Launceston and North East region - Australian Natural Resources

Agriculture, Fisheries and
Forestry in the Launceston and
North East region of Tasmania,
Research by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural
and Resource Economics and Sciences
About my region 15.44
April 2015
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
© Commonwealth of Australia 2015
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ABARES 2015, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015,
About my region 15.44, Canberra, April. CC BY 3.0.
ISBN 978-1-74323-111-1
ABARES project 43009
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North region of Tasmania 2015 is available at
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The Australian Government acting through the Department of Agriculture, represented by the Australian
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ABARES relies on the voluntary cooperation of farmers participating in the annual Australian Agricultural and
Grazing Industries Survey, Australian Dairy Industry Survey, and Australian Vegetable Growing Farms Survey
to provide data used in the preparation of this report. Without their help, these surveys would not be possible.
ABARES farm survey staff collected most of the information presented in this report through on-farm
interviews with farmers.
This regional profile was updated by Therese Thompson, Peter Martin, Haydn Valle, Timothy Connolly, Kasia
Mazur, Lucy Randall and Sharan Singh.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
Regional overview .............................................................................................................................. 1
Employment .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Agriculture sector ............................................................................................................................... 4
Value of agricultural production ................................................................................................... 4
Number and type of farms ............................................................................................................... 4
Farm financial performance—Tasmania ................................................................................... 6
Fisheries sector ................................................................................................................................. 12
Forestry sector .................................................................................................................................. 14
References ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Table 1 Number of farms, by industry classification, 2012–13 .................................................... 5
Table 2 Financial performance, Tasmania broadacre industries, 2012–13 to 2014–15,
average per farm ................................................................................................................................. 7
Table 3 Financial performance, Tasmania dairy industry, 2012–13 to 2014–15, average
per farm ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Table 4 Physical and financial performance, vegetable growing farm businesses,
Tasmania, 2012–13 and 2013–14 ............................................................................................. 11
Figure 1 Employment profile, Launceston and North East region, November 2014 ........... 3
Figure 2 Value of agricultural production, Launceston and North East region, Tasmania,
2012–13 .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 3 Distribution of farms by estimated value of agricultural operations, Launceston
and North West region, Tasmania 2012–13 ............................................................................. 5
Figure 4 Real farm cash income, broadacre industries, average per farm............................... 7
Figure 5 Real farm cash income, sheep industry, average per farm ........................................... 8
Figure 6 Real farm cash income, beef industry, average per farm .............................................. 9
Figure 7 Real farm cash income, dairy industry, average per farm ......................................... 10
Figure 8 Real farm cash income, vegetable growing farm businesses, Tasmania, 2005–
06 to 2013–14 ................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9 Area of native forest, by tenure ............................................................................................ 14
Map 1 Broad agricultural land use of the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania
.................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Map 2 Agricultural industries of the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania ....... 2
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
1 Regional overview
The Launceston and North East region of Tasmania is located in the north-east of the state and
includes Flinders Island (Map 1). The region comprises the eight local government areas of
Break O’Day, Dorset, Flinders, George Town, Launceston, Meander Valley, Northern Midlands
and West Tamar, and the major regional towns of Launceston, Campbell Town and St Marys. The
region covers a total area of around 20 000 square kilometres or 29 per cent of Tasmania’s total
area and is home to approximately 137 600 people (ABS 2011).
Agricultural land in the Launceston and North East region occupies 7550 square kilometres, or
38 per cent of the region. Areas classified as conservation and natural environments (nature
conservation, protected areas and minimal use) occupy 6830 square kilometres, or 34 per cent
of the region. The most common land use by area is grazing modified pasture, which occupies
4900 square kilometres or 25 per cent of the Launceston and North East region.
Map 1 Broad agricultural land use of the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania
Source: Catchment scale land use of Australia – update March 2014 (ABARES, 2014)
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
Map 2 Agricultural industries of the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania
Source: Catchment scale land use of Australia – update March 2014 (ABARES, 2014)
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data from the 2014 Labour Force Survey indicate that
around 66 300 people were employed in the Launceston and North East region. The Launceston
and North East region accounts for 28 per cent of total employment in Tasmania and 34 per cent
of all people employed in the Tasmanian agriculture, forestry and fishing sector.
Health care and social assistance was the largest employing sector with 8200 people followed by
retail trade with 7600 people (Figure 1). Other important employment sectors in the region
were education and training (6700 people), manufacturing (5600 people) and accommodation
and food services (5300 people). The agriculture, forestry and fishing sector employed
4600 people, representing 7 per cent of the region’s workforce.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
Figure 1 Employment profile, Launceston and North East region, November 2014
Health Care and Social Assistance
Retail Trade
Education and Training
Accommodation and Food Services
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Transport, Postal and Warehousing
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
Other Services
Administrative and Support Services
Public Administration and Safety
Wholesale Trade
Financial and Insurance Services
Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services
Information Media and Telecommunications
Arts and Recreation Services
Employed total ('000 ) -
Note: Annual average of the preceding 4 quarters.
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, cat. no. 6291.0, Labour Force, Australia
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
2 Agriculture sector
Value of agricultural production
In 2012–13, the gross value of agricultural production (GVAP) in the Launceston and North East
region was $446 million, which was 38 per cent of the total gross value of agricultural
production in Tasmania ($1.2 billion). This is the most recent year for which ABS data are
The Launceston and North East region has a diverse and important agricultural sector. The most
important commodity in the Launceston and North East region based on the gross value of
agricultural production was milk (Figure 2). In 2012–13, milk contributed 22 per cent
($99 million) to the value of agricultural production in the region. Cattle and calves accounted
for 17 per cent ($75 million); potatoes accounted for 11 per cent ($51 million); wool 9 per cent
($40 million), sheep and lambs 6 per cent ($27 million) and hay 4 per cent ($20 million).
In 2012–13, the Launceston and North East region accounted for around 94 per cent of the total
value of the state’s triticale, 84 per cent of the total value of canola and 74 per cent of the total
value of hay.
Figure 2 Value of agricultural production, Launceston and North East region, Tasmania,
Cattle and calves
Sheep and lambs
Fruit and nuts (excluding grapes)
Wine grapes
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, cat. no. 7503.0, Value of agricultural commodities produced, Australia
Number and type of farms
ABS data indicate that in 2012–13 there were 1453 farms in the Launceston and North West
region with an estimated value of agricultural operations of more than $5000 (Table 1). The
region contains 25 per cent of all farm businesses in Tasmania.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
Table 1 Number of farms, by industry classification, 2012–13
Industry Classification
Beef Cattle
Mixed livestock
Fruit and nuts
Other Crop growing
Other livestock
Mixed grains and livestock
Grain growing
Total Agriculture
Launceston and North East region
1 453
1 090
3 935
Note: Estimated value of agricultural operations greater than $5000.
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics
Farms are classified in Table 1 according to the activities that generate most of their value of
production. Beef cattle farms (366 farms) were the most common, accounting for 25 per cent of
all farms in the Launceston and North West region, and 34 per cent of all mixed livestock farms
in Tasmania.
There is a large percentage of small farms in the region in terms of their value of agricultural
output. Estimated value of agricultural operations (EVAO) is a measure of the value of
production from farms and a measure of their business size. Around 41 per cent of farms in the
Launceston and North West region had an EVAO of less than $50 000 (Figure 3). These farms
accounted for only 3 per cent of the total value of agricultural operations in 2012–13. In
comparison, 26 per cent of farms in the region had an EVAO of more than $350 000 and
accounted for an estimated 81 per cent of the total value of agricultural operations in the region.
Figure 3 Distribution of farms by estimated value of agricultural operations, Launceston
and North West region, Tasmania 2012–13
< $50k
$50k to $150k
$150k to $350k $350k to $500k
Share of farms
$500k to $1 m
Share of value of agricultural operations
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics
> $1 m
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
Farm financial performance—Tasmania
Each year, ABARES interviews Australian broadacre, dairy and vegetable producers as part of its
annual survey program. Broadacre industries covered in this survey include the grains, grains–
livestock, sheep, beef and sheep–beef industries. The information collected is a basis for
analysing the current financial position of farms in these industries and expected changes in the
short term. This paper uses data from the ABARES Australian agricultural and grazing industries
survey (AAGIS), Australian dairy industry survey (ADIS), and Australian vegetable growing
industry survey to report estimates of financial performance indicators (Box 1) for broadacre,
dairy and vegetable farms in Tasmania.
Box 1 Definitions
Major financial performance indicators
Total cash receipts: total revenues received by the business during the financial year.
Total cash costs: payments made by the business for materials and services and for permanent and casual hired
labour (excluding owner manager, partner and family labour).
Farm cash income: total cash receipts – total cash costs
Farm business profit: farm cash income + changes in trading stocks – depreciation – imputed labour costs
Profit at full equity: return produced by all the resources used in the business, farm business profit + rent +
interest + finance lease payments – depreciation on leased items
Rate of return: return to all capital used, profit at full equity * 100 / total opening capital
Equity ratio: Farm capital minus farm debt expressed as a percentage of farm capital
Industry types
Grains: farms mainly engaged in producing broadacre crops such as wheat, coarse grains, oilseeds and pulses, and
including farms running sheep and/or beef cattle in conjunction with substantial broadacre crop activity.
Sheep: farms mainly engaged in running sheep.
Beef: farms mainly engaged in running beef cattle.
Dairy: farms mainly engaged in milk production.
Vegetable: farms mainly engaged in growing vegetables.
Performance of broadacre farms—Tasmania
Tasmanian broadacre farm cash incomes are projected to increase to average $104 000 a farm in
2014–15 (Figure 4 and Table 2), as a result of higher beef cattle, lamb, wool and crop receipts.
Receipts from crops are projected to increase by around 5 per cent, with the largest increase in
receipts from oilseed poppies, vegetables and a range of other horticultural and vegetable crops.
While receipts are expected to increase, average total cash costs are expected to decline
resulting from reduced expenditure on fuel, interest payments and livestock purchases and
despite increased expenditure on contracts and hired labour.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
Figure 4 Real farm cash income, broadacre industries, average per farm
2014–15 $’000
p Preliminary estimate. y Provisional estimate.
Source: ABARES Australian Agricultural and Grazing Industries Survey
Table 2 Financial performance, Tasmania broadacre industries, 2012–13 to 2014–15,
average per farm
Performance indicator
299 490
229 720
69 770
29 040
3 889 340
363 950
42 160
321 300
249 900
71 400
10 400
40 500
3 762 500
425 500
32 700
334 000
230 000
104 000
31 000
57 000
386 000
Total cash receipts
Total cash costs
Farm cash income
Farms with negative farm cash income
Farm business profit
Profit at full equity excluding capital appreciation
Farm capital at 30 June a
Farm debt at 30 June b
Equity ratio bd
Rate of return excluding capital appreciation e
Off-farm income of owner manager and spouse b
a Excludes leased plant and equipment. b Average per responding farm. c Farm capital minus farm debt. d Equity expressed
as a percentage of farm capital. e Rate of return to farm capital at 1 July. p Preliminary estimates. y Provisional estimates.
na Not Available. Figures in parentheses are standard errors expressed as a percentage of the estimate provided
Source: ABARES Australian Agricultural and Grazing Industries Survey
Performance of sheep industry farms—Tasmania
In 2013–14 an increase in average prices received for adult sheep, lambs, and wool outweighed
lower sheep and lamb turn-off and resulted in an increase in average farm receipts for sheep
industry farms is Tasmania. Despite reduced expenditure on livestock purchases, average farm
cash costs increased due to higher expenditure on fertiliser, fuel, fodder, crop and pasture
chemicals, and interest payments. Increased costs more than offset higher receipts and led to a
decline in farm cash income for Tasmanian sheep industry farms to an average of $75 600 a farm
(Figure 5).
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
In 2014–15, farm cash income for Tasmanian sheep industry farms is projected to increase to
average $111 000 a farm, around 24 per cent above the 10-year average to 2013–14.
Sheep, lamb and wool receipts are projected to increase due to an increase in sheep and lamb
prices combined with slightly higher turn-off and an increase in the quantity of wool sold.
Average total cash costs are projected to decline as a result of reduced expenditure on livestock
purchases, interest payments and fuel.
Figure 5 Real farm cash income, sheep industry, average per farm
2014–15 $’000
p Preliminary estimate. y Provisional estimate.
Source: ABARES Australian Agricultural and Grazing Industries Survey
Performance of beef industry farms—Tasmania
In 2013–14, lower turn-off more than offset a small increase in beef cattle prices resulting in
average beef cattle receipts declining. Despite the decrease in beef cattle receipts, total cash
receipts on Tasmanian beef industry farms increased slightly mainly as a result of higher crop
receipts. The increase in farm receipts was combined with slightly lower cash costs in 2013–14,
due to a decrease in expenditure on livestock purchases, repairs and maintenance, and fertiliser.
Overall, average farm cash income for Tasmanian beef industry farms increased slightly to
average of $55 800 a farm in 2013–14 (Figure 6).
In 2014–15, higher beef cattle turn-off in combination with an increase in average sale prices
received, are projected to result in beef cattle receipts increasing on Tasmanian beef industry
farms. In addition, reduction in expenditure on purchases of beef cattle together with lower
interest expenditure is projected to lead to a reduction in farm cash costs. Average farm cash
income for beef industry farms are projected to increase to average $81 000 a farm in 2014–15,
around 40 per cent above the 10-year average to 2013–14.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
Figure 6 Real farm cash income, beef industry, average per farm
2014–15 $’000
p Preliminary estimate. y Provisional estimate.
Source: ABARES Australian Agricultural and Grazing Industries Survey
Performance of dairy industry farms— Tasmania
Average farm cash income was low for Tasmanian farms in 2012–13. In 2013–14, an increase in
milk prices resulted in average farm cash incomes rebounded strongly in Tasmania. Average
farm cash income increased from $44 100 in 2012–13 to $238 100 in 2013–14 (Figure 7 and
Table 3). Nationally, average farm cash income increased from $44 130 in 2012–13 to
$163 900 in 2013–14.
In 2014–15 average farm cash incomes are projected to decline in most states including
Tasmania as a result of lower milk prices and higher cash costs, particularly fodder costs.
However, the reduction in farm cash income is expected to be much smaller in Tasmania,
compared with other states, due to a much larger increase in milk production in Tasmania
compared to the other states. Farm cash income in Tasmania is projected to average
$202 000 a farm in 2014–15, around 60 per cent above the 10-year average to 2013–14.
When variations to projected farm cash incomes of dairy farms across Australia are taken into
account, the overall average farm cash income of Australian dairy farms is projected to decline to
average $97 000 a farm in 2014–15, around 14 per cent below the 10-year average to 2013–14.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
Figure 7 Real farm cash income, dairy industry, average per farm
2014–15 $’000
p Preliminary estimate. y Provisional estimate.
Source: ABARES Australian Dairy Industry Survey
Table 3 Financial performance, Tasmania dairy industry, 2012–13 to 2014–15, average per
Performance indicator
44 100
–66 840
238 100
123 100
202 000
79 000
Farm cash income
Farm business profit a
Rate of return excluding capital appreciation b
a Defined as farm cash income plus buildup in trading stocks, less depreciation and the imputed value of operator partner
and family labour. b Defined as profit at full equity, excluding capital appreciation, as a percentage of total opening capital.
Profit at full equity is defined as farm business profit plus rent, interest and lease payments less depreciation on leased
items. p Preliminary estimates. y Provisional estimates. na Not available. Figures in parentheses are standard errors
expressed as a percentage of the estimate provided.
Source: ABARES Australian Dairy Industry Survey
Performance of vegetable industry farms—Tasmania
Nationally in 2013–14, average farm cash income is estimated to have declined to $156 000,
4 per cent lower than in 2012–13. Average to above average seasonal conditions helped growers
to maintain the high yields of 2012–13. Overall vegetable production was also higher because
the average area planted to vegetable crops increased. However, the resulting increase in
vegetable cash receipts was partially offset by lower vegetable prices.
Vegetable production as a proportion of total state gross value of agricultural production is
higher in Tasmania than any other state, accounting for 20 per cent. Vegetable growing farm
businesses in the state are also the most diverse, with only 51 per cent of total farm receipts
attributable to vegetables.
Despite vegetable cash receipts declining, estimated average farm cash income increased
marginally in 2012–13 to $135 400 (Table 4), 30 per cent higher than the eight-year average (in
real terms) to 2012–13 (Figure 8). Yields were variable across vegetable commodities,
decreasing for potatoes, but increasing for carrots and onions. The average area planted
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
decreased for all vegetable commodities, decreasing most strongly for the main vegetable
commodities. The effect on receipts of lower vegetable production was offset by an increase in
vegetable prices.
Average farm cash income is estimated to have decreased in 2013–14 to $107 000 (Table 4),
although this was 14 per cent higher than the nine-year average (in real terms) to 2013–14
(Figure 8). The average area planted was down across all vegetable commodities, although
yields were marginally higher for potatoes, reflecting the better than average seasonal
conditions for most farms.
Table 4 Physical and financial performance, vegetable growing farm businesses,
Tasmania, 2012–13 and 2013–14
average per farm
Selected estimates
2012–13 p
2013–14 y
% Change
from 2011–12
310 000
% Change
from 2012–13
Vegetable cash receipts
321 700
Area sown to vegetables
Quantity of vegetables produced
1 131
Farm cash income
135 400
107 000
Note: p Preliminary estimate. y Provisional estimate. RSE Relative standard errors, expressed as a percentage of the
estimate. Updated data for vegetable farm businesses will be available November 2015.
Source: ABARES Australian vegetable growing farms survey
Figure 8 Real farm cash income, vegetable growing farm businesses,
Tasmania, 2005–06 to 2013–14
average per farm
Note: p Preliminary estimate. y Provisional estimate.
Source: ABARES Australian vegetable growing farms survey
2013–14 y
2012–13 p
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
3 Fisheries sector
The Launceston and North East region of Tasmania is predominantly a wild-catch production
area for shellfish, in particular abalone, scallop, and finfish. Georges Bay and Ansons Bay are key
shellfish producing areas, including cockles, clams and some aquaculture oysters. Wild-caught
greenlip and blacklip abalone production also occurs in the area as these species are abundant
along the north coast toward Musselroe Point. The ports of Bridport and St. Helens are
important landing sites for scallop fishers operating in both Commonwealth and Tasmanian
In 2012–13 the gross value of Tasmanian fisheries production is estimated to be around
$695.9 million, an increase of 0.4 per cent ($3 million) from 2012–13. Tasmania contributed
29 per cent of the total value of Australian fisheries production in 2012–13. In value terms, the
wild-catch sector accounted for 25 per cent ($175.9 million) of the state’s total production and
the aquaculture sector accounted for the remaining 75 per cent ($520 million).
Tasmania’s wild-catch fisheries sector is dominated by two main products—abalone and
southern rocklobster—which account for 56 per cent and 37 per cent, respectively, of the total
value of wild-caught production in 2012–13. Over the last decade the real value of Tasmania’s
wild-caught fisheries products has reduced by 16 per cent to $175.9 million 2012–13. The
decline in value was driven by 40 per cent decline in the average unit price of several major
wild-catch species and despite a 40 per cent increase in the total volume of wild-catch fisheries
The product for which the real value of production declined most over the past decade is
abalone (both wild-caught and aquaculture), falling by 24 per cent to $97 million in 2012–13.
This was the result of a 26 per cent reduction in the real unit price, despite s 2 per cent increase
in volume. A large proportion of abalone is exported, mostly to Hong Kong, China and Japan.
Exchange rate movements have a significant effect on the value of abalone exports and, in turn,
Southern rocklobster accounts for a significant proportion of Tasmanian wild-catch production,
accounting for 17 per cent and 37 per cent of the total volume and value, respectively, of wildcatch production in 2012–13. However, the value of Southern rocklobster exports declined by
30 per cent in 2012–13, primarily reflecting a 23 per cent (75 tonnes) reduction in the volume
exported from Tasmania and falling export unit prices.
Commonwealth fisheries active in the Tasmania region include the Commonwealth Trawl Sector
(main source of domestic fresh fish for Sydney and Melbourne markets) and the Shark Gillnet,
Hook and Trap Sector (supplies gummy shark or ‘flake’ to Melbourne) of the Southern and
Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery. The Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery and Small
Pelagic Fishery (mostly fishmeal for aquaculture and agriculture) also operate in the waters off
The importance of aquaculture in Tasmanian fisheries production increased over the past
decade. Over the past decade the real value of aquaculture production tripled reaching
$520 million in 2012-13, representing around 75 per cent of the state’s fisheries production.
Most of the growth in aquaculture production is attributed to increases in the output of farmed
salmonid species, in particular Atlantic salmon.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
In 2012–13 the volume of Tasmania’s aquaculture production is estimated to have declined by
4 per cent (2088 tonnes) to 46 375 tonnes. Salmonids accounted for 90 per cent of this volume
and 94 per cent of the total value of Tasmanian aquaculture in 2012–13. Most Tasmanian
salmonid production supplies the domestic market. A key factor contributing to the rapid
growth in recent years was a strong focus on marketing salmon to Australian consumers. In
2012–13 an estimated 41 762 tonnes of salmonids valued at $489 million were produced.
In 2012–13, Tasmania’s fisheries product exports were valued at $131.9 million, lower by 20 per
cent decline compared with 2011-12. The main export products include abalone, salmon and
Southern rocklobster, which collectively accounted for around 93 per cent of the total value of
Tasmania’s fisheries exports in 2012–13.
Hong Kong, Vietnam and China are the major destinations for Tasmanian fisheries exports,
accounting for 35 per cent, 21 per cent and 19 per cent of the total value of exports in 2012–13,
respectively. Other major export destinations include Japan (8 per cent), Singapore (6 per cent)
and Taiwan (2 per cent).
Recreational fishing is popular in Tasmania with Tasmanians spending over $50 million on
recreational fishing and an estimated one in every three Tasmanians reported to go fishing. This
includes game fishing for species including southern bluefin tuna and, with the seasonal
extension of the East Australian Current, tropical species, such as yellowfin tuna and striped
marlin. Recreational fishing also includes Southern rocklobster, abalone and a range of finfish
species, such as flathead, Australian salmon, flounder and bream. Boat fishing accounts for most
of the fishing effort in the Launceston North West region and finfish such as flathead, Australian
salmon, bream and tuna are the most common target species caught (Lyle et al. 2009).
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
4 Forestry sector
In 2010–11, the total plantation area in the Launceston and North East region was
approximately 127 300 hectares, comprised of approximately 89 000 hectares of hardwood
plantations and 36 000 hectares of softwood plantations. The main hardwood species planted
are blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) and shining gum (E. nitens), and the main softwood species
planted is radiata pine (Pinus radiata).
In 2011, there were approximately 919 200 hectares of native forests in the Launceston and
North East region, comprised mainly of Eucalypt medium woodland (446 400 hectares),
Eucalypt tall open (176 500 hectares) and Eucalypt tall woodland (107 900 hectares) forest
types. The majority of the native forests are privately managed (317 400 hectares), while
287 900 hectares are multiple-use public forest available for timber production and
174 600 hectares are in nature conservation reserves (Figure 9). The region hosts a number of
timber processing industries, mostly in the Tamar Valley including Bell Bay and Launceston.
Figure 9 Area of native forest, by tenure
Leasehold forest (3000 ha—0.3%)
Multiple-use public forest (287 900 ha—31.3%)
Nature conservation reserve (174 600 ha—19.0%)
Other Crown land (135 200 ha—14.7%)
Private land (including Indigenous) (317 400 ha—34.5%)
Unresolved tenure (1100 ha—0.1%)
Source: ABARES Australia’s State of the Forests Report 2013
Sales and service income in the Tasmanian forest and wood product industry was estimated at
approximately $593 million in 2012–13, of which $257 million was from wood product sales.
The remaining $336 million was generated from the sale of paper and paper products. Exports
of woodchips from Tasmania have declined sharply following the global economic downturn,
falling to 1.5 million tonnes in 2010–11 with an estimated value of $236 million. In 2011–12,
woodchip exports declined further to 419 000 tonnes, valued at $64 million. In 2011, the
Tasmanian forestry sector employed 3 526 workers (1.7 per cent of the total employed
workforce in Tasmania) compared with 5 390 (2.7 per cent) in 2006 (number of people
employed includes forestry support services and timber wholesaling).
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Launceston and North East region of Tasmania, 2015 ABARES
ABS 2011, Census of Population and Housing, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra.
ABS 2014a, Agricultural Commodities, Australia, 2012–2013, cat. no. 7121.0, Australian Bureau
Statistics, Canberra.
ABS 2014b, Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, Quarterly, Nov 2014, cat. no. 6291.0.55.003,
Australian Bureau Statistics, Canberra.
ABS 2014c, Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced, Australia, 2012–13, cat. no. 7503.0,
Australian Bureau Statistics, Canberra.
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics-Bureau of Rural Sciences 2010, Land
use of Australia 2005-06, Version 4, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra.
ABARES 2014, Catchment scale land use of Australia – update March 2014. Department of
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences 2014, Australian forest
and wood products statistics: March and June quarters 2014, Australian Bureau of Agricultural
and Resource Economics and Sciences, Canberra.
Lyle, JM, Tracey, SR, Stark, KE & Wotherspoon, S 2009, 2007–08 Survey of Recreational Fishing
in Tasmania, Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute, University of Tasmania, Hobart.
Montreal Process Implementation Group for Australia and National Forest Inventory Steering
Committee 2013, Australia’s State of the Forests Report 2013, Australian Bureau of Agricultural
and Resource Economics and Sciences, Canberra.