-1- - BOOKLET for NEWCOMERS - GENERAL INFORMATIONS and SECURITY INSTRUCTIONS- UMR 5557 La Doua Site UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 -2- Welcome to the Microbial Ecology Unit (UMR 5557). Whether you are based in one of four buildings on the Doua site (the fourth and fifth floors of the Mendel building, the first floor of the Lwoff building , the second floor of the Dubois building and the fourth floor of the Forel building), you will find in this booklet a number of relevant information concerning the people who work here, the floor plans, laboratory contact information, rules.... In addition, this booklet contains essential points concerning safety in the laboratory. These instructions concern all newcomers, this form should be read, signed and respected. PLAN GENERAL ORGANISATION OF THE LABORATORY UPON ARRIVAL TO THE LABORATORY ..... GENERAL RULES SECURITY IN THE LABORATORY RESPONSIBILITIES GOOD LABORATORY PRACTICES WASTES MANAGEMENT RESPECT RULES AND ENSURE RULES ARE RESPECTED WHAT TO DO UPON INCIDENT, ACCIDENT p3 p9 p10 p12 p13 p15 p18 p21 P25 SIGNALING NOTE SIGNATURE OF NEWCOMERS p27 p28 UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 -3- GENERAL ORGANISATION OF THE LABORATORY The UMR CNRS 5557 unit includes over a hundred members, researchers, lecturers, technicians, engineers, and administrative staff, including PhD students, Master 1 & 2 students, and others. These people are spread over several sites: The Doua site, the ENVL and Rockefeller sites, with extremely diverse constraints such as schedules. The UMR 5557 currently includes eight teams (see organigramme below), which are distributed over the sites mentioned above. This booklet of health and safety rules specifically concerns all users of the various buildings on the La Doua site, Université Lyon 1: Mendel, Lwoff, Dubois and Forel buildings. UMR members who plan to work over the two other sites will need to learn about the rules of operation from the Security responsible agent (APs) of each site. In all cases, your continued participation to the laboratory life is essential to maintain safety, comfort, harmony as well as good working conditions within the UMR. Be careful to take into account the operating constraints that apply to everyone. Do not hesitate to question the responsible persons for any situation that seems abnormal, whether this concerns you directly or not. There is only one email address for all your enquiries concerning health and safety aspects and to report any problem (accidents, dangerous situation ...): acmo-umr5557@listes.univ-lyon1.fr UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 -4- Distribution of the different buildings housing teams of the Ecologie Microbienne Laboratory on the La Doua site UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 -5- Plans of the Mendel building floors 402 406 P2 406 410 412 414 416 Team 4 Team 1 2 2 405 403 407 Team7 413 iBio Team 5 Team 1 Radioactivity Room Printers - Fax - Small meeting room Photocopying machines MENDEL 4 th 4°C room floor - NORTH 418 420 418I Common Room: 37°C room 422 Washing room Meeting - Library Equipment +BET area 413 415 417 419 421 PGE+ Team 3 Laminar flow hood Team 5 PCR room Chromatography MENDEL 4 th floor - SOUTH UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 -6- Building plan Mendel (5th floor – North) (Incubating room, Microscopy room, Printers, Freezers room, Laminar flow hoods, Common machines room) Microscopy room, incubating room, Freezers room Shared with CGPMC printers 526 2 525 525 Lab Equipe 8 504 502 501 2 Lab Equipe 3 503 505 Lab Equipe 6 2 2 Building plan Mendel (5th floor – South) Laminar flow hoods/PSM Common machines room UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 -7- Lwoff and Forel buildings plans Lwoff 1st Floor - 10 rue Raphael Dubois. Lwoff Ground floor - 10 rue Raphael Dubois. UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 -8- FOREL 4th Floor- 6 rue Raphael Dubois. DUBOIS 2nd Floor- 6 rue Raphael Dubois. Administration UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 -9- YOU HAVE JUST ARRIVED IN THE LABORATORY ..... Your tutor is directly responsible for your installation, your safety and your good integration in the laboratory, and with him you must: • Make sure you have completed all formalities with the University and / or the CNRS and you have obtained the necessary safeguards for your activity in the laboratory, especially in case of accident (liability insurance, training agreement, etc ...), • Get to know your colleagues, and give your name to the laboratory secretariat (Christine Delorme Tel Forel Bldg) • See Danis Abrouk to obtain an access badge to the laboratory, • Contact the person responsible for health and safety, called ACMO in your building: Mendel Building Lwoff Building Forel Building Rockefeller Site Vetagro sup Site Audrey DUBOST, AP Référent Jeanne DORE, AP Florence-Hélène TRAN, AP Guillaume MEIFFREN, AP Laurence LOISEAU, AP audrey.dubost@univ-lyon1.fr jeanne.dore@univ-lyon1.fr florence.tran@univ-lyon1.fr guillaume.meiffren@univ-lyon1.fr Laurence.loiseau@univ-lyon1.fr Delphine MOUNIEE, AP Serge MICHALET, AP Marion BOUVIER CROZIER, correspondant H&S delphine.mouniee@univ-lyon1.fr serge.michalet@univ-lyon1.fr marion.bouviercrozier@vetagro-sup.fr HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK is it available at the entrance to each floor • Make contact, through the person who tutors you, with the person competent in radiation protection, Bruno TILLY bruno.tilly@vetagro-sup.fr if you need to handle radioisotopes. The list of documents you should receive comprises: • • • • • Badge of the laborator Information sheet Internal rules Material Safety Data Sheet Safety Booklet . INTERNAL RULES In any event, all staff must work 7h42min daily for 38.5 hours weekly. Working time is "effective" working time. It does not comprise the mandatory lunch break that cannot be less than 45 minutes nor more than two hours. HOWEVER ALL MEMBERS OF THE LABORATORY MUST BE PRESENT AND IN ACTIVITY OVER AN INCOMPRESSIBLE TIME PERIOD RANGING FROM 9:30 TO 11:30 AND FROM 14H TO 16H. Attendance to the weekly laboratory meeting is compulsory. The meeting is held on tuesdays at 12h45, lasts for about an hour and permit transmission of information to all. UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 10 - Working "alone" and working outside 'normal' hours • It is important to know that working «alone " has no clear legal framework to date. It should remain exceptional and punctual. Should any mishap occur, the criminal responsibility of the Unit Director Unit and that of the concerned personnel is engaged. • For reasons of safety and liability, the laboratory director must be informed of persons likely to come to work outside normal hours including during weekends, and he must have agreed to it. • It is important to realize that working "alone" even if it does not cause additional risk by itself, greatly increases the time of implementation of the alert in case of emergency incident / accident. • To date authorized personnel are: o researchers and teacher-researchers and PhD students for research purposes, o Technical personnel (ITA / IATOS) for clearly identified service-related reasons, but never alone. All other agents who do not have a service reason should not come to the lab after hours. • In particular, trainees (Master 1 or 2, ATER, BTS, etc.) should not be alone in the laboratory in the absence of their tutor or of an authorized person. It is the responsibility of individual tutors to ensure compliance with this rule. Missions All staff traveling in France or abroad in the framework of his functions for Meetings, Collaborations, Courses or Training must be in possession of a signed mission order which is thus a legally compulsory requirement. This document is mandatory in terms of administrative and legal requirements, it provides insurance coverage of the agent in case of Accidents occuring during the Service. In the absence of a signed mission order, there is no insurance coverage. • In addition, any agent required to go directly from home to a temporary place of work without going first to his normal administrative place of work, is covered in case of accident, subject to fulfilling one of the following two conditions: - Be in possession of a signed mission order - Have a written statement by the laboratory director. Contact: dominique.boulanger@univ-lyon1.fr compta-umr5557@listes.univ-lyon1.fr UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 11 - SECURITY IN THE LABORATORY You are in a research laboratory that is also designed to accommodate students receiving teachings given at the University Lyon 1. However, if the rules above apply specifically to research, some issues relate directly to teaching activities, especially in terms of overall safety in the laboratory. The internal regulations of the UMR unit are additions to the specific regulations each agent must respect in relation to his status and his parent organisation (CNRS, University, INRA, ..) • Respect entrance and exit rules • Do not leave your belongings unattended: bags, wallets or other. • Ensure that laptops are secured to prevent theft in offices. • Do not hesitate to inquire as to the whereabouts of any person you do not know. • Unless an unusual situation arises, do not lend your laboratory badge to an outsider, please refer to your direct tutor. • The presence of any visitor (professional or otherwise) that you take the lab is your direct responsibility. Make sure that his presence and activities within the laboratory are consistent with the general running, and do not pose a security problem (authorization to the visitor for work; presence of children in the laboratory, etc..,. ...). UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 12 - RESPONSIBILITIES Mendel building Room 401 (Radioactivity) TILLY Bruno (PCR) Chemical and biological wastes DUBOST Audrey Room 402 CHAPULLIOT David / VIAL Ludovic Chemical Products HAURAT Jacqueline / BROTHIER Elisabeth Room 403 MULLER Daniel / VACHERON Jordan Molecular Biology Kits HAURAT Jacqueline Room 404 (P2) BERTOLLA Franck Consummables and small supplies FOURNIER Pascale Room 405 (Microscopes) PUJIC Petar Centrifuges and rotors PUJIC Pierre Room 407 LERONDELLE Catherine Incubators / pH-meter à discuter Room 409 bis ABROUK Danis Autoclave/glassware washing machine CHAPULLIOT David Room 413 FOURNIER Pascale Speed Vac and its pump PRIGENT-COMBARET Claire Room 416 FOURNIER Pascale Proteomics PUJIC Petar Room 419 PUJIC Petar Agitation apparatus WISNIEWSKI-DYE Florence Room 420 SANNAIRE Corinne Room 421 GUILLAUMAUD Nadine Room 502 WISNIEWSKI Florence Room 525 BROTHIER Elisabeth Room 504 En attente de responsable Forel Building Lwoff Building Labo 123 MEIFFREN Guillaume Evaporation room MEIFFREN Guillaume Open space MEIFFREN Guillaume GPC-MS Room MEIFFREN Guillaume LC-MS Room MEIFFREN Guillaume Chemical wastes MEIFFREN Guillaume Biological wastes LOISEAU Laurence PARMIC Room LOISEAU Laurence 101/103 Room TRAN Florence-Hélène Media preparation Room FRAISSINET-TRACHET Laurence Autoclave Room DORE Jeanne Room 111 VALLON Laurent Room 113 FRAISSINET-TRACHET Laurence Room 117 LUIS Patricia Room 122 LUIS Patricia Chemical wastes DORE Jeanne Biological wastes DORE Jeanne UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 13 - GOOD LABORATORY PRACTICES Common Protections Common protection equipments must be used in priority. The main ones are : • fume hoods, ventilated enclosures with air depression, connected by an extractor to the outside. • portable chemical hoods, which suck in air and eject it back into the laboratory after passage through an activated carbon filter (usually for specific volatile compounds), • protective barriers, which must be resistant and placed before each manipulation of chemicals that have a projection or explosion hazard • the laminar flow hoods or Microbiological Safety Cabinets (MSC), • in the case of highly toxic products, weighing shall be done under the powder hood. Individual Protections Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) is MANDATORY. This comprises at least: • A cotton lab coat with long sleeves • safety glasses with side shields, • gloves resistant to the products handled. (no lab coat in offices & out of the lab), Respiratory protection is, if any, provided by masks or cartridge filters adapted to the pollutants one is working with. The masks can be used in autonomous ad hoc interventions. Dust masks do not protect from chemical vapors. TYPES OF RISK Chemical risks Traduction All chemicals bottles have label on which are written the risks associated with this product. They generate risks by chemical toxicity, flammability, corrosivity, ... • Learn about the steps to take and the risks associated with product use, • Store used products in their original location. Biological risks BE UP TO DATE IN YOUR VACCINATIONS ! The laboratory generates biohazards, or more precisely the risks of contamination and infection. The risk is mainly microbial. UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 14 - Air is the main path of entry for biological agents, it is also the most insidious. They get in by inhaled aerosols or by accidental ingestion. Aerosols generated by centrifuges not closed or opened prior to a complete stop, or unlocked vortex tubes, are poorly quantified and their virulence is difficult to establish. Failure to comply with hygiene rules are unfortunately often sufficient to explain a number of infections : eating in the laboratory (a dining room is available), smoking (all public building are NON-SMOKING), touching your mouth with your hands without previous washing as many mistakes to avoid. The mucocutaneous path has three modalities: • broken skin (cut or accidental puncture, projections on broken skin), • projection on mucous membranes, • projection on healthy skin. Entry through the digestive tract is always due to a breakdown in personal hygiene measures (hand washing default) or to technical errors (mouth pipetting). Radioactivity Radioactivity should be handled in room 401, that has been set aside for this purpose. When using radioactivity, contact in advance the manager: Bruno TILLY (04 78 87 25 55 or 06 63 91 27 22 /Mendel Bldg 5th floor and VetAgroSup / bruno.tilly@vetagro-sup.fr) . L2 (type 2 confinement laboratory) Agent in charge: Franck BERTOLLA Any student planning to work in the L2 will: be trained in advance to abide by safety rules (displayed at the entrance) always be under the responsibility of people allowed into the L2 (list at the entrance of L2). I2 (type 2 confinement insectarium) Agent in charge: Claire VALIENTE MORO and Florence-Hélène TRAN Any student planning to work in the I2 will: be trained in advance to abide by safety rules (displayed at the entrance) always be under the responsibility of people allowed into the I2. UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 15 - Equipments under pressure Pressure equipments are commonly used in our institution. They are used either for research or are linked to buildings safety. Lack of maintenance or improper handling can lead to an explosion, implosion or breakage of fragile items (seals, windows, regulators) and may project shards at high velocity, cause shock waves, leakage of liquid or gas. Apart from the risks related to pressure, some devices have risks that depend on the nature of the product rejected: intoxication, inflammation, explosions. These are ==> Pressure vessels • steam (autoclave for sterilization, boiler, ...) • Gas (autoclave reaction, gas cylinder, compressor and enclosure ...) • liquid ==> Devices under vacuum (evaporator or lyophilizer chamber experience, ...) For obvious security reasons, only authorized persons can use autoclaves, these are : UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 16 - WASTES MANAGEMENT Solid wastes Chemical wastes Liquid wastes 5, 20 or 30l Pails tips, chemically soiled Eppendorf tubes 5L or 10L clear containers (only the label change) Solid wastes Neofuts 70l or 35l disposable barrels Soiled solid wastes Syringes,pipettes … Fûts à ouverture totale 30 or 60l (Completely open barrels ) Glassware broken or chemically soiled Identify containers : producing laboratory, product or type of product. Do not mix products : compatibility. Stock containers in a well ventilated room, keep away from heat, sparks or open fire. UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 17 - Biological wastes Barrels 30/60l Autorised = All types of biological wastes. Treatment = Incineration at very high temperature. Cartons 23/50l Autorised = Culture media, Petri dishes, gloves, sharp consumables, conditionned in normalised packing. Treatment = Incineration or standard. Identify the service of origin on the container. Respect the filling and weight limits of containers. All sharp objects must be conditionned in normalised packing if disposal is done in cartons. Do not store chemical wastes. Store containers in dry room with constant temperature : in the biological waste hold. Store only biological wastes in the biological waste hold. Objects should be sorted on the lab bench by the experimenter prior to disposal. UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 18 - Models of labels Biological wastes Chemical wastes UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 19 - RESPECT RULES AND ENSURE RULES ARE RESPECTED. • Ensure that your installation and bench working conditions are known to the people likely to interact with you and that they do not disrupt existing activities. • Organize, store and clean your bench with ethanol (70 °) after handling. • Ensure the smooth running of the laboratory in particular at the coffee room and library. • Allow a smooth working of the air-conditioned rooms, by closing the doors. • Observe the prohibition of eating, drinking, smoking in the laboratory, a room is available for this. • Wash your hands after handling. • Learn to identify different risks from the labels : radioactive, chemical, biological, electrical, etc. risks...... • Learn how to sort and dispose of your wastes. Identify hazardous wastes. • Learn to use the ventilation devices (fume hoods, chemical hoods) • Make sure before you bring a visitor or non-professional in the lab that you have approval from your director. Do not let anyone outside the laboratory experiment without the agreement of your tutor. Visitors must be accompanied in experimental rooms. • When planning a new experiment, consider prevention - Evaluate the risks - Provide the protection means - Plan for waste disposal • Think about your colleagues and staff to service, maintain your own bench and the equipment you use (balance, centrifuge, ...). • Because of the danger of explosion, it is forbidden to store flammable solvents in refrigerators (ether, chloroform, etc..). • As soon as fire doors close or in case of a serious incident, Call « 30 » immediately from any telephone UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 20 - UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 21 - UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 22 - WHAT TO DO UPON AN INCIDENT, AN ACCIDENT Any person who witnesses an accident should call for help and indicate: • The nature of the accident, • The number of injured persons and their condition, • The location of the accident, • Additional risks, • The name and telephone number where they can be reached. If the person is a certified rescuer, provide first aid. The person has to go to the entrance of the facility to host and conduct rescuers until the accident. The Laboratory Director, the Head of Service and the ACMO will be notified. Any incident should be entered in the health and safety register. Injuries, even minor, must be registered with the medical service. All accidents must be reported within 48 hours. TO DECLARE A WORK ACCIDENT In case of a serious incident or accident requiring a statement, you must inform the secretariat of the laboratoryYvan MOENNE- LOCCOZ or Audrey DUBOST as soon as possible, and file in duplicate documents to the secretariat. Instructions for making an accident report are clearly detailed in the links below, for the different types of staff (University, Students, CNRS): For the UCB Lyon 1 University http://www.univ-lyon1.fr/05124120/0/fiche___pagelibre/&RH=INT_MT-URG For the CNRS http://www.dr7.cnrs.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=256 Some useful numbers ® Head of the Hygiene and Security Service UCB Lyon 1 Murielle PIERRE 04 72 43 18 79 ® Prevention and Security CNRS agent Patricia LANDAIS 04 72 44 56 07 murielle.pierre@univ-lyon1.fr Patricia.Landais@dr7.cnrs.fr ® Work Medecine Personnel Service UCB Lyon 1 CNRS Dr GONNAZ 04 72 44 82 11 ou 04 72 43 12 01 (Paul Dirac bldg) Dr MICHEL or Dr DUFOURT 04 72 44 56 81 ® Infirmerie UCB Lyon 1 Patricia DUCERF 04 72 43 12 02 Isabelle SABOT UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 23 - Marie VANCON-MENEZ 04 72 44 82 55 Great amphithaeater hall (La Doua) monday to thursday (8–16 h), friday (8–11h45)] CNRS Claire-Françoise VERRIES ® Inter University Service of Preventive Medecine 04 72 43 16 22 [from 04 72 44 56 03 04 72 44 40 80 [from monday to thursday (8-12 h and 13-17 h), friday (8-11 h)] - Fax - mail : mpu@univ-lyon1.fr UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015 - 24 - SIGNALING NOTE Name : Study course : photo Team : Tutor : Theme : Dates of stay : UMR 5557 – Université Lyon 1 – Site La Doua -16-10-6 rue Raphaël Dubois – 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tél 04 72 43 13 77 – Fax 04 26 23 44 68 Update : May 2015