Life Science Definition the movement of small substances through a cell membrane from high to low concentration without using the cell's energy the movement of substances from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration The diffusion of water molecules through a membrane concentration Word & Derivation Passive Transport _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: Passive Latin for “not active” trans Latin for “over” port Latin for “to carry” Diffusion _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: Latin for “scatter or pour out” Osmosis _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: Greek for “impulse” the movement of substances from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration using transport proteins (either channel proteins or carrier proteins) Facilitated Diffusion _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: Latin for “scatter or pour out” Drawing That Shows The Definition Life Science Definition Word & Derivation A solution with a higher concentration of solutes (salts) than the solution on the other side of a membrane Hypertonic Solution _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: Hyper- Greek for “above” Tonic- Greek for “to stretch” Solve- Latin for “let go/apart” A solution with a lower concentration of solutes (salts) than the solution on the other side of a membrane. Hypotonic Solution _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: Hypo- Greek for “under” Tonic- Greek for “to stretch” Solve- Latin for “let go/apart” A solution with an equal concentration of solutes (salts) to the solution on the other side of a membrane. Isotonic Solution _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: Iso- Greek for “equal” Tonic Greek “to stretch Solve Latin “to let go/apart” The movement of substances through a cell membrane from low to high concentration using the cell’s energy (endocytosis and exocytosis) Active Transport _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: Act Latin for “to do” Trans- Latin “over” Port Latin for “to carry” Drawing That Shows The Definition 0= Water X= Salts X x x x x X o x x X o ox X x o x ox ox oo Life Science Definition a series of chemical reactions that take place in the chloroplast to convert (change) light energy, carbon dioxide and water into glucose (sugar molecule) and oxygen The green pigment in a chloroplast organelle that absorbs light to be used for photosynthesis Word & Derivation Photosynthesis _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: Photo- Greek for “light” Synthesis- Greek for “put together” Chlorophyll _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: Chloro- Greek for “green” Phyllos- Greek for “leaf” ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _____________________________________ Derivation & Meaning: Drawing That Shows The Definition