ACP PROJECT 1.2 Increasing sugar productivity through the development of high sucrose and early ripening genotypes Mid-Term Review 1 October 2012 MSIRI Réduit Mauritius Dr Goolam Badaloo Dr Asha Dookun-Saumtally Increasing sugar productivity through the development of high sucrose and early ripening genotypes Implementing Institution: Mauritius Sugarcane Industry Research Institute Countries targeted: ACP sugar producing countries Duration of project: > 4 years Cost of project: € 935,650, excl. NIR €155000 Importance of breeding high sucrose/early ripening varieties As a result of centralization of sugar mills, the milling period has extended & harvest is starting earlier Lack of high performing varieties for early stage Increase in sugar content throughout the harvest season Increase in sugar productivity Sucrose accumulation in sugarcane Sucrose accumulation patterns differ among varieties. Early-ripening, ER, varieties produce more sucrose/tonne of cane at the start of the ripening season compared to late varieties. However, ER varieties accumulate less sucrose at middle and late-season Pol % cane of different variety types at early, mid and late season (%) 18 M 2343/77 (High Sucrose) 16 14 M 937/77 (Low Sucrose) 12 CP 721210 10 (Early) 8 6 4 2 R 570 (Late) 0 H1 (mid-May) H2 (mid-Aug) H3 (3rd wk Oct) 4 different variety types identified with very distinct sucrose accumulation patterns and the early variety significantly in advance Juice purity of different variety types at early, mid and late season (%) 100 M 2343/77 (High Sucrose) 90 80 M 937/77 (Low Sucrose) CP 721210 (Early) 70 60 50 40 R 570 (Late) H1 (mid-May) H2 (mid-Aug) H3 (3rd wk Oct) Maturity differing between the 4 variety types with the early one harvestable at nearly 80% juice purity in mid-May well ahead of the start of the harvest season Overall objective Increase sugar productivity/unit area through the development of early-ripening & high sucrose varieties (ER/HS), to ensure the sustainability and the competitiveness of sugar industries in ACP countries Activity 1 Develop/validate a methodology for characterisation of ER/HS genotypes & characterise 400 parent varieties for ER/HS Activity 2 Identify molecular markers linked to earliness of ripening and high sucrose as a tool for marker-assisted selection Activity 3 Develop ER/HS sugar cane genotypes for use in the breeding and selection programmes and for commercial exploitation Activity 1: Progress Activity 1 2011 2012 2013 2014 1.1 Establish replicated trials with sub set of 10 parents in three environments and evaluate for sucrose accumulation pattern1 1.2 Screening of 400 parents for sucrose accumulation2 1.3 Develop and update databases3 1 2 3 - Completed with 8 parents and is being followed up. - 200 varieties planted in 2010 and 200 in 2011 are being followed up All data are quality controlled and stored in Excel worksheets for future database development once a first full set will be available Activity 1 Develop and validate a methodology for characterisation of early-ripening/high sucrose genotypes & characterise 400 parent varieties available in the germplasm for early-ripening ability and high sucrose content Activity 1.1 - Establish replicated trials with ten parent varieties in three contrasting environments for evaluation of sucrose evolution Three trials ongoing, one planted in 2009 in the superhumid zone (Esperance), two in 2010 in the humid & subhumid zones (Etoile & St. Antoine) Eight (8) parent varieties being followed Trials were sampled at the scheduled dates for early season (mid-May), mid-season (end-August) & late-season (Nov./Dec.) Harvest was at the same age of 12 months in 1st ratoon for the 2010 trial whilst the one planted in 2009 was in 2nd ratoon Activity 1.2 - Screening of 400 parent varieties for sucrose accumulation The 1st batch of 200 varieties, planted in 2010, was sampled and harvested at the scheduled dates - mid-May, mid-August & midNovember. 2nd batch of 200 varieties followed in plant cane crop in 2011 at Réduit E.S. under irrigation. Samples were analyzed for cane quality characters - Brix, Pol & fibre % cane, juice purity, dry matter in cane Activity 1.3 - Develop a database for use by all ACP sugar-producing countries Agronomy & crop management data collected in PC and 1R crops. Data keyed and stored in Excel Development of the database will start after a complete dataset is available (H3 harvest in November 2012). User-friendly applications, easy access and querying of database, downloading and export for in depth statistical and other analyses. Activity 1: Future works Activity 1 2011 2012 2013 2014 Remarks Establish replicated trials with sub set of 10 parents in three environments and evaluate for sucrose accumulation pattern1 8 parent varieties planted in 3 environments •Replicated trials •Sampling for pol% cane & purity Screening of 400 parents for sucrose accumulation2 Done in 2 batches of 200 parents varieties planted in 2010/2011 in replicated trials; for sampling for pol% cane and purity at 3 dates Develop and update databases3 Database will be created in 2013 1 2 3 - Completed with 8 parents and is being followed up. - 200 varieties planted in 2010 and 200 in 2011 are being followed up All data are quality controlled and stored in Excel worksheets for future database development once a first full set will be available ACTIVITY 2 Develop genetic maps and identify molecular markers for use in marker-assisted selection Will be dealt by Dr A Dookun-Saumtally Activity 3: Progress Activity 3.1 Field evaluation and selection 2011 2012 Series 1 (15000) Series 2 (15000) through a seedling stage and successive clonal stages 3.1.1 Seedling stage1 Raised beds, 1st ratoon sampling, pol % cane, Sample weight and visual grade (family) 3.1.2 1st clonal stage 5-m plot size 3.1.3 2nd clonal stage 2 x 5-m plots, replicated 1 Crosses for series 1 done in 2010 and crosses for series 2 done in 2011 Series 1 2013 2014 Activity 3 Production of an array of improved high sucrose and early-ripening sugar cane genotypes • Crossing of parents based on pre-evaluation data (2007-2010) • Production of 15000 seedlings from true sexual seeds. • Evaluation and selection across three selection stages, namely • Seedling (stage 1) • 1st clonal (stage 2) • 2nd clonal (stage 3) Activity 3.1.1 Seedling stage Series 1 14 500 seedlings produced from crosses made in 2010 and planted in 2011 in replicated trials (FUEL) 28 families planted in 3 replicates (60 seedlings per replicate) ◦ Remaining seedlings planted family-wise in an adjacent field for practical reasons Population was stubble-shaved in August 2011 to simulate a 1st ratoon for selection in 2012 Activity 3.1.1 Seedling stage - Series 1 Sampling - April 2012 Fifteen millable stalks per family per replicate ◦ Pol and fibre on fresh and dry weight basis, purity Field characters: ◦ Family visual grade (1 poor to 5 excellent) ◦ Sample weight of 15 millable stalks ◦ Stalk diameter, number, height, growth habit Activity 3.1.1 Seedling stage - Series 1 10 families had at least one parent classified as precocious high/high sucrose content. Families were ranked according to pol % cane, sample weight and visual grade Combined selection (family and individual) ◦ Differential selection rates selection More genotypes selected from the best families Activity 3.1.1 Seedling stage - Series 1 Highly significant differences between families for most characters (1%). Purity as high as 0.82, Precocious/early ripening families displayed rapid growth.. Families with low sucrose parents had considerably lower pol % (both fresh and dry basis), dry matter % cane and purity Results – Activity 3.1.1 – Seedling stage – Series 1 Sample weight (kg) Family Visual grade Selection Rate (%) Combs Female Type Male Pol % cane 773/10 W 681049 Early high CP 62258 10.5 16.7 4.5 35 484/10 L 6025 Precocious high Polycross 10.6 12.8 4.3 33 462/07 CP 67412 Precocious high CP 44101 8.6 17.3 3.8 24 668/10 TUC 692 Polycross 9.2 16.5 3.1 11 865/10 CP 67412 Polycross 8.0 16.3 3.0 11 662/10 J 593 Polycross 9.2 15.8 2.7 5 High Precocious high High Results – Activity 3.1.1 – Seedling stage – Series 1 Sample weight (kg) Family Visual grade Selection Rate (%) Combs Female Type Male Pol % cane 673/10 CP 67412 Precocious high Polycross 10.8 10.4 4.0 30 1149/10 CP 67412 H 493533 10.5 10.0 3.4 18 1316/10 CP 67412 Polycross 10.3 10.0 3.0 10 Polycross 9.3 9.7 3.5 8 Precocious high Precocious high Precocious high 1187/10 CP 67412 Activity 3.1.2 1st Clonal stage – arising from selection of seedlings Selection Best genotypes selected (397) and planted at the 1st clonal stage on 1 x 5-m plots, without replication Site - Deep River Beau Champ on 11th May 2012 (i) Design - Augmented Latin Square ◦ Two standard commercial varieties ◦ M 52/78 and M 1400/86 (ii) Design - Line and Column ◦ One standard commercial control M 1400/86 Activity 3.1.1 Production of an array of improved high sucrose and early-ripening sugar cane genotypes Series 2 New set of 15000 seedlings planted in April 2012. Replicated trials, RCBD with 3 blocks of 56 seedlings per replicate Raised beds (0.75-m x 0.75-m) 10 control varieties with different ripening pattern ◦ precocious high, early high, middle high and late stable high Constraint – Activities 1.1 & 1.2 Methodology for characterisation of ER/HS genotypes & characterise 400 parent varieties The unavailability of the Infracana equipment for handling of large number of samples for analysis of laboratory quality characters such as pol % cane, Brix % cane and juice purity constitutes a handicap Activity 3: Future works Activity 3.1 Field evaluation 2011 2012 2013 2014 Remarks and selection through a seedling stage and successive clonal stages Seedling stage Intermating of genotypes from precocious/early ripening families. 1st clonal stage Possibility of intermating parent genotypes 2nd clonal stage ACTIVITY 2 Develop genetic maps and identify molecular markers for use in marker-assisted selection Dr A Dookun Saumtally Breeding for early ripening sugarcane cultivars Early ripening trait: poorly understood in sugarcane Unknowns: number of genes involved/pathways/switch? Early ripening varieties currently selected by measuring sucrose accumulation at different intervals in the season Ripening influenced by the environment Therefore, there is room for improvement to bring classical selection more accurate, less costly, & much faster Improvement For Selection of Early Ripening Introduce marker assisted selection(MAS) as an additional tool: to enhance the efficiency of the selection programme to select for markers tightly linked to early ripening trait QTL Mapping For Early Ripening In Sugarcane How to get there? Construction of a linkage map for an early ripening sugarcane cultivar Association of phenotypic trait of a mapping population to molecular markers to identify markers linked to early sucrose ripening gene (s) -Quantitative Trait Loci-QTL Construction of a linkage map of late ripening/low sucrose cultivar & identification of markers linked to genes contributing to the suppression of sucrose accumulation Linkage Map Construction Based on recombination (crossing over) during meiosis Requirements: Genetically distant parental lines with diverging traits Mapping Population of at least 200 individuals derived from selected parents Activity 2: Develop genetic map & identify molecular markers for marker assisted selection Activity 2 2.1.1 Establish one segregating population of HS/ER x LS/LR 2.1.2 Establish 1st clonal stage 2.1.3 Establish replicated trials in two environments 2.1.4 Field evaluation of 200-250 progeny for sucrose accumulation 2.2 Identification of markers 2011 2012 2013 2014 Selection of Distant Parents Most divergent parents selected after screening with more than 100 SSR markers and diversity analysis CP 67412: Precocious ripening, high sucrose M 245/76 : Late ripening, low sucrose Mapping population derived bi-parental cross produced CP 67412 x M 245/76 HS/ER LS/LR 477 progeny Population planted in the field in March 2012 Choice of Marker System(s)? RFLP : low throughput X Genomic SSR and AFLP: low/medium throughput but no information on sequence data X EST-SSR: targets genes, enables comparative mapping with related crop species √ RADs - Restriction Site Associated DNA sequencing √ Application of EST-SSR to linkage mapping of CP 67412 • 4,500 sugarcane EST-SSR primers available • 600 sorghum EST-SSR primers evenly distributed amongst the gramineae genome also available • About 650 EST-SSR screened by PCR for polymorphism between mapping parents CP 67412 & M 245/76 Method Label reverse primer with radioactive P33 Carry out PCR on genomic DNA of mapping parents (in duplicate) Denature PCR products and run on polyacrylamide sequencing gels Expose gels to X-ray films and develop films in 2-3 days Score for polymorphism Results More than 55% primers (out of 650) polymorphic for the early ripening clone CP 67412 i.e present in CP 67412 & absent in M 245/76 75% polymorphism if present in M245/76 & absent in CP67412 also considered Average level of polymorphism between mapping parents = 2 (useful markers need to segregate in 1:1 ratio) Mapping population to be genotyped & mapped on both parents RADseq Also known as Genotyping By Sequencing (GBS) Most high throughput genotyping system available so far Based on Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology & identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers - single base substitution or deletion/insertion Make use of Illumina sequencing : that can provide several hundred million reads from a sequencing library (1 lane) in 1week at a lower cost compared to capillary sequencing Mapping population can be pooled for sequencing Parent 1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Parent 2 Illumina sequencer RADseq applied to sugarcane population DNA extracted from 360 individuals & two parents Digestion of DNA with two restriction enzymes MseI and NsiI Ligation with adaptors containing barcodes 1-48 & index 1-12 (combination of barcode and index determine the individual) Amplification of ligated product using adaptor directed primers Quantitate amplicon concentration from each individual Create sequencing library by pooling equal amounts of template DNA from each individual Sequence library using Illumina HiSeq (Univ of Illinois, Urbana Champaign) RADseq 250 samples currently being processed at University of IllinoisUrbana Champaign, USA Samples divided into three lanes Lane1produced >144 million reads (sequence fragments) Sequence Quality / Quality score : Excellent Awaiting sequence data from lanes 2 and 3 Expected number of markers : More than 5,000 (compared with SSR: 1 per day, AFLP 10 per day) Quality of data will depend on: 1. Genome coverage (proportion of genome sequenced) 2. and sequencing depth (representation of each sequence fragment among the total number of reads) Use of Bioinformatics Sequence data analysis requires use of supercomputers Align sequences of mapping parents to a reference genome (sorghum) and determine the level of SNPs Screen mapping population for SNPs distribution Score SNP markers segregating 1:1 ratio Construct linkage map using Joinmap Activity 2: Develop genetic map and identify molecular markers for marker assisted selection Activity 2011 2012 2013 2014 Remarks Establish one segregating population of HS/ER x LS/LR Parents chosen following screening with SSR markers Cross HS/ER x LS/LR performed Establish 1st clonal stage Planted in April 2012 Establish replicated trials in two environments Field evaluation of 200-250 progeny for sucrose accumulation Evaluation will need to be carried out beyond 2014 Identification of markers Application of RAD Seq technology in progress Future work Laboratory: Combine marker data & construct high density map using Joinmap Major limitation of RADseq: missing data due to incomplete sequence depth How to remedy? 1. Re-sequencing of the library 2. Construct additional library based on new restriction enzyme combination for better genome coverage Field: Establishing trials with mapping population: 2 environments, 3 replications & 3 harvest dates Phenotypic traits scoring in trials: ER/LR Associating laboratory and field data Collaborators in the project Dr A Dookun-Saumtally Dr Kishore Ramdoyal Mr Razack Nayamuth Dr Goolam Badaloo Mr Yogesh Parmessur Mr Satish Koonjah Mr Harrydas Mungur Ms Manesha Sukhoo Ms Lovena Nowbut Acknowledgements