Justice and Constitutional Development Portfolio Committee Presentation by Mr. S Jiyane, DDG Court Services 22 March 2006 STRUCTURE OF PRESENTATION The role of Court Services Who are we? What do we do Functional Components and Resources 2005 What we did with the Resources allocated Challenges met and how we seek to deal with them Priorities Planning for 2006 and budget Conclusion THE BRANCH COURT SERVICES STRATEGIC FOCUS Linking budget to strategy: 1. Ensuring access to justice for all 2. Enhancing Organizational Efficiency and 3. Transforming Justice Court Services is dealing with the above through the following Programmes: Programme planning and judicial support Court Performance Vulnerable Groups Facility/Infrastructure Management Family Advocacy PROGRAM 1 Programme and judicial support ISS Report on the IJS - August 2005 Paying for crime: South Africa’s spending on criminal justice What do we spend on criminal justice and how has this changed? How do we compare? What are the key stresses and what can be done? Growth rates in the criminal justice system over time •Although average growth in the CJS budget has generally exceeded that of the national budget, it has not done so every year. There are also important variations between the three departments. Comparative growth rates CJS and Provincial Allocations 16% 15% Nat. budget grows at 12.2% 14% 13% 12% Nat. budget grows at 10.3% Nat. budget grows at 9.6% Nat. budget grows at 10.0% 11% 10% 9% Inflation of 6.3% 8% Inflation of 5.7% Inflation of 5.4% Inflation of 4.9% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% CJS Provincial alloc 1995/96 to 2007/08 1995/96 to 2001/02 2001/02 to 2004/05 2004/05 to 2007/08 11.4% 9.9% 12.2% 7.2% 10.8% 15.4% 10.3% 10.0% Comparative growth rates CJS and Provincial Allocation 18% 17% 16% Nat. Budget grows at 12.2% 15% 14% Nat. Budget grows at 10.3% 13% Nat. Budget grows at 9.6% 12% Nat. Budget grows at 10.0% 11% 10% 9% 8% Inflation of 6.3% Inflation of 5.4% Inflation of 5.7% Inflation of 4.9% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% SAPS Justice DCS Provincial alloc. •Between 1995/6 and 2007/8, all 3 CJS depts will have seen their budgets grow faster than the national budget and faster than provincial allocations. 1995/96 to 2007/08 1995/96 to 2001/02 2001/02 to 2004/05 2004/05 to 2007/08 10.8% 13.9% 12.2% 9.9% 10.3% 17.8% 15.6% 7.2% 11.6% 10.1% 8.9% 15.4% 10.8% 10.1% 9.1% 10.0% •Between 1995/6 and 2001/2 all CJS departments’ budgets grew faster than the national budget. Justice (because of the creation of the DSO) and DCS did particularly well. •Between 2001/2 and 2004/5, all three departments grew more slowly than the national budget as a whole and a good deal more slowly than allocations to provinces. • Over the course of the MTEF, SAPS and Justice will grow a little faster than the national budget and at about the same pace as provincial allocations. DCS, however, will grow more slowly than both. •CJS budgets have always grown faster than inflation, inflation plus population growth, and inflation plus population growth plus economic growth Conclusion to part one: What does it all mean? Three basic conclusions: •Despite the politics of crime, criminal justice spending as a whole has never grown significantly faster than the national budget. Average annual rate of growth of crime (1995/6 to 2001/02vs 2001/02 to 2003/04) 14.0% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% • In early days of democracy CJS spending grew faster than national spending which grew faster than social services spending. • More recently, this has been decisively reversed. 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% -2.0% -4.0% -6.0% Murder Attempted murder Assault GBH Agg. Robbery Common robbery Rape Car theft 1995/6 - 2001/2 -3.7% 2.6% 2.8% 7.1% 12.0% 1.4% -1.5% 2.7% 2001/2 - 2003/4 -3.8% -2.0% -0.7% 7.0% 2.9% -1.4% -4.6% -4.0% Burglary This is NOT a scientific test of whether spending on social services does better than spending on CJS in reducing crime because (a) CJS spending was still rising, (b) there were more cops and (c) tactics were changing It is, however, intriguing and suggests that prioritising social spending, whatever its other purposes, may also have an impact on crime levels. This does not, however, mean that social services spending is a more cost-effective approach to reducing crime. Part two: How much should SA spend on criminal justice? Benchmarking South Africa’s spending on criminal justice reveals that we spend rather more than the international average both per capita and as a proportion of GDP Spending on CJS as % of GDP (SA vs. world) Spending as a proportion of GDP 3.5% •A comparison of spending data for 1997/8 and 2004/5 reveals that while the international average for criminal justice spending as a proportion of GDP was about 1%, in South Africa, spending has risen from about 2.7% in 1997/8 to 3.1% in 2004/5. 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% 1997/98 Per capita spending on CJS (SA vs. world) 2004/05 World SA $140.00 Per capita spending A comparison of spending data for 1997/8 and 2004/5 reveals that on a per capita basis, SA spends significantly more on criminal justice than does the rest of the world. In 2004, for instance, SA spent about $130 per person on criminal justice while the rest of the world spent only $66. In 1997 the differential was $91 to $63. $120.00 $100.00 $80.00 $60.00 $40.00 $20.00 $1997/98 2004/05 World SA Systemic issues Although looking at the three depts individually is important, the CJS must also be looked at as a system Growth in capacity has been uneven: Growth in capacity (2000/01 to 2005/06) •Police personnel numbers have risen by 31%. The numbers in the NPA and courts, however, have grown by only 18% and 9% respectively. DCS’s accommodation has grown by 15%, but its staff numbers by only 8%. 35% 30% 25% •This pattern will be repeated over the next few years. 20% •Since the courts are slaves of the police and the prisons are slaves of the courts and police, uneven growth has the potential to create serious bottlenecks because more police should mean more arrests. 15% 10% 5% 0% SAPS personnel Justice personnel NPA personnel Court personnel DCS personnel Cases to court, prosecutions and withdrawals (1996-2003) The courts are already struggling to clear their rolls: 1,200,000 1,000,000 •Since 2000, the number of cases going to court has risen by 84%. The number of prosecutions has only grown by 31%. 800,000 •Withdrawals have increased by 42%, but that still leaves a growing number of cases stuck on the rolls. This amounted to more than 350,000 cases in 2003 alone. 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 1996 1997 1998 Prosecutions 1999 2000 Cases withdrawn 2001 Cases to court 2002 2003 Prison space ISS Conclusion 1 Spending levels have grown considerably 2 Spending, by international norms, is high 3 Capacity (measured by personnel per capita) is not excessive, but nor is it excessively low, BUT… 4 Measured in relation to murder rates, capacity is very limited 5 BUT: much more is probably unaffordable and, in any event, a reasonable case can be made that spending should prioritise social services (especially if that also helps reduce crime, though this may not be its principal purpose). 6 STILL: Rapid capacity growth in the police is not being matched by similar growth in Justice and DCS. This should be addressed. 7 BUT: to address growth needs in Justice and DCS at the expense of the police would be to ‘punish’ a department whose performance has improved. This would be perverse. 8 In the end, therefore, it is hard to conceive an approach to the CJS very different from the present one. BUDGETARY ASPECTS Budget 2005/06 Additional allocations Resource Utilization Budget 2006/07 Additional allocations Priorities HIGHLIGHTS IN TERMS OF THE 3 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OF THE DOJCD The following slides will focus broadly on – Service delivery improvement Access to justice for all Organizational Efficiency Transformation Access to Justice for all Specific activities in 2005 and 2006 Rationalization of courts – see input later Facilities – see input later Maintenance – see Operation Isondlo later Court Performance – see case flow initiatives later Family advocacy – see input later Transformation Broad Transformation Initiatives Human Resource Development Strategy Pool from which women and black practitioners can be prepared for appointment to the bench Professionalizing court support services through learner ships and skills programmes including improving interpreter services Capacitating Family courts and Family advocacy Restructuring of the Justice College Development of a language policy for courts to promote the use of African languages in court proceedings Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms to ensure public participation in dispute resolution processes Modernisation Modernisation Programme IT: A major exercise providing judges, magistrates, prosecutors and administrative personnel with such equipment has been completed. Out of 342 courts which have no IT connection 160 thereof would be connected by end of April 2006 and the reminder would be connected by end of June 2006. For the courts impact are around: E-Scheduler (44 ICFM Centres and roll out to 40 more) Video postponements (piloting KZN) JDAS/ Maintenance Court Nerve Centre Court Management RAB…… Court managers…… Structure of Chief Justice….. RE-DEMARCATION OF MAGISTERIAL DISTRICTS 1. IMPACT OF THE CONSTITUTION TWELFTH AMENDMENT ACT, 2005 THE AIM OF THE ACT IS RE-DETERMINING THE GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS OF THE NINE PROVINCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA. AS A CONSEQUENCE: WE NEED TO PROVIDE FOR MEASURES TO REGULATE, WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME, THE LEGAL, PRACTICAL AND ANY OTHER CONSEQUENCES OF THE REDETERMINATION. ALL PROVINCIAL RE-DEMARCATION REPORTS AND GIS MAPS TO BE ALIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION TWELFTH AMENDMENT ACT, 2005 AND THE CROSS-BOUNDARY MUNICIPALITIES LAWS REPEAL AND RELATED MATTERS ACT, 2005 (ACT NO. 23 OF 2005) IN ALL AFFECTED AREAS AND PROVINCES, SUCH AS, UMZIMKULU, MATATIELE (EASTERN CAPE AND KWAZULU-NATAL), PAMPIERSTAD (NORTH WEST AND NORTHERN CAPE), EKANGALA (MPUMALANGA AND GAUTENG), GROBLERSDAL (MPUMALANGA AND LIMPOPO), MAPULANENG AND MHALA (LIMPOPO AND MPUMALANGA), OBERHOLZER, KHUTSONG (GAUTENG AND NORTH WEST),GA-RANKUWA AND TEMBA (NORTH WEST AND GAUTENG), LYDENBURG (MPUMALANGA AND LIMPOPO) 2. BUSINESS PLAN/PROJECT PLAN MEETING WITH INTERNAL ROLE-PLAYERS A MEETING TO BE HELD BEFORE THE END OF FEBRUARY 2006 BETWEEN INTERNAL ROLEPLAYERS OF THE DEPT AND CERTAIN OUTSIDE AGENCIES, SUCH AS THE DEMARCATION BOARD TO DISCUSS THE WAY FORWARD. NATIONAL WORKSHOP/PROVINCIAL MEETINGS THEREAFTER A NATIONAL WORKSHOP WITH ALL RELEVANT STAKEHOLDERS TO DISCUSS VARIOUS ISSUES, SUCH AS THE AMENDMENTS TO THE RE-DEMARCATION REPORTS, THE IMPACT ON HUMAN RESOURCES AT OUR COURTS, A DECISION ON HOW THE RE-DEMARCATION PROCESS WILL BE IMPLEMENTED, I.E PER PROVINCE OR ALL NINE PROVINCES AT ONCE, ACCOMMODATION ASPECTS, THE FINANCIAL IMPACT OF THE PROCESS ON OUR COURTS, THE ROLE OF SHERIFFS, ETC. IF NECESSARY, PROVINCIAL MEETINGS WILL FOLLOW THIS WORKSHOP FINALIZATION OF GIS MAPS THE DEMARCATION BOARD UTILIZED GIS MAPS TO DRAW THE MAGISTERIAL BOUNDARIES. THESE MAPS WITH THE NEW MAGISTERIAL BOUNDARIES WITH ALL THE AMENDMENTS NEEDS TO BE ABSORBED BY THE OFFICES OF THE SURVEYOR-GENERAL INTO EXISTING MAPS, CERTIFIED AND APPROVED. AFTER RECEIVING THE NEW MAPS FROM THE SURVEYORGENERAL, THE DOJCD WILL BE IN A POSTION TO MOVE TOWARDS FINALIZATION OF THE REDEMARCATION PROCESS. COMPILATION OF MINISTER’S MEMORANDUM, GOVERNMENT NOTICE AND SCHEDULES AS SOON AS ALL THE GIS MAPS OF EACH PROVINCE HAVE BEEN FINALIZED, CHECKED AND CERTIFIED BY THE OFFICES OF THE SURVEYOR-GENERAL, WE WILL APPROACH THE MINISTER TO WITHDRAW ALL PREVIOUS NOTICES AND TO ESTABLISH NEW MAGISTERIAL DISTRICTS AND COURTS IN TERMS OF SECTION 2(1) OF THE MAGISTRATES’ COURTS ACT, 1944 (ACT NO 32 OF 1944). THE GOVERNMENT NOTICE AND SCHEDULES WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE STATE LAW ADVISERS FOR LEGAL SCRUTINY. PUBLICATION OF GOVERNMENT NOTICE AND SCHEDULES WHEN THE MINISTER HAS APPROVED THE ABOVE-MENTIONED GOVERNMENT NOTICE AND SCHEDULES, THE GOVERNMENT PRINTERS WILL BE REQUESTED TO PUBLISH THE NOTICE AND SCHEDULES. COPIES THEREOF WILL BE FORWARDED TO ALL RELEVANT ROLE-PLAYERS. TIMEFRAME, BUDGET AND LINK WITH RE-AGA BOSWA SECTION 103(3)(a) OF THE CONSTITUTION TWELFTH AMENDMENT ACT, 2005 REFERS TO “WITHIN REASONABLE TIME”. TWELVE (12) MONTHS SEEMS TO BE THE STANDARD FOR A REASONABLE TIME IN INSTANCES SUCH AS THESE. THE BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR RE-DEMARCATION FOR THE 2006/2007 FINANCIAL YEAR IS R 2 MILLION. INTERACTION WITH RELEVANT PARTIES WORKING ON RE-AGA BOSWA WILL ENSURE THAT THE HUMAN RESOURCES ARE ADEQUATE TO ADDRESS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROCESS. Language Policy Presentation on Promotion of Multilingualism in Court Process Establishment of Joint Task Teams Draft policy document to be completed before the end of the financial year 2006/07 Organize consultative forums with all stakeholders for further inputs. Principles Promoting and protecting linguistic diversity Supporting democracy through the entrenchment of language equity and language rights. Viewing multilingualism as a resource Redressing the marginalisation of indigenous languages. Encouraging the learning of other South African languages Contents of the Policy Language of Record and Proceedings Interpretation and Translations( including sign language) Access to records for persons with disabilities Special redress for the marginalised languages, that is, the African languages including the Khoe and San Languages. Lay Assessors Purpose of the project Establishment of Lay Assessors Committees Determination of the number cases Obtaining the number of assessors per site Identify budget needs Identify further rollout sites Fast-track the implementation of regulations Pilot Sites Cape Town - R1,170 000.00 Emlazi – R448 615.00 Polokwane – R746 000.00 Port Elizabeth – R1,100 000.00 Pretoria – R3, 186 468.00 Protea North – R1,170 000.00 Upington – R255 820.00 Way Forward • Increase the number of pilot sites in the next financial year • Further rollout will be the following offices: Germiston, Kempton Park, East London, Mitchells Plain, Nelspruit, Middelburg, Tzaneen and Bloemfontein. Budget for Further Rollout R10m set aside for the pilot project Each court room will be serviced by two assessors One lay assessor will be paid to a maximum of R36 000 PA In addition to allowances for lay assessors, infrastructure costs is expected Projected amounts in the first and second year do not take into account possible increases in fees. A further R15 000 000.00 will be required for next financial year. PROGRAM 2 COURT PERFORMANCE COURT PERFORMANCE MANAGMENT Development of Court Nerve Centre Measuring tool Statistics on Court Performance Refer to the main document REVIEW OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM This is a JCPS initiative led by DoJCS and based on approved Terms of Reference : Review Team for political guidance, will be constituted by the Minister, DoJCD before the end of March 2006 Research Team to be constituted by the DG, DoJCD to conduct the actual research -nominations already requested from the JCPS cluster partners Draft CJS Review Initiation Plan also submitted to the partners for input. CJS REVIEW PLAN Broad Project Initiation Activities for January to April 2006. Abudget of R5m for has been allocated to the CJS Review for 2006/7. 1. Develop/draft CJS Review project initiation plan and solicit JCPS partner inputs/comments 2. Establish Project Secretariat -Identify/assign Project Manager-Identify support staff for the Secretariat 3. Set up project office-Identify and secure project space -Source infrastructure needs 4. Engage JCPS cluster partners to :constitute the Review & Research Teams commit resources 5. Coordinate the initiation of updating of previous CS review - Identify resources to engage to update the Mulweli Report- Updating of the Mulweli 6. Facilitate the conducting of the CJS Review project scoping (to develop an integrated CJS Review Plan including budget and capacity/resources) 7. Conducting of the review 8. Regular reporting CASE FLOW MANAGEMENT CFM is overseen by an National Integrated CFM National Committee – all partners represented Established CFM governance structures - Provincial & Local Integrated Case Flow Management Forums in some courts chaired by the Judiciary (magistrates/judges) CFM CENTRES Already established at 44 courts where the eScheduler is deployed as an enabling tool CFM Planning Tool/Template developed and being tested in Pinetown, KZN Regional Court Division, Western Cape High Court. CFM Guidelines developed by DoJCD, NPA and lower Court Judiciary, being implemented CFM Training of Judicial Cluster/SubCluster Heads initiated Oct 05 and continues to apply guidelines and CFM planning tool AUDIO VISUAL CASE REMAND SYSTEM Exploiting technology to remove security risks and logistical nightmare associated with daily transportation of ATD’s between court and prison, and free time & resources in the system for trial ready cases. Currently being piloted in Durban, Pinetown & Westville prison in KZN since Oct 05 Targeting only remand cases where no juveniles are involved Continuously optimizing procedures to operate the system between court & prison AUDIO VISUAL CASE REMAND SYSTEM cont. Number of cases processed through the system since implementation/piloting of the system in Oct 05 : October 05 – 87 cases November 05 – 437 December 05 – 404 January 06 – 363 Draft legislation to be with Minister 1st quarter of 2006 Outcome of the pilot - impact assessment will be conducted after 6 months – May 06 Excellent court stakeholder cooperation must be applauded in KZN for the testing of this system CASE e-SHEDULER Deployed at 44 district criminal courts and being stabilized System currently operating on distributed database platform (each court with own server and database) System adapted to the web based version (centralized) to enable all to access the system database centrally for better performance Testing the web base version, by end March 06 all 44 sites will be converted from distributed version April 06 – next 40 sites to be deployed with the web based central access version Court Performance cont. Development of the new Quality Management Framework The new function on QM for courts is being redefined to be relevant to courts and enhance overall performance. The setting of service standards inline with Batho Pele principles will underpin the new QM role. Relevant bodies/institutes like SABS and TQM Institutes will be interfaced with in this exercise. This will be a paradigm shift from the current policing approach to quality assurance/inspecting of offices. Backlog of cases / Monitoring Court Performance It is clear that court performance is not only dependant on additional resources, but on management at court level (and here the judiciary have a crucial role) RAB as support mechanism ICFM Centres Dedicated Courts (Commercial crime; hijack; drugs; environmental; community courts) Additional capacity/courts Review of CJS Court Nerve Centre Court Nerve Centre The Court Nerve Centre was established to provide a framework for measuring court performance that will reflect the court system as a system of closely interlinked processes and tasks in the integrated justice system. For this purpose all court managers are required to submit monthly returns to the respective area court managers. In this process District Court Managers, appointed at main seats of court, are responsible for the collection of information from the main seat and the courts linked to the main seat (i.e. branch and periodical courts Returns to be submitted The returns to be collected are collected at three levels: the “Monthly Court Return” contains detailed information on court “occupancy” which is captured at a court room level; the “Monthly Return” contains workload information on other activities and functions performed in a magistrates office (civil matters, criminal matters and family law related matters) and other court activities (such as estates, lay assessors, appeals and divorces) which is captured at a court house level; and the “Monthly Establishment Returns” contains information on the establishment (human resource capacity) which is captured at a court responsibility level (a responsibility centre being a main court, that manages branch and periodical courts) These levels are shown in the next slide Levels for Data Collection National Office Province Gauteng Province Free State Province Western Cape Administrative Area Bloemfontein District: Bloemfontein Establishment Return Responsibility Centre Bloemfontein Administrative Area Welkom District: Boshof Responsibility Centre Boshof Responsibility Centre Dealesville District: Welkom Responsibility Centre Hertzogville Responsibility Centre Welkom Monthly Return Service Centre / Office Bloemfontein Service Centre / Office Bathu Service Centre / Office Welkom Monthly Court Return Production Unit Court A Production Unit Court B Production Unit Court A Production Unit Court A Production Unit Court B INFORMATION FLOW INFORMATION FLOW Court A Court A Court A Court A Region Area 2 Court Services Area 1 Court Nerve Centre Court A Court Performance The next slides provides information of the court performance DEDICATED COURTS Commercial, Community and other dedicated courts will be continued with as part of the strategy to ensure that courts focus on productivity as a measurement of success. Our strategy is to deal with these courts as part of our court structure and to ensure that the other courts also receive additional attention and resources so that all courts can deliver improved services. The current model of community courts is to be integrated into the original concept intended to focus on enhancing community justice through strengthening traditional courts in rural areas and relevant structures in the townships. Commercial Crime Courts: April 2005 to December 2005 Cases Removed Court Name New Cases Withdrawals Diversions Cases Transferred Warrant issued Outstanding Roll Cases Finalised Other Not Guilty Guilty 31 December 2005 DURBAN 381 48 0 30 31 4 239 4 198 JOHANNESBURG 276 63 0 31 1 3 115 8 291 PORT ELIZABETH 123 23 0 7 17 2 94 15 91 PRETORIA 237 75 0 25 0 0 248 13 229 1017 209 0 93 49 9 696 40 809 TOTAL Commercial Crime Courts There are 4 Commercial Crime Courts in the RSA at present Durban (established during 2005) : Johannesburg : New cases: 381; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 113; Finalised guilty verdict: 239; Finalised Not Guilty: 4; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 198 New cases: 276; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 98; Finalised guilty verdict: 115; Finalised Not Guilty: 8; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 291 Port Elizabeth (established during 2005) : New cases: 123; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 49; Finalised guilty verdict: 94; Finalised Not Guilty: 15; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 91 Pretoria : New cases: 237; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 100; Finalised guilty verdict: 248; Finalised Not Guilty: 13; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 229 Community Courts There are 15 Community Courts in the RSA at present Bloemfontein : Cape Town : New cases: 6 131; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 3 089; Finalised guilty verdict: 3 146; Finalised Not Guilty: 40; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 0 Durban: New cases: 1 273; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 332; Finalised guilty verdict: 940; Finalised Not Guilty: 1; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 0 New cases: 3 510; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 980; Finalised guilty verdict: 2 551; Finalised Not Guilty: 10; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 161 Hatfield (two courts) New cases: 3 744; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 2 388; Finalised guilty verdict: 1 460; Finalised Not Guilty: 76; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 412 Community Courts (cont.) Mitchells Plain: Phuthaditjaba: New cases: 4 271; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 5 377; Finalised guilty verdict: 501; Finalised Not Guilty: 77; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 216 New cases: 471; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 295; Finalised guilty verdict: 64; Finalised Not Guilty: 4; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 0 Protea - Lenasia: New cases: 213; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 77; Finalised guilty verdict: 73; Finalised Not Guilty: 7; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 0 Thohoyandou: New cases: 2 979; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 2 373; Finalised guilty verdict: 419; Finalised Not Guilty: 3; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 383 Community Courts (cont.) Johannesburg – Hillbrow : Kimberley : New cases: 446; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 375; Finalised guilty verdict: 98; Finalised Not Guilty: 25; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 147 Kwa-Mashu : New cases: 1 498; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 17; Finalised guilty verdict: 1 486; Finalised Not Guilty: 2; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 0 New cases: 3 457; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 1 373; Finalised guilty verdict: 1 819; Finalised Not Guilty: 9; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 298 Mankeng: New cases: 255; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 50; Finalised guilty verdict: 171; Finalised Not Guilty: 34; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 0 Community Courts (cont.) Umtata: New cases: 2 996; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 2 817; Finalised guilty verdict: 160; Finalised Not Guilty: 4; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 59 Wynberg - Fezeka: New cases: 1 869; Removed from roll (withdrawal, warrants issued, etc.): 1 013; Finalised guilty verdict: 869; Finalised Not Guilty: 126; Outstanding Roll as on 31 December 2005: 321 Additional Courts A framework for the establishment of these courts is receiving attention by the Department together with the NPA and the Magistracy. This is to ensure that the Department is now able to account for the investment of these resources and monitor the returns though proper mechanism to monitor the performance of these courts. In the past the Saturday and additional court project was extremely successful. Between 2001 and 2004 such courts finalised an additional 76 836 cases Small Claims Courts: Statistics for 2005 There are 154 Small Claims Courts in the RSA at present covering 219 magisterial districts (out of 366). 35 new such courts are planned for 2006/07 as well as circuit courts to enhance access. Eastern Cape: Inquiries: 6507; Litigants referred to legal assistance: 423; Summonses issued: 1549; Trials: 1182; Free State: Inquiries: 2115; Litigants referred to legal assistance: 1449; Summonses issued: 1214; Trials: 1409; Gauteng: Inquiries: 31164; Litigants referred to legal assistance: 2674; Summonses issued: 7773; Trials: 7583; KwaZulu-Natal: Inquiries: 8575; Litigants referred to legal assistance: 1971; Summonses issued: 2111; Trials: 1722; Small Claims Courts, continued: Limpopo: Mpumalanga: Inquiries: 5160; Litigants referred to legal assistance: 95; Summonses issued: 533; Trials: 546; Western Cape: Inquiries: 620; Litigants referred to legal assistance: 184; Summonses issued: 464; Trials: 512; North-West: Inquiries: 10617; Litigants referred to legal assistance: 664; Summonses issued: 1724; Trials: 1040; Northern Cape: Inquiries: 7489; Litigants referred to legal assistance: 523; Summonses issued: 3082; Trials: 2081; Inquiries: 24922; Litigants referred to legal assistance: 610; Summonses issued: 3920; Trials: 3994; Totals: Inquiries: 97168; Litigants referred to legal assistance: 8593; Summonses issued: 22370; Trials: 20069. PROGRAM 3 Specialised Programmes for Vulnerable Groups Vulnerable Groups Activities: Victim Service Charter and victim empowerment Specialized court services (Sexual offences/ equality / SCC) Family Courts Child Justice / Children’s Courts Family advocacy Maintenance improvement project JHB and roll out Restorative Justice Equality Courts: 220 equality courts designated countrywide More courts still to be designated in the 2006/7 financial year 657 cases reported so far in our equality courts (from 2003 up to date). Topping the list in terms of the statistics are KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng provinces. The provinces reporting the least number of cases are Free State, Northern Cape and Limpopo. This has been attributed to lack of awareness amongst the members of the public. The department will vigorously embark on public awareness campaigns aimed at raising awareness 88 Judges and 815 Magistrates and 334 Clerks have been trained by Justice College. Training will be done on an on-going basis until we have a large number of trained court personnel Shortage of court personnel (clerks) is affecting the effective and efficient operation of the equality courts 135 temporary clerks of the equality court were appointed during 2005/6 financial year – they are to be appointed permanently in the 2006/7 financial year Service Charter for Victims of Crime Implementation of the Service Charter for Victims at Courts: Service Charter publications, pamphlets and posters, have been printed in all official languages and Braille. 80 Toll-Free Line Officials were trained in all provinces and 36 toll free lines were established. Training and briefing sessions for Court managers and other personnel were held in 9 provinces. A needs analysis for courts has been conducted for implementation in the new financial year. FAMILY COURTS To date some of the key strategic priorities espoused in the family court implementation plan have been implemented: Appointed legally qualified personnel to assist the court user, more especially in the area of Maintenance-68 Maintenance Officers and 425 Administrative Clerks; Training: clerks of the courts in the family law streams have received training, in all nine Provinces and this is a continuous endeavour: 225 in 2005; Facilitating training for all the newly appointed legally qualified personnel, focusing not only on the “Black-letter” aspects but also on Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and Social Context; Facilitating the finalisation of the Family Law Learnership and the recruitment of interns; Assist with the finalisation of establishment of Divorce courts and the mainstreaming thereof; and Facilitating the development of a case management system for family law services, which would have ripple benefits in terms of Monitoring and Evaluation, standardising workflows, unblock administrative flaws, and turnaround times with cases. Child Justice The number of Children Awaiting Trial in Correctional Centres, has decreased as follows: From 2200 monthly average in 2003; to 1696 in November 2004; to 1668 in December 2004; to 1109 in November 2005. Statistics are captured in table format below. The National Instersectoral Child Justice Steering Committee is working well and will further support the establishment of provincial Child Justice Fora and local Case Review Task Teams. Children Awaiting Trial UNSENTENCED CHILDREN AS FROM DECEMBER 2004 TO DECEMBER 2005 2005 REGION Dec-04 Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec-05 Kwazulu Natal 435 488 593 427 427 392 382 394 339 357 324 320 360 Gauteng 284 258 227 204 273 262 260 249 236 230 196 196 219 Western Cape 259 261 310 280 349 268 235 205 185 154 160 177 171 Eastern Cape 387 394 172 332 353 300 258 270 258 245 229 242 250 Free State/ Northern Cape 149 146 137 170 153 166 142 136 139 186 159 149 165 61 49 75 89 81 76 72 62 59 73 70 Limpopo/ Mpumalanga/ North West N/A 154 Baseline information – Operation Isondlo Gauteng: 1. 2. 3. 4. Pretoria: Enquiries set down: 1806; No. of non-payments: 285; Sect. 31’s: 285; No. of o/s warrants: 321; Inactive files: 7593; No. of cards monies not collected: 502; Total no. of files: 19750; No. of officials: 32. Soshanguve: Enquiries set down: 279; No. of non-payments: 86; Sect. 31’s: 89; No. of o/s warrants: 85; Inactive files: 2113; No. of cards monies not collected: 1384; Total no. of files: 5823; No. of officials: 15. 15 Market Street, Jhb: Enquiries set down: 125; No. of non-payments: 1681; Sect. 31’s: 107; No. of o/s warrants: 465; Inactive files: 23000; No. of cards monies not collected: 2080; Total no. of files: 83642; No. of officials: 29. Germiston: Enquiries set down: 2123; No. of non-payments: 700; Sect. 31’s: 403; No. of o/s warrants: 54; Inactive files: 56; No. of cards monies not collected: 35; Total no. of files: 4680; No. of officials: 6. Operation Isondlo continued: Free State: Bloemfontein: Enquiries set down: 200; No. of nonpayments: 150; Sect. 31’s: 50; No. of o/s warrants: 576; Inactive files: 584; No. of cards monies not collected: 233; Total no. of files: 19834; No. of officials: 13. Phuthaditjhaba: Enquiries set down: 187; No. of non-payments: 35; Sect. 31’s: 70; No. of o/s warrants: 180; Inactive files: 557; No. of cards monies not collected: 13; Total no. of files: 2378; No. of officials: 5. Operation Isondlo continued: KwaZulu-Natal: Durban: Enquiries set down: 597; No. of non-payments: 232; Sect. 31’s: 18; No. of o/s warrants:183; Inactive files: 364; No. of cards monies not collected: 1020; Total no. of files: 17227; No. of officials: 13. Ntuzuma: Enquiries set down: 387; No. of non-payments: 1665; Sect. 31’s: 35; No. of o/s warrants: 256; Inactive files: 3900; No. of cards monies not collected: 3123; Total no. of files: 12000; No. of officials: 6. Emlazi: Enquiries set down: 402; No. of non-payments: 1500; Sect. 31’s: 10; No. of o/s warrants: 6; Inactive files: 2180; No. of cards monies not collected: 4125; Total no. of files: 15199; No. of officials: 5. Operation Isondlo, continued: Limpopo: 1. Thabamoopo: Enquiries set down: 160; No. of nonpayments: 916; Sect. 31’s: 916; No. of o/s warrants: 74; No of Inactive files: 4000; No. of cards monies not collected: 79; Total no. of files:8355; No. of officials: 5. Mpumalanga: 1. Mkobola: Enquiries set down: 59; No. of non-payments: 998; Sect. 31’s: 115; No. of o/s warrants: 119; Inactive files: 771; No. of cards monies not collected: 29; Total no. of files: 1384; No. of officials: 5. 2. Nsikazi: Enquiries set down: 8861; No. of non-payments: 1172; Sect. 31’s: 84; No. of o/s warrants: 135; Inactive files: 8319; No. of cards monies not collected: 4935; Total no. of files: 13254; No. of officials: 3. Operation Isondlo continued: Eastern Cape: 1. Port Elizabeth: Enquiries set down: 3127; No. of nonpayments: 625; Sect. 31’s: 171; No. of o/s warrants: 625; Inactive files: 5000; No. of cards monies not collected: 70; Total no. of files: 30000; No. of officials: 15. 2. Mdantsane: Enquiries set down: 95; No. of nonpayments: 165; Sect. 31’s: 9; No. of o/s warrants: 48; Inactive files: 337; No. of cards monies not collected: 228; Total no. of files: 11021; No. of officials: 3. 3. Grahamstown: Enquiries set down: 201; No. of nonpayments: 177; Sect. 31’s: 136; No. of o/s warrants: 82; Inactive files: 312; No. of cards monies not collected: 3; Total no. of files: 7874; No. of officials: 6. 4. Queenstown: Enquiries set down: 161; No. of nonpayments: 40; Sect. 31’s: 11; No. of o/s warrants: 19; Inactive files: 213; No. of cards monies not collected: 36; Total no. of files: 1356; No. of officials: 2. Operation Isondlo continued: North-West: 1. Odi: Enquiries set down: 2976; No. of non-payments: 371; Sect. 31’s: 1747; No. of o/s warrants: 1292; Inactive files: 1400; No. of cards monies not collected: 276; Total no. of files: 23781; No. of officials: 10. 2. Bafokeng: Enquiries set down: 277; No. of nonpayments: 337; Sect. 31’s: 337; No. of o/s warrants: 297; Inactive files: 2100; No. of cards monies not collected: 222; Total no. of files: 6719; No. of officials: 9. 3. Rustenburg: Enquiries set down: 190; No. of nonpayments: 155; Sect. 31’s: 13; No. of o/s warrants: 47; Inactive files: 748; No. of cards monies not collected: 37; Total no. of files: 7500; No. of officials: 4. 4. Mankwe: Enquiries set down: 13; No. of non-payments: 1200; Sect. 31’s: 13; No. of o/s warrants: 25; Inactive files: 1660; No. of cards monies not collected: 15; Total no. of files: 4359; No. of officials: 2. Operation Isondlo, continued: Northern Cape: 1. Upington: Enquiries set down: 372; No. of nonpayments: 448; Sect. 31’s: 448; No. of o/s warrants: 62; Inactive files: 17; No. of cards monies not collected: 18; Total no. of files: 2370; No. of officials: 3. 2. Kimberley: Enquiries set down: 754; No. of nonpayments: 522; Sect. 31’s: 330; No. of o/s warrants: 76; Inactive files: 300; No. of cards monies not collected: 2; Total no. of files: 2000; No. of officials: 10. Operation Isondlo continued: Western Cape: 1. Mitchell’s Plain: Enquiries set down: 115; No. of nonpayments: 2061; Sect. 31’s: 87; No. of o/s warrants: 294; Inactive files: 3000; No. of cards monies not collected: 24694; Total no. of files: 30000; No. of officials: 11. 2. Khayelitsha: Enquiries set down: 2880; No. of nonpayments: 347; Sect. 31’s: 126; No. of o/s warrants: 69; Inactive files: 3500; No. of cards monies not collected: 11784; Total no. of files: 16104; No. of officials: 6. 3. Phillipi: Enquiries set down: 183; No. of non-payments: 1100; Sect. 31’s: 114; No. of o/s warrants: 146; Inactive files: 500; No. of cards monies not collected: 270; Total no. of files: 50353; No. of officials: 8. PROGRAM 4 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT BUDGET 2005/2006 Items Amount Capital Works R258 134 M RAMP (Additional) R 50 000 M Day to Day Maintenance R 11 000 M Infrastructure Upgrading R 36 146 M GG Vehicles R 27 000 M Total R382 146 M FOCUS FOR 2005/2006 Condition Assessment for all courts Improving security in the court buildings Rehabilitation and Maintenance of existing courts Provision of new and Additional Facilities Provision of prefab structures as interim accommodation (16) RAMP 15 new facilities registered on Work Control System (WCS) with original Capital Works Allocation All these 15 sites are in the process of being Rehabilitated Additional R50mil made available for RAMP Additional 40 projects registered with the funds Status quo analysis conducted on all 40 facilities to determine the scope of work for Rehabilitation This brings to 92 the total of facilities on Rehabilitation and Maintenance phase RAMP 2006/2007 100 New facilities to be registered on RAMP Improvement of sanitation in Courts in Rural Areas CAPITAL WORKS 12 Major Capital works completed in 2005/2006 2 new buildings for Randburg and Atteridgeville Magistrate court Major Additions in Ceres, Benoni, Vredendal, Brixton, Uitenhage, Pretoria-North, Polokwane, Umtata, Sasolburg and Heidelberg CAPITAL WORKS 2006/2007 10 New Court buildings to be constructed Major additions planned for 7 other buildings A total of R10 Mil set aside for Improvement of accessibility for people with disability SECURITY 312 Offices/Courts out of 555 have been provided with fulltime Guarding Service 470 in-house court security officers have been appointed 216 Courthouses receiving Cash In Transit Services Successful conclusion of the envisaged Management of Monies In Trust (MMIT) project will transfer the risk of cash handling to private sector Security (continues) 1x Ray machine purchased for the Constitutional Court 136 Offices equipped with alarm system 180 offices identified for installation of burglar bars in effort to improve physical security SECURITY 2006/2007 Additional 373 sites identified for provision of Guarding Services Cash In Transit services to be provided for in 362 offices 136 sites to be provided with Alarm System Total Budget of R150 000 000.00 FOCUS FOR 2006/2007 Continue with upgrading of Security Improve accessibility for disabled people in court buildings Continue with the Rehabilitation and Maintenance program Continue with condition monitoring for all facilities Construction of new facilities and Major Additions to existing Replacement of Old Coat of Arms Provision of Mobile Structure as interim measures FOCUS FOR 2006/2007 Provide Signage in all facilities Development and implementation of Facilities Management System Enhancement of Virtual Library Project Identification and Acquisition of site for new buildings Building Capacity for Management of Devolved Budget from Department of Public Works BUDGET 2006/2007 Function Budget INFRUSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Capital Works R268 138 M RAMP R 50 000 M Accommodation Charges R109 444 M *** Leases R114 192 M*** Municipality Services R 87 697 M*** Day to Day Maintenance R 21 500 M*** Upgrading of Infrastructure R 38 315 M GG and Judges Vehicles R 28 836 M Libraries / High Court R Sub-Total R718 845 M 2 000 M SECURITY Guarding Services R 40 000 M Cash In Transit R 50 000 M Physical Security Infrastructure R 17 865 M Subtotal R107 865 M TOTAL R826 710 M BUDGET 2006/2007 A total of R233 389 Mil has been transferred from the Department of Public Works as part of the Devolution of Budget An additional amount of R70 000 Mil to be transferred for Planned Maintenance The department to continue utilizing the DPW expertise in project management SLA to be entered into with Public Works with regard to the management of budget The department to look at capacity building for the purpose of management of the budget allocation from Public Works PROGRAM 5 FAMILY ADVOCACY Court Services and DOJCD Challenges In general, the following remain challenges: Courts have been under funded for years and as a result they have not been able to meet the demands that were brought by a plethora of legislation passed after the advent of the constitutional order. Staff shortages at courts, particularly to deal with maintenance matters, domestic violence and victim support work (i.e. relating to the implementation of new legislation), leading to poor service delivery (long queues etc.) in some areas. Lack of culture of management through information, to proactively manage courts based on court performance information The capital works programme, which is a medium to long-term programme makes it difficult to address historical imbalances in relation to access to courts in previously disadvantaged areas. Corruption in relation to management of monies in trust is still present. There is an urgent need to strengthen the administrative support to the Chief Justice and Heads of Courts, the Judicial Services Commission and the Magistrates’ Commission. Priorities for 2006 Roll out RAB Transformation of judiciary including alignment JSC and MC CJS Review Legislation: 6 Bills Security Creation of court capacity Improving court support services Monitoring court performance THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION