Course Syllabus Semester 1, 2013 FIN 431: Islamic Finance Instructor: Professor Dr. Ishaq Bhatti Office: 347 (FEA) Office Hours: Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday 11.00 - 12.00, and by appointment E-mail: COURSE DISCRETION This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Islamic banking and finance. It starts with the basics tools used in Islamic Banking and Finance (IBF). The course is a rigorous, covering from principles of IBF, structure of IBF, profit and loss sharing (PLS) and non PLS modes of investments; Mudraba, Murahaba, Musharka, Istisna, with the help of diagrams, practical questions, quantitative applications to Islamic financial market structure and Islamic financial asset management and valuation. COURSE OBJECTIVES The main objectives of this course are to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To introduce the principles of Islamic banking, finance & investment. To present the business ethics from Islamic prospective. To discuss the Islamic law of contracts and business transactions. To explain the trading in Islamic law. To gain insight into the Islamic trading products. To gain knowledge of IBF and financial engineering A case of REIT’s application into IBF structure LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course student should be able to: 1. Understand the principles of Islamic banking and finance and various methods of IBF trading. 2. Familiarize the difference between western-conventional and Islamic - IBF. 3. Determine the methods of Shari’ah compliant financing and its real life application. 4. Acquire the key terms used in Islamic Banking and Finance. 1 5. Comprehend the fundamental concepts of IBF and how it differs with the modern investment theory and financial markets and money making business. COURSE MATERIAL Text Book: Understanding Islamic Finance, Ayub, M., Published by: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2007). Supplementary References: Islamic Finance. El-Gamal, M, published by Cambridge University press, 7st Edition 2007. Bhatti, M. Ishaq Lecture notes and power point slides which will be distributed on weekly basis An important complement to class work is following the IBF financial news. There are several sources of information on the internet such as Bloomberg, Reuters and Yahoo Finance, Supplementary (but optional) material 1. Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, KSA. 2. Bank Negara, Malaysia FORMAT This course is organized around the following modules: 1. Overview of the IBF 2. IBF Portfolio Selection 3. Various models and modes of IBF 4. Examples of modes of Sharia compliancy 5. IBF markets 6. REIT structure COURSE GRADING Your course grade will reflect your performance midterm and final exams, assignments, and class participation, with weights determined as follows: Midterm Exam 1 Midterm Exam 2 Final Exam Assignments Class Participation 20% 20% 40% 10% 10% The final exam is cumulative but it focuses mostly on issues covered after the midterm exam. All exams are closed book tests. 2 IMPORTANT NOTE If a midterm exam is not completed, the mark assigned to the missed component will be zero except in the case of a valid excuse (illness, death of a close family member, etc.). In the case of a valid excuse the marks associated with the missed component will be re-assigned to the final exam. In every aspect of the course, students are required to adhere to the standards of conduct in the King Abdulaziz University Honor Code CLASSROOM USE Students should stay alert in the class and conduct themselves professionally at all times. Class starts promptly at the time indicated on your schedule. Late commers will be penalized in class participation marks. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain handouts, notes, and assignments from any missed days. Students are expected to follow the college’s acceptable use policy while in the class. HOW TO STUDY FOR THIS COURSE: Spend some time on the course every day, whether you have class or not Take good notes in class and review them frequently, comparing them to corresponding material in the text Read the chapter in the textbook (prior to its being covered in class) Answer and study the questions in the text Do homework assignments as soon as possible after they have been assigned Pay attention to the solutions (i.e., the solution processes), not just the answers Get to know the software SSP involved so that you feel comfortable using it to solve managerial problems with it without having to spend a great deal of time 3 Topic Tentative Course Outline Suggested Textbook Readings Questions Web Questions 1. Introduction of Chapter 1 Dr Ishaq Bhatti’s lecture Islamic finance. 1.1-1.8 notes & PPt 2. Features of Islamic Chapters 2 & 3: PPt: Power point slides Economic System. 3. Islamic Business Chapters 4 Dr IB & PPts Ethics. 4. Islamic Law of Dr IB & PPts Chapter 5 Contracts. 5. Financial Dr IB & PPts Institutions and Chapter 6 Products. 6. Trading in Islamic Dr IB & PPts Chapter 7 commercial law. 7. Loan and Debt in Dr IB & PPts Chapter 8 commercial law. 8. Murabaha and Dr IB & PPts Chapter 8 musawamah. Note: The above course outline is tentative and may be subject to change as class progresses. 4 N/A