TOC Critical Chain workshop and Risk

The Cutting Edge of Complex Project Management
through Constraint Management
A cost effective methodology
for managing uncertainty and scarce resources.
As demands become ever fiercer, project managers are more than ever under pressure to
fully meet their commitments on schedule and within cost. The traditional body of Project
management at time falters under this stress. This is particularly true for a dynamic multi
complex project environment. A new approach is needed to deal with the mounting technical and
management risks placed upon scarce resources in the development and deployment of complex
systems, infra structure, and facilities. This need for a new and effective approach is found in the
contemporary body of knowledge known as the Theory of Constraints (TOC).
The central insight of Theory of Constraints (TOC) is that at any time a single constraint or
pace-maker determines the capacity of any system which seeks to maximize performance. Within
a complex project environment what this means is focusing on the true critical paths of projects
with a totally fresh, innovative approach to safety buffers and scarce resource management
without necessarily having to compromise "time to market", performance, and cost. TOC goes on
further to provide practical, effective solutions to dissolving the complexity of a dynamic multiproject environment. It does this via an inventive scheduling methodology that enables an
effective staggering of project time schedules in accordance with the system constraints.
TOC is generally best known through the publication of the internally acclaimed management
bestseller books “The Goal” and "The Critical Chain" by Dr. Eli Goldratt. Goldratt’s innovative
project management approach has been adopted as a leading part of the “arsenal” of managerial
techniques by a wide variety of successful organizations around the world including the IT
Industry. TOC has been used for years by the United States Air Force, Navy and Marines as well
as the Israeli Defence Forces. Other organizations include such names as Intel, Lucent
Technologies, Daimler Chrysler, Boeing, Delta Airlines and, more recently in Australia, by BHP.
The Commonwealth Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) recently included the TOC
methodology as part of it curriculum of the exclusive executive MBA course in Complex Project
Management (introduced and taught by Lewis Trigger).
Lewis Trigger - Consultants & Management Ltd
Israel: Mobile +972-54-5323553; Wk +972-8-9262984; Fax 972-8-9262984
Workshop Learning Outcomes
 Improving your ability to meet project commitment: deliverables on time and
within cost.
 Enhancing the ability to improve system performance without incurring
additional costs.
 Practical techniques to effectively synchronizing resources.
 A shift in thinking from localized efficiency towards system effectiveness.
 Practical solutions to overcoming uncertainty.
 Focusing management efforts to where it counts most.
 Allocating resources to where it counts most.
Target Audience
All levels of Management from the Executive level through to Senior Project Mangers, Project
Team leaders, PMO staff, and Senior Operational functions.
Time Framework
A one day workshop.
Workshop Methodology
Emphasis is placed on the active involvement of the participants with an emphasis relating to their
working environment. To this end exercises are extensively used, and group learning through
open discussions is encouraged. Reliable case studies that have shown great success through the
use of TOC's methodology are elaborated on throughout the workshop.
Workshop structure and content
Workshop participants are introduced to a totally fresh approach to effectively managing
uncertainty and scarce resources within a dynamic multi-project environment. This approach is
an extrapolation from Constraint Management's Buffer Management methodology and is known
by the term "the critical chain approach ", an innovative and novel approach applied to the
realm of safety buffers. In contradiction to traditional thinking, Constraint Management not only
claims that individual task safety buffers don't assist in meeting schedules, they in fact hinder the
meeting of schedules on time. The answer rests in the implementation of Project Buffers rather
than Task Buffers which provides a cost effective solution that focuses on the project's true critical
The remainder of the day Focuses on a very "down to earth" approach on implementing "Risk
Management". The approaches used are based on the international PMBOK standard and are part
of the syllabus used for training Project Managers in the Israeli Defence Forces.
Lewis Trigger - Consultants & Management Ltd
Israel: Mobile +972-54-5323553; Wk +972-8-9262984; Fax 972-8-9262984
Workshop “Coach”
Lewis Trigger is a recognized international expert in TOC and an accomplished practitioner and
lecturer in Operation's and Project Management. Australian born, Israel resident, Lewis is an
industrial engineer with over 20 years experience in applying Theory of Constraints (TOC) within
the Israeli military’s technology and logistics systems and within government and industry.
After completing his graduate studies at the University of Queensland, Lewis went on to serve 16
years as an officer in the Israeli Air Force. His experience in the Israeli Air Force, followed by
holding senior management positions in the Israeli Hi-tech market, has provided Lewis with a
wealth of knowledge and experience in Operation's and Project Management in general, and in the
defence market of maintenance and Project Management in particular. Today he heads his own
company, based in Israel that provides Industrial Engineering Consultancy and Workshops to both
the defence and commercial markets. For the last 12 years he has been awarded the contract
to coach all the formal Project Management workshops for the Israeli Air Force and Land
Forces. In addition he teaches Management courses in a number of Israeli colleges including the
prestigious M.B.A program at the University of Tel Aviv.
For the last 10 years he has been exporting his expertise to Australia, presenting his
workshops to a wide variety of leading Australian companies and organizations. The list of
organizations include: Visy, Holden, The Adelaide Health Service, the Spotlight Retail Chain,
Dairy Farmers (N.S.W.), The Australian Submarine Corporation (ASC), BAE Systems, Thales,
The Western Australian State Department for Agriculture & Food, The Salisbury City Council,
Geographe (W.A), GJames (Qld), Rosebank Engineering (Vic), Raptispax (Qld), Julliard
Properties (Vic), Coopers Brewery (S.A.). Lewis's expertise was included in the exclusive
executive MBA program in Complex project Management sponsored through the DMO – the
Australian Department of Defence. In addition the following organizations have sponsored
Lewis's public workshops that targets senior and middle management: The Australian Industry
Group (AIG), The University of South Australia, the Queensland University of Technology
(QUT), QMI Solutions, Manufacturing Focus, The Australian Israel Chamber of Commerce, The
Chamber of Commerce & Industry W.A., SIRF Roundtables (focusing on the Mining Industry
sector), The Defence Teaming Centre (S.A.), Terrapinn Conferences (focusing on the Mining
Industry sector and Utility Assets), IRR.
Lewis holds a number of qualifications. His initial training was at the University of Queensland,
however since then he has gained international experience including a Master of Business
Administration from the Business School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a Master of
Science in Industrial Engineering from the prestigious United States Air Force Institute of
Technology. He has been personally coached on TOC by the theory's founder Dr. Eli Goldratt
"Lewis has succeeded in combining theory with practice and passing on to workshop participants
a useful set of tools as well as a systems approach. He has demonstrated a varied and in-depth
knowledge and experience." – Brigadier General Zacharier Chay (retired) – Previous Head of the
Israeli Defence Force Ordnance Corps.
"Thanks for the stimulating Critical Chain workshop you ran for us. It clarified a lot of the
questions that I had, and now it all makes much more sense. .. Critical Chain in project
management scheduling had not been clear to me prior to Monday’s workshop, I just didn’t
understand the way the buffers were to work, so thank you again for making that understandable
Lewis Trigger - Consultants & Management Ltd
Israel: Mobile +972-54-5323553; Wk +972-8-9262984; Fax 972-8-9262984
for me." - Bruce Moffatt Senior Project Manager from one of Australia's leading defence
"I attended your session in Perth recently and found it fascinating. I’m implementing it in one
part of our business which has always given us headaches. Now we’ve identified the constraint,
the problem has become simple to see. Great stuff." Geoff Brown Director of a leading
Australian multi - media supplier.
"It was a true pleasure hosting you in Cyprus. I believe that your presentation skills have
contributed a lot towards the success of this workshop. Thank you." Matiss Horodishtiano –
Senior Director of an internationally acclaimed hi-tech Co.'.
Lewis Trigger - Consultants & Management Ltd
Israel: Mobile +972-54-5323553; Wk +972-8-9262984; Fax 972-8-9262984
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