Nice to meet you! I am very glad to see you! E-Teacher Professional Development Workshop PBL KASUMIGAOKA Senior High School Kasumigaoka SHS Super Science High School (SSH) Math & Science Course General Course English Department Math & Science Course 1. SS Science English (4) (3 reading + 1 grammar) 2. SS Science English Presentation (1) CAN-DO for Math and Science Course 1st graders -by the end of 2nd semesterI can write an 80-word essay. I can give a presentation in English. I can identify a problem regarding a scientific topic and explain it in English. I can describe a solution to a scientific problem in English. TREE-PROJECT ABCD Objectives for Tree-Project ABCD Objectives Bloom’s Taxonomy After three introduction classes, the 10th-grade Comprehension students in the Math and Science Course will be able to identify the fact that the number of trees has decreased is a serious problem clearly enough to start working on a project. Under engagement in research and discussion in groups, the 10th-grade students in the Math and Science Course will be able to correlate causes of the decreasing number of trees with problems caused by them concisely. Analysis ABCD Objectives for Tree-Project ABCD Objectives Bloom’s Taxonomy After analyzing from different perspectives and collaborating with others, the 10th-grade students in the Math and Science Couse will be able to make a presentation consisting of four parts within 10 minutes. Synthesis When making a presentation, the 10th-grade students in the Math and Science Course will be able to recommend the ways to solve the problems of the decreasing number of trees to the audience concretely. Evaluation Time allotment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction of tree-problems Amazon rainforest Mini-lecture by a science teacher & an IT teacher Research & Discussion Preparation for PPT & Writing for presentation (1) (1) (1) (3) (2) 6. How to make a presentation effectively & presentation practice 7 Rehearsal 8 Presentation and Evaluation (2) (1) (2) Introduction Quiz What is this? It has.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bark Sap Trunk Branches Roots Flowers Leaves What do we get from trees? Brainstorming- Roundtable What we get from trees.. Organic matter, starch, paper, oxygen, chairs, green color to look at, a relaxation time, timber, food, energy, fruits, ions, nature, shade, rubber, fuel, biofuel, charcoal, fibers, The decreasing number of trees Global Forest Watch Why is the number of trees decreasing? Causes Construction of roads, Logging, Slash-and-burn farming, Acid rain, Desertification, Deforestation by harmful insects and agricultural chemicals, Natural disaster, Population growth, Increase of the use of firewood, Forest fire, Combustion of fossil fuel, Volcanic activity Problems Ground deterioration, Global warming, Landslides, Increase of CO2, Shortage of water, Disappearance of life, Collapse of ecosystem, Schwarzwald Watch a short video Deepen students’ knowledge - Amazon rainforest Quiz Corners ①The amount of the Earth’s surface covered by tropical forests is 10 % False Less than 7% ②The percentage of life on Earth present in tropical forests is 35% False More than 50% ③The number of people dependent on the tropical forests for food is 1.6 billion True 1.6 billion 1.6 billion people and more than 50 % of life on Earth depend on the tropical forests, which covers less than 7 % of the Earth’s surface. Research and discussion Teacher’s role - facilitator Create wiki • The alternative to USB • Edit anytime and anywhere • Check the working process • Upload images, videos and links Presentation Evaluation Students Who Types of evaluates? evaluation How? ① Students Self-evaluation ② Students Group-evaluation Survey Monkey ③ Teachers Rubrics Survey Monkey Paper ①Self-evaluation 1. What did you learn through this project? 2. Are you satisfied with your project? Why/ Why not? 3. I can write an 80-word essay. 1 I cannot do this. 2 I can do this. 3 I can do this easily. Self-evaluation 4. I can give a presentation in English. 1 I cannot do this. 2 I can do this. 3 I can do this easily. 5. I can identify a problem regarding trees and explain it in English. 1 I cannot do this. 2 I can do this. 3 I can do this easily. 6. I can describe a solution to a tree problem in English. 1 I cannot do this. 2 I can do this. 3 I can do this easily. The results of self-evaluations - a CAN-DO type Aspects I cannot do this - I can do this I can do this easily I can write an 80-word essay 21.6 % (8) 67.6 % (25) 10.8 % (4) I can give a presentation in English 13.5 % (5) 75.7 % 10.4 % (4) I can identify a problem regarding trees and explain about it in English. I can describe a solution to a tree-problem in English 13.5 % (5) 81.1 % (30) 5.4 % (2) 86.5 % 18.9 % (7) 75.7 % (28) 5.4 % (2) 81.1 % (28) 78.4 % 86.1 % The results of self evaluations - A descriptive type I learned how important forests and trees are through this project. If forests disappear, the land will be infertile and will be desert. Also forests generate oxygen, so if forests disappear, creatures cannot survive. However, lots of forests are destroyed by harmful insects, acid rain, and slash-and-burn farming. Now, various insects are brought from foreign countries and have a harmful influence on trees. Slash-and-burn farming also makes soil infertile and acid rain makes trees wither. We humans must realize how dangerous this situation is and solve these problems. We must solve these problems for our future generations through what we have learned through this project. ②Group-evaluation 1) The group was well prepared in terms of content and visual aids 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Satisfactory 3. Excellent 2) The group was well rehearsed 3) The group seemed to have collaborated well with each other 4) The group members tried not to read from their papers and paid careful attention to keeping eyecontact. PowerPoint Presentation Rubrics for Teachers Elocution Eye Contact Volume of voice 1 Unsatisfactory Students mumbles, incorrectly pronounces, and speaks too quietly. 2 Partially proficient Voice is clear. Students pronounces most terms correctly and most of the audience can hear the presentation. 3 Proficient Voice is clear and correct pronunciation of more than 70% of words so that all the audience can hear the presentation. Students reads all of the script without any eye contact. Students maintains eye contact most Students constantly maintains eye of time. contact with the audience. The audience cannot catch the voice. The audience can catch almost all, but still cannot hear some parts. Total ×2 /6 /3 The audience can catch all. /3 Organization The project doesn’t consist of four The project consists of four parts but The project consists of four parts and parts. some parts are illogical. progresses logically. /3 The content is written clearly and ×4 concisely with enough supporting information and analyzed from /12 different perspectives. The audience can get clear ideas of tree problems, which motivates them to take actions to solve the problem. Content The content lacks a clear point of The content is written with view and includes little persuasive supporting information. The information. audience can get ideas of causes of tree problems and the solutions. Graphics The graphics, sounds, animations The graphics, sounds and animations The graphics, sound and animation are unrelated to the content and are related to the content. assist the presentation and enhance they don’t enhance understanding understanding of ideas. of the content. /3 Total /30 Signature and comments PBL… 1. Learner-centered learning 2. Emphasis is on using and communicating knowledge to address problems 3. Assessment – Performance-based through projects and performance 4. Learning begins with a problem 5. Teachers as facilitators 6. Authenticity Not paying attention to the needs of the learner is like leaving for the airport without the passenger…. so that you’ll get there on time” - Madeline Hunter- Thank you!