Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

Investment Analysis and
Portfolio Management
Lecture 7
Gareth Myles
The Capital Asset Pricing Model
The CAPM is a model of equilibrium in
the market for securities.
 Previous lectures have addressed the
question of how investors should choose
assets given the observed structure of
 Now the question is changed to:
If investors follow these strategies, how will
returns be determined in equilibrium?
The Capital Asset Pricing Model
The simplest and most fundamental model of
equilibrium in the security market
Builds on the Markowitz model of portfolio choice
Aggregates the choices of individual investors
Trading ensures an equilibrium where returns
adjust so that the demand and supply of
assets are equal
 Many modifications/extensions can be made
But basic insights always extend
The CAPM is built on a set of assumptions
 Individual investors
Investors evaluate portfolios by the mean and
variance of returns over a one period horizon
Preferences satisfy non-satiation
Investors are risk averse
Trading conditions
Assets are infinitely divisible
Borrowing and lending can be undertaken at the
risk-free rate of return
There are no taxes or transactions costs
The risk-free rate is the same for all
 Information flows perfectly
The set of investors
All investors have the same time horizon
 Investors have identical expectations
The first six assumptions are the Markowitz
 The seventh and eighth assumptions add a
perfect capital market and perfect information
 The final two assumptions make all investors
identical except for their degree of risk
Direct Implications
All investors face the
same efficient set of
Direct Implications
All investors choose
a location on the
efficient frontier
 The location
depends on the
degree of risk
 The chosen portfolio
mixes the risk-free
asset and portfolio M
of risky assets
More risk
Less risk
Separation Theorem
The optimal combination of risky assets is
determined without knowledge of preferences
All choose portfolio M
This is the Separation Theorem
M must be the market portfolio of risky assets
All investors hold it to a greater or lesser extent
No other portfolio of risky assets is held
There is a question about the interpretation of this
The only assets that need to be marketed are:
The risk-free asset
A mutual fund representing the market portfolio
No other assets are required
In equilibrium there can be no short sales of
the risky assets
All investors buy the same risky assets
No-one can be short since all would be short
If all are short the market is not in equilibrium
Equilibrium occurs when the demand for
assets matches the supply
This also applies to the risk-free
Borrowing must equal lending
This is achieved by the adjustment of asset
 As prices change so do the returns on the
 This process generates an equilibrium
structure of returns
The Capital Market Line
All efficient portfolios
must lie on this line
rM  r f
Slope =
Equation of the line
 rM  rf
rp  rf  
 M
 p
rf is the reward for "time"
Patience is rewarded
 Investment delays consumption
 rM  rf
is the reward for accepting "risk"
The market price of risk
 Judged to be equilibrium reward
 Obtained by matching demand to supply
Security Market Line
Now consider the implications for
individual assets
 Graph covariance against return
The risk on the market portfolio is  M
 The covariance of the risk-free asset is zero
 The covariance of the market with the
market is  M2
Security Market Line
Can mix M and the riskfree asset along the line
If there was a portfolio
above the line all
investors would buy it
No investor would hold
one below
The equation of the line
 rM  r f 
ri  r f  
 iM
  M 
 M2
 iM
Security Market Line
 iM
 2
The equation of the line becomes
 iM
ri  rf  rM  rf  iM
This is the security market line (SML)
Security Market Line
There is a linear
trade-off between
risk measured by  iM
and return ri
 In equilibrium all
assets and portfolios
must have risk-return
combinations that lie
on this line
 iM
Market Model and CAPM
Market model uses  iI
 CAPM uses  iM
  iI is derived from an assumption about
the determination of returns
it is derived from a statistical model
 the index is chosen not specified by any
underlying analysis
 iM
is derived from an equilibrium theory
Market Model and CAPM
In addition:
I is usually assumed to be the market index,
but in principal could be any index
 M is always the market portfolio
There is a difference between these
 But they are often used interchangeably
 The market index is taken as an
approximation of the market portfolio
Estimation of CAPM
Use the regression equation
ri  r f   iM  iM rM  r f   i
Take the expected value
E ri  r f  iM  iM E rM  r f
The security market line implies
 iM  0
It also shows
 iI  1  iM r f
CAPM and Pricing
CAPM also implies the equilibrium asset prices
 The security market line is
ri  rf  rM  rf iM
pi 1  pi 0
ri 
pi 0
where pi(0) is the value of the asset at time 0
and pi(1) is the value at time 1
CAPM and Pricing
So the security market line gives
p i 1  p i 0
 r f   iM rM  r f
p i 0
This can be rearranged to find
p i 1
p i 0  
1  r f   iM rM  r f
The price today is related to the
expected value at the end of the holding
CAPM and Project Appraisal
Consider an investment project
 It requires an investment of p(0) today
 It provides a payment of p(1) in a year
 Should the project be undertaken?
 The answer is yes if the present
discounted value (PDV) of the project is
CAPM and Project Appraisal
If both p(0) and p(1) are certain then the
risk-free interest rate is used to discount
 The PDV is
p 1
PDV   p 0  
1 rf
The decision is to accept project if
p 1
p 0  
1 rf
CAPM and Project Appraisal
Now assume p(1) is uncertain
 Cannot simply discount at risk-free rate if
investors are risk averse
p 1
 For example using
PDV   p 0  
1 rf
will over-value the project
 With risk aversion the project is worth less
than its expected return
U ( p(1))  EU ( p(1))
CAPM and Project Appraisal
One method to obtain the correct value
is to adjust the rate of discount to reflect
 But by how much?
 The CAPM pricing rule gives the answer
 The correct PDV of the project is
p (1)
PDV   p (0) 
1  r f   p [rM  r f ]