
Name: ___________________________
Ch22 Sec2 Israel & Palestine
Promises Socratic Seminar
We have conducted several Socratic Seminars in this class. This seminar will be different. You will be viewing a
full-length documentary and analyzing the film in regards to resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict. Should it be a
two-state solution? One shared state? Palestinian statehood? A US or UN Intervention? Israel deserves all of the
land? It is up to you and your classmates to debate the issues and try and make the future world a better place.
In order to better understand the situation you must learn more of the background information. You will also be
following the lives of 7 children over the course of 4 years.
Part 1 – Important Vocabulary: Use the Glossary, Background & Context handout that you were given to define
terms you hear in the film that are new to you. You must choose a minimum of SIX new words and define them in
your own original words.
Meaning in context:
Part 2 – Film Viewing Guide: Answer the following questions during and after you view the film Promises. Use
your ideas from this viewing guide to guide you in the upcoming Socratic Seminar. You may ask any of these
questions during the Socratic Seminar, but you will also be coming up with a few original questions.
Choose any one child from the film and explain how they changed during the course of the film. They were
filmed for 4 years as children and young teenagers. You must breifly describe them at the beginning, middle,
and end. Here is the list of children to choose:
 Yarko & Daniel. Secular (non-religious)
 Shlomo. An ultra-orthodox Jewish boy in
Israeli twin boys living in Jerusalem.
the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of
 Faraj. A Palestinian refugee boy living in the
Deheishe Refugee Camp in the West Bank.
 Mahmoud. A Palestinian boy living in East
 Sanabel. A Palestinian refugee girl in the
Deheishe Refugee Camp in the West Bank.
 Moishe & sister Raheli live in the Beit El
Settlement in the West Bank.
What are the hopes and fears of Israeli AND Palestinian children?
What does being Israeli mean for the Israeli children? Do they all feel the same way? Explain your answer.
How do the Palestinians feel about the Israelis? Do they all feel the same way? Explain your answer.
Why would some of the Israelis not want to meet the Palestinians?
Why would some of the Palestinaians not want to meet the Israelis? Explain your answer.
Why do you think the film is called PROMISES?
How did this film make you feel? Why?
What are your feelings about the prospects for peace in this region? Why?
Step 4 - Ask 6 Questions total – 2 Questions per level, 3 levels. Use these question stems to help you get started. Use
the empty space on this handout to write the questions. Use a separate piece of paper to write your questions. You
must answer all of the questions you ask. Understand the difference between levels of questions – the higher they
go, the more critical and complex they are.
Level 1 Questions
Level 2 Questions
Level 3 Questions
Ask the question.
Answer the question.
Be specific. Give details.
Ask the question.
Answer the question.
Be specific. Give details.
Ask the question.
Answer the question.
Be specific. Give details.
I’m not sure I understand
- Who is ….
- What are the …
- Where is ….
- When does …
- Why would …
- How will …
Why do you think
_______________ happened?
What was the purpose of
How does ____________ make
you feel? Why?
How does __________________
make ______________ feel?
What might some people say in
reaction to ____________?
What will happen next to
How are ___________ and
____________ similar?
How did __________________
influence ________?
How are __________ and
_____________ different?
What changes would you make to
________________? Why?
How does _________ remind you
of life in the world today?
Do you agree with _________?
What better choices could
have made concerning the
How does __________ remind you
of something your own life?
What are some of the negative
affects of ___________?
What other options were there for
How could ______________ have
been prevented?
Do you think _______________
would happen/act the same way
again? Why?
Step 5: After the seminar, you will complete a series of questions about your thoughts on this project. This sheet
will be given to you later.
Grading Rubric
 View and research the film and complete this worksheet: 18 points (3 points for definitions, 9 points for
viewing guide, 6 points for Qs & As)
 Complete the Socratic Seminar discussion: 12 points
 Complete the post-seminar worksheet: 5 points
Total out of 35: _________