WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY REQUIRED CHECKLIST FOR ALL CURRICULAR PROPOSALS Course or Program___ERS: Movement Science Option (ERMS) This checklist enables A2C2 representatives to endorse that their departments have accurately followed the Process for Accomplishing Curricular Change. For each course or program proposal submitted to A2C2, this checklist must be completed, signed by the submitting department's A2C2 representative, and included with the proposal when forwarded for approval. Peer review of proposals is also strongly advised, e.g., departments should discuss and vote on the proposals as submitted to A2C2, rather than on just the ideas proposed or drafts of proposals. If a proposal fails to follow or complete any aspect of the process, the Course and Program Proposal Subcommittee will postpone consideration of the proposal and return it to the department's A2C2 representative for completion and resubmission. Resubmitted proposals have the same status as newly submitted proposals. Note: This form need not be completed for notifications. 1. The appropriate forms and the “Approval Form" have been completed in full for this proposal. All necessary or relevant descriptions, rationales, and notifications have been provided. ________ Completed 2a. The “Financial and Staffing Data Sheet" has been completed and is enclosed in this proposal, if applicable. ________ Completed ________ NA 2b. For departments that have claimed that “existing staff" would be teaching the course proposed, an explanation has been enclosed in this proposal as to how existing staff will do this, e.g., what enrollment limits can be accommodated by existing staff. If no such explanation is enclosed, the department's representative is prepared to address A2C2's questions on this matter. ________ Completed ________ NA 3. Arrangements have been made so that a department representative knowledgeable of this proposal will be attending both the Course and Program Proposal Subcommittee meeting and the full A2C2 meeting at which this proposal is considered. ________ Completed Name and office phone number of proposal's representative: _____________________________________ 4. Reasonable attempts have been made to notify and reach agreements with all university units affected by this proposal. Units still opposing a proposal must submit their objections in writing before or during the Course and Program Proposal Subcommittee meeting at which this proposal is considered. ________ Completed ________ NA 5. The course name and number is listed for each prerequisite involved in this proposal. ________ Completed ________NA 6. In this proposal for a new or revised program (major, minor, concentration, etc.), the list of prerequisites provided includes all the prerequisites of any proposed prerequisites. All such prerequisites of prerequisites are included in the total credit hour calculations. ________ Completed ________ NA 7. In this proposal for a new or revised program, the following information for each required or elective course is provided: a. The course name and number. b. A brief course description. c. A brief statement explaining why the program should include the course. ________ Completed ________ NA 8. This course or program revision proposal: a. Clearly identifies each proposed change. b. Displays the current requirements next to the proposed new requirements, for clear, easy comparison. ________ Completed ________ NA 9. This course proposal provides publication dates for all works listed as course textbooks or references using a standard form of citation. Accessibility of the cited publications for use in this proposed course has been confirmed. ________ Completed ________ NA __________________________________________________ Department's A2C2 Representative or Alternate ______________________ Date [Revised 9-05] WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY PROPOSAL FOR REVISED PROGRAMS AND NEW PROGRAMS Use this form to submit proposals for revised majors, minors, concentrations, options, etc. Note: A department, with its dean’s approval, may change up to two courses per year within an existing major, minor, concentration, option, etc., per year without seeking review of A2C2 and/or graduate Council, provided that (1) the total credits do not increase or decrease for the major, minor, concentration, option, etc., and (2) the change does not affect other departments or the University Studies Program. A2C2 and/or Graduate Council do, however, wish to be informed of these changes. Use form Notifications. If a department wishes to make more extensive revisions to an existing major, minor, concentration, option, etc., complete and submit this form with the appropriate number of copies. Refer to Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing the Curriculum, for complete information on submitting proposals for curricular changes. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Department: _HERS______________________________________________ Title of Program: _Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences: Movement Science Option Revised: ___X___ Major ______ Minor ______ Concentration ____X__ Option ______ Other New: ______ Major ______ Minor ______ Concentration ______ Option Total credit hours: 93-94 SH (no change) Proposed Implementation Date: ______ Other Classroom Hours __80-81________ Lab Hours __13_______ upon approval______________________ Please attach to this proposal a narrative with the following information: A. Statement of major focus and objectives of the revised program. B. New Catalog Content 1. 2. Provide a list of program content as it would appear in the catalog including required courses, electives, etc., by number and name. Include the number and name for each prerequisite, and all prerequisites of proposed prerequisites. All such prerequisites, and prerequisites of prerequisites, should be included in the total credit hour calculations for the revised program. New catalog narrative, if any. C. Description of Revisions, to include 1. 2. 3. A display of current program requirements next to proposed new requirements for clear, easy comparison. A clear identification of each proposed change. The following information for each required or elective course: a. Course number and name, b. A brief course description, and c. A brief statement explaining why the program should include the course. Attach a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet. Attach an Approval Form. Department Contact Person for this Proposal: Gary Kastello Name (please print) X5219 Phone e-mail address [Revised 9-05] A. Statement of major focus and objectives of the revised program: EXERCISE AND REHABILITATIVE SCIENCES: MOVEMENT SCIENCE (ERMS) This major is designed to meet graduate school entrance requirements in a Movement Science field including physical therapy, occupational therapy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, kinesiology, motor learning, physician’s assistant, or chiropractic medicine. Students should meet early with the advisor to plan their program of study. The course of study provides students with a thorough understanding of areas related to both natural and movement science. Students may not declare the Movement Science Option with less than a 3.0 GPA. Student must choose either the Research Focus or Academic Focus. The Academic Focus provides students supplemental computer and biology courses helpful for graduate school admission. The Research Focus requires students to develop an appropriate research project; perform data collection; and present the results as a poster presentation, journal article, or research paper. Students must apply to the Research Focus. They may apply to the Movement Science Option: Research Focus after completing STAT 110, ENG 111, HERS 205, BIOL 211 and 212, and PSY 210. Application to the Research Focus includes a one- to two-page statement of professional goals and experiences, personal contact information, and a current copy of collegiate transcripts. Application materials are due to the Director of Movement Science, Gary Kastello by May 15 th (Maxwell Hall Room 368). Notification of acceptance will be via email no later than May 30th. Acceptance is competitive with 10 to 15 students accepted each year. Students who do not apply or are not accepted in the Research Focus may be eligible for the Movement Science Option: Academic Focus. Major focus and objectives don’t change. The change to the core requirements is due to Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Option dropping HERS 389 Strength & Conditioning. B. New Catalog Content The new catalog content is shown below in part C. This only change is moving HERS 389 Strength & Conditioning (3 SH) from the core to the required courses. No change in total credits to the major. C. Description of Revisions, to include 1. 2. 3. A display of current program requirements next to proposed new requirements for clear, easy comparison. A clear identification of each proposed change. The following information for each required or elective course: a. Course number and name, b. A brief course description, and c. A brief statement explaining why the program should include the course. Old Program: CORE REQUIREMENTS (50 S.H.) Revised Program (revisions in italics): CORE REQUIREMENTS (47 S.H.) Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences – HERS (32 S.H.) Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences – HERS (29 S.H.) 235 Professional Issues in Exercise Science (3) 280 Techniques of Fitness Programming (2) 291 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (2) 314 Anatomical Kinesiology (3) 340 Physiology of Exercise (4) -- M/CA Flag 360 Nutrition for the Physically Active (3) 370 Mechanical Kinesiology (3) 380 Laboratory Methods in Exercise Science (3) -- O Flag 389 Strength and Conditioning Principles and Programming (3) 403 Epidemiology (3) --M/CA Flag 445 Medical Aspects of Exercise (3) -- W Flag 235 Professional Issues in Exercise Science (3) 280 Techniques of Fitness Programming (2) 291 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (2) 314 Anatomical Kinesiology (3) 340 Physiology of Exercise (4) -- M/CA Flag 360 Nutrition for the Physically Active (3) 370 Mechanical Kinesiology (3) 380 Laboratory Methods in Exercise Science (3) -- O Flag 403 Epidemiology (3) --M/CA Flag 445 Medical Aspects of Exercise (3) -- W Flag Physical Education and Sport Science – PESS (3 S.H.) 300 Motor Learning and Development (3) Biology – BIOL (8 S.H.) 211 Anatomy and Physiology I (4)* 212 Anatomy and Physiology II (4)* Nursing - NURS (4 S.H.) 360 Pharmacology (1) 366 Pathophysiology (3) Statistics – STAT (3 S.H.) 110 Fundamentals of Statistics 3)* -OR210 Statistics (3) Physical Education and Sport Science – PESS (3 S.H.) 300 Motor Learning and Development (3) Biology – BIOL (8 S.H.) 211 Anatomy and Physiology I (4)* 212 Anatomy and Physiology II (4)* Nursing - NURS (4 S.H.) 360 Pharmacology (1) 366 Pathophysiology (3) Statistics – STAT (3 S.H.) 110 Fundamentals of Statistics 3)* -OR210 Statistics (3) Old Program: Revised Program (revisions in italics): EXERCISE & REHABILITATIVE SCIENCES: MOVEMENT SCIENCE (ERMS) REQUIRED COURSES (43-44 S.H.) Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences - HERS (1 S.H.) 364 Practicum in Movement Science (1) (Sophomore standing) EXERCISE & REHABILITATIVE SCIENCES: MOVEMENT SCIENCE (ERMS) REQUIRED COURSES (46-47 S.H.) Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences - HERS (4 S.H.) 364 Practicum in Movement Science (1) (Sophomore standing) 389 Strength & Conditioning Principles & Programming (3 SH) Mathematics and Statistics - MATH (4 S.H.) * 120 Precalculus (4) Psychology - PSY (9 S.H.) * 210 Introduction to Psychological Science (3) * 250 Developmental Psychology (3) 420 Abnormal Psychology (3) Physics - PHYS (8 S.H.) * 201 General Physics I (4) * 202 General Physics II (4) Chemistry - CHEM (8 S.H.) *212 Principles of Chemistry I (4) *213 Principles of Chemistry II (4) Sociology - SOC (3 S.H.) * 150 Human Society (3) Biology - BIOL (4 S.H.) * 241 Basics of Life (4) Mathematics and Statistics - MATH (4 S.H.) * 120 Precalculus (4) Psychology - PSY (9 S.H.) * 210 Introduction to Psychological Science (3) * 250 Developmental Psychology (3) 420 Abnormal Psychology (3) Physics - PHYS (8 S.H.) * 201 General Physics I (4) * 202 General Physics II (4) Chemistry - CHEM (8 S.H.) *212 Principles of Chemistry I (4) *213 Principles of Chemistry II (4) Sociology - SOC (3 S.H.) * 150 Human Society (3) Biology - BIOL (4 S.H.) * 241 Basics of Life (4) RESEARCH FOCUS (6 S.H.) Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences - HERS (6 S.H.) 390 Movement Science Research Design (3) 412 Movement Science Research Data Collection (3) ACADEMIC FOCUS (7 S.H.) Computer Science - CS (3 S.H.) 116 Web Technology (3) OR 130 Introduction to Basic Programming (3) Biology - BIOL (4 S.H.) O 307 Cell Biology Laboratory (1) W 308 Cell Biology (3) SUGGESTED ELECTIVES Biology - BIOL 209 Microbiology (3) O 307 Cell Biology Laboratory (1) W 308 Cell Biology (3) O 309 Developmental Biology (3) M 310 Genetics (3) 340 Virology (3) 430 Molecular Biology (3) 431 Molecular Biology/Lab (4) 470 Histology (4) Chemistry - CHEM 340 Organic Chemistry Survey (4) 438 Medicinal Chemistry (2) Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences - HERS 344 Electrocardiography (3) 420 Clinical Exercise Testing and Prescription (4) Mathematics - MATH 160 Calculus I (4) 161 Calculus Companion (1) RESEARCH FOCUS (6 S.H.) Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences - HERS (6 S.H.) 390 Movement Science Research Design (3) 412 Movement Science Research Data Collection (3) ACADEMIC FOCUS (7 S.H.) Computer Science - CS (3 S.H.) 116 Web Technology (3) OR 130 Introduction to Basic Programming (3) Biology - BIOL (4 S.H.) O 307 Cell Biology Laboratory (1) W 308 Cell Biology (3) SUGGESTED ELECTIVES Biology - BIOL 209 Microbiology (3) O 307 Cell Biology Laboratory (1) W 308 Cell Biology (3) O 309 Developmental Biology (3) M 310 Genetics (3) 340 Virology (3) 430 Molecular Biology (3) 431 Molecular Biology/Lab (4) 470 Histology (4) Chemistry - CHEM 340 Organic Chemistry Survey (4) 438 Medicinal Chemistry (2) Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences - HERS 344 Electrocardiography (3) 420 Clinical Exercise Testing and Prescription (4) Mathematics - MATH 160 Calculus I (4) 161 Calculus Companion (1) WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY FINANCIAL AND STAFFING DATA SHEET Course or Program__ERS: Movement Science option (ERMS)________________________________ Include a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet with any proposal for a new course, new program, or revised program. Please answer the following questions completely. Provide supporting data. 1. Would this course or program be taught with existing staff or with new or additional staff? If this course would be taught by adjunct faculty, include a rationale. N/A 2. What impact would approval of this course/program have on current course offerings? Please discuss number of sections of current offerings, dropping of courses, etc. N/A 3. What effect would approval of this course/program have on the department supplies? Include data to support expenditures for staffing, equipment, supplies, instructional resources, etc. N/A [Revised 9-05] WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY APPROVAL FORM Routing form for new and revised courses and programs. Course or Program ERS: Movement Science Option (ERMS) Department Recommendation _________________________________ Department Chair ________________ Date Dean’s Recommendation _____ Approved _________________________________ Dean of College A2C2 Recommendation _____ Disapproved ________________ Date _____ Approved _____ Disapproved _________________________________ Chair of A2C2 ________________ Date Graduate Council Recommendation (if applicable) _____ Approved _________________________________ Chair of Graduate Council ________________ Date _________________________________ Director of Graduate Studies ________________ Date Faculty Senate Recommendation _____ Approved _________________________________ President of Faculty Senate _____ Disapproved _____ Disapproved ________________ Date Academic Vice President Recommendation _____ Approved ________________________________ Academic Vice President Decision of President _____ Approved _________________________________ President ____________________________________________ e-mail address _____ Disapproved ________________ Date _____ Disapproved ________________ Date Please forward to Registrar. Registrar _________________ Date entered Please notify department chair via e-mail that curricular change has been recorded. [Revised 9-05]