Howard Gardner
• Howard Gardner's ground breaking
theories were first published in Frames
of Mind, 1983.
• Gardner was a Harvard scholar
studying work on the development of
children's cognitive processes based
on the work of Jean Piaget.
• Through his own work on the
development of cognition, he came to
view those of Piaget as too narrowly
• In his innovative theory, he presents a
new framework for considering the
gifts of children.
• Through studying other cultural
definitions of intelligence,
neurophysiology, anthropological
studies and his own experimentation
and observation of children,
• Gardner originally devised seven
categories of respective intelligence.
• **An eighth intelligence, naturalistic/environmental,
has just been recently put forth by Gardner.
• While Gardner contends that
all humans have some degree
of all seven intelligences,
there are those who are more
gifted in some areas, or in
combinations of areas, than in
others. Here are brief
overviews of each
• Deals with abilities in the complex
acquisition, formation and processing of
• Thinking symbolically and reasoning
abstractly fall under this category, as does
the ability to create conceptual verbal
• Reading, writing, the development of
symbolic writing and language skills-anagrams, palindromes, metaphors, similes,
puns, and analogies come under this
• Children who talk early, those who enjoy making
sounds and rhyming patterns; children who are
prolific readers and have good memories for poetry,
lyrics, tongue twisters, and verse may have a
propensity in this area.
• These individuals love words, both spoken and
written, and often think in words. They learn by
verbalization, by seeing and hearing words and
usually enjoy word games.
• (In his work that parallels that of Gardner's, Bob Samples
refers to Verbal/Linguistic and Logical/Mathematical in one
category as Abstract/Symbolic intelligences. See
References .)
• Deals with the ability to think logically; inductively,
and to some degree deductively; categorically; to
recognize patterns, both geometric and numerical;
as well as the ability to see and work with abstract
• Children who possess this form of developed
intelligence may be constant questioners; they may
easily grasp games that involve sophisticated
strategies--like chess; or they may devise
experimental formats to test their ideas.
Also, they may be fascinated with computers or with
puzzles that involving logic and reasoning abilities.
Spatial Intelligence
• Deals with the ability to perceive images.
• These children think in images and are usually
the ones able to find missing objects due to their
tremendous powers of visual recall.
• They may be the first to notice things that have
been changed or rearranged.
• Many are earlier drawers--delighted with
shapes, lines and colors.
• These folks are attracted to jigsaw puzzles,
mazes, find the hidden picture puzzles and they
love to construct things with blocks.
• They have an early sense of proportion and
• They are also good at reading and constructing
maps and discerning objects as they might
appear in three dimensional space.
• They are often referred to as daydreamers-starring off into space.
• (In David Lazear's adaptation of Gardner's work, he expands this
concept to include visual intelligence. Bob Samples also describes
this type of ability as visual. See References .)
• Obviously deals with the ability to
create or interpret music.
• These children may need music while
they study, and they are continually
humming, singing, tapping out tunes
rhythmically, or whistling.
• They have keen ears for distinguishing
sounds and subtle nuances in music
and in the sounds in their
• These children can also be excellent
mimics and can easily discern
differences in speech patterns or
• (Again, David Lazear expands this group with the
descriptor of rhythmic, and Bob Samples describes
this as auditory intelligence.)
• Deals with the gift of physical movement,
that of both the fine and/or the large muscle
• These children are the movers of the
universe, and frequently they squirm, rock,
even fall off their chairs when required to sit
still for extended periods of time.
• These children are adept at creating and
interpreting gestures and are often attuned at
communicating in, or reading others body
• They may even have a need to
enter the personal space of
others or to touch them while
• This group of students needs
to learn by acting and moving,
to learn by haptic experiences.
• Deals with the ability to understand and
communicate with others and to facilitate
relationships and group processes.
• The phrase "they can work the room " aptly
describes their uncanny abilities to read
• Often these children are highly empathetic,
and they can arbitrate differences between
people or groups.
• They can easily pick up on the
vibrations, the feelings of others.
• These children enjoy cooperative
learning experiences and learn
best in cooperative settings.
• (Bob Samples refers to this type of intelligence
as synergistic personal.)
• Deals with the ability to be somewhat
insulated from ones peers; to have a
strong sense of self; to have leadership
abilities in reference to making
decisions that may not be popular with
• This strong sense of self creates a
certain amount of immunity from peer
• These children may be what are
described as "loners".
• They may have gifts out the ordinary
realm of human understanding--strong
intuitive feelings, a sense of inner
wisdom, or precognition.
• These children need learning experiences
where they can focus on their inner being
and activities that allow them to work by
themselves on material and projects of
their own choosing.
• (Bob Samples refers to this ability to be synergistic-natural.)
• Howard Gardner's work adds new depth
to understanding the multifaceted and
varied dimensions of human
intelligence. Under the umbrella of
Gardner's definitions, American schools
seemingly have few problems meeting
the needs of students who have
verbal/linguistic or logical/mathematical
intelligences. Even in special programs
that are designed for "gifted" students,
many of Gardner's intelligences are not
recognized or acknowledged as
important or valued gifts.
• As a result of this ancient, and very
Western, cultural mindset, some
children are elevated while others are
must go wanting. And although
physical giftedness appeared in the
initial definitions concerning federal
mandates governing gifted education,
during the 70's that form of giftedness
was removed from successive
• This was done reportedly because schools
meet the need of physically gifted children
through expensive sports programs. While
that is undoubtedly true for those students
displaying physical traits compatible with the
narrow needs of established sports, it is not
true that all kinesthetically/bodily gifted
students are served by schools' athletic
• Students having kinesthetic gifts in areas
such as dance, mime, gymnastics, small
muscle kinesthetic proficiencies,
performance arts, table tennis and so forth,
are virtually ignored by school programs.
• Armstrong, T. (1987) In their own way. Los Angeles:
Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.
• Armstrong, T. (1993) 7 kinds of smart: identifying and
developing your own intelligences. New York: Plume
Books (Penguin).
• Armstrong, T. (1994) Multiple intelligences in the
classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
• Gardner, H. (1983) Frames of mind: the theory of
multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books.
• Gardner, H. (1993) Multiple
intelligences: the theory in practice - a
reader. New York: Basic Books.
• Lazear, D. (1991) Seven ways of
knowing: teaching to the multiple
intelligences. Palatine, IL: Skylight
• Samples, B. (1987)
Wholemind/Openmind. Rollinghills
Estates, CA: Jalmar Press.
Special Intelligence Indicators
The following descriptors are an
adaptation, synthesis, or summary
from many popular MI authors. (i.e.
Thomas Armstrong; David Lazear;
Bruce & Linda Campbell, as well as
from the work of the parent MI
conceptualizer, Dr. Howard Gardner.
Please see their work for further details
Linguistic Intelligence –
(Word Smart)
• Writes better than average for their age
• Spins tales and tells jokes and stories
• Has a good memory for names, places, dates, and
• Enjoys word games
• Spells words accurately
• Appreciates nonsense rhymes, puns, tongue
twisters, etc.
• Enjoys listening to the spoken word
• Has a good vocabulary for his/her age
• Communicates to others in a highly verbal way
Intelligence - (Number Smart)
• Asks a lot of questions about how
things work
• Computes arithmetic questions in
his/her head quickly
• Enjoys the challenges of math class
• Finds math games and math computer
games interesting
• Enjoys playing chess, checkers, or
other strategy games
• Enjoys working with logic puzzles and
• Likes to experiment in a way that
shows higher order thinking processes
• Thinks on a more abstract levels than
• Has a good sense of cause and effect
relationships for his/her age
Musical Intelligence -(Music Smart)
• Tells you when music is off-key or
disturbing in some other way
• Remembers the melody of songs
• Has a good singing voice
• Plays a musical instrument or sings in
a choir or other musical group
• Has a rhythmic way of speaking and/or
• Unconsciously hums to him/herself
• Taps rhythmically on the table or desk
as he/she works
• Is sensitive to the environmental
noises, like rain of the roof
• Can easily imitate the voices and
inflections of others
Spatial Intelligence –
(Picture Smart)
• Reports clear visual images
• Reads maps, charts, and diagrams
more easily than text
• Daydreams more than peers
• Enjoys art activities
• Draws figures and pictures that are
advanced for age
• Likes to view movies, slides, or other
visual presentations
• Enjoys doing puzzles, mazes, “Where’s
Waldo?” or “hidden picture” or “I spy”types activities, and challenges like
hidden pictures or similar games
• Builds interesting three-dimensional
constructions for age (Legos)
• Gets more out of pictures than words
when reading
• Doodles on workbooks, worksheets, or
other materials
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
(Body Smart)
• Excels in one or more sports
• Moves, twitches, taps, fidgets while seated
for a long time in one spot
• Cleverly mimics other people’s gestures and
• Loves to take things apart and put them
back together again
• Has trouble keeping his/her hands off
something new just seen
• Enjoys jumping, wrestling, or similar
• Shows skill on a craft or good finemotor coordination in other ways
• Has dramatic way of expressing
• Reports different physical sensations
while thinking or working
• Enjoys working with clay or other
tactile medium, and enjoys hands on
art activity
Interpersonal Intelligence
(People Smart)
• Enjoys socializing with peers
• Seems to be a natural leader
• Gives advice to friends who have
• Seems to be people smart -- attuned to
• Belongs to clubs, committees, or other
• Enjoys informally teaching other kids
• Likes to play games with other kids
• Has two or more close friends
• Has a good sense of empathy or
concern for others
• Others seek out his/her company
Intrapersonal Intelligence
(Self Smarts)
• Displays a sense of independence or strong
• Has a realistic sense of his/her strengths and
• Does well when left alone to play or study
• Marches to the beat of a different drummer in
his/her style of living and learning
• Has an interest or hobby that he or she
doesn't talk about much
• Has a good sense of self-direction
• Prefers working alone to working
with others
• Accurately expresses how he/she
is feeling
• Is able to learn from his/her
failures and successes
• Has high self-esteem
Naturalistic Intelligence
(Nature Smarts)
Has a strong affinity to the outside world, to the
beauty in nature, or to animals
• Enjoys subjects, shows, or stories that deal
with animals or natural phenomena
• May show unusual interest in subjects like
biology, zoology, botany, geology, meteorology
or astronomy
• Is keenly aware of his/her surroundings and
changes in the environment
• Has highly developed senses that help
him/her notice similarities, differences
and changes in his/her surroundings
• May be able to categorize or catalogue
things easily
• May notice things others might may not
be aware of
• Likes to collect, classify, or read about
things from nature — rocks, fossils,
butterflies, feathers, shells, and the like
• Prefers to be outside and
readily appreciates and
embraces activities like
camping, hiking, scuba diving,
bird watching, gardening, or
climbing, or perhaps he/she
may just like sitting quietly and
noticing the subtle differences
in his/her environment