Multi-Modal Radioactive Shipping 1 Radioactive Material Production, Transportation, and Use The creation, shipping, and use of radioactive material is highly regulated (IAEA, NRC, DOT, etc.). High activity sources can only be produced by sophisticated methods (e.g. reactors & accelerators). High activity sources can only be obtained after special licensing to ensure their safe use and their security. Similar regulations exist in other countries were radioactive material is produced or used. 2 Shielding Requirements Limit Portability For sources: the higher the activity, the more shielding you require to transport the source. Density sources: • typically 1.5 Ci to 2 Ci. • 120 Lbs Neutron sources: •4 to 19 Ci • 130 to 200 Lbs Large Densometer: • 55 mCi • 68 to 275 Lbs 3 Portable Radiography Sources “Top strength” industrial radiography sources can burn fingers and cause radiation sickness within a few minutes. Effects drop off dramatically with distance. Outside of 3 meters, acute effects rare even after hours of exposure. Sources are constructed to meet rigorous testing standards. A typical source is encapsulated in two (2) TIG welded Stainless Steel Capsules. Source material itself is often metal (Cobalt or Iridium) or embedded on non-soluble ceramics or “microspheres” to prevent inhalation of radioactive material if the source encapsulation is breached. 4 High Activity Source Transportation Containers that ship high activity sources are meant to withstand very punishing accident conditions. 5 Conclusion: Radioactive Material Production, Transportation, and Use High activity radioactive material is highly regulated. Industrial sources are very robust and made not to leak. When dangerous quantities are shipped, the material is put in a container capable of withstanding harsh accident conditions. Very high activity industrial/medical sources are facility based and difficult to remove. 6 How Might High Activity Radioactive Material be Misused? Expose people to an external source of radiation. Disperse radioactive material using conventional means. Explosively Disperse radioactive material [a “Dirty Bomb”]. Create a Nuclear Weapon (this requires special nuclear material) 7 Potential consequences of dispersal of radioactive material into... Facility ventilation systems Inhalation (internal) dose hazard Interruption of ‘normal life’ Expensive cleanup costs The general environment (“dirty bombs”, crop dusters, fire, sprayer, etc..) • Low likelihood of acute radiological effects • May require population shelter or evacuation • May be difficult to clean outdoor areas Water supplies High dilution Individually significant doses would not likely result. 8 WHAT IS A ‘DIRTY BOMB’? A “Dirty Bomb” is conventional explosives combined with radioactive material with the intention of spreading the radioactive material over a relatively large area. This is NOT a nuclear explosion, the radioactive material does not enhance the explosion. Very few deaths would be expected from acute radiological exposure (the greatest hazard would likely be from the effects of the conventional explosives). The contamination will hamper emergency response efforts and can delay hospital treatment. Widespread contamination can deny the use of facilities and areas and have a significant psychological impact on the exposed population. 9 External Exposures Focused radiation or localized contamination can result in radiation effect to specific areas on the body Whole body exposure can result from: A passing radioactive cloud or smoke A large, distant point source Exposure from contamination deposited on the ground 10 Internal Exposures Once radioactive material is deposited in the body, it can expose the person from within. The magnitude of the dose will depend on many factors: How much material was deposited, how it got into the body (ingestion, inhalation, absorption, or injection), chemical form of the radioactive material, the radiation it produces, how quickly it decays, and how quickly the body eliminates the material. 11 The Human Factor Concerns about radiation and contamination often produce an exaggerated emotional response. Can’t detect it with our 5 senses Associated with cancer Reminiscent of “cold war” fears Science difficult to understand Out of our control Possible results may be… Unexposed people saturating the medical community Health and economic effects from long term anxiety or depression in the community 12 Conclusion: Misuse of Radioactive Material High activity sources can cause health effects, but only to those in close proximity. Acute health effects from distributed radioactive material unlikely without prolonged, highconcentration exposure. Radiation or contamination will hinder response efforts. Denial of facilities and areas will have a major cost effect Public anxiety and its effects may be the primary lasting health effect. 13 Radioactive Material Dangerous Goods Transportation Training Objectives: Properly classify a package containing radioactive material Properly label and mark a radioactive materials package for shipment Properly prepare shipping documentation Demonstrate your ability to complete a radioactive materials shipment 14 Definitions A1 and A2 values Cargo Aircraft Competent Authority Consignee Excepted Package Radioactive Material Special Form 15 Radioactive Material Radionuclide Activity Concentration for Exempt Material Bq/gm Activity Limit for an Exempt Consignment Bq/gm Am-241 1 X 100 1 X 104 Co-57 1 X 102 1 X 106 Co-60 1 X 101 1 X 105 Cs-137 1 X 101 1 X 104 Gd-153 1 X 102 1 X 107 I-131 1 X 102 1 X 106 Ir-192 1 X 101 1 X 104 K-40 1 X 102 1 X 106 Ra-226 1 X 101 1 X 104 T(Tritium) H-3 1 X 106 1 X 109 Th-natural 1 X 100 1 X 103 U-Natural 1 X 100 1 X 103 16 Package Activity Limits Excepted Packages 1. 2. 3. Materials (Limited Quantity) Instruments and Articles - Item Limits Instruments and Articles - Package Limits Instrument and manufactured articles – clock, electronic tube, or apparatus having radioactive material as a component part 17 Activity Limits for Excepted Packages Nature of contents Instruments and Articles Item Limits Package Limits Materials Package Limits (RAM-Limited Quantity) Solids Special Form 10-2A1 A1 10-3A1 Other Forms 10-2A2 A2 10-3A2 10-3A2 10-1 A2 10-4A2 Tritium H-3 2 X 10-2A2 2 X10-1 A2 2 X 10-2A2 Special Form 10-3A1 10-2 A1 10-3A1 Other Forms 10-3A2 10-2 A2 10-3A2 Liquids Gases 18 Radionuclide A1 Values A2 Values RQ Values Am-241 2 TBq (50 Ci) 0.0002 TBq (0.005 Ci) 0.00037 TBq (0.01Ci) Co-57 8 TBq (200 Ci) 8 TBq (200 Ci) 3.7 TBq (100 Ci) Co-60 0.4 TBq (10 Ci) 0.4 TBq (10 Ci) 0.37 TBq (10 Ci) Cs-137 2 TBq (50 Ci) 0.5 TBq (10 Ci) 0.037 TBq (1 Ci) Gd-153 10 TBq (200 Ci) 5 TBq (100 Ci) 0.37 TBq (10 Ci) I-131 3 TBq (80 Ci) 0.5 TBq (10 Ci) 0.00037 TBq (0.01 Ci) Ir-192 1 TBq (20 Ci) 0.5 TBq (10 Ci) 0.37 TBq (10 Ci) K-40 0.6 TBq (10 Ci) 0.6 TBq (10 Ci) 0.037 TBq (1 Ci) Ra-226 0.3 TBq (8 Ci) 0.02 TBq (0.5 Ci) 0.0037 TBq (0.1 Ci) T(Tritium) H-3 40 TBq (1000 Ci) 40 TBq (1000 Ci) 3.7 TBq (100 Ci) Th-natural unlimited unlimited 0.0004 TBq (0.011 Ci) U – Natural unlimited unlimited 0.0019 TBq (0.052 Ci) RQ is the reportable quantity. US requirement. 19 Requirements for Packages General Requirements Easily and safely handled and transported Strong lifting attachments Free from protruding features Surface will not retain water Withstand effects of acceleration and vibration Physically and chemically compatible components Temperature range from -40o C to + 55oC 20 Type A Package Meet General Package requirements Smallest outside dimension >100 mm Capability of installing a tamper proof seal Forces on tie-down attachment must not damage package during transport Temperature range -40oC to + 70oC No loss or dispersal of material or a 20% increase in radiation level after water spray, free drop, stacking, and penetration tests. 21 Empty Packages Previously contained radioactive material Well maintained and securely closed No loose contamination Any labels which may have been displayed are no longer visible 22 Category Maximum radiation level at any Transport Index point on External surface I-WHITE Not more than 0.005mSv/hr (0.5 mrem/hr) 0 (< 0.05) II-YELLOW More than 0.005 mSv/hr (0.5mrem/hr) but Not more than 0.5 mSv/hr(50 mrem/hr) 0 to < 1 III-YELLOW More than 0.5 mSv/hr(50 mrem/hr) but Not more than 2 mSv/hr(200 mrem/hr) 1 to < 10 III-YELLOW and also Under exclusive use More than 2 mSv/hr(200 mrem/hr) but not more than 10 mSv/hr(1,000 mrem/hr) More than 10 23 Shipping Labels Transport Index < 0.05 Surface < 0.5 mr/hr 24 Shipping Labels Transport Index <1.0 Surface <50 mr/hr 25 Shipping Labels Transport Index <10 Surface <200 mr/hr 26 TRANSPORT INDEX TRANSPORT INDEX LUDLUM MODEL 2 SURVEY METER Scale Reads from: 0 to 5 0 ONE METER 3.3 FEET Switch Position Are: • OFF • BAT • X 10 •X 1 • X 0.1 1 2 mR/h ON F O F F OFF S A U D 3 4 5 BAT X 10 X1 HV X 0.1 39 INCHES LUDLUM MEASUREMENTS, INC. SWEETWATER,TEXAS MODEL 2 SURVEY METER TRANSPORT INDEX: The radiation level in mr/hr at one meter from the package surface (gamma and neutron). 27 Maximum Transport Index For Total Number of Packages On One Vehicle Cs137 1.5 Ci. THE SUM OF THE TRANSPORTATION INDEXES CANNOT EXCEED 50 FOR A SINGLE SHIPMENT Am241Be 18.5 Ci and .5 Ci. 28 Overpack An enclosure that is used by a single consignor to provide protection or convenience in handling of a package or to consolidate two or more packages. Packages of radioactive material may be combined in an overpack for transport. Only the shipper is permitted to take a direct measurement of the radiation level to determine the TI. 29 Special Form Indispersible solid or sealed capsule which meets the following: Capsule can only be opened by destroying it Have one dimension not less than 5 mm Design received unilateral approval Demonstration of compliance with the standards can be done by performance, reference to previous tests, or calculations 30 Special Form Subjected to impact test, percussion test, leaching test, volumetric leakage test, bending test, and heat test Would not break or shatter under the impact, percussion or bending tests Would not melt or disperse in the heat test Would not leak 31 Package Markings Readily visible and legible “Type A” must be stamped or printed as required Proper shipping name UN Number Excepted packages only require UN Number Shipper and Consignee with addresses Gross mass if exceeding 50 kg 32 Marking of Overpacks Proper shipping name UN number All labels except for the “Type A” package label that are required on the inner package must be reproduced on the outside of the overpack 33 Package Markings Markings required by other international regulations are permitted In addition to the languages of the State of Origin, English should be used. Reportable Quantity (RQ) marked on package for shipments entering or leaving the US 34 Additional Package Markings IMDG Requires a shippers mark be placed on the package or overpack – initials of the company (ex: HES) at least 2 inches in height Tracking number (ex: the RMA number) or other locally generated serial number City of destination Number of packages (ex: 1 of 1, 1 of 2) 35 36 37 38 39 40 Package Labeling Identification of primary hazard Able to withstand open weather exposure Two labels which conform to the appropriate category on two opposite sides of the package or on the outside of all four sides of the freight container Labels must not be folded Labels must not overlap 41 Package Labeling Cargo Aircraft Only label for goods transported into or out of US Category Labels must have Contents – symbol of radionuclide – mixtures as space permits Activity in Bq can have Ci in parentheses Transport Index for category II and III 42 Placarding Four placards front, back and both sides Required for Category III in US May be required for all Category labels outside US – check local rules Enlarged category labels may be used in place of placards 43 44 Shippers Declaration for Dangerous Goods - SDDG Two copies completed and signed Proper shipping name Class - Radioactive Material class 7 UN number Number of Packages Subsidiary risk Indication of Passenger or Cargo-Only Indication of Radioactive or Non-Radioactive Special handling information Indication if an overpack has been used Full name and address of shipper and consignee Airport or City of departure and destination 45 SDDG The words Radioactive Material if not contained in the shipping name Name or symbol of Radionuclide(s) Activity in Bq, may have Ci in parentheses Description of physical and chemical or a notation that it is Special Form Competent Authority Certificate mark Category Label I, II, or III For II and III Transport Index and package dimensions Emergency contact information SIGNATURE certifying shipment 46 Air Waybill Must contain a statement to indicate that dangerous goods are described on accompanying DGD When applicable, indicate Cargo Aircraft Only or CAO For Excepted Packages – in the Nature and Quantity of Goods box list proper shipping name with UN number 47 Additional Documentation Competent Authority Certificates Sealed Source Certificates Current Leak Test Certificates Emergency Response Guide Locally required transportation documents 48 Proper Shipping Names Radioactive Material, Excepted Package, Limited Quantity of Material, UN2910 ‘Radioactive Material, Excepted Package, Instruments’ or ‘Radioactive Material, Excepted Package, Articles’, both UN2911 Radioactive Material, Excepted Package, Articles Manufactured From ‘Natural Uranium’, ‘Depleted Uranium’, or ‘Natural Thorium’ all UN2909 Radioactive Material, Excepted Package, Empty Packaging, UN2908 49 Proper Shipping Names Radioactive Material, Type A Package, Non-Special Form, Non Fissile, UN2915 Radioactive Material, Type A Package, Special Form, Non Fissile, UN3332 “RQ” indicated on the declaration when required RQ, Radioactive Material, Type A Package, Special Form, Non Fissile, UN3332 50 Unit Conversions for your reference IATA/ICAO Radioactive Checklist Latest revision contained in back of IATA manual Contained on Radiation Safety Transportation web page Recommend completing for each shipment since the air carrier will be using one also to check you. 51 52 Example 1 Isotope Co-57, Special Form Competent Authority Cert USA/0356/S 111 MBq, 3 mCi 1.3 kg, 3 lb Package box, Type A, 10X8X4 inches Surface dose rate = 0.4 mR/hr Dose rate at 1 meter = 40 uR/hr Shipped from US to Aberdeen Source Serial Number 740-DD 53 SHIPPER'S DECLARATION FOR DANGEROUS GOODS (Provide at least tw o copies to the airline.) Air Waybill No. Shipper Halliburton Energy Services Page 1 of Pages (Enter Address of Shipper) Shipper's Reference Number (optional) Consignee HA LLIB URTON ENERGY SERVICES A TTN: Juan Valencia, Tele: 281-871-7723 14804 M o rales Ro ad, Gate 3, Delivery P o int 108 c/o Diversified Freight Lo gistics, Inc. Ho usto n, TX 77032 A ttn: Ro bert Rico , (281) 821-2929 Two completed and signed copies of this Declaration must WARNING be handed to the operator Failure to comply in all respects with the applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations may be in breach of the applicable law, subject to legal penalties. This Declaration must not, in any circumstances, be completed and/or signed by a consolidator, a forwarder or an IATA cargo agent. TRANSPORT DETAILS This shipment is within the limitatio ns prescribed fo r: (delete no n applicable) Airport of Departure: (Enter Airport Name) PASSENGER CARGO AND CARGO AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT ONLY Shipment type: Airport of Destination: Houston (delete no-applicable) NON-RADIOACTIVE RADIOACTIVE NATURE AND QUANTITY OF DANGEROUS GOODS Dangerous Goods Identification P ro per Shipping Name Class o r UN o r P acking SubsiDivisio n ID No . Gro up Quantity and Type o f packing P acking diary A utho rizatio n Inst. Risk Radioactive Material,Type A Package, Special Form, Non Fissile or Fissile Excepted Additional Handling Information ICAO/IATA Provisions used 7 UN 3332 --- --- Source Serial Number(s): Co-57, 111 MBq (3 mCi),one Type A Package I White USA/0356/S 740-DD Security Seal 33456 24 hr. Emergency Contact Tel. No.: 713-616-3000 (International); 800-666-9260 (US) I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name and are classified, packaged, marked and labelled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to the applicable international and national governmental regulations. Name/Title of Signatory Place and Date Signature (see warning above) 54 Co-57 111 MBq (3 mCi) 55 To: HES Aberdeen From: HES USA 2 of each label on opposite sides 56 Example 2 Isotope Cs-137, Special Form, USA/0508/S 12 mCi, 444 MBq Source DB-032, Densometer V3C-120 Type A Package placed in an Overpack Overpack 30X30X90 cm Weight 68 lbs, 30.8 kg Radiation levels on contact = 18 mR/hr at 1 meter = 0.5 mR/hr Ship from USA to France 57 SHIPPER'S DECLARATION FOR DANGEROUS GOODS (Provide at least tw o copies to the airline.) Air Waybill No. Shipper Halliburton Energy Services Page 1 of Pages (Enter Address of Shipper) Shipper's Reference Number (optional) Consignee HA LLIB URTON ENERGY SERVICES A TTN: Juan Valencia, Tele: 281-871-7723 14804 M o rales Ro ad, Gate 3, Delivery P o int 108 c/o Diversified Freight Lo gistics, Inc. Ho usto n, TX 77032 A ttn: Ro bert Rico , (281) 821-2929 Two completed and signed copies of this Declaration must WARNING be handed to the operator Failure to comply in all respects with the applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations may be in breach of the applicable law, subject to legal penalties. This Declaration must not, in any circumstances, be completed and/or signed by a consolidator, a forwarder or an IATA cargo agent. TRANSPORT DETAILS This shipment is within the limitatio ns prescribed fo r: (delete no n applicable) Airport of Departure: (Enter Airport Name) PASSENGER CARGO AND CARGO AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT ONLY Shipment type: Airport of Destination: Houston (delete no-applicable) NON-RADIOACTIVE RADIOACTIVE NATURE AND QUANTITY OF DANGEROUS GOODS Dangerous Goods Identification P ro per Shipping Name Class o r UN o r P acking SubsiDivisio n ID No . Gro up Quantity and Type o f packing P acking diary A utho rizatio n Inst. Risk Radioactive Material,Type A Package, Special Form, Non Fissile 7 UN 3332 --- --- Cs-137, 444 MBq (12 mCi),one Type A Package USA/0508/S II Yellow TI=0.5 DIM 30X30 X90 cm Overpack Used Additional Handling Information ICAO/IATA Provisions used Source Serial Number(s): DB-032, Densometer V3C-120 Security Seal 33456 24 hr. Emergency Contact Tel. No.: 713-616-3000 (International); 800-666-9260 (US) I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name and are classified, packaged, marked and labelled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to the applicable international and national governmental regulations. Name/Title of Signatory Place and Date Signature (see warning above) 58 Cs-137 444 M 12 m 0.5 59 Radioactive Material, Type A Package, Special Form, Non Fissile, UN 3332 To: France From: Duncan USA 2 of each label on opposite sides Inner Packages Comply With Prescribed Specifications Emergency Contact Information 60 Example 3 Isotope Am241Be, 684.5 GBq, 18.5 Ci Special Form, GB/223/S-85 Type A Package, 120X120X120 cm 91kg, 200 lbs Radiation levels on contact = 60 mR/hr neutron and 27 mR/hr gamma. At 1 meter = 7 mR/hr neutron and 1 mR/hr gamma Shipping from Nigeria to Mexico Source Serial Number SW-2240 61 SHIPPER'S DECLARATION FOR DANGEROUS GOODS (Provide at least tw o copies to the airline.) Air Waybill No. Shipper Halliburton Energy Services Page 1 of Pages (Enter Address of Shipper) Shipper's Reference Number (optional) Consignee HA LLIB URTON ENERGY SERVICES A TTN: Juan Valencia, Tele: 281-871-7723 14804 M o rales Ro ad, Gate 3, Delivery P o int 108 c/o Diversified Freight Lo gistics, Inc. Ho usto n, TX 77032 A ttn: Ro bert Rico , (281) 821-2929 Two completed and signed copies of this Declaration must WARNING be handed to the operator Failure to comply in all respects with the applicable Dangerous Goods Regulations may be in breach of the applicable law, subject to legal penalties. This Declaration must not, in any circumstances, be completed and/or signed by a consolidator, a forwarder or an IATA cargo agent. TRANSPORT DETAILS This shipment is within the limitatio ns prescribed fo r: (delete no n applicable) Airport of Departure: (Enter Airport Name) PASSENGER CARGO AND CARGO AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT ONLY Shipment type: Airport of Destination: Houston (delete no-applicable) NON-RADIOACTIVE RADIOACTIVE NATURE AND QUANTITY OF DANGEROUS GOODS Dangerous Goods Identification P ro per Shipping Name Class o r UN o r P acking SubsiDivisio n ID No . Gro up Quantity and Type o f packing P acking diary A utho rizatio n Inst. Risk Radioactive Material,Type A Package, Special Form, Non Fissile or Fissile Excepted Additional Handling Information ICAO/IATA Provisions used 7 UN 3332 --- --- Source Serial Number(s): Am241Be, 684.5 GBq (18.5 Ci),one Type A Package GB/223/S-85 III Yellow TI=8 DIM 120X120 X120 cm SW-2240 Security Seal 33456 24 hr. Emergency Contact Tel. No.: 713-616-3000 (International); 800-666-9260 (US) I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name and are classified, packaged, marked and labelled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to the applicable international and national governmental regulations. Name/Title of Signatory Place and Date Signature (see warning above) 62 Am241Be 684.5 GBq (18.5 Ci) 8 63 To: Mexico From: Nigeria Weight: 91 kg (200 lb) 2 of each label on opposite sides 64 Shipper: TRANSPORT DOCUMENT Consinee: Carrier: Halliburton Energy Services Highway 7 East, Duncan, OK 73533 USA C/O Diversified Freight Logistics 612 E. Dallas Rd, Grapevine, TX 76051 Tele 817-481-8521 Destination Duncan, OK Departure: Ref.: Added Documents: EMERGENCY RESPONSE INFORMATION Competent Authority Certificate USA/0366/S No. and Type of Packages 1 Description: Gross: Radioactive Material, type A package,Special Form, non-fissile, - Class 7 UN3332 - Schedule 9 - Cs-137, - 4214.3 MBqII - Yellow - TI = 0.5 USA DOT 7A, Type A Package EmS No. 7-01 Overpack Used - ???? kg grwt wood box ????? kg Declaration and additional Information: 24 hr Emergency Contact Tel. No.:713-676-3000 USA No special stowage provisions are necessary Densometers: 73346, PFD136, V32-0290, W25-564, W25-617, W25-632, W25-651, W28-00246, W28-00338, W28-00372, and W28-0143 DECLARATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name(s), and are classified, packaged, marked and labelled/ placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable international and national governmental regulations. Signature on behalf of shipper Place: Date: 13 February 2003 65 Exercises then Knowledge Inventory Review TEST 66