Teacher: Goss Room #: 201 Lesson # in unit:lesson #6 Period (s): 1

Teacher: Goss
Room #: 201
Lesson # in unit:lesson #6
Period (s): 1
Language Arts Academic Standard:
Indiana Standard https://learningconnection.doe.in.gov/Standards/About.aspx?art=11
11.1.2 Apply knowledge of roots and word parts from Greek and Latin to draw inferences about
the meaning of vocabulary in literature or other subject areas.
Common Core Literacy Standard: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/CCSSI_ELA%20Standards.pdf
Reading Grade:
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text including figurative, connatative, and technical
meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone
Writing Grades
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting
or day or to) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Lesson Objective
By the end of class the student will be able to:
Students will be able to examine, compare, and discuss classmate's definitions for 12 Greek prefixes and bases while working in small groups.
Students will be able to independently create illustrations for 6 different Greek prefixes and bases.
Students will be able to independently make inferences on 5 of their classmates illustration associations.
Supporting Diverse Learners
Student Assets:Etymology is an elective. Therefore, students have chosen to take this class. These students are
starting to prepare for the SAT. Understanding grade appropriate vocabulary is essential.
Anticipated Challenges:Some of the students in the class have already taken this course and
failed. These students also have trouble behaving in class. It will be a challenge to keep
these specific students engaged. However, I believe that implementing a variety of
instructional strategies will keep the students engaged.
Special Considerations for IEP and/or ILP:None.
Strategies for Instruction
Class/Group Discussion
Cooperative Learning
Small Group
Guided Practice
Lecture or Direct Instruction
Learning Stations
Readers/Writers Workshop
Teacher Modeling/Demo.
Journal writing
Role Play
Inquiry Learning
Simulation/Role Playing
Independent Learning
Use of Materials
Teacher’s Manual pg #
Student Text pg # 193
Picture Books
More Activities That
Related Equipment:
Rationale: I have decided
to implement
cooperative/small group
learning into my lesson
because I belive that
this setting encourages
students to actively
engage with the
material. I would like
small groups to
collaboritvely come up
with definitions for the
assigned Greek
prefixes/bases. I think
this is a good idea
because students will be
referring to their own
work while also being
open minded and
listening to their
peers. This activity
will allow students to
create their OWN
meanings. Independent
learning is also
important because I want
the students to be able
Adapted materials
Use of Technology
Cell Phone
CPS Clickers
Elmo Document Camera
Student Computers
Teacher Computer w/LCD
Video Clips/DVD
Web 2.0 tool
to relate to the words
on a personal level.
BEFORE: How will you support students in accessing prior knowledge, personal, real world and/or cultural
For the reading portion of the lesson, I am going to pick an article out of the news or a
magazine. I will try and pick a story that is engaging and interesting. I will make sure
that this article has words that have greek prefixes and bases. I will challenge the
students to read the article and pick out these specific words. They wont necessarily know
the meanings of these words BUT they will see that these prefixes and bases are used every
day. At the end of the unit, I plan to show the same article and my goal is that the
students will be able to deconstruct/break down the words and create meanings.
What support strategies will you use to scaffold students learning so they meet or exceed targeted objective?
I will model/ demonstrate what I expect to see from the students. In this particular lesson, when I pass out the
graphic organizers, I will make sure to show them the example on the organizer but I will also create another
example on the board. This will cater to visual learners and auditory learners.
I will have the agenda projected onto the large screen in the front of the classroom. This agenda will be short and
sweet but it will have directions and connections to our class objectives.
I will model optomism. I will make an effort to state everything in a positive way. Instead of saying, "no that's
wrong" I will say "lets try that again" or "I think we can do better." This material can be daunting and I don't want
my students to shut down.
Closing: How will you engage students in self-assessment and/or reflection on key concepts?
Self- Assessment: Contribution logs. At the end of each period, students will jot down a few
sentences about: what the class was about or what they contributed during the period.
Students will know that class participation is required of them. They will also be aware
that they will be turning in a contribution log at the end of each unit. This log will
require them to share (in written form) how the contributed to the class during the
particular unit. I will have a participation log as well so I will be able to check and see
if the student is honestly reflecting. If he/she isnt, we will have a discussion and try to
come up with a solution. These logs will also have an "I learned" section. This will allow
students to reflect upon the main concepts of the unit.This activity will promote writing
on a daily basis but the larger assignment (due at the end of the unit) will require
reflection over a long period of time.
Vocabulary Strategy
Two column notes
Guided note taking
Venn diagram
Cause and effect frames
20 Questions
What’s is say/mean/matter
One-sentence summary
Creating metaphors
Other gallery walk,
4 As
Text rendering
Reciprocal teaching
Save the last word for me
Anticipation guides
Coding the text
Open mind portrait
Sketch to stretch
Directed reading thinking
Zooming in/ zooming out
Sentence frames
Paragraph frames
Imitation writing
Sentence combining
language translations
Graphic organizers
Frayer model
Semantic feature
Word sorts
Word Walls
Tree map for
Shades of Meaning
Vocabulary selfawareness activity
Creating metaphors
Tossed Terms
Sketch to Stretch
Daily Assessment How do you know your
students met your lesson objective(s) and to
what extent?Students will be able to define
assigned prefixes/bases (12), create picture
associations (5), provide written rationale fo
associations (5, and reflect upon which
illustration resonated with them
Class discussion
CPS clickers
Email teacher
Entrance/Exit slip
Teacher Observe
Listened to conversations
Thumbs up, neutral, or down
Homework check
Video quiz
Whiteboard Check
Final Exam
Additional Teacher Preparation:
Copy: Picture graphic organizers
Locate: large paper, markers, tape, stop watch
Additional Reference/Sources of Information:
Daily Reflection This would be a section at the end for the teacher to note any strengths or weaknesses of the plan. What worked well?
What needs to be changed for next year? What are next steps for students and how will you get them there?