
A circle is a shape with all points the
same distance from its center.
The distance around a circle is called
its circumference.
The distance across a circle through
its center is called its diameter.
 (pi) is the ratio of the
circumference of a circle to its
diameter. For any circle,
if you divide its circumference by its
diameter, you get a
value close to 3.14159. This
relationship is expressed in the
following formula: C/D = where
C is the circumference and D is the
The radius of a circle is the distance
from the center of a circle to a point
on the circle. If you place two radii
end-to-end in a circle, you would
have the same length as one
diameter. So a circle's diameter is
twice as long as its radius.
The formula for the circumference
of a circle is given by either :
C  d or C  2πr
Example : The diameter of a circle
is 3 cm. What is its
circumference? (Use  = 3.14)
Solution: C =  d
C = 3.14 · (3 cm)
C = 9.42 cm
3 cm
Example : The radius of a circle is 2
in. What is its
circumference? (Use = 3.14)
C  2r
C  2  3.14  2
C  12.56in
Example : The circumference of a
circle is 15.7 cm. What is
its diameter? (Use = 3.14)
• C = d
15.7 cm = 3.14 · d
d = 15.7 cm ÷ 3.14
d = 5 cm
The area of a circle is the number of square
units inside that circle. If each square in the
circle below has an area of 1, you
could count the total number of squares to
get the area of this circle. If there were a
total of 28.26 squares, the area of this circle
would be 28.26 csq.m
The area of a circle is given by the
A  r
Example : The radius of a circle is 3
in. What is its area?
(Use = 3.14)
Solution: A =  · r · r
A = 3.14 · (3 in) · (3 in)
A = 3.14 · (9
A = 28.26
Example: The diameter of a circle
is 8 cm. What is its area?
(Use = 3.14)
r = 4 cm
A = · r · r
A = 3.14 · (4 cm) · (4 cm)
A = 50.24
Example: The area of a circle is 78.5
sq.m. What is its radius? (Use = 3.14)
Solution: A = r
78.5 sq.m = 3.14 · r
78.5 sq.m ÷ 3.14 = r
25 sq.m = r
r 2
Find the area of the rectangular
piece of metal after the 2 circles
are removed.
16 cm
10.00 cm
45.00 cm
28.00 cm
Find the perimeter and area of the
P  39.5  C  39.5  C
P  239.5  C
A  Arect  Acircle
P  79  81.64
A  1557.66in 2
P  79  3.1426.0 
P  160.64in
A  39.526.0  3.1413.0
A  1027  530.66
A belt connecting two 9-in-diameter
drums on a conveyor system needs
replacing. How many in long must
the belt be if the centers of the
drums are 10 ft apart? Round to
9 in
9 in
10 ft