Parent/ Athlete Handbook

Parent/Athlete Handbook
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 2015-2016 wrestling season. We are very excited to have your child in wrestling this year. There
are many reasons that the sport of wrestling is a great sport for your child.
Wrestling provides:
A constructive outlet for teenage energies and uncertainness
An opportunity, regardless of size, to be successful
An opportunity regardless of ability to compete with wrestlers of similar ability
The development of self-discipline through training rules and vigorous conditioning and competition
Development of physical strength and tone, increases cardiorespiratory fitness, and power which can help
in overcoming awkwardness and also increase success in other sports
● Encourages the development of positive personality characteristics and maturity from the nature of the
sport of wrestling. These characteristics include courage, determination and initiative, positive use of
aggression, self-confidence, and self-reliance.
There is truly no sport that is comparable to the sport of wrestling for high school students!
As a parent of a Glacier wrestler you have an important role in the success of our program. To be a successful
program and continue the Glacier wrestling tradition, we will request that parents:
● Speak well and have a positive attitude towards our team
● Get involved as much as you can -- this includes support at matches, helping at tournaments, etc.
● Be an advocate for the sport of wrestling and promote other families getting involved
● Create bonds among other families involved in Glacier wrestling and support the fellow wrestlers
● Feel free to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have
Varsity and Junior Varsity positions will be determined by head to head wrestle-offs done during practice time. To
obtain a varsity spot you must win the wrestle offs. A wrestler must request a wrestle off by telling a coach that
they would like one and at what weight at least 3 days in advance. Also wrestlers will have to be within 3 pounds
of their weight class for 103-132 the day of the wrestle off or 5 pounds for 138-285 or else it is considered a forfeit.
The coaches have the final say in choosing any dual team line-up.
My philosophy as a coach is that weight cutting should be held to a minimal (3-5 lbs), if any. If done correctly there
should be no need for starvation or drastic nutritional deficiencies. It is part of the sport and can be a way to gain
an advantage, but only if done correctly.
This program is focused on the wrestlers as students and citizens first and wrestlers second, and as coaches we are
going to do our best to create a fun learning environment where success is an outcome of focusing on the process
of improving, and a high standard of character is an expectation of all wrestlers! We are very excited for the
upcoming season. If you have any question please check out the wrestling page on the GHS website under
athletics select wrestling, or feel free to call or email me anytime!
Head Coach Ross Dankers
Cell: 612-840-2094
Parent/Wrestler Pre-season checklist
❏ Get Paperwork done and handed in to the trainer Mel the trainer (forms on GHS
❏ MHSA Physical Form
❏ Medical Release
❏ Parent Consent
❏ Concussion Form
❏ Get in Money to office for Pay to Play and Spirit Pack
❏ $30 Pay to Play
❏ $25 Spirit Pack
❏ Sign up for Coach Dankers’ reminders if you haven’t
❏ Parents: send a text to 81010 with the message @wrestle16
❏ Wrestlers: send a text to 81010 with the message @0df90
Dates to remember
● Thursday Nov. 19th First day of practice
○ Online Wolfpack Wrestling clothing store opens (On Website)
● Monday Nov. 30th Wrestle-offs at beginning of practice
○ end of online store
● Tuesday Dec. 1st Team Pictures with Crown Photography
○ Mandatory Parent Meeting at 5:30
● Tuesday Dec 2nd Equipment Handout
● Friday Dec 4th first match Home against Butte @ 2:00pm
○ Must have 10 Practices in by then!
● Tuesday Dec 8th Certification after practice
Please keep an eye on our wrestling calendar on the wrestling
webpage on the school website for any and all changes, as well as
practice and match times!
Glacier Wolfpack Wrestling
Program Goals
1. Mold our wrestlers into productive
respectful young adults that can
positively contribute to society
2. Have each wrestler exhibit a high
standard of character at all times
3. Have fun
4. Become the best wrestlers we can be
Glacier Wolfpack Wrestling Program Philosophy
● Work hard and take care of people
● Do the right thing no matter what
Top 3 priorities
1. Family/Faith
2. School
3. Wrestling
Three Essential Questions
1. Is it best for GHS?
2. Is it best for the team?
3. Is it best for me?
a. *In this order!
1. Mat Strategy-We believe in the offensive style of wrestling. This style of wrestling is
based on scoring points and wearing down your opponent by constant movement and
heavy pressure. This style allows for a wrestler to score a majority of their points in the
third period when their opponent is exhausted from wrestling a high pace physical
match. Helping the less physically talented wrestlers be successful, and increasing the
point spread for those who are.
2. Technique- We believe that all wrestlers have certain areas of wrestling and certain
styles of wrestling that fits their body type and skill. Therefore we will teach a wide
variety of technique and let the wrestlers use the technique in ways that fit their
abilities. However we will still be emphasizing and spending the majority of our time on
the basics and being aggressive.
3. Practice- We believe that it is important to be in better shape than your opponent both
mentally and physically in order to dictate the pace at which the match is wrestled. This
will be accomplished by a systematically tapering practice schedule throughout the year
and adjusting the intensity accordingly. Peaking at the right time is crucial and will be
accomplished by this regimented training cycle.
4. Consistency- We believe that wrestlers perform better when they have a routine before
and after matches. Therefore we will follow similar procedures before and after each
dual and tournaments. Ex. Weigh in, eat, change together, standard warm-up/ drilling,
wrestle 1 match live, sprints, drink more fluids and stretch, last min talk, wrestle match,
post match cool down, shake hands, shower, get on bus.
5. Numbers- We believe that a team is strong in numbers, and will continually promote
the Glacier wrestling team to get as many wrestlers as possible on the team to create
competition. Also working with the other schools sports to promote multi sport
athletes, which in turn help many different sports.
6. Coaching- We believe that while the head coach is the bedrock on which the wrestling
team is founded, the assistant coaches play a big part in the success of a program and
are a key aspect to the development of the wrestlers. A wide variety of personal
knowledge, experiences, and approaches are welcomed and needed to have well
rounded program.
The Creed of the Pack
The Pack…
Is always protecting.
Is not boastful in times of success and
perseveres through times of hardship.
Is not easily angered or intimidated.
Is courteous, unselfish, and not envious of others.
Never leaves anyone behind, thus it is trustworthy and full
of love.
Is disciplined and always performs the mundanities of
Is patient, because it knows it must endure trials and
Most of all, the Pack is proud:
We are champions because we do all the things required
of champions. This is our creed, and it is who we are.
“Pride in the Glacier Wolfpack”
Glacier Wolfpack Wrestling Awards
● Coaches Award
● Most Improved
● Hardest Worker
● Captains
● Letterwinners
● 4.0 GPA’s
● Any wrestler that breaks into an All-time Top Ten statistical category
● Practice Attendance Awards
○ Made every practice and participated
○ Made every practice but couldn’t fully participate
In-season Weekly Awards
● MVP Varsity
● MVP Junior Varsity
● Most Takedowns
● Practice wrestler of the week
Glacier Wrestling Website
The GHS Wrestling website (along with the remind text system) will be the main
communication tool used to keep parents and wrestlers informed.
Things that will be on the website
Calendar of all Wrestling events, practices, and meets
More info on nutrition
Bus Schedule
Info on coaches
Weekly updates on tourney results
Weekly survey for the wrestlers to complete after they view the recording of their
Wrestler info form- for every wrestler to fill out at the beginning of the season
A list of links to great wrestling videos
Goal setting material
Archive of past seasons statistics
Wrestling Record Book
How do I get to the site?
Type in to your top address box in a
web browser
Or go to the SD5 website --choose glacier--choose athletics----choose wrestling
Coaches Expectations
Supporters of Glacier Athletics and Wolfpack Wrestling can expect the following from the
wrestling coaching staff:
1. To provide a safe and positive learning environment for all participants
2. To be a positive role model
3. To be a leader and a motivator
4. To be be a firm and fair disciplinarian
5. To follow the team first, individuals second belief
6. To be positive, supportive, enthusiastic, and encouraging
7. To be fully prepared and organized for each practice and game
8. To communicate well with players, parents and the administration
9. To abide by the high standards set before all participants in the program.
Coaches Contact Information
Cell number
Ross Dankers
Head Coach
Michael French
Jordan Nelson
Ryan Nelson
Glacier Wrestling Expectations
Be Respectful, Be Responsible.
School: School comes first and you need to be in good academic/behavioral standing to participate in wrestling. If you are not
in good academic/behavioral standing you will not be allowed to wrestle in competition, and possibly removed from practice
until grades or behavior issues improve. This is the foundation for our reputation as a team. We need to be setting the standard
when it comes to acting respectful and getting our work done.. If there are any issues, penalties will range from discussing the
issue with parents to removal from the team. Coach’s discretion will be used in behavior issues.
Discipline/Sportsmanship: Success means nothing if we do not exhibit good sportsmanship and discipline. People who cannot
control their behavior and actions will not be representing Glacier wrestling.. Consequences will range in severity in
accordance with transgression and coaches discretion.
Drugs/Alcohol: These have no part in a championship team. If you are caught with either of these substances, you will be
removed from the wrestling team for the rest of the year. Don’t commit to this team unless you’re committed to being drug
and alcohol free.
*Practice: Show up and be on time! If not you will not compete This includes team lifts, meetings, and morning practices.
Attendance will be recorded and documented on the wall in the wrestling room. If you 2 days of practice due to injury,
illness, or any other reason (doctor, hunting, etc) you will be unable to compete in that weeks matches. If a wrestler misses
1 day in a week, they will have to make up that practice before they can compete, they can miss a day three times excused,
then after that they will be held out of competition. However we believe that family comes first, and if there is some known
family time that may cause the wrestler to miss practice, a two week notice to the Coach Dankers is needed so the wrestler
may compete, and the time out of practice must be made up.
Effort: All I ask is your best. This is going to be a tough grueling season and you are going to be pushed to your limits. I am
going to give you my best effort in giving you everything you need to be successful, but it won’t work if you don’t give me your
Bus/Matches: Again these are times that we are in the public spotlight. On the bus we need to be respectful to the bus and bus
driver by saying thank you and cleaning up after ourselves. At matches we need to show that we are focused on success by
acting in a way that is in accordance to what we want to happen. Stay together as a team if there is issues with wrestlers
following the itinerary coaches have the right to hold wrestlers out of a match. Also you must be wearing glacier gear, no
clothing that was not part of the spirit pack or past spirit pack, and/or a state team shirt. Deviation from this rule again
qualifies you to be held out of a match. Be proud of your team wear our equipment!
In short- we are a team and when a member of that team compromises our efforts because of their lack
of respect or responsibility it can be devastating. We need to be a group that is on the same page trying
to accomplish our goals! Be someone other people look up to, it’s called being a leader!
* = Change in policy from last year
Communication Process to Resolve Conflict
The 5-Step communication process as outlined in the Glacier High School activity
handbook to resolve all conflict:
a. Athlete meets with individual head coach.
b. Athlete and parent meet with head coach.
c. Athlete, parent and head coach meet with activity director.
d. Athlete, parent, head coach and activity director meet with principal.
e. Athlete, parent, head coach, activity director and principal meet with
Choosing Varsity
● The new Montana Weights are as follows○ 103, 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 145, 152, 160, 170, 182, 205, HWT (max. 285)
● At the beginning of the season every wrestler is responsible for writing down where
they would like to wrestle off by the end of the first week within the first two weeks we
will then have a mini tournament at each weight to see who will be the Varsity wrestler.
● All regular MSHA wrestling rules will apply.
● We encourage parents to avoid being vocal during these wrestle off. This is a tough
situation for both wrestlers and coaches involved.
● After the first tournament
Challenger has to declare the Monday or first day of the week.
A wrestler may challenge the Varsity wrestler once a week
The challenger has to win 2 in a row to take the varsity spot
The current varsity wrestler only has to win one
If a wrestler were to move up a weight he/she has to wait a week after declaring
for a challenge
● Weight regarding wrestle offs
○ Must be within 3 pounds of your weight class at the time of the wrestle off for
○ Must be within 5 pounds of your weight class at the time of the wrestle off for
● The coaches will have final say in choosing any dual team lineup
Varsity Lettering Policy
A wrestler gets two points for wrestling in a varsity match.
In addition: If a wrestler gets a decision-two extra points are earned superior decision-three
extra point are earned, pin, default, to technical fall-four extra points are earned.
Wrestlers who don’t earn a Varsity letter for the current season will carry over to the next
season. Once a wrestler quits the team, he will lose all points earned.
In addition, wrestlers that help set up at tournaments and duals will receive four extra
A wrestler must have 60 points to letter.
If at any time a qualified letterwinner behaves in such a manner so as not to credit himself
to his team, he will not have the privilege of becoming a varsity letter winner. In the same
aspect, if a wrestler is short of points but at some time during the season brought fame to
his team and school by performing in outstanding matches and proving himself to be a
champion caliber, will be awarded extra points at the coaches desecration. Every wrestler’s
record will be reviewed at the end of the season to calculate pts.
Be responsible for all the athlete equipment trusted to my use and return it to the school in
the best possible condition.
Other Ways to letter include
Being a state entrant
Two Varsity tournament placings (more than 12 in the bracket)
Nutrition Guidelines
Weight cutting will not be a focus of our team, but proper nutrition will give you the energy to practice
hard and perform your best!
Here are a few guidelines
Eat Breakfast- It kick starts your metabolism and gives you energy for the day
Easy ways to quick weight loss- cut out pop or other high calorie drinks and non-healthy
Start early- If you know you want to wrestle a weight class lower then you are at the beginning
of the season start sooner than later.
Eat only when you’re hungry and stop eating when you feel full
Avoid yo-yo dieting (cut 10 pounds of water weight, and then gorge yourself after weigh ins and
come to practice on Monday 10 pounds over)
Try to establish a routine
The more veggies the better
Doing 2 workouts whether in the morning or after supper will be a great help in weight loss
Here is a good sample diet for a wrestler who is in season or working out intensely
1 cup fruit juice
2 cups bran cereal
2 cups milk – whole
Fruit--orange, banana, pear,
apple, grapefruit, peach, or
1 grilled cheese sandwich
Fruit -- apple, orange, pear
1 cup milk -- whole
4 cups spaghetti
12oz. meatless sauce
4 medium slices bread
2 tsp. margarine
12oz. whole milk or
Juice (choice)
1 12oz. orange juice
2 soft-boiled eggs
2 slices whole wheat toast
2 tsp. margarine
12oz. whole milk or
Juice (choice)
6oz. lean hamburger
1 sliced tomato
12oz. whole milk
2 apples
½ chicken breast (baked)
¾ cup of rice
5-6 brussel sprouts
small salad
1 small piece gingerbread
½ cup orange juice
1 soft-boiled egg
1 slice whole wheat toast
2 tsp. margarine
4-6 oz. skim milk or juice
3 oz. hamburger
2 tbsp. ketchup
1 tomato
4-6 oz. skim milk or juice
1 cup macaroni and cheese
4 asparagus spears
1 tomato
1 cup skim milk
½ cup juice
¾ cup bran cereal
½ cup skim milk
1 orange
½ cup low fat cottage cheese
½ cup cantaloupe
½ cup strawberries
small lettuce salad
5oz. steak (broiled)
1 whole baked potato
1 Tbsp. diet margarine
½ cup vegetable (your choice)
small bowl of spinach (mixed
with other vegetable)
½ cup juice
¾ cup bran cereal
½ cup skim milk
Fruit -- orange or apple
2 eggs
2 slices wheat bread
2 tsp. diet margarine
½ cup skim milk
3 oz. baked chicken breast
1 potato
1 cup vegetable (your choice)
½ cup skim milk
½ cup orange juice
1 soft-boiled egg
1 slice whole wheat toast
1 tsp. diet margarine
4-6 oz. skim milk
small tuna fish sandwich
lettuce salad
2 tomatoes slices
½ cup skim milk
1 whole peach
6 oz. fish broiled (any type)
white rice or brown rice
1 Tbsp. diet margarine
1 orange
½ cup skim milk
½ cup fruit juice
¾ cup bran cereal
½ cup skim milk
Fruit--orange, banana, pear,
apple, grapefruit, peach, or
1 grilled cheese sandwich
Fruit--orange, apple, pear
½ cup skim milk
2 cups spaghetti
6 oz. meatless sauce
2 medium slices bread
1 Tbsp. diet margarine