Annotated Bibliography Amit Kannan-Junior Website Primary Sources “01 - Medicine in Ancient Egypt.jpg 124.78 KB.” 01 - Medicine in Ancient Egypt. Available at < t%20Egypt.html> Internet: accessed 21 February. 2012. This picture shows how people treated others with medicine in ancient times. This picture was a good source to me because it showed what scientists believed to be how ancient doctors treated their patients. “10 Absurd Ancient Beliefs.” elistmania. Available at <> This website provided me with a picture of a hole in a person’s head. This was important to my project because it showed proof that in ancient times people believed, in order to cure a person you must poke a hole in a person’s head to release a spirit. “An example of the type of carbolic acid sprayer that would have been used by Sir Joseph Lister.” Kilmer House Available at <> Internet: accessed 19 February. 2012. This picture showed the type of spray that Joseph Lister used to spray Carbolic acid. This was a useful picture because it showed how one of Joseph Lister’s greatest inventions saved countless lives. “Biography of Robert Koch” Available at: <> Internet: accessed 11 February 2012. This picture showed Robert Koch. It was useful to me because it showed how scientists believed Robert Koch looked like in his time. “BSc Microbiology.” School of Biosciences. Available at < duate/courses/bscmicrobiology.aspx> Internet: accessed 17 Feb. 2012. This picture showed exactly how Microorganisms look like. This picture was useful because it showed what Louis Pasteur studied. “Dead cattle.” Anthrax. Cornell University Cooperative Extension. Available at <> This picture showed how anthrax ravaged through and killed many animals. This was important to my project because it showed how animals would be laying on the ground because of the deadly disease most commonly known as anthrax. “Hippocrates is credited with being the father of modern medicine.” Ancient Medicine Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine. Available at <> Internet: accessed 18 November. 2011. This picture shows Hippocrates working in a room. I used this picture, it was important because no one knows how Hippocrates really looks and this shows an image of how people think he looked. “Joseph Lister (1827-1912): Antiseptic Principle Of The Practice Of Surgery, 1867.” Internet History Sourcebooks August 1998. Web. Found at: <> Joseph Lister found that bad air caused wounds. This was vital information for my website because this is one of the most important discoveries he made. “JOSEPH LISTER - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 08/15/1889 - DOCUMENT 112213.” History for Sale. Available at < &start=173&page=153> Internet: accessed 20 February. 2012. This picture was a letter form Joseph Lister. This was important to my project because it showed what Joseph Lister wrote in his letters. “Lister in theatre.” Joseph Lister and antiseptic surgery. Available at < e/timeline5.cfm> Internet: accessed 19 February. 2012. I used this picture because it shows how Lister first used his antiseptic carbolic acid spray. “Louis Pasteur portrait in his later years.” Louis Pasteur. Available at <> Internet accessed 1 March. 2012. This picture shows how Louis Pasteur looked like in his time. This picture was useful because it showed how scientists thought Louis Pasteur looked like. “Louis Pasteur took extensive notes on his work and thoroughly documented his observations. Here are a few samples from his notebook and various letters of Pasteur's.” History for Sale. Available at <> Internet: accessed 20 February. 2012. These pictures were Pasteur’s writings and letters to and from him. These letters helped me understand Pasteur’s works more and having this account of his letters and works was useful and important to my project. “Modern History Sourcebook: Joseph Lister (1827-1912): Antiseptic Principle Of The Practice Of Surgery, 1867” Internet History Sourcebooks August 1998. Web. Available at <> This was one of Lister’s writings. This was useful to me because it said of all the information that Lister wrote. “Modern History Sourcebook: Louis Pasteur (1822-1895): Germ Theory and Its Applications to Medicine and Surgery, 1878.” Internet History Sourcebooks August 1998. Web. Available at <> Louis Pasteur found, that in most cases a microorganism has nothing to do with septic vibrio. This speech to the French Academy helped me understand Louis Pasteur’s concept and idea of the Germ Theory. “Nobel Laureates.” Sandwalk Strolling with a skeptical biochemist. Available at <> Internet: accessed 11 February. 2012. This was a picture that showed Robert Koch working at a table. I used this picture because it shows how Robert Koch works. “Pas de plus haute résolution disponible.” Fichier:JosephLister.jpg. Available at <> This picture showed what Joseph Lister was believed to have looked like at his time. I used this picture because it showed what scientists believed Joseph Lister looked like. “Relief showing Asklepios, Hygieia (?), and a hero” Pictures of Greek Medicine. Available at <> Internet: accessed 3 February. 2012. This picture shows the ancient god. This was important to my project because it shows a drawing of him in ancient times. “Robert Koch and Richard Pfeiffer in a laboratory, investigating the plague in Bombay, 1897.” Robert Koch (1843-1910). Available at < x> Internet: accessed 23 February. 2012. This was a picture that showed of Robert Koch investigating plague. This picture was useful to my project because it showed Robert Koch investigating one of the things that he studied. “Synopsis.” Louis Pasteur Biography. Available at <> Internet: accessed 11 Feb.2012. This picture showed how Louis Pasteur looked in his time. This was a useful picture because it showed what scientists believed that Louis Pasteur looked like. Secondary Sources “A critical study of Lister's work on antiseptic surgery.” general-anaesthesia. Jun 1976. Web. Available at This website provided me with detailed information about Joseph Lister, Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, for example it was about how Joseph Lister applied Louis Pasteur’s concept and how Koch isolated bacteria. Adler, Robert. “Medical Firsts: From Hippocrates to the Human Genome.” Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2004. This book is mainly about great people in medical history. This book was most useful to me in the Hippocrates section of the book because it provided me with detailed information regarding him. “Department of Library Services, Christian Medical College – Vellore.” Dodd Memorial Library. 07 December, 2011. Available at <> This website helped me get pictures such as the picture of a man in ancient times poking a hole in a person’s head to cure him, and information about my topic. “History of Medicine.” History Learning Site. Available at <> This website helped me in getting pictures and information of the inventions, discoveries and ideas that Joseph Lister, Robert Koch and Hippocrates had. I also used quotes from this website. “History of Modern Surgery.” You Tube. Jun 19, 2010. Web. Available at <>. Makers account name: scientist887. This video was about great people in medical history. This video was vital to my project because it helped to prove part of my thesis where it stated that Pasteur’s writings helped Joseph Lister discover antiseptics for killing germs. “Louis Pasteur and the Germ Theory.” Pasteur Brewing. Wednesday, 30 November 2011. Web. Found at <> I used information from this website in my discovery page. “Louis Pasteur - The Father of Microbiology.” You Tube. Jan 25, 2012. Available at <>. Makers account: JayDsfsu. This video showed Louis Pasteur and what he did. This was important to my project because it shows what Louis Pasteur invented and discovered. “Louis Pasteur.” Pasteur Brewing. Web. Available at <> This website had a quote that stated how Robert Koch used a series of tests to assess the Germ Theory. “Pioneers in infection control - Joseph Lister.” general-anaesthesia. 55 Dec, 2003. Web. Available at <> This website helped me to get a quote on Joseph Lister. The quote was about how he introduced antiseptics. Robert, Curtis “Great lives” New York : Scribner's ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan International, 1993. This book has short biography of Joseph Lister, Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. This book was important to my project because it said how Joseph Lister discovered how to kill germs from an article written by Louis Pasteur, it also was important because it has a short biography of Robert Koch. “Robert Koch - Anthrax, Tuberculosis, and Cholera.” You Tube. Aug 9, 2009. Web. Available at <>. Makers account: jonkymonky. This video was about Robert Koch’s most valuable inventions and discoveries. This video was important to my project because it showed what scientists believe Robert Koch looked like and what his famous inventions look like. Stratus, Eugene. “Medical Marvels: the 100 Greatest Advances in Medicine.” Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, 2006. This book is about the greatest advances in medical history. This book was important to my website because it had information on some of the people I was researching. “Surgical Treatment of Pulmonary and Cardiac Disease.” University of Manitoba. Available at < ltreatment.html> This website provided me with a quote made by Dr. P. Warren about Joseph Lister, Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur, this also gave me a chart showing discoveries and information about them. “The Really Bloody History of Surgery.” You Tube. Mar 12, 2009. Web. Available at <>. Makers account name: worcesterjonny. This video showed how surgery was mainly unsuccessful and how most people who went to a hospital died. This was an important part of my project because I was trying to prove that most people who went to a hospital died before the revolution in The Germ Theory. Tracy, Kathleen. “Robert Koch and the study of anthrax” Hockessin, Del: Mitchell Lane Publishers, 2005. This book is about Robert Koch and how he studied the disease known as anthrax. This book was important to my website because it said how Robert Koch studied anthrax. Woods, Michael “Ancient medicine: from sorcery to surgery.” Minneapolis, MN : Runestone Press, 2000. This book is about medicine in ancient times. This book helped me because it was about how in ancient times people thought that diseases were caused by demons living in a person’s head, also to cure that person you must drill a hole into their head and I used that information in the background page.