Review paper - Peters E

Peter Dang
Carolyn Holloway
Scaling Weight Watchers
There is no doubt that America’s diet is driven by fast food industries such as Kentucky
Fried Chicken and the even better known McDonald’s. It seems as if you pick a point of
destination and drive a mile in either direction, you cannot help but come across a
McDonald’s or another fast food restaurant. Because of this, any person can fathom why
America contains the most obese occupants within any nation in the world.
But who could really blame Americans? Most of us live in a fast-paced
environment while fast food restaurants fight to claim every street corner. The United
States contains more fast food restaurants than any other nation, about 25,000 chains in
total. Americans spend roughly $140 billion on fast food a year. Incidentally, obesity is
also a rising concern in America. Obesity has been defined by WebMD as having a
weight at least 20% above the weight corresponding to the lowest death rate for
individuals of a specific height, gender, and age (ideal weight). One of the known
reasons that cause obesity is the excess gain of fat in ones diet. Not maintaining a healthy
and well-balanced diet, such as by eating too much fast food, can easily make a person
become overweight.
Luckily, there are programs such as Weight Watchers that can help with
maintaining a healthy diet. Weight Watchers is a program that welcomes people of all
weights and sizes, and educates them about their dietary consumption. Weight Watchers
has over 45 years of experience in the industry and they also have celebrities vouching
that their program works. Celebrities include: Jenny McCarthy, who became a Weight
Watchers spokeswoman in 2006 after she used the program to lose 60 lbs. of post-baby
weight; Tina Fey from Saturday Night Live, who says her career took off after she used
Weight Watchers to drop 30 lbs.; Charles Barkley, Jessica Simpson, and Jennifer Hudson
all are spokespersons for Weight Watchers. Hudson told People StyleWatch, "I didn't
expect to go as far as I did! I go into the store and they try to put me in 4s and 6s and I'm
like, 'Who are you trying to talk to?'" says the former size 16 singer. "My mind hasn't
caught up yet.”
Weight Watchers works on a pointsplus base program. This program takes the
complex science of how we process different foods, and whittles it down into an easy-tofollow plan, based on simple numbers. Their proven plan guides you towards nutritious
eating choices, and also helps you lose and maintain a healthy weight. The program
adapts to your lifestyle and particular needs, so you can reach success through a more
personalized weight-loss experience.
They claim that they are not a diet because a potential client still eats the same
food that they would prepare for their family. But instead, they would be limited to a total
number they can consume on a daily basis. Choosing foods that are rich in the most
satisfying nutrients but not loaded with calories is the primary goal to give dieters the
weight-loss edge. "Power Foods", as they call it, are the healthiest, most filling foods.
They include foods such as whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy, and unlimited
quantities of fresh fruit and non-starchy vegetables. A list is included with their program
that categorizes certain foods into a number range.
Besides a scientific number system, Weight Watchers provides many more
services with their membership. With a subscription, you receive a Weight Watchers
calculator, a support group and leadership, a subscription to their application for your
mobile device for easier monitoring, and lastly, daily food and exercise recipes.
An online blog team that runs a site called tests out
exercise and dietary programs that are currently out on the market, such as P90x, Jenny
Craig, and NutriSystem. A native French speaker and writer, Armelle Rapin joined the
program and kept a record of her experience. She had a breakdown of everything one
needs to know about the program. She lost a total of 60 lbs., one of many success stories
about the program. “I loved the program as it gave me the kick I needed to change my
lifestyle and habits, while not feeling like I was actually dieting. It also got me into
exercise, and I never stopped since then. The points program was easy to follow.”
A scientific dietary monitoring system with proven results has this reader
convinced that this program works. According to U.S News-Health, 1 out of 5 health
doctors recommend Weight Watchers (Comarow, Avery). Also, with so many celebrities
vouching for and becoming spokespersons for this company, I would encourage anybody
that wants to achieve their ideal body type to give this program a try.
Comarow, Avery. "Best Diets Methodology: How We Rated 25 Eating Plans." US News.
U.S.News & World Report, 03 Jan. 2012. Web. 19 July 2012.
Review, Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LDWebMD Expert. "Weight Watchers Diet
Plan Review." WebMD. WebMD, 18 Oct. 0000. Web. 19 July 2012.
Rapin, Armelle. "Re: Armelle’s Weight Watchers Testimonial." Web log comment.
Weightlosttriumph. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 July 2012.