Time Line

Time Line
Sack of Rome (1527)
Renaissance (16th- Early 17th)
Council of Trent (1545–63)
Brief Style - Mannerism
Baroque (Late 17th- Early 18th)
Rococco (1700-1760 aka 1800’s)
Middle Ages
Madonna Enthroned
Early Italian Renaissance
egg tempera painting
by Cimabue
Madonna Enthroned
Early Italian Renaissance
egg tempera painting
by Giotto
Holy Trinity
Italian Renaissance
by Masaccio
§Triangular Composition
§Linear Perspective
§Primary Color Palette
Italian Renaissance
Leonardo Da Vinci
Virgin on the Rocks.1495-1508
Oil on Panel, 189.5 x 120 cm
National Gallery, London
Raphael. School Of Athens
1510-11. Fresco
Stanza della Segnatura, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican
Italian Renaissance
marble sculpture
by Michelangelo
Northern Renaissance
Arnolfini Wedding Portrait
oil on wood
by Jan Van Eyck
Virgin with the Long Neck (1535)
Entombment (1525-8).
Portugese- a pearl of irregular shape
•Primary colors
– Complex and Contradictory
– Dynamic and Diagonal
– This creates a sense of tension and movement
• Lighting- Intense Shadows and Shading (Chiaroscuro)
• Content (Middle of the action/emotional)
–Italian: Mainly Catholic Countries/subject matter
Religious themes with some Greek and roman inspired work
- Northern: Not as religious, although Vanitas (life-cycle still lives),
eventually leads to Rococo
• Italy
- Painters:
• Caravaggio
• Artemísia Gentileschi
• Carracci (There are 3)
- Sculptors:
• Bernini
• Giambologna
• The North:
• Claesz
• Rubens
Italian Baroque
The Supper at Emmaus by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1601
Oil on canvas. National Gallery, London
The Conversion of St. Paul
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Caravaggio. Bacchus. c.1597. Oil on canvas.
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy.
Judith Beheading Holofernes
c. 1598; Oil on canvas, 56 3/4 x 76 3/4 in; Galleria
Nazionale dell'Arte Antica, Rome
This is a painting of Caravaggio by Ottavio Leoni.
Artemísia Gentileschi
Artemisia Gentileschi - Self-Portrait as a Lute Player
Mary Magdalene Pitti
Judith Beheading Holofernes, oil on canvas
Artemisia Gentileschi
Judith Beheading Holofernes, oil on canvas
Artemisia Gentileschi
Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of
Holofernes, oil on canvas
Condottiero Bologna
Title: 'Esther Before Ahasuerus'
Painter: Artemisia Gentileschi
Year: 1628-35
Carracci (There are 3)
Annibale Carracci
Paesaggio con la fuga in Egitto"1604 Galleria Doria Pamphilij
Annibale Carracci
L'Assunta (S.Maria del Popolo a Roma)
Pieta Painting by Annibale Carracci
Annibale Carracci Assumption of the Virgin
Christ Appearing to St. Peter on the Appian
Way (St. Peter)
The Coronation of the Virgin, after 1595, Annibale
Carracci (Italian, Bolognese), Oil on canvas (1971.155)
Lodovico Carracci
Bargellini Madonna (1588) Oil on canvas, 282 x 188 cm
Annibale Carracci
The Dead Christ Mourned ('The Three Maries')
about 1604,
Bernini. Ecstasy of St. Theresa
Cornaro Chapel.
The short version…
The god Apollo slights Eros, the god of
love, who gets revenge by shooting arrows
at Apollo and a girl, Daphne. Apollo falls in
love while Daphne hates him. Daphne's
father, pressures her to get married and
bear him grandchildren but she refuses.
Finally, to escape Apollo she begs and
pleads for her father to save her, he
does…by turning her into a tree.
Bernini, Apollo and Daphne, Marble,1622-1625
As the story goes….
Bernini, The Rape of Persephone, Marble, 1621-1622
Persephone had grown into a beautiful young woman, with
a smile for everyone. One day, while picking flowers in the fields, Hades,
her uncle, the god of the underworld, noticed her.
Hades was normally a gloomy fellow. But Persephone’s
beauty had dazzled him. He fell in love instantly. Quickly, before anyone
could interfere, he kidnapped Persephone and hurled his chariot down
into the darkest depths of the underworld, taking Persephone with him.
Locked in a room in the Hall of Hades, Persephone cried
and cried. She refused to speak to Hades. And she refused to eat.
Legend said if you ate anything in Hades, you could never leave. She did
not know if the legend was true, but she did not want to risk it in case
someone came to rescue her.
Nearly a week went by. Finally, unable to bear her hunger,
Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds. It seemed her fate was sealed.
She would have to live in the Underworld forever.
Meanwhile, back on earth, Zeus was worried about the
crops. The people would die if the crops failed. If that happened, who
would worship Zeus? He had to do something. Zeus did what he often
did. He sent Hermes, his youngest son, the messenger, to crack a deal,
this time with Hades.
Even as a baby, Hermes was great at making deals.
Everyone knew that. But this deal might be the challenge of his life. His
uncle Hades, king of the underworld, was really in love. This was no
passing fancy.
When Hermes heard that Persephone had eaten six
pomegranate seeds, he had to think quickly. The deal he made with
Hades was that if Persephone would marry Hades, she would live as
queen of the underworld for six months out of the year. However, each
spring, Persephone would return and live on earth for the other six
months of the year. Hades agreed. Zeus agreed. Persephone agreed.
And finally, Demeter agreed.
Each spring, Demeter makes sure all the flowers bloom in
welcome when her daughter, Queen of the Underworld, returns to her.
Each fall, when Persephone returns to Hades, Demeter cries, and lets all
the crops die until spring, when the cycle starts again.
Bernini , David,
Marble 1623
Michelangelo , David
Samson and Philistine
Giovanni Bologna (Giambologna) (1529-1608). Italy, 1500-50, Marble
Death of the Centaur
(Hercules killing centaur)
Northern Baroque
Vanitas - The word is Latin, meaning
"emptiness" and loosely translated
corresponds to the meaninglessness of
earthly life and the transient nature of vanity.
Willem Claesz. Still Life, 1634, Oil on panel,
16 7/8 x 22 7/8 in., Museum Boymans-van
Beuningen, Rotterdam
The Night Watch, Oil on Canvas, 1642
Rembrandt,The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp, 1632
Descent from the Cross, 1634
Rembrandt, Supper at Emmaus, 1628
The Return of the Prodigal son, 1662
Peter Paul Rubens
" The Fall of Phaeton" 1605
oil on canvas
The National Gallery of Art,
Washington D.C
Rubens, Battle of the Amazons, 1618-1620
Rubens, The Last Judgement, 1617
Rubens, The Garden of Love, oil on canvas1630 32
1700-1760 aka 1800’s
• Little to no religion, Outdoor garden
scenes, Pastoral
• Lacy, Ornate, Feminine
• Gold and Pastel color schemes
• Asymmetrical
• French
A Young Girl Reading, c. 1776,
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
The Swing (French: L'escarpolette), 1767,
Wallace Collection, London
Jean-Honoré Fragonard The Meeting (Part
of the Progress of Love series), 1771
Ceres (Summer), 1712
Fetes Venitiennes 1719 22.05 x 18.11 inches / 56 x 46 cm
The National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
The Embarkation for Cythera, 1717
Love Song (c. 1717)
François Boucher Portrait of the Marquise de
Pompadour, 1756
The Rising of the Sun .1753 Oil on canvas
125.20 x 102.76 inches
Wallace Collection
Portrait of woman with roses,
Rococo Architecture
The Rococo Basilica at Ottobeuren (Bavaria