

(long or short vowel sound?)

Wilson Elementary

Breaking Into Print

Word Knowledge close bold rare

These words contain the suffix –ly.

closely boldly rarely soft softly quiet quietly

What is the meaning of the suffix –ly changes?

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary

Breaking Into Print

Word Knowledge

He made the press taller.

The word press is used as a noun in this sentence.

Give examples of sentences that uses press as a verb.


Sally pressed the on button for the computer.

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary

Breaking Into Print

Word Knowledge

The writer filled his inkwell.

What is the tense of the verb in this sentence?


Change the verb to present tense and say the new sentence.

The writer fills his inkwell.

Change the verb to future tense and say the new sentence.

The writer will fill his inkwell.

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary

Breaking Into Print

Word Knowledge

Astronauts boldly go into space.

Which word has the –ly suffix in this sentence?


It would break too easily.

Which word has the –ly suffix in this sentence?

It would lose its shape too quickly.

Which word has the –ly suffix in this sentence?

Books were no longer rare or costly.

Which word has the –ly suffix in this sentence?

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary

History of the Printing Press

Reproduction of Gutenberg-era Press on display at the

Printing History Museum in Lyon, France.

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary

Johannes Gutenberg and the

Printing Press

Links: wiki/Johannes_Gutenberg

Resource: The History of

Making Books/Scholastic/

Voyages of Discovery

Gutenberg was a poor businessman and made little money from his printing system.

Gutenberg began experimenting with metal typography after he had moved from his native

Germany to France around 1430.

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press with replaceable wooden or metal letters in 1436.

(completed by 1440).

Melissa Lape

Wilson Elementary
