Thursday, 05 November 2015

Thursday, 05 November 2015
• Bellringer:
Rewrite the sentences and add the
punctuation that is needed. Then, think about
what the sentence means.
1. when I sing well ladies feel sick
2. watch out man eating apes
3. the man dropped the bullet in his mouth
Thursday, 05 November 2015
When I sing well, ladies feel sick.
When I sing, well ladies feel sick.
Watch out – man eating apes!
Watch out! Man-eating apes!
The man dropped the bullet in his mouth.
The man dropped, the bullet in his mouth.
Apostrophe Rules
Apostrophes: What you already KNow
Use the apostrophe with contractions.
The apostrophe is always placed at the spot where the
letter(s) has been removed.
cannot = can’t
you are = you’re
is not = isn’t
do not = don’t
Use the apostrophe to show singular possession.
Place the apostrophe BEFORE the s to show something
belonging to one person.
Mary’s golf clubs. Tom’s 17 apples.
Apostrophes: What you need to know
Rule 1
Use the apostrophe to show plural
Place the apostrophe AFTER the S to show
something belonging to MORE THAN one
Make the noun plural with an S, then add
the apostrophe afterwards.
Apostrophes: What you need to know
Rule 2
When two or more people own the same
thing, the possessive apostrophe goes with
the SECOND name ONLY.
Anne and Katy’s room.
Those books are Tim and Ryan’s.
Apostrophes: Practice
The girls uniforms are in those boxes.
There is Jon and Mike project.
Mr. Charles paycheck is never big enough.
The mens lockers will be closed this week.
Sarah locker is in the A wing.
Special Circumstances
• It’s = it is
• The apostrophe’s first and foremost job is to show deleted
• Its = it owns something
• Apostrophes show the deleted numbers in dates (2013 =
• Commas are used to separate day, month, year in the
• Thursday, February 21, 2013
When you have three or more items of the
same type, you use commas to separate them
Single words
Apples, oranges, bananas, or strawberries.
Clauses (groups of words)
Go to the store, eat lunch, and walk to work.
When two simple sentences are combined, you put a
comma before the connecting word.
Connecting words:
For And Nor But Or Yet So
I want to go to the party, but Mom says I have to stay home.
John either went to work, or he went to the baseball game.
Alex got a new car, so she had to get a new license plate, too.
When using quotes, you always have some sort of
introduction or conclusion to it. This is separated by a
Brian yelled, “Get in the car!”
“I have to grab my books first,” said Lynn.
Arthur Miller wrote, “A word about Putnam...”
Somethings you need to know…
When you write your essay for the recipe project:
• When you are writing about numbers 0-9, you write
them out. When you are writing about numbers 10<,
you can use the numerals.
• Book titles get italicized
• When you are referring to an author (or any person with
whom you are not personally acquainted) you use their
first and last name or just their last name. Never just
their first name.
Practice Makes Perfect!!!