Overview of Database Systems - Department of Software and

Overviews of ITCS 6161/8161:
Advanced Topics on Database Systems
Dr. Jianping Fan
Department of Computer Science
Course web site:
Course Web Site
1. Most useful information (course schedule,
presentation slides, announcements, et al.)
can be found and downloaded at:
2. You may check course web site before you
come to classroom because this website
will be updated frequently!
3. 10 hours/week rule: 2 hours for preparing, 2 hours for
reviewing, 3 hours for class, & 3 hours for homework
and projects
Course Information
Class hour 9:25AM - 12:15PM, Friday
Office hour Friday 14:00PM - 18:00PM
Instructor - Dr. Jianping Fan
email - jfan@uncc.edu
Office – Woodward 205B
Textbook: we will use the slices and papers on the course
web page, but some good books are suggested on web site
Classroom: Woodward Hall 135
What we have done in Database?
Data modeling: data is structural and it can
be modeled by E-R model!
Data indexing: B-tree for one attribute!
Query are well defined by SQL!
What we have done in Database?
Information Retrieval
What we have done in Database?
Internet is changing everything!
Information Retrieval
Web Database
What are Advanced Topics?
Data Types are advanced rather than
relational data!
Data Analysis Tools are advanced rather
than traditional ones!
Applications are advanced rather than
relational database!
Course Objectives
Google, Yahoo! & MSN IE
Big Data?
How can I access web-scale data
in database over Internet?
Data Server
What are Advanced for such application?
Data Types: Multi-Modal Data without
Data Analysis Tools: E-R model could be to
Applications: It is part of our daily life!
Course Content
Problems we should address in this class:
1. How to store web-scale data?
2. How to analyze web-scale data ?
3. How to index web-scale data ?
4. How to access web-scale data in database?
5. How to control user’s access ?
Web-scale data are always in multi-modals
Why we should have this course?
Good job market: Google, Yahoo!....
Have fun: solving real problem
Not so “hard” to learn (??)
Next generation search engines
Tools to be Introduced
a. Advanced Data Organization Tools;
b. Advanced Data Analysis Tools;
c. Machine Learning & Data Mining Tools for
Knowledge Discovery from web-scale data
Internet is changing our life but ………
Database System Tools
a. Data Representation Schema
b. Database Indexing
c. Database Storage
d. Query Management
Data Analysis Tools
a. Image & Video Analysis & Feature Extraction
b. Object Detection & Scene Understanding
c. Classifier Training for object and concept
d. Scene Configuration and Structure
Knowledge Discovery Tools
a. GMM & Bayesian Network
b. Support Vector Machine (SVM)
c. Graphical Models & Structure Learning
d. Statistical Inference
Course Topics
Data Mining Tools
Machine Learning Tools
Image/Video analysis and feature extraction
Image/Video Database indexing
Image/Video transmission over networks
Query refinement for image/video retrieval
Open discussion & topic-based student
What Yahoo!, Google are doing now
Show-up and understanding 10%
>93% = A
75-93% = B
55-74% = C
<55% or cheating = F
Class Policy
You have to attend the class and come to
classroom on time (9:25am)!
You should be ready to learn from the
You should respect your classmates:
come to learn from their presentations!
Course Project
Develop video analysis system using
Visual C++ and Java.
Each group consists 3-4 students
3-4 hours workload each week is expected
Java or C++ assumed
Research Presentation Project
Video Analysis Project
More information
Midterm & Final Tests
closed books and notes
 One page notes is permitted
No makeup
Bonus is expected
Suggestions from Instructor
Do your best in the class
Show your problems to the instructor
when you cannot make it
Show the evidence to us if you think
you are right.
Open discussion is welcome
Who cares?
Google Search Engine
Google Search Engine
Who cares?
Who cares?
Google & Yahoo!
Who cares?
You & Your Start-ups
The way to join them
Good grade from class
More training on programming
skills, especially for multimedia
analysis, indexing and retrieval
Get recommendation from
Good grade is very important, but
it is not everything!
Learning something and solving
one problem you like may be more
Learning from someone who may
make you better! Especially your
Research areas we will touch
Computer Vision
Database & Data Mining
Information Retrieval
Machine Learning & AI
Statistics & Security
You have chance!
If these are too hard for you, you
still have chance to withdraw now!