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Law Course Outline: Criminal Law Topics

Part I: What makes a crime?
Presumption of innocence; the state’s burden to prove guilt
Principle of legality: No punishment without a crime
Interpreting criminal statutes
Criminal liability requires action: Actus Reus
Mens Rea I: Criminal liability usually requires culpable mental state
Mens Rea II
Strict Liability: Interpreting statutes silent about mens rea
Mens Rea: Strict liability (cont.) and the problem of mistake-of-fact
Mens Rea and the problem of mistakes of law
Actual and proximate cause
Part II Specific Crimes
Controlled Substances
Sexual Assault
Unintentional Killings: involuntary manslaughter and felony murder
Part III: Inchoate Offenses
Accomplice liability
Inchoate offenses: Attempt
Inchoate offenses: Solicitation and Conspiracy
Offenses: Conspiracy (mens rea and actus reus)
Part IV: Defenses
Defense of other; defense of dwelling
Defenses: necessity and duress
Defenses: necessity and duress (cont.); intoxication
Defenses: Insanity
Part V: Punishment
Punishment purposes and problems
Limits on punishment?