Understanding a Family Class Sponsorship Breakdown

Understanding a Family Class
Sponsorship Breakdown
We are not going to talk about
 Family sponsorship applicants either
in Canada or overseas waiting for
their permanent resident to be
 Family reunification of Convention
Refugees or Protected Persons
because they are not considered
family sponsors.
Terms Defined
Terms Defined
Who is a Sponsor?
 established family relationship
 have financial capacity
 signed a Sponsorship Agreement and
Undertaking with CIC (a commitment
to provide for the “basic
Who is a Co-Signer?
Another family member can help
financially by co-signing the
Sponsorship Agreement.
 This person is the co-signer
 has the same responsibilities as
the sponsor.
Who is a Sponsored Family
 Spouse, common law or conjugal partner
(including same-sex partner);
 Dependant child 22 years or younger;
 Dependant child older than 22 years, who
is a full-time student or in some other way
is dependent on you;
 Parents;
who received their permanent resident status
in Canada only because a sponsor signed a
Sponsorship Agreement
What is a Sponsorship
A legal document
 signed by sponsor and co-signer (if
 as a commitment to the Government
of Canada
 to provide basic necessities for the
sponsored family member(s).
What is a Sponsorship
The Sponsorship Agreement is a legal
document signed by:
 the sponsor, the co-signer (if
applicable) and
 the sponsored family member(s).
Sponsorship Agreement (cont’d)
The sponsored family member(s)
 to seek help from the sponsor if they
are unable to provide for their own
basic requirements.
 consents to the release of information
to the sponsor concerning social
What are “Basic
a place to live,
heat, utilities,
household supplies,
personal requirements and
health care not provided by public
health including dental and eye care.
(OHIP takes 3 months to kick in)
What is Ontario Works (OW)?
Delivers income assistance to
residents of Ontario who are in
financial need (welfare)
What is the Ontario
Disability Support Program
Designed to meet the needs
of people with disabilities
who are in financial need.
What is the Overpayment
Recovery Unit (ORU)?
Established to collect outstanding
social assistance debts from
sponsors who have defaulted
on their Sponsorship
What is Sponsorship
A sponsorship breakdown occurs
 when the sponsor or co-signer refuse
(or unable) to provide the basic
 The sponsored family member(s)
starts to collect social assistance
(under Ontario Works or ODSP).
If they do not collect social assistance
then it is not a sponsorship
Sponsorship Default
 While sponsor is repaying the social
assistance payments to the Ontario
 Is not allowed to sponsor other family
members until debt is repaid
 Same criteria applies for H&C
What is the length of a
Depends on relationship:
3 years
Dependent child
(<22 yrs.)
10 yrs. (or until 25
Dependent child over
22 yrs.
3 years
10 years
When does Undertaking begin?
 On the day sponsored family
member(s) receives the permanent
resident document, (if done within
Canada), or
 On the day sponsored family
member(s) enters Canada as a
permanent resident (if done outside
If conditions or circumstances of
the sponsor change?
 The Sponsorship Agreement cannot
be cancelled or modified after
sponsored family member receives
permanent residence.
 Bankruptcy: can’t sponsor another
family member -- sponsorship
default (lifelong ban)
What are consequences of a Sponsorship
Breakdown for the Sponsor?
 debt = amount of welfare given to
sponsored family member
 OW or ODSP will advise CIC
 Can’t sponsor another family
member(s) until debt is repaid
Consequences—Sponsor (cont’d)
 OW or ODSP will refer case to the
Overpayment Recovery Unit (ORU).
 ORU informs sponsor by letter
 Purpose of letter: how will sponsor
provide for the sponsored family
member(s), or when start the collection
of your debt.
Consequences—Sponsor (cont’d)
 ORU will pursue the sponsorship debt:
will refer the case to Canada Revenue
Agency's (CRA) Refund Set-Off Program.
The CRA can garnish (take over) any
Income Tax refunds
 ORU can take other steps e.g. court
Consequences—Sponsor (cont’d)
 Credit record will be affected. E.g.,
application for a loan
Note: If sponsor has been convicted of a
sexual offence or an attempt/threat to
commit a sexual offence, will not be
eligible to sponsor again even if a
sponsorship debt is repaid.
What happens to sponsored family
member in a Sponsorship Breakdown?
Applies to receive social assistance:
 must try to get support from sponsor,
except if breakdown caused by abuse
and/or family violence.
 Will receive the same amount from
OW or ODSP as any other person on
social assistance.
 If receiving partial support the
amount will be reduced.
What the rights of the Sponsor when
there is Sponsorship Breakdown?
 Immigration status is not affected
 All rights and benefits to which
sponsor is entitled are not affected
Rights as a sponsor (cont’d)
Sponsor can sponsor other relatives in
the future:
 if out of the sponsorship period,
 Have repaid outstanding debts and
 have not received social assistance
for at least 12 months
Can one withdraw their
sponsorship obligations?
If CIC has already issued a visa, or a
family member(s) has already
become a permanent resident, the
sponsor cannot withdraw the
What can the sponsor do to resolve a
sponsorship breakdown?
 Make an offer of assistance so they
will stop receiving welfare. This is
not possible if abuse and/or family
violence has caused the breakdown.
 contact OW or ODSP to discuss the
options and to remain informed.
To resolve a breakdown (cont’d)
 Resume support or make
arrangements to repay the debt.
 partial support (debt will continue
to accumulate)
To resolve a breakdown (cont’d)
 If asked to pay back social assistance,
sponsor may want to contact a
community legal clinic for advice and
What can stop or postpone the collection of
the sponsorship debt by the ORU?
 The sponsor is deceased
 The sponsor is incapacitated and
unable to pay. E.g. in hospital
 The sponsor has undergone
 Third-party verification of domestic
violence or abuse by the sponsor
against the sponsored person or vice
What stops collection (cont’)
 The sponsor is receiving social
 The sponsor’s net family income is
below the Low Income Cut Off amount
 The sponsor and co-signer (if
applicable) are in receipt of
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).
What stops collection (cont’)
 The sponsor and co-signer (if
applicable) have documented
extraordinary circumstances. For
example, the sponsor has a serious
health condition along with high,
ongoing drug costs.
What stops collection (cont’)
 Collection may be deferred up to 12
 But sponsorship debt continues to
accrue until the end of the
sponsorship period.
What happens after debt is
 The ORU will notify OW or ODSP that
the debt has been repaid in full
 The OW or ODSP office will send
Confirmation of Repayment of Social
Assistance Benefits to CIC to confirm
the debt has been repaid in full
 The ORU will send confirmation that
the debt has been paid in full and
that the file has been closed.
Immigrant Serving Organizations
211 Information & Referral Service
Community Legal Clinics
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario
Disability Support Program (ODSP)
 Overpayment Recovery Unit (ORU)
Implications of a Sponsorship
Breakdown for a Sponsored Family
Member (Sponsoree)
If breakdown caused by lack of support
from sponsor:
 have the right to apply for welfare
 try everything possible not to collect
welfare including support from your
sponsor (except in the case of abuse
and/or family violence).
Implications for Sponsoree
 If eligible, will receive welfare
 same amount of benefits as any other
 If receive partial support from
sponsor, or if employed, could get
less from OW or ODSP
Implications for Sponsoree (cont’d)
Can be found ineligible if:
 unwilling to provide information about
 have not made reasonable efforts to
pursue support from sponsor.
Note: sponsor does not have the right
to keep children or property. If there
is a dispute, this will be resolved
according to Family Law.
What happens with Permanent
Resident Status if sponsorship breaks
Will not lose their permanent resident
status if sponsorship breaks down
even if they need to apply for social
What are the rights of Sponsored family
Status not affected
All rights and benefits are not affected
Right to apply for OW or ODSP.
Right to leave sponsor who is hurting,
scaring or abusing them (even if
 to sponsor relatives in the future if:
sponsorship period is finished and not
on welfare for at least 12 months
Rights of the sponsoree (cont’d)
 The sponsor or co-signer cannot
make them leave Canada.
What are responsibilities of a
sponsored person in Canada?
 To sign a “sponsorship agreement”
with the sponsor.
 To try and support themselves before
seeking government support.
Exemptions from Pursuing
Sponsorship Support
Do not have to pursue financial support
from sponsor where:
 the sponsorship agreement is no
longer in effect;
 the sponsor is in receipt of Ontario
Works, ODSP, Guaranteed Income
Supplement under the Old Age
Security Act or Gains-A;
Exemptions (cont’d)
 the sponsor is deceased; or,
 the sponsorship has broken down due
to family violence verified by a third
party and sponsoree has moved out
of the sponsor’s home.
Implications of a Breakdown due to
Abuse or Family Violence
Abuse can be physical, emotional,
verbal, sexual, psychological, and
economic. It includes assault and
battery, constant threats, stalking,
and psychological violence.
All types of abuse have one thing in
common — they create fear.
Abuse/family violence (cont’d)
 May be forced to apply for social
assistance (doesn’t have to ask sponsor
for assistance)
 Report any alleged incident of abuse
and/or family violence in your
application for OW or ODSP
 Will have 3 months to establish the
Abuse/family violence (cont’d)
Can be confirmed by a letter from any of
the following:
Law Enforcement
Medical Doctor
Social Worker
Social Service Worker
Shelter Worker
Member of the Clergy
Guidance Counselor
Victim Service Worker
Settlement Services
Community Health
Care Worker
Abuse/family violence (cont’d)
 Additional time may be provided as
 If confirmed, referral of the case to
debt collection is deferred for up to
12 months.
 CIC will register the default but no
letters will be sent to sponsor by
either CIC or Social Services.
Abuse/family violence (cont’d)
 If abuse and/or family violence has
been resolved, the case can be
referred for debt collection.
Abuse/family violence (cont’d)
For a minor under 16:
 Children’s Aid Society will make a risk
 Abandonment of a child could be
considered abuse in itself and
abandoning sponsor could be
Abuse/family violence (cont’d)
 If sponsor has been convicted of a
sexual offence or an attempt, threat
to commit a sexual offence, she or he
is not eligible to sponsor again even if
the sponsorship debt is paid off.
Abuse/family violence (cont’d)
 No rights during sponsorship period.
 Must live with abusive sponsor/spouse
 Can be deported, even if they are
permanent residents
What if sponsor has the
 Can apply to CIC for a certified copy
 Community worker can request the
police to go to sponsor’s house with
sponsoree for safety.
What can sponsoree do when
there is abuse or family violence?
Abuse and family violence are not acceptable in Canada and are considered a
 Seek legal advice.
 In an emergency call 911.
 Obtain crisis counselling, emotional
support, and referrals to shelters for
women: Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Immigrant Serving Organizations
211 Information & Referral Service
Community Legal Clinics
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario
Disability Support Program (ODSP)
 Overpayment Recovery Unit (ORU)