C3 Chemicals in Our Lives – Risks & Benefits Lesson 1: Moving Continents Objectives MUST explain that rocks formed by processes that are still happening today SHOULD explain the evidence that land making up Britain has moved across the Earth COULD understand that scientific theories account for observations, make links and predictions Key Words You need to be able to define the following: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Tectonic plates Supercontinent Plate tectonics Igneous rocks Moving Continents The continents all used to be joined together Over millions of years they have moved The Earth’s crust is divided into tectonic plates These plates sit on molten rock which is moving due to the convection currents within it The movement in the molten rock drags the plates across to different places This is called continental drift Textbook Answers 1)They see changes in rocks caused by tectonic activity today; they see similar evidence in British rocks formed a long time ago; so they think that these were caused by tectonic activity. 2) a) There are different types of rock in Britain formed under different climate conditions. b) Rocks contain fossils of animals and plants found in tropical climates. 3)There are different fossils on either side of the boundary. 4)The direction of the magnetism becomes fixed in the rock as it solidifies; as the rock is carried over the Earth its direction is altered. 5)Similar rocks, fossils, magnetic orientation in both locations. Worksheet Answers Activity 1 (Low demand) 2) Statements referring to weathering and erosion go in the second column, all the rest into the first. 3) Rocks of different types will have been formed in different places or at different times Worksheet Answers Activity 2 (Standard demand) 1) a) Stories based on the sequence of plate movements shown in the maps. b) Plate boundaries; igneous rocks; faults and re-alignment of rocks caused by earthquakes; metamorphic rocks formed by heat and pressure; fossils of organisms living in different climates; (magnetic alignment). 2) The positions on the timeline should be something like this: 500mya.A..........400mya.............300mya......C...... .......200mya...D.......100mya..E.......B..present Worksheet Answers Activity 3 (High demand) 1) Magnetism fixed when rocks cool; alignment changed when continents moved; evidence of where and when rock was formed. 2) The rocks formed in different places; moved together or at different times; magnetic North has moved.