Criminal Law Text Assignment

Law 120
Leo Hayes High School
Due May 8th
Law 12-0
Chapter 7 Assignment
10. Draw a flow chart that represents the Canadian criminal court structure. Describe
each level. Who appoints the judges at each of these levels? At what levels are appeals
heard? Attach your flow chart to this assignment.
11. Page 168 Questions 3, 4, 6,
a) A federal statute b) A provincial statute c) A municipal statute 12. Draw a diagram of a typical criminal court room. Identify and explain the role of
the people that you find there. Attach your diagram to this assignment.
13. What is the role of the sheriff and bailiff?
a) Sheriff
b) Bailiff
14. How are people “chosen” to be a witness and what is perjury?
15. Page 174 Questions 1, 2, 3, 4
a) Qualifications of a juror –
b) Opinion Explain -
Law 120
Leo Hayes High School
Exemptions from Jury duty -
Challenged for cause –
Principle of Fundamental Justice Peremptory Challenge -
16. Page 183 Questions 1 to 7
Direct Examination & Cross Examination
3 Grounds for Objection
Leading Questions -
Witness Opinion -
Direct & Circumstantial Evidence
When is Circumstantial Evidence admissible?
Character Evidence -
Due May 8th
Law 120
Leo Hayes High School
Due May 8th
Law 12-0
Chapter 6 Assignment
What is jurisdiction? Explain who has jurisdiction in matters of criminal law. Your answer will
include the federal and provincial government. (Page 142)
2. Read the R. v. MacGillivray case on page 144
Explain what “the creation of a significant risk of danger to others by a significant departure from
the standard of a reasonably prudent person” means.
3. Complete the Actus Reus and Mens Rea worksheet attached to this assignment
Define - Actus Reus
Define - Mens Rea
4. Explain in your own words the difference between General Intent and Specific Intent. Give an
example to illustrate your description.
Explain the Mens Rea of criminal negligence, recklessness, and willful blindness. Provide an
example of each
a) Negligence example b) Recklessness example c) Willful Blindness example
Law 120
Leo Hayes High School
Due May 8th
6. How are strict liability offences and due diligence related? Create an example.
7. The perpetrator of a crime is the person that commits the act of a crime. Name four other
situations that include the parties to an offence.
8. Complete question #2 on page 156 of your textbook.
9. What are the similarities and difference between ATTEMPT and CONSPIRACY?