Ken Sudo - revised slides Tim Miller 2006

European 21-Day
Settlement Age Workshop
Building a True
Culture of Heart
• The contents of DP from 1950s and 60s
• 1993-5 True Father taught Japanese Blessed
sisters – Eves of Eve Nation
• You and I are like twin brother and sister
conceived in our mother’s womb – no
secrets – I will disclose all to you at the cost
of my life
New Perspective
• Understand God who is married to woman
• God who loves His beloved children
• God who lost His bride and could not
consummate His marriage
• Satan the enemy of love
• God could only forgive – love the enemy
Chapter I
The Four Great Realms of Heart,
The Three Great Kingships
The Realm of the Royal Family
Sec.1 Four Great Realms of Heart
Self-evident truth
Very hard to perceive myself – closest things.
e.g. cannot remember his own face - mirror
cannot feel the sound of his own heart beating
God cannot perceive Himself or feel joy by Himself.
 He needs an object to feel himself and rejoice.
A mirror to reflect Himself and understand His own existence.
God perceives Himself through His children
Human Beings = the substantial object of God
This is the first motivation for creation
God is the blueprint – Harmonized body of SS/HS M/F
Creation began from the idea of Adam and Eve –
cherished in God from the beginning – final point of creation
I. Textbook of Children’s Love
•God visualized his children
•God’s and human vision should
be the same
•All human beings want to
be like God
Adam and Eve
Twins within God’s womb
Inseparable beings
Child’s love
B/S’s love
Conjugal love
Heart and emotion
Developed by parents’ love
beautiful environment
Twin children of God
What you experience
As a child affects
Your whole life
The Four Great Loves
Settlement point of
the Four Great Loves
God’s Home
2. Brother’s/Sister’s Love
3. Conjugal Love
Father’s Love
4. Parent’s Love
Mother’s Love
Wife’s Love
Husband’s Love
Brother’s Love
Son’s Love
1. Children’s Love
Sister’s Love
Daughter’s Love
Development – good example (parents, elders) - vital
Heart and emotion are the most
Important aspect to develop – to
be cherished as a child – feel loved,
valued, safe.
strong curiosity
want to learn
Will develops based on the interaction between
emotion and intellect - by adolescence this should
form as a correct will and intention
II. Textbook of Brother’s and Sister’s Love
• Brother and sister have similar elements (different from the
rest of the creation), but are also unique and different from
each other.
• Not just physically different also in internal nature
• Adam – rough, strong, bold – aggressive, intense action throwing rocks, rushing ahead
• Eve – calmer, more sensitive, appreciates the beauty of
nature – chasing the butterflies, picking the flowers
• As they grow to maturity – Adam begins to feel
increasingly protective towards Eve, Eve begins to miss
Adam. This is the development from sibling love towards
conjugal love – God designed them this way.
Children’s Love (foundation for B/S love)
Brother-Sister Love
includes children’s love
The double realm of love
(inclusiveness of love)
Older Brother
Younger Sister
•Older brother’s love to his younger sister is an extension of his love
for his parents (because he knows his parents’ heart)
• Parents want to see brothers and sisters love each other more than
they love their parents – their greatest hope and joy
•Fighting brothers and sisters break their parents’ heart
•God desires that we love others more than we love God
The Fall resulted in conflict between siblings
because of a lack of parental love (God’s love)
To overcome global disputes and wars we need parents
First Heart = Children’s love towards parents
Second Heart = Brothers’ and sisters’ love
(these loves provide the foundation to enter the next realm
of love – conjugal love)
These two hearts correspond to the perfection of the individual,
the First Blessing, and to the right of elder-sonship.
III. Textbook of Conjugal Love
1. The starting point of Conjugal love
First Love
Internal – cause
One in heart
Heart cause Heart
Seed of life
Goes to man to receive God’s seed
60 billion cells
5 physical senses
5 spiritual senses
With love
60 billion cells
5 physical senses
5 spiritual senses
External – effect
One in body
Heaven = man - 0.001 %
Earth = woman – 99.99 %
True children call out ‘Oma’ when they come home and
True Mother brings them to True Father to bow.
Mother and sons’ cooperation – the woman brings all the children
back to God.
The Triple Realm of Love
Children’s Love
*Conjugal love = based on
the victorious foundation of
love for God/parents/bro-sis.
Brother-Sister Love
Conjugal love = 3rd heart
Sex Education << Character Education
2. The central point of First Love
A man’s sexual love belongs
exclusively to his wife and a
woman’s sexual love belongs
exclusively to her husband.
They are the precious gift of
God, the source of true love,
life and lineage.
50% of God
+ -
+ -
God’s Palace = sacred
The dwelling place of God
The Sexual Under God’s approval and
relationship blessing
Man and woman become one
melted together in love
God comes down to the central
point where man and woman meet
in love for God and each other.
The Settlement Point of the Four
Great Loves.
50% of God
*Sexual relationship hidden
from God = sin
The most holy place – the Holy of Holies
The Tabernacle
The Ark
The Holy of Holies
The Holy Place
Tablets of stone = A & E = Jesus & HS
= Male and Female sexual organ
Only the priest allowed to enter
Only your husband / wife
The holy place can be entered by all
It is like a person’s face –
all can see it.
Through the Fall
Satan entered the Holy of Holies
God was chased out and became homeless
3. The Completion of Human Beings
The completion of God is
achieved when man and
woman become one with
God and each other in love
Holy Man
+ Settlement point of 4GRH
The 4 loves are united as one
One centre
God’s eternal home
Holy Woman
Children’s Love
Brother-Sister 's Love
Conjugal Love
Parental Love
The Settlement Point of the 4 Great Realms of Heart
• The completion of human beings is based on the completion of love
– the four realms of heart
• The primary loves are like the primary colours
All the varieties of love/colour can be made from the primary
• The 4 loves cannot be separated – they have one centre – they are
linked together by one love source, God’s love
• Conjugal love is the primary condition for God’s love to come
down and meet human love – at that place all 4 loves are
consummated and the settlement point of the Four Great Realms
of Heart is formed
The Settlement Point of the 4 Great Realms of Heart
• The place to settle eternal joy on the earth
• The place of true happiness = True Family
• The very place God comes down to achieve
the absolute, unique, unchanging, eternal love
• At this place (settlement point) all 4 loves are
• At this point the relationship to God becomes absolute,
unique, eternal and unchanging
• To make this point the family must be completed /
• So what is family? = the place to fulfill life’s purpose
= the 3 Blessings
= 1st Blessing – Children’s love
- B’s/S’s love
= 2nd Blessing – Conjugal love
- Parents’ love
The Settlement Point of the 4 Great Realms of Heart
• We all desire happiness – how to gain happiness?
• You need a partner – relationship to another
• A single holy man or woman cannot experience this
• Happiness occurs where we make oneness – love is the
force that makes oneness
• The most crucial love is conjugal love
• Conjugal love cannot be shared unlike other loves
• A True Family – one that achieves the 4GRH
• The basic principle of FFWPU
• Family relationships are eternal – continue into spirit world
The Quadruple Realm of Love
The ideal of God
Designed from the beginning
Existed together with God
First substantiated by True Parents
Brother’s and sister’s
Conjugal love
Parents’ love
4. The Purpose of Marriage
(1) To accomplish Mutual Perfection
A husband makes his wife perfect.
A wife makes her husband perfect.
The perfection of 4GRH can be realized
only through the foundation of conjugal
love – we must marry to attain perfection
God’s love
comes down.
Husband and wife should cherish
each other – without you I cannot
perfect the 4GRH and myself
“My spouse is the 2nd messiah.”
“My children are the 3rd messiah.”
(2) To capture God’s love
God is attracted to and cannot separate from the place where
Husband and wife join in love – he cannot help but follow them
The Love Organ – the most valuable organ
Among all the creation God invested most in human beings and
Within our being He invested His utmost effort and sincerity into the
creation of the love organs. They are located in a “hidden” place.
Without them we cannot attain the purpose of life
The love organ of the man is for the sake of one woman – his wife
The love organ of the woman is for the sake of one man – her husband
Before marriage keep your love organ pure and sacred for the sake of
your future spouse
All the things of creation fulfill their purpose by becoming one with
Human beings – want to become part of our body even our love organ
Absolute Sex = eternally one spouse
(3) To perfect God Himself
The growth of God – God grows through experience
God experiences through our experience:
Baby’s love, Child’s love, adolescent’s love
All are aspects of God’s invisible nature.
The woman is the substantial expression
of the feminine nature of God
The man is the substantial expression
of the masculine nature of God
Welcome God into the joy of the sexual relationship
How long did God wait to get married?
•Adam and Eve’s time > God wanted to get married, but the Fall
•Jesus’ time > a true man who died without marriage and children
•True Parent’s time – the first time God could experience conjugal love
•True Parents = filial children – made God truly happy
•True Father is an artist of conjugal love – he taught so much about love
•To establish the husband and wife relationship is the highest
mission of the Blessed Couple.
•To meet God in the spiritual world you need to be husband/wife
•Finally through us God wants to experience loving His grandchild
What is the Age of Settlement?
The Settlement Age
Begin to settle the 4 great realms of heart and include all things
That is the fulfillment of the purpose of creation - the 3 Blessings
And God and human beings’ joy
Which then is completed by expanding to all humanity
True Family
Expand to all humanity
5. The Three Original Palaces
(1) The Original Palace of True love
All 4 loves are combined and completed
at the central point of settlement
through conjugal love
This is True Love
The relationship is unchanging, eternal
This is the ‘starting point’
Not just a feeling – completely one with God
The Perfection of True Love
through completing:
True Love
True Life
True Lineage
True Children’s Love
True Brother-Sister 's Love
True Conjugal Love
True Parental Love
(2) The Original Palace of True Life
•Connected to the origin of life
•Life comes out of love
•If love is true, life is true
•The father’s and mother’s love
are intermingled and their lives
intermingle to create new life
• The baby is the most precious
love palace fruit – it is part of
and the fruit of this secret/private
love relationship
Two loves
and lives
combine to
make new life
If the conjugal relationship is not connected to the origin, God,
it is not true and the life that results is false.
We are the descendants of false, fallen love and life
(3)Original Palace of True Lineage
Blood linage = The linkage between God – parents – children
through the generations
Adam and Eve – conjugal relationship nothing to do with God
fruit / children nothing to do with God
all descendants not belonging to God
True lineage = The continuity of True love and True life
from generation to generation
True Love
Heavenly Tradition
True Life
Should have been established by Adam and Eve
Jesus and wife
ESTABLISHED by True Par.ents!
True Lineage
Establish God’s lineage >> start the Kingdom of Heaven
Without marriage we cannot enter the K of H
IV. Textbook of Parental Love
The 4th Heart – parental love
begins from the labour pains
experienced in child birth – A
like God who gave 100%+ at cost of life – beyond life
Standard of goodness
= to live for the sake of
others - as God has
True Love
True Life
Adam and Eve – 2nd creators
= the same value as God
True Lineage
Children have the same value as A/E
Parental realm of heart (The 4th Heart)
1. The meaning of labour pains during childbirth.
The peak of the pain of childbirth = investing 100% +
At the cost of your life – giving and forgetting and giving again
When a woman gives birth, she will inherit the same labour pain
as God felt at the time of birth of Adam/Eve.
2. The 2nd Creator
Through the birth of our children we become a 2nd creator
One couple Adam and Eve = one origin >> multiplication
The children have the same value as the parents
Adam and Eve are ‘more than God’ because they can bear
many children
3. Experience and embody God’s love
Selfless love : continuously give and forget - Do not keep a record.
We taste the love out of which God created
You become the flesh and blood of God’s love – embodiment
The more children – the more your heart expands – more variety
Section II
The 3 Great Kingships & the Realm of the Royal Family
Fallen Humans – offer all possessions to God – not qualified
Return our ownership to God – total living offering
1. The 3 Great Kingships
1st heart Children’s Love
2nd heart Brother-Sister 's Love
1st blessing
2nd blessing
heart Conjugal Love
4th heart Parental Love
3rd blessing = dominion
On the foundation of completing the 1st and 2nd Blessing, we receive
The 3rd Blessing = Dominion over All Things
God wants to give all He has to such a King and Queen of love
TF wants to restore Kingship because God’s Kingship can only be
established through Adam’s kingship = the goal of creation
The 3 Great Kingships – the kingship of 3 generations
The settlement point
of the 4GRH
The 1st Kingship = God’s/grandparents kingship
The Kingship representing the past
The Kingship of the Invisible Substantial world
The 2nd Kingship = Parents’ kingship
The Kingship representing the present
The Kingship of the Visible Substantial world
The 3rd Kingship = Children’s Kingship
The Kingship representing the future
+ God -
Kingship of the Invis. & Vis. Substantial worlds
Substantial settlement of the
Three Great Kingships
Established through 3 generations
Continues for
2. The Realm of the Royal Family
The central trunk of kingship,
and blood lineage
Settlement point of 4GRH
The central root of kingship,
and blood lineage
The central bud of kingship,
and blood lineage
Continues from generation
to generation for eternity
The lineage expands through time and space and fills the
Physical and Spiritual Worlds >> The Realm of the Royal Family
The Realm of the Royal Family
Collateral line
Collateral line
Direct line
the Royal Family
Registration Blessing
= engraft to True Family
Sec.3 Conscience
1. What is the Conscience?
Conscience = original mind (DP explanation)
pursues absolute goodness, the purpose of
creation (principled, responsible, strives to
achieve results that bring happiness to God)
Conscience = the 2nd God (everyone has their own conscience)
a function of our heart which always pursues
the same direction as God
the small God inside me that belongs to me
(exclusive to me)
remains with me eternally (birth to spirit world)
True Father was looking everywhere in a search for the
right way for human beings.
Then he discovered the conscience, which is inside each person,
and realized that all the answers are there.
He was so happy – ‘Why didn’t I realize before!?’
Your conscience is always at work, talking to you and guiding
you towards goodness.
You should listen to and follow your conscience.
If you have an unrighteous thought your conscience will shout out
against it.
Your conscience is aware of all your thoughts and feelings.
It will never speak to you about evil things.
Reflect – can any one of you declare that you never disobeyed
the voice of your conscience?
If you live a life where you continuously ignore your conscience
it becomes difficult to hear and follow.
2nd God
God is the root of the conscience
The subject being behind the conscience
The subject of absolute goodness
My conscience can only be satisfied 100% when :
I live for the sake of God and others at the risk of my life.
This is the standard of True Love and the life-style
of True Father.
This is the same for all nationalities, races and generations.
2. The 3 Propositions of the Conscience
1. Our conscience is superior to our parents
*Parents can make mistakes, be against goodness.
*Parents cannot watch over me all the time.
*Loving parents cannot control the physical desires
of their children.
2. Our conscience is superior to our teacher
*The teacher cannot be with you at all times, but
the conscience is continuously present to teach and
guide you.
*Conscience is not the product of education – even
if you are not well educated academically your
conscience still works
3. Our conscience is superior to God!
(Remember that our conscience comes from God
Who is the root/subject of our conscience)
a. God created us with his heart that we become greater than God.
He designed us to be greater than Himself – gave us conscience
b. Our conscience is an independent function – we have freedom and
responsibility – God does not directly control us.
c. Our conscience knows our thoughts and feelings first and has the
primary responsibility to lead us to goodness (in the position of God).
God is always try to relate to us through our conscience –
e.g. At the time of
the Fall God asked - ‘Where are you? Why are you hiding?’ –
‘She gave it to me!’
The answer of the evil mind – self-justification.
It is very hard for fallen people to repent and take responsibility.
d. Our conscience needs to be sharpened – listened to. It has been
ignored – wounded - has pain. (TF returns to USA > Danbury)
3. Why is our conscience wounded?
The conscience exists in an immature state even within the mind of a
baby – it grows with us during the growing period.
In God’s Direct Dominion
Our conscience is totally free – filled with joy
Cannot be wounded (Cannot sin or hurt God)
The fall took place at the top of
the growth stage.
Eve’s conscience was desperately
crying out – ‘Do not do it!’
Through the Fall Eve’s conscience
was deeply wounded.
Her conscience was overpowered
by her self-centered physical desire.
Emotion >> reason
(Feeling to respond to temptation)
Every time our evil mind defeats our
conscience it is wounded again.
4. The liberation of our conscience
1. Repentance
We are so sinful that we are unaware of our sin.
We need time to study and pray deeply, away from
our busy daily life.
Realize about our sin and how much our
conscience is stained and wounded.
Check my motivation.
Our conscience is covered by fallen nature – like a
film of dirt that covers it so that it is not able to
It is very hard to correct bad habits
We need to repent – clean up – become a pure
container to hold God.
2. Gain victory in the struggle between our conscience
and our evil mind
The voice (power)
of my conscience
The voice (power)
of my evil mind (flesh mind)
Battle – 3 to 5 years
How to defeat the evil mind
1. Strengthen the conscience
By words of truth – some people’s conscience is paralysed – they
can do evil without pangs of conscience. Most people’s conscience
still works but can be defeated by temptation. Strengthen your
conscience by study of God’s word – know God’s heart and truth,
so that you can overcome temptation and trial.
b. By prayer – see my sin, listen to my conscience – voice of 2nd God.
c. By practice – act upon my realizations – the voice of conscience- live a
life of sacrificial (true) love.
2. Weaken/eradicate the Evil Mind (physical desires)
Satan comes into us through this mind.
Connects to the desire to sleep, eat and to sexual desire,
which should be controlled by our conscience/original mind.
Self-discipline - religious discipline – monks, nuns.
After 3 to 5 years a good habit is established – to follow my conscience.
After 10 years we feel joy through our ability to control our desires.
This is the purpose of religion – but we cannot be saved by
religion alone – religion prepares us to receive salvation through the Blessing.
Cut down the false tree to receive the engrafting from the true olive tree – be a
good object to True Parents.
Our responsibility – to guide humanity to the top of the growth stage
and there to receive the Blessing.
Chapter II
Supplement to the Human Fall
Sec 1. Internal Meaning of the Fall
Changing of the Blood Lineage from God’s side to Satan’s side
To become eldest
Son of God
Original Adam
(God‘s lineage)
Mother of
Spiritual Fall
Original Adam died
Reborn as
Satan‘s son
Satan‘s lineage
Physical Fall
Fallen Adam
Changed lineage
God‘s >>> Satan‘s
Restoration = Reverse Course
Cut relationship with Satan
Regain realtionship to God
as son of His lineage
Reborn through the Blessing
Restoration of Blood Lineage
Central mission of Messiah = Change of Blood lineage =Blessing
Give God’s word=CIG Constitution
*Jesus should have been married. (Not intended to be an atonement)
2. Who is Satan?
Lucifer >>>Fallen Archangel = Archenemy of God
In relation to creation
Masculine Subject
The Living God
God’s Joy and Happiness
True love
True life
True lineage
Enemy of
love, words,
God wanted to create
His own family – 3 Blessings
True Family – central aim
of the providence
Adam’s wife = God’s wife
Mother of their children
Starting point of fallen humanity
Satan‘s family / lineage
God became a lonely batchelor,
Whose bride and family were stolen
By His enemy = pain of broken family
The Reasons Why God could not directly destroy Satan and
his dominion
God originally created the AA and Human Beings as
eternal beings
(Destroy = violate His own creation – become a failure)
God originally created them to be His absolute, eternal
and unchanging object of True Love
(Destroy = God of eternal sorrow)
God must restore His children and creation back to
their original position >>> restoration through
indemnity >>> the providence of restoration
How will Restoration be achieved?
Satan said to God:
I became an evil being. You should know why I became evil.
I became such an evil being because I wanted to have Your love, God!
This is the resentment of Lack of Love
God had to agree with that.
Therefore He loves Satan unconditionally
Satan will only surrender to love
Therefore loving Satan is the only way to solve the problem
Jesus and True Father
Mission of Abel = To love Cain
To what Degree should we love Satan?
Satan said to God:
I am a creation, so there is a possibility that I can go wrong.
But, God, You are absolute and cannot become an evil being.
You cannot change because of the object or the object‘s behaviour.
I became an evil being, but You must love me more
than when I was good, or You are not the absolute God.
The only way to gain Satan‘s surrender is by loving him
Therefore, despite His broken heart, God killed
His own feelings and sacrificed His own son
in order to love Satan and to see His enemy liberated
and happy, such that His enemy
Achieves the happiness that God was denied
The course of restoration to bring natural surrender of
Satan in the history through Abel figures.
Millions of years of suffering – nobody knew God’s agony
The broken hearted God remained in Hell as He tried
again and again to gain the surrender of Satan by finding
an Abel who could practice loving the enemy.
The Abel camp was repeatedly hit, and God heard the
screams, but He took responsibility saying:
I did not love the enemy enough!
True Father‘s motivation – from the start and for always53
until it is done – take responsibility to liberate God
At first True Father thought that God was glorious
But he came to realise that God is so lonely, so misunderstood,
so much in pain, so whipped and crying.
True Father embraced God and said:
I finally understood
He cried several days and months,
trying to embrace and comfort God.
No matter what hell I must face I will liberate God from
His miserable state.
I will crown God and put Him in His original position.
True Father -
I want to become the friend of the broken hearted God
and be His companion
The root of solving human problems is to liberate God
That is human responsibilty - we made the problem.
Out of his love for God many times
True Father had to overcome his human feelings
True Children:
Understanding this heart digested their own pain
They want to liberate True Parents
We should unite with True Children
True Father:
Please God send somebody to this earth every 100 years
Who can love You more than me!
3. The Position of Fallen Adam
2. The beautiful creation is for corporeal Adam!
Eve the last creation = most beautiful!
She is also for Adam – wife > lineage
Even Adam will be ruler over the
Incorporeal world! – Jealousy, lack of love
Fallen Adam
= Satan’s son
= Substantial body of Satan
Sowed Satan‘s seed in Eve
Therefore, all fallen men belong
to Satan’s blood lineage and
are in the position of Archangel –
no right to children or property.
1. Lucifer
Central figure of millions of
Angels & incorporeal world.
Receiving a lot of love from
Then God began to create the
Corporeal world – not for me ?
1. Made Eve his wife
2. Eve seduce Adam
And made him Satan‘s son
3. Created his lineage
Substantial God
God’s wife
Children God’s children
God’s descendants
born from Adam’s
seed/bone marrow
Substantial Satan
Satan’s wife
Satan’s children
True love
Cosmos is filled with
God’s blood lineage
Satan’s love
Under Satan’s Blood lineage
Satan’s children
Blood lineage – the value and importance of the True Family
Under Satan's Dominion
6000 years Satanic
Adam in the realm of
Satan’s dominion
Satan‘s blood lineage
Adam fell at the age of 16.
Human beings have the memory of living
Body with God – want to return to that experience
Adam‘s mind and
body having good
give and take action
Therefore – idealism – utopian movements
The ultmate utopian movement = True Family
We are the main players centering on True Family
Sec 2. The Results of the Fall
(from the perspective of the 4 Great Realms of Heart)
If Adam had not fallen, he would have achieved:
4 GRH + the 3 Blessings the Purpose of Creation=Eternal Happiness
1. Loss of the First Heart (Children’s Love)
Children’s love
The consequences:
a) Lost God – could not know God
Lost parents – touch of God, heart
beat of God
- Deism, atheism, scepticism
b) Loss of self – loss of purpose and
value (ignorance) – suffering
Cruelty > abuse > discrimination >
racism > suicide > addiction
2. Loss of the 2nd Heart (Brother-Sister’s love)
Lost our common parent – no longer brothers/ sisters
Cut from God >> cut from each other,
Can‘t feel the other‘s pain – indifferent
Conscience not operating
Parent GOD
Brother nations
Lost sense of common parent > Lost sense of brotherhood of mankind.
Lonliness, difficulty to relate.
Self-centred – power and wealth just for myself – sex for myself –
dominion centring on myself > conflict/war (power, land, wealth)
3. Loss of the 3rd heart (Conjugal Love)
Children’s heart
B & S’s heart
No limitation – loving more than one not a sin
Parent’s heart(the problem is people do not love enough)
Conjugal love cannot be shared with any one else except my
spouse. If given to others it is a sin!! Our conscience knows this.
Settelment Place of the
Four Great Realms of Heart
God’s place of settlement
Satan settled before God
Invaded sexual love
Holy people ashamed of sex
Misuse of Conjugal Love
Conjugal Love
Sexual Love
a. Fornication & adultery - greatest sin
more than murder, because love is the
root of life.
First rule of K of H (CIG) is keep purity
b. Prostitution – things can be bought and
sold but not God’s children
c. Pornography
Act of prostitution – exposes sexual
organs, corrupts youth.
d. Homosexuality
Purpose of life > resemble God and become one
Evil = against purpose of creation = sin
e. Incest
Father – against God, wife, daughter, self
Quadruple sin
4. Loss of the
heart (Parent’s Love)
*Parental love is unconditional – like God’s love
but people are immature – did not pass through the earlier hearts/ loves
*Immature people >>>> Immature parents
*Unable to love children – meeting my own unmet needs
can’t meet my children’s needs child abuse (physical, emotional and sexual)
Original Cause = Separation from God
The root of all other problems
Cannot solve problems by laws or prisons
Sinful man cannot solve alone
Need sinless man – Jesus, True Parents
Solution > God‘s words (heart), Blessing (love, life, lineage)