'Men Should Weep' - MrsMcDonaldHigherEnglish

Choose a play in which there is a
scene which provides a clear
turning point in the drama.
• ‘Men Should Weep’ by Ena Lamont Stewart is a
gripping and intense family drama which
provides a clear turning point. The play is set in
a typical tenement flat in Glasgow during the
great depression of the 30’s. The family suffer
greatly from poverty which causes family
conflicts due to living so closely together in
cramped and dirty conditions. The major themes
of this play are poverty and family relationships.
Point 1
At the end of Act II Scene II Maggie has a break
down. This is due to her reaction to Ernest
scuffing his football boots and no one helping
her around the house.
“(Shouting at John) Leave me alane! Leave me
alane! I hate ye! I hate the hale lot o ye!”
Use of repetition helps to express how angry Maggie was, the use of
exclamation marks also show this – they also help to express her tone of
Point 2
The first sign of a significant turning point comes
from the stage direction at the beginning of Act
III. It contrasts the previous conditions of the
untidy household.
“The kitchen is clean and tidy and festive:
decorations, vase of paper flowers, etc”
This happier tone is portrayed through the stage directions and the word
choice of festive showing happier times and the better atmosphere in
the household.
Point 3
• Furthermore the families signs of poverty are
disappearing. This is due to John now having a
job they can now afford luxurious goods which
they could never previously afford such as a new
• “Och Ernie! That’s enough o that hootin an
• “this is the first christmas iv’e had a decent job
for ten year; it’s gonna be the best.’’
This conveys how much change has taken place recently within the family
everything has changed for the better. They now have money to afford
goods they couldn’t previously have.
Point 4
• Maggie for her christmas receives a red
hat. John has bought it for her with the
money he has made from his new job.
Granny doesn’t think the hat is practical
and is garish due to its colour.
• “ Fancy you wi a red hat. Yon’s nae a
colour for an aul wife, Maggie.”
Tone- tongue and cheek. Emphasises grannys dislike of the hat.
Point 5
• Jenny, Maggies daughter comes back
home after hearing about Bertie’s plight.
She offers her parents advice on getting a
house and offers them money to do so.
• “Jenny opens her handbag and produces
a roll of notes that makes Maggie's eyes
bulge. She gasps.”
The use of onomatopoeia ‘gasps’. The short sentence of ‘she gasps’ Word
choice of ‘bulge’ : emphasise Maggie’s shock.