NEW MEXICO HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (NMHIX) PROJECT P R OJ EC T CHA R TER FOR C ER T IFIC A TION EXECUTIVE SPONSORS – DANIEL DERKSEN, MD, HSD OFFICE OF HEALTH CARE REFORM DIRECTOR CHARISSA SAAVEDRA, HSD DEPUTY CABINET SECRETARY EXECUTIVE BUSINESS OWNER – LISA REID, HSD OFFICE OF HEALTH CARE REFORM DEPUTY DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE TECHNOLOGY OWNER – REDDYKUTHURU, HSD/ITD ACTING CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER ITD PROJECT MANAGER –KATHY MARTINEZ PROJECT MANAGER – MARY WHITE ORIGINAL PLAN DATE: 1/10/2012 REVISION DATE: REVISION: TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................... I 1. PROJECT BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT ....................................................................................1 1.2 SUMMARY OF THE FOUNDATION PLANNING AND DOCUMENTATION FOR THE PROJECT .....................................1 1.3 PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................................3 2.0 JUSTIFICATION, OBJECTIVES AND IMPACTS...................................................................................................... 3 2.1 AGENCY JUSTIFICATION ......................................................................................................................................3 2.2 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES .........................................................................................................................................4 2.3 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................................4 2.4 IMPACT ON ORGANIZATION .................................................................................................................................5 2.5 TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS ...............................................................................................................................6 3.0 PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK................................................................................................................................ 8 3.1 DELIVERABLES ....................................................................................................................................................8 3.1.1 Project Deliverables .....................................................................................................................................8 3.1.2 Product Deliverables .................................................................................................................................10 3.2 SUCCESS AND QUALITY METRICS ......................................................................................................................11 4.0 SCHEDULE ESTIMATE ..................................................................................................................................... 12 5.0 BUDGET ESTIMATE ......................................................................................................................................... 12 5.1 FUNDING SOURCE(S)..........................................................................................................................................13 6.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ............................................................................ 14 6.1 STAKEHOLDERS ...........................................................................................................................................15 6.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE PLAN ..................................................................................................................16 6.3 PROJECT MANAGER .....................................................................................................................................18 6.3.1 PROJECT MANAGER CONTACT INFORMATION .........................................................................................18 6.4 PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................19 6.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY ..........................................................................................................22 7.0 CONSTRAINTS ................................................................................................................................................ 22 8.0 DEPENDENCIES............................................................................................................................................... 23 9.0 ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 24 10.0 SIGNIFICANT RISKS AND MITIGATION STRATEGY ......................................................................................... 25 11.0 COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR EXECUTIVE REPORTING ................................................................................. 26 12.0 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V ............................................................................... 26 13.0 PROJECT CHARTER AGENCY APPROVAL SIGNATURES................................................................................... 27 14.0 PROJECT CHARTER CERTIFICATION APPROVAL SIGNATURE ......................................................................... 28 i Revision History REVISION NUMBER DATE COMMENT 1.0 January 10, 2011 Original DoIT PMO Document 2.0 3.0 4.0 ii PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 1. PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT The Project Goal is to implement a Health Insurance Exchange System. HSD will procure a software solution that connects to the ISD2R (ASPEN) and MMIS systems for eligibility and enrollment, fiscal transactions, “No Wrong Door” and shop and compare functions. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) allows states to develop Health Insurance Exchanges to help individuals and small businesses purchase health insurance. New Mexico seeks to modernize the state’s health insurance market based on the fundamental principles of real consumer choice, competition, shared responsibility and value to create the New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange (NMHIX). Significant IT gaps were identified in the state’s current eligibility, enrollment and fiscal transactions systems. The current HSD Medicaid and assistance programs use an Integrated Serviced Delivery IT eligibility system (ISD2). The system is in the implementation phase of replacement with ISD2R (ASPEN). To prevent expensive duplication and reworking of the NMHIX eligibility system, it must be included in the ISD2R planning and implementation work plans. The Medicaid enrollment and fiscal transaction IT system, the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) used for enrollment and fiscal transactions, is undergoing competitive procurement for MMIS upgrade and operations. To ensure seamless interfaces, ISD2R and MMIS IT systems must be integrated with the NMHIX IT eligibility, enrollment and financial transactions systems. The NMHIX IT platform will provide functionality to: facilitate plan selection for an individual eligible to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan(QHP), provide consumers a single, streamlined on line application consistent with federal requirements (screening, enrollment forms, verifications, notices); report to the IRS and enrollees each year regarding the enrollee’s NMHIX coverage. The NMHIX will include a Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Exchange. NMHIX will develop a detailed plan for SHOP implementation and evaluate the small group market. The SHOP Exchange will create an efficient process to meet the needs of small employers. 1.2 SUMMARY OF THE FOUNDATION PLANNING AND DOCUMENTATION FOR THE PROJECT In November 2011 New Mexico received Notice of Award for a Level I Health Insurance Exchange Establishment Grant to establish the New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange (NMHIX). The applicant organization is the New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD) - the cabinet agency responsible for Medicaid, Information Technology Division (ITD), Office of Health Care Reform (OHCR), Income Support, Child Support Enforcement, Behavioral Health, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), the HSD’s Information Technology Division, and other health and social services programs. PAGE 1 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT Of New Mexico’s population of two million, Medicaid covers 550,000; Medicare covers 300,000 and 430,000 are uninsured. Of the uninsured, an estimated 175,000 will become eligible for Medicaid and up to 250,000 for NMHIX between 2014 and 2020. It is estimated that as many as 135,000 of the uninsured will enroll in 2014 (80,000 through the expansion of Medicaid, and 55,000 through the NMHIX). Funding will allow the state to develop and establish the NMHIX over the next 12 months and meet the timelines for certification and operation by 2014. The objectives for the NMHIX Level I establishment grant are to: Refine the NMHIX vision and objectives to comply with laws and regulations. Amend state law as necessary to comply with federal law. Secure staff and consultant resources for NMHIX planning, development, implementation, operations, and stakeholder engagement. Develop and implement a multi-year NMHIX business and operational plan, including the activities, timelines, and benchmarks, including the IT infrastructure and functionality necessary to fully operate in 2014. Develop systems and program capacity in each core area to achieve NMHIX federal certification by January 2013. Submit a Level II Exchange grant application in March, 2012 Begin NMHIX operations in 2014. Determine funding mechanisms to be self-sustaining by 2015. NMHIX is tailored to meet the diverse needs of New Mexicans, be high quality and costefficient, and self-sustaining without raising taxes. NMHIX complements and expands the commercial insurance market, streamlines government bureaucracy and regulation, and facilitates private sector solutions. PAGE 2 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 1.3 PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The project meets the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) certification requirements in dollar size and impact to multiple agencies. Included in this is the requirement to provide monthly project reporting to DoIT, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) risk assessment reporting, project management guidance and leadership to the project. 2.0 JUSTIFICATION, OBJECTIVES AND IMPACTS 2.1 AGENCY JUSTIFICATION PAGE 3 NUMBER DESCRIPTION JUSTIFICATION ONE Developing the NMHIX IT system will insure more New Mexicans by fostering competiveness, encouraging efficiency, and creating individual and small employer private health insurance choices. JUSTIFICATION TWO States can set up their own exchanges, or have the Federal government do it - to meet the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) Health Insurance Exchange requirement the State of New Mexico will establish HIX for individuals and small businesses to purchase insurance. 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 2.2 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES NUMBER Business Objective #1 Business Objective #2 DESCRIPTION Coordinate seamlessly between the New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange (“Exchange” or “NMHIX”), the Integrated Services Delivery Replacement (“ISD2R”), also known as the Automated System Program Eligibility Network (“ASPEN”), eligibility system for Medicaid and other state Human Services Department (“HSD”) programs, and the Medicaid Management Information System (“MMIS”) To meet the deadlines associated with Health Care Reform requirements set forth in ACA. Business Objective #3 Allow individuals eligible for Medicaid to have brokers, navigators, presumptive eligibility workers, providers and others as designated by the individual to complete and submit an application on their behalf Business Objective #4 To facilitate plan selection for an individual eligible to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan (QHP), provide consumers a single, streamlined on line application consistent with federal requirements. Business Objective #5 To allow citizens to access services through a common portal via the internet, for online application completion, multiple program eligibility determination, and ACA requirement verification. Business Objective #6 To automate Federal, State, and internal reporting. 2.3 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES NUMBER DESCRIPTION Technical Objective #1 Coordinate seamlessly between the New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange (“Exchange” or “NMHIX”), the Integrated Services Delivery Replacement (“ISD2R”), also known as the Automated System Program Eligibility Network (“ASPEN”), eligibility system for Medicaid and other state Human Services Department (“HSD”) programs, and the Medicaid Management Information System (“MMIS”).To implement a modern technology that meets HSD business needs, is flexible to changing requirements, and is easily maintainable. PAGE 4 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT NUMBER DESCRIPTION Technical Objective #2 To create a single solution built on an n-tier architecture that complies with industry approved SOA standards. The exchange designs must take into account the CMS/CCIIO technical and architecture standards and principles. Technical Objective #3 To use HIPAA transaction standards. Technical Objective #4 To create a seamless eligibility and enrollment process with Medicaid and other State Health Subsidy Programs. Technical Objective #5 To implement a modern technology that meets HSD business needs, is flexible to changing requirements, and is easily maintainable Technical Objective #6 To Integrate components of the Enroll UX 2014 design. 2.4 IMPACT ON ORGANIZATION The impacts on the organization are areas that need to be addressed by the project through its planning process. They may not be internal project risks, but they can impact the success of the project’s implementation. AREA DESCRIPTION END USER Learning a completely new approach to the collection of data, eligibility determination and incorporation of navigators, brokers, and staff at provider locations. BUSINESS PROCESSES IT OPERATIONS AND STAFFING BUSINESS OPERATIONS/EXCHANGE FUNCTIONS PAGE 5 Analyze federal statute, rules and requirements and recommend necessary state legislative changes for NMHIX activities, processes, and structures to conform; identify the operational systems and IT systems needed to successfully implement NMHIX in compliance with state and federal requirements. How this item is addressed will be dependent upon solution selected through RFP process. 1. Maintaining normal business operations while still supplying the HIX IT Project with the qualified staff necessary to ensure the success of the project. 2. Analyzing federal requirements and recommending necessary state legislative changes that may be required for NMHIX activities, processes, and structures; identify the operational systems and IT systems needed to successfully implement NMHIX in compliance with state and federal statute, rules and 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION requirements. 3. Maintaining business continuity during development, UAT and the deployment of the HIX IT system. HEALTH PLAN CERTIFICATION/RECERTI FICATION/DECERTIFICATI ON Establish standards, processes, and criteria for qualifying, certifying, recertifying and decertifying health plans. DOI, NMHIX and OHCR will collaborate to develop QHP certification standards and market rules. 2.5 TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS BUSINESS TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS AREA DESCRIPTION BUDGET TRANSITION The New Mexico Health Insurance Alliance (NMHIA) will develop detailed financial management and oversight procedures for strong internal monitoring of all NMHIX operations and expenditures. OHCR and NMHIX will obtain financial consulting expertise from qualified accountants to develop oversight procedures and monitoring policies. PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS LOCATION AND STAFFING PLANS Resolution of this item is dependent upon the solution selected through the RFP process. BUSINESS CONTINUITY Resolution of this item is dependent upon the solution selected through the RFP process. MAINTENANCE STRATEGY Resolution of this item is dependent upon the solution selected through the RFP process. RECORD RETENTION The project will comply with state record retention requirements. TECHNICAL TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS AREA DESCRIPTION BUDGET All renewals for maintenance and support of hardware and software will PAGE 6 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT need to be included in the base budget, which will be submitted the year prior to transition to maintenance & operations. The budget for these items will be dependent upon the solution selected through RFP process. PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS LOCATION AND STAFFING PLANS The preliminary operations locations and staffing plans are dependent upon the solution selected through RFP process. DATA SECURITY, BUSINESS CONTINUITY HSD-ITD’s Security Officer will ensure that all current data security steps are followed. The Security Officer will also assure all new security related policies or mandates are applied to the system in a timely manner. MAINTENANCE STRATEGY Resolution of this item will be dependent upon the solution selected through the RFP process. INTEROPERABILITY Resolution of this item will be dependent upon the solution selected through the RFP process, as well as standards set forth by Federal and State oversight agencies. DOIT CONSOLIDATION STRATEGY Resolution of this item will be dependent upon the solution selected through RFP process. PAGE 7 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 3.0 PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK The HSD is implementing a New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange Information Technology System that connects to ISD2R (ASPEN), MMIS systems for eligibility and enrollment, fiscal transactions, “NO Wrong Door” and shop and compare functions. The project’s scope of work includes meeting Health Care Reform requirements as set forth by the Federal government. The NMHIX IT system shall meet the ACA implementation requirement date for full operation of January 1, 2014. The NMHIX Project is in the process of a Request for Proposal for procuring professional services to implement a NMHIX IT system. This procurement will result in a single source award to a Contractor who shall be wholly responsible for performance of the Contract whether or not Subcontractors are used. The system shall satisfy HIX requirements. The Federal timelines for states to establish their own Exchanges are ambitious. The current timelines are unlikely to be met by the majority of states. The system shall pass the Federal mandated review by the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to assess readiness by January 1, 2013, and be fully operational by January 1, 2014. The system shall be prepared to begin enrolling qualified individuals into the Exchange by October 1, 2013. While these are the current timelines, it is likely that they will be delayed so that states can have adequate time to do their Exchanges. 3.1 DELIVERABLES 3.1.1 PROJECT DELIVERABLES This initial list of project deliverables are those called for by the IT Certification Process and Project Oversight memorandum, but does not exhaust the project deliverable documents. Project Charter The Project Charter for Certification sets the overall scope for the project, the governance structure, and when signed is considered permission to proceed with the project. The Project Charter for Certification is used to provide the Project Certification Committee with adequate knowledge of the project and planning to certify the initiation phase of the project. Certification Form The Request for Certification and Release of Funds form for the Planning Phase is being requested 1/18/2012. PAGE 8 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT Project Management Plan IV&V Contract & Reports RFP Risk Assessment and Management The Project Management Plan (PMP) is a formal document approved by the executive sponsor and the Department and developed in the plan phase used to manage project execution, control, and project close. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and documents approved scope, cost and schedule baselines. A project plan includes other plans for issue escalation, change control, communications, deliverable review and acceptance, staff acquisition, and risk management. Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) means the process of evaluating a project to determine compliance with specified requirements and the process of determining whether the products of a given development phase fulfill the requirements established during the previous stage, both of which are performed by an organization independent of the lead agency. Independent verification and validation assessment reporting. The Department requires all projects subject to oversight to engage an independent verification and validation contractor unless waived by the Department. Request for Proposal (RFP) is the mechanism to obtain competitive proposals from qualified organizations for the design, development, and implementation of a HIX/IT System. The DoIT Initial PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT template which is meant to fulfill the following requirement: “Prepare a written risk assessment report at the inception of a project and at end of each product development lifecycle phase or more frequently for large high-risk projects. Each risk assessment shall be included as a project activity in project schedule.” Project Oversight Process memorandum. Project Schedule A tool used to indicate the planned dates, dependencies, and assigned resources for performing activities and for meeting milestones. The default standard is Microsoft Project. Monthly Project Status Reports to DoIT Project status reports. For all projects that require Department oversight, the lead Agency project manager shall submit an agency approved project status report on a monthly basis to the Department. Project Closeout Report This is the Template used to request that the project be officially closed. Note that project closure is the last phase of the certification process. PAGE 9 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 3.1.2 PRODUCT DELIVERABLES DELIVERABLE DESCRIPTION Requirements Documents A detailed business function requirements document will be developed by the Integration Vendor during the planning phase, and will include input from all levels of stakeholders. Design Documents Among the design-level activities are: Design of the Solution Architecture for the project Development of the Logical model (e.g. Entity Relation Diagram or Object Model) for the project Development of the Physical Data Model for the project Data Dictionary Systems Architecture Requirements The design deliverables include a High-Level Design document as well as a Detailed-Level Design document. o A Preliminary Design Review (PDR) will be conducted after the High-Level Design Document is delivered. o A Critical Design Review (CDR) will be conducted after the Detailed Design Review is completed. Systems Specifications Software Requirements Specification (SRS) will address the following high level list of requirements and questions: Define the functions of the system Define the Hardware and Software Functional Partitioning Define the Performance Specification Define the Hardware and Software Performance Partitioning Define the User Interface Functionality - What is the software supposed to do? External interfaces - How does the software interact with people, the system’s hardware, other hardware, and other software? Performance - What is the speed, availability, response time, recovery time of various software functions, etc.? Attributes - What are the portability, correctness, maintainability, security, etc. considerations? Design constraints imposed on an implementation - Are there any required standards in effect, implementation language, policies for database integrity, resource limits, operating environment(s) etc? PAGE 10 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT DELIVERABLE Systems Architecture DESCRIPTION System and Acceptance Testing Operations Requirements The System Architecture will be SOA, which will be services that are loosely coupled. SOA services also run in "safe" wrappers such as Java or .NET, which manage memory allocation and reclamation, allow ad-hoc and late binding, and provide some degree of indeterminate data typing and will provide optimal degree of fault-tolerance, backward compatibility, forward compatibility, extensibility, reliability, maintainability, availability, serviceability, and usability. The Systems Architecture document will be produced in the design phase. System and Acceptance Testing includes the infrastructure needed for the testing, how the testing will be carried out, number of end users from each agency, format for the testing and defining acceptable test results. The System and Acceptance Testing Plan will identify the method for defining the necessary Use Cases, the method for development of the test scripts, and the coordination of test execution with the users. Both the Systems and User Acceptance Planning documents will be produced during the design phase. Operations Requirements include capacity planning for the systems networking and hardware needs, the number of staff and types of skill sets needed to maintain the system. 3.2 SUCCESS AND QUALITY METRICS Metrics are key to understanding the ability of the project to meet the end goals of the Executive Sponsor and the Business Owner, as well as the ability of the project team to stay within schedule and budget. NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUALITY METRIC 1 Meet ACA requirements deadlines. QUALITY METRIC 2 QUALITY METRIC 3 QUALITY METRIC 4 QUALITY METRIC 5 PAGE 11 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 4.0 SCHEDULE ESTIMATE HIX RFP Schedule 12.27.11.pptx HIX Project Schedule Procurement Develop / Test Pilot Statewide 4th Qtr 5/1/2012 2/01/2012 Release RFP • • • • Procurement 30 Days on Street 15 Days to Review 15 Days Demo 30 Days Contracting 1/1/2014 HIX Open Enrollment • • • • • • • Release RFP Vendor Start Develop and Test (12 mths) Pilot HIX Application Roll Out HIX Enroll into HIX HIX Statewide 2/1/2012 6/1/2012 9/1/2012 – 10/1/2013 4th Qtr 2013 4th Qtr 2013 10/1/13 1/1/2014 5.0 BUDGET ESTIMATE Within the Project Charter, budgets for the project can only be estimated. Original budgets requested in appropriations or within agency budgets are probably not the numbers being worked with at project time. Funding sources are asked for to help evaluate the realism of project objectives against funding, and the allocation of budget estimates against project deliverables. The budget presented below is an estimated project budget and will be revised after responses have been received from the Request for Proposal. PAGE 12 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT NMHIX Project Budget Details Expense Summary SFY12 State Staff Travel, Misc Contracts: PMO IV&V Services Contract Staff Integrator Contract Sub Total Contracts Total Budget SFY13 92,132 SFY14 131,132 136,000 131,132 - Total 354,396 136,000 270,785 649,884 379,331 1,300,000 250,000 600,000 350,000 1,200,000 83,335 200,004 116,661 400,000 11,975,000 8,584,604 20,559,604 604,120 13,424,888 9,430,596 23,459,604 832,252 13,556,020 9,561,728 23,950,000 5.1 FUNDING SOURCE(S) Grant Expiration Date: Level I Establishment Grant 11/28/2012 PAGE 13 Appropriated: 11/29/2011 Extension Status: Will Revert 11/28/2012 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 6.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE HIX Project Management Office Executive Steering Committee Executive Sponsors ISD2R/ASPEN Charissa Saavedra, Dep. Dir. HSD NM HIX Dan Derksen MD, Dir. OHCR Executive Owner ITD / CIO Reddy Kuthuru TBD Executive Owner Lisa Reid, Dep. Dir. OHCR Strategic Tactical PMO Leadership Team ITD Owner Project Manager TBD TBD HSD Senior Project Executive TBD PMO Core Team Network Lead Application Lead OCHR PGM & Policy MAD Policy Project Management Business Technical Support Vendor Budget & Contracts - State Staff - PMO Contract Staff - Integration Vendor PAGE 14 1.2011 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 6.1 STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholders should be a mix of agency management and end users who are impacted positively or negatively by the project. Executive Sponsors: ISD2R - Charissa Saavedra, HSD Cabinet Deputy Secretary; NMHIX Dan Derksen MD, Dir. OHCR Executive Steering Committee: Name Title Stake in Project Charissa Saavedra Deputy Cabinet Secretary, HSD Executive Sponsor Dan Derksen OCHR Executive Sponsor Prabhakar Reddy ITD Acting Chief Information Officer Executive Owner Technology Lisa Reid OHCR Deputy Director Executive Owner Business Ted Roth Director, Income Support Division, HSD HSD Sidonie Squier HSD Cabinet Secretary HSD Julie Weinberg Director, Medical Assistance Division HSD PMO Leadership Team: Title/Role Stake in Project Kathy Martinez IT Project Manager, HSD Project Manager Mary White Project Manager, DewPoint PMO Subject Matter Advisors: Title/Role Stake in Project Priscilla Caverly OHCR SME, Native Americans Lisa Reid Deputy Director, OHCR PAGE 15 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT Jonni Lu Pool Management Analyst, OHCR Mike Nunez Director, NM Health Insurance Alliance Designated HIX John Franchini Superintendent of Insurance SME, Insurance Regulation Mark Pitcock Deputy Director, Medical Assistance Division SME, Medicaid Deborah Armstrong Director, New Mexico Medical Insurance Pool SME, Insurance Providers Stakeholder Group Representatives SME, Insurance Providers, Health Providers, Consumers TBD 6.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE PLAN Office of Health Care Reform (OHCR) oversees planning and establishment project activities, measures progress and success, provides leadership, coordinates public and private partnerships, and implements work plans. OHCR will meet monthly to review draft project deliverables and approve final deliverables. The New Mexico Health Insurance Alliance (NMHIA) board, through a contractual agreement, will be responsible for carrying out NMHIX action plans. NMHIA will meet regularly and formally report on its progress to meet project objectives. HSD will provide project oversight, especially related to the development of the IT infrastructure, coordinating Medicaid and other state program integration with NMHIX. The Project Director will provide executive leadership for the project. This will be initiated with the formalization of the Issue Resolution, Change Management and Work Approval Processes along with the HIX PMO governance structure and reporting. In addition to Project Control Processes, key business and technical activities will commence. Communication plans and approach will be finalized involving all stakeholders both within and outside of state government. The PMO team will utilize standard industry project methodologies, approach and governance from the project inception. Clear goals and deliverables will be communicated. A master project plan and schedule will be created for all tasks and deliverables. Every task will have a single owner and be tracked against effort and completion. Schedules will be reviewed on a weekly basis to facilitate timely delivery. PAGE 16 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT HIX Project Governance Model Executive Sponsors ISD2R/ASPEN and NM HIX Executive Steering Committee State Purchasing Division PMO Leadership Team Federal Partners DoIT Project Oversight Project Mgt IV & V Contractor PMO Core Team Business PAGE 17 Technology Vendor Contracts Budget 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 6.3 PROJECT MANAGER 6.3.1 PROJECT MANAGER CONTACT INFORMATION NAME ORGANIZATION Dan Derksen OHCR 505-827-7750 Reddy Kuthuru ITD Acting CIO 505-476-3964 Kathy Martinez ITD Project Management Staff 505-476-3978 Mary White TEKSystems 505-980-7329 PAGE 18 PHONE #(S) EMAIL 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 6.4 PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Roles and Responsibilities are subject to change based on on-going project needs. Role Responsibilities Executive Sponsor Document approval (sign-off). Ensure the success of the project. Ultimate decision maker. Federal Partners Review & approve APD Documents. Review & approve contracts & RFPs >$5 million. NM Department of Information Technology IT Project Oversite. Chair PCC meetings. Review & approve all contracts associated with the HIX Project. Executive Steering Committee (ESC) Responsible for the project's feasibility, strategy, business plan and achievement of outcomes. Executive Owner – Technical Executive Owner Business HSD Senior Project Executive PAGE 19 Direct involvement and oversight of all technical aspects of the project. Notify ESC when serious risks arise. Responsible for all technical activities and resources involved in the HIX project. Responsible to the PMO for working within the agency to coordinate any technical strategies / requirements, setting priorities, identifying resources and agency communications. Direct involvement and oversight of all business aspects of the project Notify ESC when serious risks arise. Responsible for all business activities and resources involved in the HIX project. Responsible to the PMO for working within HSD to coordinate any business strategies / requirements, setting priorities, identifying resources and agency communications. Involvement and oversight of all business aspects of the project. Focal point for all HSD activities and resources involved in the HIX project. Identify, analyze, mitigate and control risks of the business development of the replacement system. Responsible to the PMO for working within the agency to coordinate any business strategies, requirements, setting priorities, identifying resources and agency stakeholder communication. 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT Role Responsibilities Project Manager Senior Project Manager Program and Policy Advisors Single point of contact coordinating all activities and personnel within the PMO, reporting to the Executive Sponsor and ESC. Manage the overall executive relationship and facilitate all HIX strategies, issues and decisions at the executive level while simultaneously driving operational focus and accountability within the PMO and delivery organizations. Oversee all aspects of the delivery of the project and ensure all activities are performed according to plans and scope. Responsible for all program and policy decisions, documentation and clarification. Identifies resources required to define program and policy requirements and participate in application design sessions. Create test scenarios to validate policy functionality in the new system. Provide final approval to ensure system adherence with policy. Budget Advisor Contribute to efforts for defining key project terms. Contribute to the creation of all budget documents and tracking. System/Network Lead Responsible to the PMO for all aspects of the technical infrastructure. Focal point to identify resources for technical requirements and design sessions (infrastructure), technical assessments, and technical documentation. Work closely with the system integrator for development and implementation of the new infrastructure. Technical Application Lead PAGE 20 Work closely with the PMO project manager to coordinate all project activities required by the State staff for business or technical related activities. Create detailed project plans and schedules with clear milestones and deliverables. Integrate all project plans and schedules (vendor and HSD) to create the overall master schedule. Responsible to work with all leads to accurately status and report on their progress. Responsible to the PMO for all aspects of the legacy applications. Focal point to identify resources for technical requirements and design sessions (application), technical assessments, technical documentation, interfaces, data conversion and legacy system changes. Work closely with the system integrator for development and implementation of the new application. 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT Role Responsibilities System Integrator Project Manager System Integrator Project Manager/Scheduler Technical Analyst Business Analyst Communication Lead User Acceptance Testing Lead PAGE 21 Have overall responsibility, authority and control of all aspects of the system integrator team. Responsible to the PMO and Senior Project Manager throughout the duration of the contract. Provide system integrator leads for key project functional areas, such as: design, development, testing, training, conversion and site support Work closely with PMO sub teams and business leads. Works closely with the PMO Project Manager/Schedulers. Responsible to create and maintain a project plan for all activities associated with the design, development, testing, training, conversion and deployment of the HIX system. Provide detailed schedules for the system integrator’s activities and weekly reporting, to include metrics and status. Work with the Technical Leads to facilitate the development and review of technical requirements for the HIX RFP. Coordinate activities with the system integrator’s technical lead. Develop, facilitate and maintain key processes required by the PMO for managing scope and schedule. Support the creation of all PMO technical reporting and work with the ITD legacy staff to assess legacy data integrity and plans for data cleanup. Support the Senior Business Architect in defining requirements and provide leadership to the business sub-teams during the business design sessions. Provide focus and support related to understanding and rationalizing field office processes. Responsible to work with the PMO Senior Project Manager and Field Lead in creating the overall communication approach and plan for all stakeholders. Help define the media, format and schedule for each stakeholder identified Facilitates the execution of communication protocols within the agency and field. Instrumental in supporting the validation of policy and business functionality in the new application. Facilitates the creation of test scenarios and the defect tracking process. Works closely with the ISD Business Lead, Policy and Field Leads to identify, coordinate and manage the State UAT staff under direction of the Senior Business Architect. 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT Role Responsibilities Correspondence Lead Contract Manager Responsible to identify and rationalize all the existing correspondence currently generated from the legacy systems. Works with the system integrator to define the correspondence requirements and business processes of the new system. Facilitates any legal approvals required. Coordinates testing and review during UAT. Works with the Communication Lead to communicate changes to clients and other stakeholders. Focal point for managing any contract issues, changes or approvals and steering them through the state’s procurement processes. Facilitate the approvals of PMO / System Integrator contract deliverables with the appropriate State staff. Responsible for maintaining a database or spreadsheet with contract due dates, submission dates, revisions and approvals. Facilitate the collection of budget data from ISD, ITD and the vendors to create a complete financial perspective and forecast for the HIX project. 6.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY The HIX Project Team will follow the DoIT certification gates of: Initiation, Planning, Implementation, and Closeout as the overarching framework. The HIX Project will follow the Project Management Institutes, Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). The PMBOK’s knowledge areas of Scope, Time, Cost, and Resources will be heavily utilized for guidance. For all software and systems implementations the Software/System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of Planning, Requirements, Design, Development, Test, UAT, Training, Implementation, Migration (Go Live), and Transition to Maintenance and Operations will be used. The Integrator will be allowed to choose the method that they feel works best for the project. 7.0 CONSTRAINTS NUMBER PAGE 22 DESCRIPTION 1. Project success depends on adequate funding. 2. Project success depends upon Executive Leadership involvement and timely decision making. 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT NUMBER DESCRIPTION 3. Inconsistent or inadequate state project staffing could lead to increased project costs, schedule delays or project failure. 4. Unknown, yet to be proposed and finalized ACA rules and requirements could lead to increased project costs and/or schedule delays. 5. Project success depends on communication. Failure to communicate can lead to poor decision making, increased project costs, schedule delays or project failure. 8.0 DEPENDENCIES Types include the following and should be associated with each dependency listed. M -Mandatory dependencies are inherent to the work being done. D- Discretionary dependencies are defined by the project management team. This may also encompass particular approaches because a specific sequence of activities is preferred, but not mandatory in the project life cycle. E-External dependencies involve a relationship between project activities and non-project activities such as purchasing/procurement NUMBER DESCRIPTION TYPE M,D,E 1. Dependent on the ability to recruit business personnel positions to ensure continuity of service during the life of the project. M 2. Dependent on development of a full business team. M 3. Dependent on the Executive Steering Committee (ESC) for timely decisions on issues escalated to these groups. M,E 4. Dependent on continued funding to project completion. M,E 5. Dependent on clarification of HCR requirements from CMS and State HCR panel. M,E PAGE 23 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 9.0 ASSUMPTIONS NUMBER PAGE 24 DESCRIPTION 1. DoIT will approve state expenditures. 2. Subject matter experts will be ready and available on schedule. 3. Departments and State oversight agencies recognize the importance of the HIX project. 4. The selected contractors have experience designing and implementing enterprise eligibility requirements and SHOP. 5. Requirement changes during the project may incur additional costs. 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 10.0 SIGNIFICANT RISKS AND MITIGATION STRATEGY Early identification and management of risk is critical in maintaining project schedules and budget. Risks identified as early as possible in the project lifecycle will be more effectively avoided or minimized. Project risks will be identified, assigned owners and due dates for mitigation, assessed for impact and mitigation contingencies, and tracked until satisfactorily mitigated. Risks will be reviewed and assessed at major project phases. Any risks that are beyond the decision-making authority of the PMO will be escalated to the Executive Steering Committee for appropriate action. The PMO will compile and maintain risk documentation according to DoIT standard templates. All mitigation resolution will be documented for audit and historical purposes. PAGE 25 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 11.0 COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR EXECUTIVE REPORTING Communication between project stakeholders is key to the success of the project. The purpose of this communication is to provide: Awareness: o Communication is shared in a timely matter. o Provide a structured way the project stakeholders receive information. Content: o Advocate a transparent, honest, and multi-faceted approach to communication. o Create a venue where all stakeholders can constructively debate ideas. Communication Flow: o Coordinate communication with milestones, activities, and events. o Keep all stakeholders informed while continuing to move the project forward. Effectiveness: o Allow for the continuous oversight of all processes. o Allow for effective change in management. To streamline the project, the following matrix outlines the communication expectations of project stakeholders: To be developed. 12.0 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V New Mexico will utilize the services of an independent verification and validation (IV&V) contractor as a third party quality assurance consultant. The IV&V contractor will monitor the project’s progress towards achieving stated objectives and required deliverables. The IV&V contractor will report to the Office of Health Care Reform Leadership Team and the Executive Director of the Office of Health Care Reform. The IV&V contractor will provide progress reports to the Executive Director and the Leadership Team. The State plans to procure IV&V services after the RFP has been issued. PAGE 26 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 13.0 PROJECT CHARTER AGENCY APPROVAL SIGNATURES SIGNATURE DATE EXECUTIVE SPONSOR ISD2R - CHARISSA SAAVEDRA EXECUTIVE SPONSOR NMHIX - DAN DERKSEN EXECUTIVE OWNER ITD/CIO REDDY KUTHURU HSD/ITD PROJECT MANAGER KATHY MARTINEZ PROJECT MANAGER MARY WHITE PAGE 27 1/5/2011 PROJECT CHARTER HIX PROJECT 14.0 PROJECT CHARTER CERTIFICATION APPROVAL SIGNATURE SIGNATURE PAGE 28 DATE 1/5/2011