Apostrophes Quiz

Can you select the correct answer?
Apostrophes: The Basic Rule
 First determine if the item is singular (one) or plural
(more than one).
 To show possession, apply the rule:
The (book’s, books’) cover is torn.
I may receive a fine when I
return it to the library.
The (Wilson’s house, Wilsons’
house) is located at the end of
Cherry Blossom Lane.
The woman sought out three
(doctor’s, doctors’) opinions
before she chose a treatment
plan for her advanced cancer.
What should we choose as the
(team’s, teams’) mascot?
Jennifer wants a hawk, but I
prefer a knight.
The two (teachers, teachers’)
classes all followed the same
The Exceptions
Add an apostrophe s to plural nouns that do not end in
 man
man’s men
 woman woman’s women women’s
 child
child’s children children’s
The (childrens, children’s,
childrens’) playroom was left a
mess, with toys and games
strewn all over the floor.
What do you do with…
If a singular noun ends in s, z, x, ch, or sh, add an
apostrophe and an “s,” unless the word has more than
two syllables.
ex. Charles’s, Thomas’s, princess’s, box’s, church’s
ex. Mercedes’, Ulysses’ (more than two syllables)
What do you do with…
When a singular noun ends in s, z, x, ch, or sh, add an
“es” to make it plural, and then add an apostrophe.
ex. Joneses’ vacation house
ex. Schwartzes’ holiday decorations
ex. Churches’ sports equipment