
Chapter Two

Environmental Context:

Information, Technology,

Globalization, Diversity, and Ethics

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Learning Objectives

• Examine the role of information technology.

• Present developments in knowledge management and human capital/intelligence.

• Discuss the impact of globalization.

• Identify the meaning of diversity and its importance.

• Discuss the meaning of ethics and major factors of ethical behavior.

• Describe major areas of ethical concern and steps taken to effectively address it.

• Examine specific ethical issues.


• Environmental context for organizational behavior is markedly different from past.

• Management is forced to rethink approaches to operations and human resources because of:

– Information technology, globalization, diversity, and ethics.

• Organizations are now more responsive to both external and internal environments.

Role of Information Technology

• E-business

– Still portrayed as a recent phenomenon and is almost equated with today’s Internet.

• Knowledge management

– Tangible knowledge assets captured and retained in organization structures and systems.

– Intangible knowledge or intelligence possessed by employees and other stakeholders.

• Human/Intellectual capital

– Can be thought of as investors in the business expecting a return on investment.


• Third phase of globalization - Friedman.

– Fueled by information technology available to everyone in the world.

• Implications for organizational behavior are profound and direct.

– Cultures around the world impact the organizational behavior of managers and employees quite differently.

Major Reasons for Increasing Diversity

Diversity in Workplace


• Developing the multicultural organization

– Reflects the contributions and interests of diverse cultural and social groups.

– Acts on a commitment to eradicate social oppression.

– Includes the members of diverse cultural and social groups.

– Follows through on broader external social responsibilities.

Diversity in Workplace


• Individual approaches to managing diversity

– Learning

– Empathy

Organizational Approaches to

Managing Diversity

• Most common techniques include:

– Testing

– Training

– Mentoring

– Work/Family Programs

A Flextime Framework

Innovative Work/Family Programs

Ethics and Ethical Behavior

• Factors determining ethical behavior:

– Individuals and groups

– Cultural

– Organizational

– External environment

• Other factors leading to ethical problems in organizations:

– Peer pressure on people to be less ethical.

– Difference in views from one person to another.

Ethics and Ethical Behavior


• The impact of ethics on “bottom-line” outcomes

– Increasing evidence that ethics programs and being ethical pays off for organizations.

• Employee privacy issues

– Computer technology

– Mandatory drug testing

– Efforts of organizations to control the lifestyles of their employees.
