New Student Orientation

Graduate Studies in Counseling
New Student Orientation
We are glad you are here!
What You are Undertaking:
(Not just a master’s degree!)
 A professional training program that
impacts human lives.
 A professional career that requires
responsibility, ethical practice, and
commitment to helping.
 A Degree program that is a
transformative experience
What it Means to be a Counselor:
Stetson University endorses students for
graduation and licensure who
 Academic performance
 Clinical competence
 Psychological fitness
 Adherence to professional standards
and ethics
Expectations of Graduate Students
 Appreciation/understanding of the
responsibility involved in becoming a
mental health professional.
– We expect you to take this learning
process seriously and with a full
 Participation in transformative
 Academic integrity.
Expectations of Graduate Students
 Engagement with others in the learning
community (not just doing your own
 Awareness that the training process is
powerful, involved, and sometimes
 Openness to the importance of social
justice and advocacy in the process of
Expectations of Graduate Students
 Self-responsibility for learning, growth,
and development as a counselor.
 Ability to appropriately give and receive
 Attendance, attention, and participation
in class is mandatory.
Scheduling Considerations
 Meet with your advisor and set-up a Planned
Standard and Moderate Tracks
Evening and weekend classes, although some
may meet during the week for site visits and other
Do not alter your Planned program without talking
with your Advisor!
Be mindful of your personal well-being and life
balance especially while in Practicum and
Assessment System and Livetext
 Continuous systematic evaluation of our
program and Student Learning Outcomes
 CACREP standards are assessed in key
assignments and activities throughout the
Advancement to Candidacy
Students must meet the following
requirements for advancement to candidacy:
1. Complete at least eighteen hours of graduate work at
Stetson with the minimum of a 3.0 average (e.g.,
application for advancement to candidacy is due 30 days
after the completion of 18 credit hours)
2. Make an application for advancement to candidacy.
(Located in the Student Handbook Appendix)
3. Receive approval from the Graduate Council of the
Department of Counselor Education
Advancement to Candidacy
 Complete the application along with your
self- assessment and send to your advisor
for feedback
– Academic Performance
– Personal Growth
– Professional Development
 Include a Portfolio Outline (not the actual
 The student is notified by letter when
advanced to candidacy.
Other Requirements
 2 Professional Conferences- what counts?
 8 Personal Counseling Sessions
 CPCE (Counselor Preparation
Comprehensive Exam)
 Capstone Project
 Portfolio
University Resources
 Career and Professional Development
 Academic Success
 Writing Center
 duPont Ball Library
 Other contact information in your Student
Tips for Success in the Program
What Students’ Say
 Laugh! You have to be able to laugh with fellow
students! You will be spending A LOT of time
with them  Build relationships – they are your
future colleagues and your “lifesavers”
 Be okay with change. You will change, and you
will see the world around you differently.
 Participate in class - you are already there and you
paid for it so get something out of it. Start
Tips for Success in the Program
What Students’ Say
 Do the big stuff early; conferences, sessions,
advancement etc.
 Save everything, including syllabi – both
physically and digitally – use Livetext
 Do not be afraid to speak up and say when
something is not working for you whether its
internship site, a project, or group- if you have a
problem, change it!
 Join Stetson Counselor Ed on Facebook
What questions do you have?
Homework Assignment #1
 Thoroughly read:
– The Department of Counselor
Education Student Handbook
 Print and Sign the last page.
 Return to Donna or your advisor.
Your journey begins now!