Nombre:____________________ Materiales Importantes Fecha: el ____ de _____________ Español I INTERESAR - ABURRIR - GUSTAR interesar: to interest aburrir: to bore gustar: to please In English, sentences with these verbs use the following word order: 1 verb agreement! WHAT interests, bores or pleases someone 2 3 the form of the verb that agrees with what interests, bores or pleases someone WHO is interested, bored or pleased In Spanish, sentences with these verbs use the opposite word order: verb agreement! 3 2 WHO is interested, bored or pleased the form of the verb that agrees with what interests, bores or pleases someone 1 WHAT interests, bores or pleases someone Although the word order differs, in both English and Spanish the verb must agree with WHAT interests, bores or pleases someone. WHO is interested, bored or pleased does not affect the verb form! This means that in Spanish, the end of the sentences determines the verb form, not the beginning! Examples: Hockey interests me. Me interesa el hockey. Sports bore me. Me aburren los deportes. Playing videogames pleases me. Me gusta jugar los videojuegos. The WHAT and the WHO In Chapter 7, we are focusing on items, subjects, topics and activities. So at this point, we only need to use the 3rd person singular and plural forms of the three verbs to express WHAT interests, bores and pleases us. yo tú él/ella/Ud. *it-a singular object, idea, place, etc. intereso aburro gusto interesas aburres gustas interesamos aburrimos gustamos interesa aburre gusta interesan ellos/ellas/Uds. *they-plural objects, aburren places, ideas, etc. gustan nosotros *Infinitives of verbs are always used with the 3rd person singular forms of interesar, aburrir and gustar. This is true even when talking about more than one infinitive. Examples: Me interesa esquiar. Me aburre jugar los deportes. Me gusta bailar y cantar. In Spanish, we express WHO is interested, bored or pleased by using indirect object pronouns: me me te you (inf.) le him/her/you (form.) nos us les them/you all Remember, even though the indirect object pronoun goes at the beginning of the sentence, it does not affect the form of the verb. The form of the verb is always determined by the WHAT, not the WHO! Me interesa el hockey. Nos interesa el hockey. Te interesa el hockey. A Juan y a Miguel, les interesa el hockey. A ella, le interesa el hockey. A Uds. les interesa el hockey