2014 - Sun Star Lunar Dragon

The Torch Is Passed
For The
The Turning Of Worlds
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present the astrological configurations
Final Judgment Of Satan(s)
• Class of Elohim, 2/1/1982 by Jesus
• Satan is Saturn, tester, Black Horse, Red Dragon out of whose mouth comes 4 beasts
(Daniel), 4th Beast is ROME.
• Rome is
• The Beast is
•  1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Beast out of Bottomless Pit, Scarlet Beast and Scarlet Woman who rides the Beast.
a false hierarchy of the Ruby Ray. See the Ritual of exorcism. Usurps and subverts
The Judgment on the Clock of Encounters
– 1994 [12 o’clock line] 1/11/’94 7 planets , Elohim Easter ’93, MA July 4th
•  in 1997* 1/1,  in 2000*5/5, 5/28, 6/21, 7/4, Rev 11:4-7  in 2001 DNS
the second woe is past and behold the third woe cometh quickly… the seventh trumpet
Rev 11:14
– 2006 [12 o’clock line] WS 2006 Vials Are Poured Out - SE 08 ; Wall-Main Street-Int’l; elections; 
•  in 2009* Doom of Babylon Rev 17; Rev 17:14 The Beast makes war with the Lamb….7/4/2000 Rev 11:7 and kill
them. The end of the 24 year plan. The end of 36 years of training
•  in 2010
Tribulation begins. ’12
36th year; 2015-18 mission,
; 
Kingdom Age
Judgment Of Satan(s) 2014
• Winter Solstice 2013 Revelations 20:2
– Rev 20:2 “…and he laid hold on the dragon,
that old serpent, who is the devil and Satan,
and bound him a 1000 years”.
– Jan 21st Rev 20:3 “…and cast him into the
bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a
seal upon him… till a 1000 years should be
– This is the Feathered Serpent (Mayan 2012)
– This is the coiled serpent (energy veil and
planetary karma, referred to in Climb The
Highest Mountain.) How Did We Get Here?
Cosmic Cycles
Planetary Cycles
• 5/5/12  Wesak Moon recalls the ghost of the mega  in 2000, the 
rebellion Vs the Guru & GWB. Sets stage for …precession
5/20/12 Precession Equinox  Eclipse 0. Return of Feathered Serpent as
 (9/11/01; 11/4/08; Eclipse  9/11/07; 1st of
5/31/12 Maitreya’ s Mystery School (5/31/84) , Yod Apex  eclipse
{5/20/12} to MMS progressed  and ; CUT prog    . The
Precession eclipse is a major initiatic test. The return of the aliens.  test 6
planets in  10 h, Thomas More and Rich, Henry, Cromwell.
6/4/12  eclipse 14 (Ma’s ) Fear of the Guru, compromise and
accommodation as  eclipse is midpoint between  and . During the full
moon phase, … transits . This is a major initiation for the initiate
6/5/12  Eclipses the  as  re-visits last 8 years with the  of Ma,
the Guru. Since the  eclipse 8/4/2005 19  at 21. Golden Calf
Syndrome. Initiation of entering Ma’s Heart (Bond…24 year plan 8/858/09..for bonding to Maitreya’s heart .
During this New Moon: G20 at Camp David while NATO Summit in Chicago
During the First Quarter phase Bilderbergers meet. To prepare for the Battle
for America.
 Eclipse  is the counter revolution (in American) mega  ’94…to be
or not to be. The ancient records of the last golden age on Atlantis…the
Cosmic Cycles
Planetary Cycles
• 6/5/12 , Eclipse  represents the betrayal of the Guru (i.e. T. More). The
failure of the guru-chela relationship or the prodigal son and daughter returns.
•  the (inner) battle for the soul.
Do not leave off the path. Do not return to
the Golden Calf (outer) and to Egypt (Communism, materialism); fear to
•  re-visits last 8 years since eclipse   in 2005, the vials of the seven
last plagues…testing the Guru-chela relationship. Preparing the soul for the
marriage of the Lamb.
• faces the fear of putting on God.
Clear the unconscious anger with the
guru.  upholds the arms () of the guru in the Battle for America. (in 1776
only 10% responded, faithful to the GWB)
•  2014
at Winter Solstice 28  through 1/31/14 in  to 
(11/7/13 – 3/6/14) as the soul re-visits the past…the ghosts of
Hamlet, the Archangels admonish , “do not to leave off the path”. Cut
the Light Bearers free! Souls are being overwhelmed. Stand with the
Guru in the TOMB, discern the truth that will set them free. *********
Cosmic Cycles
Planetary Cycles
• Rev 19:7 The marriage of the Lamb is come, August 2012
(Bridegroom comes for the Brides)
9/9/12  
9/11/12 US Libyan Consulate attacked
10/2/12 Lords rebuke of the betrayer of the word (incarnate)
(r) 
10/3-5/’12    , while   ,  at
 
Rev 19:9 Blessed are they who are called to marriage supper
of the Lamb. October 2012… these are they who are come
prepared, to the battle, for America and the church.
11/5/12 The awakening of the dweller (r) 20.09 at 3 
11/6/12 US Elections MC, , 4 
11/11/12 Conspiracy of Gog and Magog (r) 4 
Cosmic Cycles
Planetary Cycles
• 11/13/12  Eclipse 21 , the  ** 
 (’ 94 mega  ’s ), and
 5/20/12 Precession Equinox
signaling the return of the Feathered Serpent (Mayan),
South China Sea (Chinese Militarized Zone and mobilization
of the 200 million). Rev 9:16…the # of the army….
Nostradamus prophesy return of Genghis Khan…
• 11/27/12 Be in embodiment in 24 years (11/28/88) –
Gautama; as  at 8  ’s  (her chelas) ”having
weathered testings in trials of the planet that is in the throes
of a chemical change” –Elohim
• 11/28/12 Eclipse  ,,
 
– Lasts 6 months until (4/25/13)
Cosmic Cycles
Planetary Cycles
Why is 2012 so significant to America?
– 1976 began America’s 3rd century, the pink flame initiation
– Souls born in 1976, came to lead the nations, into the Aquarian Age
– Many souls born since (1976) are ruby ray souls come for the
– ’76-’88-’00-’12 on the clock. In 2012 the 36th year these souls were
sealed in their Christ. They began their Buddhic initiation…2012-2024
to lead into the Golden Age. These are the John Adams of this third
– Their Christ Initiation from 2009-2012, bonded to the heart of
Messengers and Maitreya. They take the 14 tests of the
Crucifixion…they will lead …the way out of the tunnel…the TOMB into
the light of the Kingdom Age. The 14 tests end in June 2014.
– Standing with them are the Warriors, who are come to the first wave
of their Saturn Returns at WS 2012….come to defeat the fallen
angels. These are the George Washington's of this third century.
Cosmic Cycles
Planetary Cycles
• 12/21/12 WS Ratification of the Lord’s judgment (r) enters 1 orb Helios
7/4/84 20.12
9 , Saturn return of souls incarnated to defeat the fallen
• 1/3/13 Sanat Kumara ignites the torch for the consuming of evil in the
matter universe (1/1/84) 11 
• 1/3/13 Ratification of the Lord’s judgment (r) exact Helios 7/4/84 20.12 9 
• 4/6/13 Retrograde
• 9/28/13 Direct
• 1/18/13  the chelas encounter with their dweller
• 7/15/13 Retrograde
• 11/13/13 Direct ***
1/26/13 Maitreya’s Mystery School (r) 11 
• 3/13/13 Retrograde
• 10/10/13 Direct
2/3/13 Judgment of the Abusers by Mother Astrea
• 3/5/13 Retrograde on 2/3   (1984 
10/12/13 Direct
(r) 11 
11/11/13 Ascension Flame in Heart (r) 14  *** Russia Sun
Cosmic Cycles
Planetary Cycles
• 1/27/14 Prophesy of Revelations 33 Years (r ) 22 
• 4/5/14 Retrograde
• 10/18/14 Direct
• 11/7/14 New Etheric Body Planet (12/31/84) (r) 24 
• 12/5/14 Twenty Four Elders (2/23/85) (r) 28 
• 1984 Helios announces the coming of souls for the next 33
years, come to defeat the fallen angels.
– This 1st wave reached their r beginning WS 2012, then 1/3/13;
4/6/13; 9/28/13
– They ride the wave of initiation and the tests of the crucifixion
announced by El Morya in June 1972. He announced the ending of the
first and beginning of the second 14 year cycle of testing in June
1986. This second cycle would end in 2000 and the third and FINAL
would begin, ending in June 2014.
Cosmic Cycles
Planetary Cycles
2014 cont
• The window for the opening of the door to exit the tunnel and the
TOMB begins February 21st 2014 and June 2014. Rev 20:4-8
As the 14 months since WS 2012 ends on Feb 21, 2014
Rev 20:4 (Feb 21/2014) {SS 1985, AAM 33 years Prophesies of
Revelations} as put on cosmic-clock by MA in the 2000 Year Ride of
the Four Horsemen lecture POW Vol 33 #6.
Rev 20:4 completion of the First Resurrection and the Kingdom Age.
Saint Germain’s cycles POW Vol 32 #32 ends with the harvest cycle of
2013. The DNS, the tunnel, and the tribulation ends
The 14 months for the 14 tests of the crucifixion entered the 14th test
on Jan 21/2014 as the Woman and her seed are placed in the Tomb.
As El Morya’s 3rd and final 14 years for the tests of the crucifixion ends
its 14th year in the 14th station as the Woman and her seed were
placed in the TOMB 6/26/2013 ~ 6/26/2014.
First One then many –Saint Germain. One then 1000s –Elohim; will
Cosmic Cycles
Planetary Cycles
• Why is 2014 so significant?
– Those determined to have their victory will exit the tunnel in 2014
– The Divine Mother is giving birth to the Manchild
– The Dragon stands before her as she gives birth to devour the
– The Dragon is over America! His Beast is in America and his prophet
(MABUS Feb 1964…Nostradamus) (’64-’76 -’88-’00-’12-’24) His
cycles precede those who come to lead the nations into the Light of
the Aquarian Age. MABUS comes to lead the people marking them
in the forehead and on the hands to the Beast, the third anti-Christ.
• Rev 20:4 Feb 2014, ‘…and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded
for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and who had not
worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark
upon their foreheads or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with
Christ a 1000 years.”
– The beast and his societies and associations, the false Christs,
knowing they have a short time are preparing to strike, America and
the community. Be vigilant they come.
Cosmic Cycles
Planetary Cycles
• The timing of the attack of the Dragon and his beasts
coincides with the birth of the manchild.
The window is now open (Feb-June).
The Elohim came in the Chalice of Elohim to prepare us
for the initiations of the crucifixion. To walk in the way of
Golgotha, the Cosmic Cross of White Fire. They tell us
that everyone will arrive at Golgotha.
How we walk the 14 tests of the crucifixion is recorded
as the mastery of the balancing of the threefold flame
and the squaring of the circle. It is also recorded as the
coil of our astrology and our psychology. The coiled serpent
The latter must go into the flame or they become ghosts
that the fallen angels leverage to overcome the soul in
the hour of testing.
The final test is the souls overcoming within the tomb.
• The Dark Night 1998-2001 (Soul); 2001-2013 (Spirit)
As karma returns, invoke mercy (Saint Germain)
Many are saved who cleave to their God (63.02)
Expanding of the crystal cord (63.02)
Transformation of worlds, Turning of Worlds, Torch is passed
Bridegroom comes
Marriage of The Lamb
Fourteen Tests of the Crucifixion
Emerge in Vesta cycle of the year 2014 in waves; one, many, 1000s
• Relentless Wave ‘59 August 10th; Dark Cycle April 23rd ’69
– Life Waves arrive on/as light waves
– 1969 Dark Cycle enters Astral Body resulting in opening of Pit as
75% of the karma returns to the physical. Pulling down
– 1960 Jupiter Saturn conjunction, a new life wave
1875 mystery schools are opened, the path is made known
1964 Nine Buddhas, 60 Christs born
1975, 2nd century, Galactic Alignment begins, acceleration of cycles
1976 USA conceived as the immaculate conception enters 3rd century of
initiation on 3rd ray…Divine Love, the Ruby Ray initiations under Lord
– During 1976 a Life Wave enters Earth, come to lead the Nations into Golden
Age, the Kingdom Age, the New Heaven and New Earth
– Pluto 13 Libra squares US conceptual Sun 13 Cancer. Separation people from St
• 1980 Jupiter Saturn conjunction, 12/31/1980 at 22° Taurus conjunct
midheaven, and throughout 1981
1984 Helios announces a Life Wave, next 33 years, come to defeat the
fallen angels, the judgment of the fallen, decree 20.12
1991 reunion Twin Flames and sponsorship of children
19?? 13 spiritual leaders in each nation must become aware in outer of
that which they are aware on the inner -El Morya POW Vol 52 #18
2000 Jupiter Saturn conjunction, 5/28/2000
– a new life wave,
– Preceded by mega conjunction in Taurus 5/5/’00.
– The mission of the two witnesses ends (Rev 11:7 July, 2000, beast out Pit kills
two witnesses).
– Morya – 2nd 14 year cycle ends and 3rd and final begins, 14 tests of the
crucifixion, ending June 2014.
• 2020 Jupiter Saturn conjunction, a new life wave, Winter Solstice at
0° Aquarius
– Galactic alignment ends, work while you have the light
– Morya- if I cannot accomplish the work of the ages with the generations
of those he chose and called, then he said that he would raise up an
new generation
• 1980 Class of the Archangels
• 1981 Class of the Elohim
• 1884 Chalice of Elohim, awakening the earth to the coming of
Helios, prepare the way for the coming life wave
• 1993 Easter, seven Elohim hold the balance for the coming seven
planets in Capricorn
• 2013 the Saturn return of the judgment of Helios
– Replay of the seven Elohim and of Helios
• 2013 New Year’s Conclave Elohim prepare Earth for what is coming.
– Mother Mary’s dictation “old serpent” Rev 20:2
– Ma’s prophecy in 1996, Capstone…no holocaust Fallen Ones unleash,
can’t undo the capstone ...
– Saint Germain on Prophecy Book 2 Chapter 2, Judgment of Cosmic
Christ, for the people’s betrayal of their God…
• Light Wave is for the salvation of the lightbearers and the judgment of the
– Those who have taken and passed their initiations will emerge from the tunnel, [the
tomb] the risen Christ in the first resurrection.
– These hold the key to the initiation in the tomb
– The opening of the tomb, and February 21st 2014 Rev 20:4
• The window is opening through June, the ending of Morya’s final 14 years
– First one then many, 1000s emerge
• To rule with the Cosmic Christ a 1000 years
• Meaning of the Tomb (the woman and her seed are laid in the sepulcher)
– The fallen angels intent… the Mayan prophecy. The intersection of the precession of the
• The Dragon stands before the Divine Mother giving birth, to devour her manchild
as soon as it is born
• The Dragon plots to strike during the windows, February - June, Galactic
Alignment, 2032.
• Mother’s prophecy July 4, 1993 of the seven planets in Capricorn… the destruction
of America and the church (both share the same sun sign, 10° Taurus); as Pluto
squares Saturn 27° Scorpio Taurus (mass death Pluto in Scorpio, by the
governments who cannot, will not assimilate the light of Aquarius, Saturn in
• The life waves that reject the light (Guru) will not emerge from the tomb. Mother’s
prophecy of America turning to communism as they prefer (their) associations over
Love of the Guru. They lack discernment…idolatry of the carnal mind the synthetic self, of self love
• The light is assimilated or accommodated – Maha Chohan 2/1988
• El Morya if this generation fails, “I will rise up a new generation”
• The book of revelations admonishes the seven churches and
prophesies the end of the church age, while delivering a message of
hope to the remnant of the faithful and true of the coming Kingdom
Age and the First Resurrection……Feb 2014 (hold fast)
• Those called and chosen to America and the church are called to be
initiated by Lord Maitreya and under the 7th Ray – Saint Germain
– The Galactic alignment foretells the alignment of stars and Sun
systems back to Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun…to
ARC the light to consume the energy veil and planetary karma
– We are called to receive Maitreya, to receive our holy Christ self
and to work the works of the age
The challenges of the open window
(February through June; 1975-2020)
Six pointed star
Grand trine
Mystical rectangle – the door
• Opportunities of the light bearers
• The celestial astrology
of Gautama, by Maitreya
of Mother Mary
– Squaring the circle 
of Guru Ma
by Guru Ma
by Guru Ma
• Base of Pyramid
• Cosmic Cross White Fire
– Arcing the light and anchoring it
in the earth 
– Galactic alignment 
– All power in heaven  given the
risen Christ
– The bond to the Messengers and
Maitreya 
– The fusion of souls to the saints
in heaven 
– Living in the etheric while
standing in the sea
– Expanded Crystal Cord
– Expanded threefold flame
• Life waves called light bearers
– Ride the wave on the path (since 1875) multiplying their talents  as
they multiply the light of the Master, the return on his investment
– They invoke the light and hold it in their chakras (oil in their lamps)
– They pass their tests and initiations, letting the light transmute the
darkness. The journey on the path ( karmic Virgo Pisces) to the solar
plexus, to the place of Cosmic Christ peace to open the door and enter
the heart. The soul prepares for the marriage of the Lamb and the 14
tests of the crucifixion.
• Christ initiation upon the cosmic cross of white fire
• All arrived on Golgotha, the soul chooses which cross. The Elohim
teach that our choice must be the Christ and not the martyr
• Those chosen and called who are faithful in their belief in the one sent
(2000 mega conjunction in Taurus), walk in the steps of the Messengers
– Archangel Gabriel says– fallen angels are called, to support the
Messengers and the community or to attack them
• They refuse to walk in the steps of the Guru, instead do it their way
• Having rejected the light they turn to envy and attack the light
• Their desire is not one pointed , but is the warring in the members
– Saint Germain says– the judgment is of all who attack or defend America
• The judgment is for the salvation of the light bearers and the
judgment of the reprobate
• Guru Ma – “you are your karma”
• The enemy (is) within, the 12 house. The enemy
without, the seventh house
Walk in the way of the one sent Vs I’ll do it my way. The
false Christs, Uranus the White horse, the karma of the
Etheric body (plane). These dominant egos present to
the youth and the novitiate, to lead them to Christ.
These false Christs, Uranus, stand in Aries at 8° conjunct
Mothers mercury, the Messengers of the Great White
– These accommodators of the solar light, having failed
to assimilate the light of divine love, pull down the
consciousness to the level of the masses having
lowered the standards of the community
Fourteen Tests of The Crucifixion
• Virgo
– The woman and her seed awaken to the karmic weight, falling the third time.
As fallen Angels preach injustice: social, racial, religious, the freedom of the
patriots –the four pillars, property, and the ‘sacred’ right to bear arms
• Snowdon exposes the conspiracy against the American people. The intelligence
• Libra
community policing the people….the start
The karma weight is the rejection of the love of the Divine Mother - 1985
– The woman and her seed stand upon Golgotha, in the initiation of the Holy
Spirit in the freedom of God government they challenge the usurpers, willing
to pay the price.
• The are stripped of their out worn garments, their pride and their ego, CM-DW
• They are prepared to sacrifice their Christ attainment
– The woman and her seed are fastened to the cross as the alchemists fire
transforms the souls four lower bodies in the victory over death, the ancient
• Venus conjunct Pluto opposing Black Moon Lilith. Victory over the one
• Mars 18° Virgo. Archetypical pattern for the attack on America 9/11
• Vesta ( Maldek) 0° Libra
• Moon conjunct dragons tail
– Rises from the ashes transformed, the ashes of the former self
Fourteen Tests of The Crucifixion
• Sagittarius
– The woman and her seed die to the old ways, the victory over
the carnal mind and the dweller
• Capricorn (winter solstice 2013)
– The woman and her seed are taken down from the cross.
Rev 20:2
• God anoints the Christ
• Sanat Kumara promised to bestow the mantle worn upon Atlantis
• Cancer (Jan 21-Fed 21)
– The woman and her seed are laid in the sepulcher
• The Christ preaches to those trapped in the astral plane
• The prodigal sons and daughters of God are called home
• The second coming… in you
The Story
• The sun tells his story
– 1. The faithful, a new beginning
– 2. The fallen Angels, the ending
– 3. The faithless, shall not live again for 1000 years till the second
– These three occur simultaneously
– The solar light bestows power wisdom and love to restore all
• The lunar dragon  tells his story
– The soul stands in juxtaposition and chooses
– The soul faces the challenges and her weaknesses, Hamlet
• The tests make the soul stronger, increasing in the light
– The soul welcomes the challenges sent (20.09A) or
– The soul fails to act for fear; to put on God, future, change,
fallen angels
Winter Solstice 2013
• The faithful are raised by the love of the Divine Mother
– Many are called to demonstrate the Resurrection
– Gautama called us to be an embodiment in 24 years ( November 27, 2012)
to be victors over death and to exit the tunnel in 2014 to rule the nations
– The rapture. They experience the judgment as a gentle rain
• All are given time to work out their salvation, on the path
– The 14 year cycles of the initiation of the crucifixion begins when the soul
commits to the path – Maitreya. These are waves breaking upon the
shores. First the one then the many. As the one progresses on the path,
the many move up the ladder.
– 2017, the ascension flame and mass ascensions from the hillsides
– We are in a race. Work while you have the light
• The planet is given a cycle of initiation – Morya 1972 (6/27)
– The planet and her evolutions undergo initiation of the crucifixion in 3
succeeding 14 year cycles
• 1972-1986
• 1986-2000
• 2000-2014 … ends 6/27 2014. 6/2013 14th station in the Tomb
The planet on winter solstice 2012 entered the final 14 months, ending
February 21, 2014. The end of the church age, the first resurrection,
the kingdom age. Rev 20:4
Winter Solstice 2013
• The window opens for the exiting of the tunnel. February through June 2014
Prepare for the four scenarios – Saint Germain POW Vol 32 #32
Experience the judgment as a gentle rain
Three days of darkness
The Divine Mother takes up the light bearers –
Helios comes for the judgment of the Tares– Helios cycle of the year
The great day of the Lord
• As Archangel Zadkiel gathers the armies of the kings of the earth (200 million Rev
– Rev 19:19 and I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their
armies gathered to make war against him that sat upon the horse..
– Rev 20:8 (summer solstice) when the thousand years are ended…
shall go out to deceive the nations… Gog and Magog, to gather them
to battle… the number of whom it is as the sand of the sea.
– Rev 20:9 (7/21/’14) and they went up upon the breadth of the earth,
and compass the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city; and
fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them******
– The great day of the Lord
Winter Solstice 2013
– 2014
The Year
• Converging cycles
Precession of the equinoxes (began in 2012….ongoing)
250 million year cycle, the galaxy, Helios circles the galaxy)
1 billion year cycle, the Mayan calendar
1 million year cycle, Saint Germain, Vivian infiltrates and destroys every activity of the GWB),
Confucius miss the crest of the wave, will wait 1 million years till the opportunity (cycle) returns
– 35,000 year cycle, Atlantis, the last golden age fell, cast Saint Germain (SAM, Samuel) out of America, the
rejection of God
– 2000 year cycle,
granted by Jesus’ sacrifice for us to become the Christ and come home
• New beginnings, final endings
– Vesta cycle, the Woman and her seed are taken down from the cross
• Vesta bears a gift to the Christ , called to work out the God flame,
Neptune. Self-awareness in God, the Father in the son
No longer crucified by the fallen angels
Sees as God sees, loves as God loves, understands as God understands
Christ comes as the embodied Mother, to lift up the consciousness of the
nations as Helios comes at summer solstice, for the judgment
Winter Solstice Astrology
• Midheaven 1° Capricorn
• Helios 0° Capricorn
• The Galactic alignment, the
Cosmic Christs gather in the rift
• Descendent 2° Libra, the Great
Central Sun, to Alpha and Omega
– The Guru chela relationship
– Arc the light, work the works
of the age (Mars)
• Venus 28° Capricorn  Lilith 29°
Cancer. Venus in the 11th house
of the People’s Representatives
take their stand against the
culling of a generation – the 4th
Turning Vs the Turning of Worlds
• Venus 28° finishes what she
started Vs leave off (retire,
abdicate) Neptune illusion,
delusion, deception, fraud. As
Congress turns to communism,
the tyranny of the police state.
Venus stands Sun I Am 0°
Winter Solstice Astrology
• 28° 59’ : the last minute to finish up what she started
– Cast out the Black Moon Lilith from Camelot
– Venus is the warrior trained in the retreats to defend the community
against all lies and the liar. To protect the neophyte, the children
and youth and immigrants from the lie. ~Maitreya
– Venus takes Christ down from the cross…” get behind me Satan”
• Via hold fast the bond to the guru, the guru chela relationship,
the path of chela ship, the teacher, the guru. Assimilates
Neptune and Uranus
• Cast out Vivien and Mordred, Morgain, Hamlet’s uncle Uranus 8°
Aries conjunct Mother’s mercury (celestial astrology)
• Uranus in the first house of the minds of the people, the false
Christs usurping the office and authority of the Christ, the leader
of the people
• This state of consciousness in opposition to Vesta (Maldek) 14°
Libra in the seventh house of open enemies in Libra sign of war,
conjunct Mars the planet of war.
• Uranus, rebellion, terrorism, associations and societies, ideology
programming the mind of the people to communism… the
Fourth Turning….
Winter Solstice Astrology
• 2014, the light cycle of the year (-Kuthumi), the soul can
separate out from the one that lured her from the mystery
school and the Guru, that old serpent, the Dragon Rev 20:2
– 2014 is the year of the return of the prodigal sons and daughters of
God; having resolved the karma of the encounter with that one,
upon the return to Camelot
• This cycle that began in 1985, the beginning of the strategy of
separating the chelas from the guru
• The cycle that began with the betrayal of the guru when Vivien
imprisoned Merlin in the Crystal, separating the people from Saint
– The alternative, is Mother Mary’s dictation 1/1/2014, Sound to pull
down. Lunar Cycle of the year begins the new moon, as Maitreya
comes for the judgment of the Cosmic Christ 1/1/87, in 2014 in Aries
• A stampede… to counter the Exodus from the tunnel DNS (is over) the
people awaken
Exodus from the Tunnel,
The Dark Night of the Spirit, The Tribulation
• The exodus begins with the one, then thousands
– As Maitreya comes with a reward for those who have passed the
initiation of the crucifixion and has risen from the ashes as Christ
• The Cosmic Christ comes January 1st 2014 for the judgment and the
evaluation in the 28th year in Aries.
– The judgment is come upon Uranus, the false Christs, and the power elite
– Uranus + the highest love of the guru for the chela Rev 20:4, Rule w Christ
– Uranus - Rev 20:5 will not live till 2nd Resurrection
– As the Vesta comes with a gift for the manchild, born the Son of Man,
who stands in the office of the Man ( hierarchy of the Ruby Ray) the
true Christ
• The gift is to anoint the Christ, as the three Wise Men gave gifts to the
Christ child
To raise up the souls on the path of personal Christhood (11/1/1987)
To receive the mantle
The Mantle
• To play the role upon the stage
The three-year mission of Christ prior to the ascension 4/8/2017… next three years
To lead the nations into the golden age (John Adams, Joshua)
To Lead the people to defeat the fallen angels (George Washington, Moses)
To save and teach the children, to raise up a new generation to rebuild this nation and
the church
• As the guru returns down the mountain (Guru-Čhela) to cast out the Golden Calf
of materialism, and those who would return to the slavery of the state, Rome
– Neptune Chiron in the second house, Pisces opposition transPluto, the proletariat,
mechanization man communism, devoid of the Holy Spirit, tyranny of the spirit.
– Plays out as the injustice () of hardship, the redistribution of wealth of the middle
class, free money –a new money system, instead of the gold standard
– USA and CUT Sun 10° Taurus, second house cusp, lack of the abundant life, poverty of
the slave (CUT birth 5/1/1975, CUT conception 2/10/1974)
– The nation is a mirror of the chelas upholding the guru, one-on-one, so it is in the
nation. Instead of the community/the nation and the guru
• This is the Damocles sword dividing and conquering, separating out the chelas from the guru
and the people from Saint Germain and Maitreya, one by one.
• This work of Vivien, Mordred and Morgain must be reversed
• United we stand, divided we fall. The United States of America. The union is under attack in
America as in the church.
– Come out of her or receive her karma Rev 18:4…the Scarlet Woman
• They divide and conquer America Vs the United States of America; United we stand divided
we fall
Strategy of the fallen ones
• Since 1985 is to cull the chelas from the guru, leaving them
to the aliens ( Hercules, Gautama… Mother Mary )
Saint Germain tells us to cut free Merlin, so that Merlin may
fulfill his destiny to protect Camelot from the black
magicians… this will become obvious to those with eyes to see
– Pluto, Lilith. Who lured the souls from Camelot, the mystery schools
– Goddess of Liberty tells us that the coming of the one and the many
bearing the mantle will cast the black magicians out of North
– Saint Germain tells us that the coming of the Christ will cast out
Vivien and Mordred
• Pluto goes retrograde April 14, 2014 ( 13°) to fall equinox
at 10° 59’. Pluto returns to the point of retrograde 1/13/15
– This period of retrogression, and back to the point of retrogression
coincides with the beginning of the Kingdom Age and the emergence
of the New Heaven and the New Earth. February ‘14 – February ’15
Begins the TETRAD, Blood Moons – Lunar eclipses. The 13 degree grand square – Mars, Uranus Jupiter, Pluto
• Winter solstice 2013 the thought form of the year; reward;
gift; ……. the Resurrection
– The reward of Maitreya is the binding of Pluto, Lilith and their
consciousness so that no earthquake, when they are taken. Vs as on
Maldek, they destroyed the planet as the old serpent lured the people
from the mystery schools
– The gift is the mantle of the Christ, before the light descends to
consume the fallen ones, so that the soul is not consumed
– The first Resurrection, the power in heaven to rule and to cast out
the black magicians
• Vs in the vacuum left by the chelas failure to emerge from
the tomb
– The Dragon heals the beast
• Russia by the price of oil rebuilds. Glasnost ’89 was the strategy of the
KGB to deceive, as a prelude to invasion of Europe
Russia managed the Iraq invasion of Kuwait, to increase the price of oil.
Every dollar increase per barrel earned Russia $1-$2 billion and the
resulting decrease in the American economy of $1- $2 billion.
The Lunar Dragon,
Dark Cycle of The Year
• First lunar cycle of the year.
• New Moon 10° Capricorn conjunct Pluto
11°, 1st house of the minds of the
people, their state of mind.
The state of mind of the people rests
upon the chelas. Sun Moon Pluto
conjunct Mother’s Mars. As Mother and
her chelas go so goes the nation.
The choice between the Sun and the
dweller, the fear of putting on God
Sun Moon Pluto Mercury opposition
Jupiter Lilith conjunction in the seventh
house of the relationship between the
guru and the chela. Between the chela
and the Great White Brotherhood
As the harvest of the Christ goes in 2014,
the inverse harvest occurs as the culling
of the aliens, by lunar cycles. As the
aliens program the minds of the people
to the mass consciousness of world
MC 13 Libra Pluto Transit 1976-77 square
US conceptual Sun…the destruction of America
Lunar Dragon, Old Serpent
Rev 20:2
• Aliens program the minds of the people through the
ICCC to the lure of materialism, “consumerism”
– MA 4-10 axis clearance, they take their consciousness
off God for too long. Walk 1000 miles to meet
Maitreya, instead they walk long enough, having
gone far enough… they leave off. The Archangels
– Fallen Angels use sound, surprise, shock; E-motion to
stampede the souls from the mystery schools in the
etheric plane – Enoch
• From the physical into the astral plane – Mother
• No one is safe until they are ascended, even in the
etheric plane
Sun Star * Light Cycle of The Year
• Winter Solstice Sun conjunct midheaven, galactic center at the zenith as
– The Bethlehem star over America
– Announcing the birth of the manchild, the Son of Man
• The Cosmic Christ, the galactic center announces the birth
• First the one than the many (1000s)
• Announces the judgment of Helios upon Pluto(nians) in the 10th house
– That old serpent Rev 20:2, the one in the garden, the watchers
– The solar alignment conjunct midheaven, the 13th month, announces the
Woman and her seed are taken down from the cross
– Maitreya comes to reward the Christ harvest of Venus in the 11th house, the
representatives of the people ( in spirit and the government )
– Vesta comes bearing a gift to raise up the people
– Pluto opposed Jupiter. The black magicians attack the guru. Cut the guru
(Merlin) free from the Crystal. So that the people (fourth house) are
reunited with the guru. The fallen ones are stripping the people from the
guru so that they won’t defend America or the guru. So they won’t defend
the Woman giving birth to the manchild, as the Dragon devours the manchild
(America) destroying the homeland in the hour of birth
Black Magicians
• Venus opposes Lilith (WS). Venus defends the original
purposes and principles that founded the church and the
– Venus protects the youth from the Fourth Turning…. From the Great
White Brotherhood
– Venus challenges the fallen women, impostors of the Divine Mother
aborting the Christ in the four lower bodies and four planes of
– Venus challenges the attack upon the values of the nation and her
people legalizing homosexuality and drugs pulling down the
consciousness of the people in the nation opening the nation to
– Venus is the warrior of the spirit trained in the retreats to defend the
community – Maitreya… The Six Pointed Star of Gautama
Jan 11th,1994
The War to Destroy
• Stellum in Capricorn
• 9 degree orb
• On Midheaven in
How Do You Destroy a
Nation Sponsored By The
Great White Brotherhood?
10th house
Midpoint Sun
– Uranus Neptune
– Mercury Venus
– Saturn Moon
• Mars Midheaven
How To Destroy America
• Turn The People
• Elect Watchers, Nephilim
• Change Form Government
• Open Borders
• Social & Political Polarities
– Then
• Cast Saint Germain Out of America
(Atlantis come Again). 25,800 Karma Return
How (wHo) To Destroy America
• Fallen Reject Love of Divine Mother
• Campaign to Silence The Lambs
• Good People Do Nothing
• Surrender Independence For Materialism
– For Fear
• They Reject Their God
• The Price: Judgment of Cosmic Christ
• The Instrument: The Nephilim War Lords
• The Means: Nuclear First Strike; Cataclysm
• Reduce The Nation To Its Foundation
• Reduce The Population 90%
• Prepare To Survive Physically
– Four Scenarios
• Rising Oceans and Rivers
• Earthquakes and Volcanoes
• No Growing Seasons
• Radiation
• Assimilate The LOGOS
– Path, Guru, Teachings
– Fulfill the Cycles
• Community
– Come into Unity
• Fulfill The Cycles
• Birth a New Generation
• Mother Will Return Her Promise
• World Teachers Educate New Generation
• Rebuild The Nation From The Foundation
Merry Christmas