Rebecca Carnevale - The National Alliance of Respiratory Therapy

January 24th, 2009
Competency Assessment:
Designing Timely, Practical,
and Holistic Assessments at
Ontario Colleges
CIITE Overview
Colleges Integrating Immigrants to Employment
Vision: Internationally trained immigrants have
access to programs and services in the Ontario
college system that build on their qualifications
and expedite their securing employment
commensurate with their skills and knowledge
CIITE Overview
Objective: To improve the support structures and services colleges provide to
skilled immigrants.
Focus: The development and implementation of systemic solutions to address
barriers to immigrants’ rapid entry into the workplace.
Result: Improved services for skilled immigrants
Supported by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration of the Government of
Developed, led, and implemented by Ontario colleges
A multi-phased strategy for modifying and refining college systems and programs
CIITE Background
Phase 1: December 2003 – December 2004: Identify barriers ITIs face in
the Ontario college system
Phase 2: September 2005 – December 2007: Develop and test selected
immigrant focused practices and services in the college system
Phase 3.1: April 2008 - March 2009: Implement immigrant focused practices
and services in the Ontario college system
Phase 3.1 Projects
April 2008 - March 2009: Project Implementation
o Pilot Credential Recognition (REE)
o Implement ITI Advising Services
o Implement Language Benchmarking
o Prepare Competency Assessment Models for Rollout
o ITI Data Collection
o Develop and Implement Self-Assessment and Upgrade Employment Services
o Develop and deliver Cultural Intelligence Training and Change Management
o Flexible/Modular Delivery Working Group
For more information on CIITE Projects visit
Competency Assessment - Addressing the Gap
CIITE Phase 2 identified the need for a consistent and
standardized approach in order to maximize the
recognition of education and experience and
competency assessment was consequently funded as
an additional project in Phase 2 (2007).
 Applicants not receiving credit for credentials
without course outlines/descriptions
 Applicants not receiving credit for workplace
learning in a timely manner, particularly
individuals with significant experience
What does CIITE mean by Competency
Competency assessment is a process whereby the competencies of an individual are
evaluated in relation to a particular occupation, task, or process (i.e., “what does a person
know and can they apply their knowledge and skills to a particular standard?”).
Competency assessment may be used for two purposes:
•Assessment of prior learning to determine which components of a particular college
program are lacking for graduation (competency assessment for education)
•Provision of a credential to accompany formal degrees, diplomas, and certificates which
attests to practical abilities (competency assessment for employment).
Or, more succinctly – PLAR to college program learning outcomes with the granting of a
Letter of Achievement if successful
What does CIITE mean by Competency
Assessment? (cont’d)
The CIITE Competency Assessment Project design was based
on two key assumptions of what is required to conduct viable,
sustainable assessments of skills and experience in Ontario
• college competency assessments should be replicable
across the Ontario college system so that ITIs can access
assessment accordingly, and colleges can affordably offer
appropriate assessment
• competency assessments should be based on program and
professional requirements
Distinguishing PLAR and
Competency Assessment
Identify, assess, and recognize skills,
knowledge, and professional behaviour that
cannot be assessed in formal credentials based
on the learning outcomes of college courses
Competency Assessment
Identify, assess, and recognize skills, knowledge,
and professional behaviour based on the learning
outcomes of college programs and professional
Demonstrate a candidate’s capability for
professional employment in Canada (regulated
professions and professional bodies)
End result
Receive a grade for a college course. Grades
for PLAR courses are included on college
transcripts towards the achievement of a
college diploma/degree
Receive credit for a college program or, if all
competencies are demonstrated, be given a “Letter
of Achievement”
Identify any skills, knowledge, and/or professional
behaviour that require further development
Competency Assessment Project
The Competency Assessment Project was funded near the end of CIITE Phase 2 (2007).
CIITE is currently in Phase 3, which began in April 2008.
Phase 2 Competency Assessment :
Project Timeline: February 2007 – December 2007
Participants: Algonquin, Boreal, CAPLA, Centennial, Conestoga, CRTO, Fanshawe,
George Brown, Humber, La Cité, Niagara, OACETT, Seneca, St Clair, and Sheridan
Key deliverable:
– Develop outlines of models that will assess the knowledge and skills of ITIs by
program rather than on a course-by-course basis (regulated), Mechanical
Engineering Technologist (unregulated, but with professional body)
Phase 3.1 Overview
The competency assessment activity in Phase 3.1 is developing, validating
and piloting the model in two occupations: Respiratory Therapy (RT) and
Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET). Teams of experts in each
profession have developed the professions’ ‘List of Competencies’ to be
tested, as well as assessment tools. These have been validated by
employers, regulatory bodies, and/or professional associations before being
piloted in the colleges in the last three months of Phase 3.1.
Phase 3.1 Participants RT Project
Respiratory Therapy – Participating colleges are
Algonquin, La Cité, and Fanshawe. The CRTO
participates in an advisory capacity.
Update on Respiratory Therapy
Competency Assessment
•The project has worked with CRTO to ensure that the competencies
assessed meet the most up-to-date regulations and policies.
•Currently, the team is developing the assessment tools. The assessment will
have three levels of testing: written, simulated, and clinical.
•The model outlined on the next page will not be tested in its entirety in Phase
3.1. Rather, the purpose of the pilot in Phase 3.1 is data collection for future
bridging projects and validation of the tools. The results for the assessment could be
used to determine advanced standing at the college. The ultimate goal, although not
part of this phase, is for these tools to be used for more efficient and standardized
PLAR to program learning oucomes.
•The pilot is set to begin on January 31st 2009.
Overview of RT Competency
Assessment Model
Potential candidate
meets with Assessor
to discuss options and
decides to pursue
assessment at an
Ontario College
with the
Candidate takes the
didactic assessment
(no academic
recognitions possible
at this stage)
If successful on
didactic assessment
candidate continues
to taker simulate d
assessments. If
unsuccessful at any
one simulation,
candidate returns to
Assessor to reevaluate their path.
If successful on all
candidate moves
onto the clinical
referred to the
CRTO ; receives
recognition from
the Ontario
colleges and
results are
entered into the
Challenges in Respiratory Therapy
Challenge: Success of candidates - As the competency assessment aims to test the qualifications
necessary to practice Respiratory Therapy(RT) in Ontario there is concern about the success of
candidates. Respiratory Therapy is primarily a North American profession and many of the
internationally trained applicants will be individuals who are switching professions (e.g.
Anesthesiology Assistants, Intensive Care specialist, etc.). There is concern that there won’t be
many individuals in the pilot who pass the written test. Action: Searching for pilot participants
with relevant experience
Challenge: Cost of assessment for candidate – A general concern that should be kept in mind
when developing the competency assessment is the direct financial costs of taking the assessment,
the cost of travel and having to take time off work, securing child care, etc.
Contact Info:
Rebecca Carnevale
416-351-7530 ext 3200
Website: – look for the competency
assessment final report in March!