ALA_Handout_062413_mc (1)

Deborah Parrott
Dr. Maria Cahill
East Tennessee State University
PO Box 70684
Johnson City, TN 37614
Texas Woman’s University
PO Box 425438
Denton, TX 76204-5438
940-898-2605 (note the 1)
Standards for Reading Professionals
(International Reading Association, 2010)
Foundational Knowledge
Curriculum and Instruction
Assessment and Evaluation
Literate Environment
Professional Learning and Leadership
Professional Development
What are the needs of your students and your teachers?
What do you already know?
What resources can you use?
o The Reading Teacher and/or Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
o International Reading Association website ( )
Who can help you?
Professional book study groups
Expert teachers—classroom observations
Graduate School of Education
International Reading Association (2010). Standards for reading professionals. Retrieved from
Bio Cube
Bio Cube Planning Sheet
Use this planning sheet to prepare for the online Bio Cube interactive by filling in the
information for each side of the cube. Because space on the cube is limited, you will
need to briefly summarize your information.
Person’s Name,
Time Period,
and Place
Personality Traits
Important Quote
Retrieved from; Adapted from McLaughlin, M., & Allen, M.B. (2002). Guided comprehension in
action: Lessons for grades 3–8. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Charlotte’s Web by
Directions: Select and complete one activity from each horizontal row to showcase your
knowledge of the novel. Color in you blocks as you complete the assignments, and place your
completed activities in your file in the filing box.
Create a list of 10 more
Pick a scene from the book
Generate your own
words that Charlotte could
then write a skit that you can
book cover for
have used to describe
perform with two other peers.
Charlotte’s Web. May
Wilbur. Then share words
sure to include the
with two peers.
title, author, and
Create three interview
Pick a peer and create a
In your journal, pick
questions about the book.
geographical map of the
three characters.
Then survey ten peers.
Charlotte’s Web. May sure to
Write a paragraph
Create a graph of your
include the farm, country fair,
about each
choice based on findings.
and other settings from the
character’s actions in
the book and how
the book would be
different the
character did not
Continue the story of one of
You and two peers, create a
Create a song or
Charlotte’s children. What is
newspaper based on the day
tune that includes
their name? Where does he
Charlotte spun “Terrific” in
the main characters,
or she live? Use your
her web.
setting, and plot of
imagination. Write story in
Charlotte’s Web.
your journal Then share with
(Motions or
a peer.
movements would be
an excellent addition.
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume
Directions: Select and complete one activity from each horizontal row to showcase your
knowledge of the novel. Color in you blocks as you complete the assignments, and place your
completed activities in your file in the filing box.
Interview a Character!
Pretend you are a talk show
host interviewing a
character from the book.
Your interview must
include ten events that
happened with this
character in the book.
Describe the elevator that
is in Peter and Fudge’s
apartment. Use 5 strong
sentences. Draw and color
the elevator.
Wanted Poster
Make a list of all the trouble that
Fudge got into in the story. Then
make a WANTED poster about
Fudge including these ideas.
Please be colorful, neat, and
Create a diorama of the scene at
Hamburger Heaven when Fudge
acted out.
Text to Self-Connection
Can you relate to one of the
main characters in the story?
I bet you can! Write a half
page explaining who you can
relate to and why.
Draw and label a map of at
least three places in the story.
Create a key at the bottom of
the map to indicate those
Sibling Rivalry
Pet Care
Fudge does many things
Resolving Conflict
State your animal you are
that upset Peter, but they
There was a big problem in this
caring for. Make a list of
are family. Pretend that
story, but there was also a
materials you would need to
you are Fudge. Write Peter solution. Describe a real or make
care for this pet. Prepare a
an apology note for at least believe problem. Then come up
demonstration for the class
three things you have done with two GOOD/APPROPRIATE on one aspect for caring for
to him.
your animal. Ex: bathing your
puppy. NO REAL
The Notorious Benedict Arnold by Steve Sheinkin
6th Grade
Directions: Select and complete one activity from each horizontal row to showcase your
knowledge of the novel. Color in you blocks as you complete the assignments, and place your
completed activities in your file in the basket when you have completed all three activities.
Benedict Arnold’s Life
Create a timeline of the
events is the novel
Understanding Characters
Getting to know Arnold
Create a PowerPoint summarizing
Create a list of interview
the main characters of the book
question for Arnold and
and their relationships to each
answer them the way that you
think he would have.
Write a letter describing a
battle scene from the book
as you think Arnold would
Pick one of the battles and create
a picture depicting that battle.
Create a map that illustrates
the location of the battles
mentioned in the novel.
Research 5 ways the war
impacted social and
economic circumstances
during this time period.
Write a newspaper article about
Arnold’s betrayal as you think an
actual newspaper would have
reported it.
Create a list of events that
you believe may have lead
Arnold to his betrayal.
Think Dots
The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
Provide a brief definition for Cloning, Genetic Engineering, and Embryo Research.
Provide similarities and differences between Cloning, Genetic Engineering, and Embryo
List three pros and three cons for the topic or topics that you will write about.
Write what you think about your topic from an ethical viewpoint.
How does your topic relate to the novel?
List a specific passage from the novel that you will reference in your paper.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
To Kill a Mockingbird has several major themes in it. Choose one of the following themes: education,
social inequality, and good versus evil. Write a brief summary of how it is addressed in the book and your
reaction to the theme.
Research “banned books” and explain why this book was on the banned book at one time.
Create a character list and discuss how each character changes throughout the novel.
Explain how the book got its title.
Choose one character who you think is brave and describe why. Use examples from the book to support
your decision. If you were that character, how would you have acted?
Research depression era 1930s. Complete a compare/contrast as to how the country was then and how it is
Atticus explains to Scout that "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his
point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" (36). Choose a person you would want
to change places with. Write an essay about your day.
Listen to Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Choose three characters and write about how
you think they would have reacted upon hearing the speech.
Where are the Galapagos Islands located?
Gather maps, atlases, and other various sources to construct your own description and map of the
Galapagos Islands. Make sure to label where our school is located on your map!
Who was Charles Darwin? Create a PowerPoint presentation about Charles Darwin. The presentation
should include at least 10 facts, 10 pictures, and one sound or video clip.
What is natural selection? Research and gather information about natural selection. Write 2 page
minimum essay. When finished, divide the essay into three parts for presentation purposes.