Proteomics • No correlation between mRNA and protein amounts (Gygi et al., 1999) • The proteome is an instant picture of the phenotype at the biochemical level • The proteome accounts for PTM “the proteome is the complete set of proteins of an organ or an organism at a given time and under specific physiological conditions” (Wilkins et al., 1995). Gygi et al., Mol. Cell. Biol. 19, 1720 (1999); Wilkins et al., Biotechnol. Genet. Eng. Rev. 13, 19 (1995). Proteomics Structural Large-scale analysis of proteins structure (X-ray, NMR) Differential Large-scale analysis of proteins expression (2-DE, MS) Interactions Large-scale analysis of proteins interactions (pull-down, affinity purification, two-hybrid system, network analysis...) Proteomics challenges 1) Samples are complex 2) You can not amplify proteins High specificity => MS High sensitivity => From proteins to peptides Proteomics approach Proteomics approach Proteomics technologies Differential Proteomics Alberio T, Fasano M. J Biotechnol. 2011 PMID: 21925549 Proteomics and Bioinformatics 1) Data analysis 2) Results interpretation Quantitative Proteomics • Proteome = all the proteins expressed in a cell type/ tissue/ organism (at a given time) • Proteomics = science to characterize the proteome BUT • The proteome is dynamic and the identification of a list of proteins is not sufficient to describe a functional statequantitative data are fundamental to describe transitions among several states (environmental variations, disease, drugs response…) Gel-based vs. Gel-free Webb-Robertson and Cannon, Brief Bioinform 2007;8:304-317. Poor detection of acidic- basic- proteins poor solubility of membrane proteins limited loading capacity of gradient pH strips (crowding effect) Low reproducibility of gels relatively low throughput 2D gels perform robust separations 2D gels are well-suited for PTM analysis Parallel, quantitative and label-free readout Monteoliva and Albar, BRIEFINGS IN FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS AND PROTEOMICS. VOL 3. NO 3. 220–239. Proteins do the job, not peptides Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) Staining pI 3-10 NL 170 kDa 95 kDa 72 kDa 170 kDa 95 kDa 72 kDa 55 kDa 43 kDa 55 kDa 43 kDa 34 kDa 34 kDa 26 kDa 26 kDa 17 kDa 17 kDa Group B Group A pI 3-10 NL Differential in-gel electrophoresis (DIGE) Matching not needed o High cost Spatially accurate o Weak signal Sensitive to small quantitative changes o Only binary comparison DIGE Control [Cy5] Pharmacological Treatment [Cy3] Mass spectrometer Source Analyzer Detector To generate gas phase ions • Desorption – MALDI matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization • Nebulization – ESI electrospray ionization m/z MALDI •Firing of a laser pulse into a surface on which is coated a mixture of the sample of interest (peptide) plus a UV light absorbing matrix material (cinnamic acid). •The matrix material acts a conduit for the energy from the laser to reach the peptide and generate an M+proton ion. •The analyte ion is then accelerated out of the region by the repulsion of the positive charge on the surface of the sample plate. •The ion flies down the flight tube MALDI applications in proteomics • MALDI imaging: Direct profiling of tissue sections. A powerful procedure to study the spatial distribution of large and small molecules directly from a biological matrix. • MALDI profiling ESI Electrospray is a method used to produce gaseous ionized molecules from a liquid solution from the chromatographer Vacuum Interface charged droplets form High Voltage – + + Sample Flow + + ++++ – + ++– + + + + + + + + + + + Nebulizer Gas Spray Ions released To MS Analyzers • Time of Flight (TOF) • Quadrupole • Ion trap time-of-flight (TOF) Ion Source Flight Tube 20-25 kV Detector Principle: If ions are accelerated with the same potential at a fixed point and a fixed initial time and are allowed to drift, the ions will separate according to their mass to charge ratios. time-of-flight (TOF) Ion Source Flight Tube Detector The ions enter the flight tube with the lighter ions travelling faster than the heavier ions to the detector time-of-flight (TOF) Ion Source Flight Tube Detector The lighter ions strike the detector before the heavier ions. This “time of flight” (TOF) can be converted to mass MALDI is always combined with ToF Quadrupole and Ion Trap Uses a combination of Radio Frequency (RF) and Direct Current (DC) voltages to operate as a mass filter. • Has four parallel metal rods. • Lets one mass pass through at a time. • Can scan through all masses or sit at one fixed mass. • Ions trapped and circulate until sequentially ejected • Compact, robust Tandem MS: MS/MS, Source First analyzer Selection of a parent ion with a specific m/z Collision chamber Fragmentation 1 MS , 2 MS Second analyzer Detector Mesurement of the m/z of daugther ions Applying two or more steps of mass analysis separated in space or time (in the same instrument) to select an analyte (ion) of interest from a mixture and generate fragments from it to give structural informationsequence An example: Q-ToF Gel-free: shotgun Charged peptides Issues: •Ion intensity is not proportional to quantity. It depends on peptides physicochemical properties (charge, hydrophobocity…) •Spectra of the same ion in different selected and runs are influencedPeptides by external fragmented variables (e.g. chromatography) which may casually alter ionization efficiency Reverse Phase Liquid Chromatography High pressure is used (High Performance) Peptides acelerated by magnetic fields in the analyzer and separated by m/z Strategies to have a quantitative MS • Mix samples(e.g. control and treated samples) to conduct only one analysis: a priori - Non-radioactive tracers (15N, 13C, 18O, 2H) to label different samples identical proteomes (same carachteristics, same behaviour during chromatography= ionization ) but ≠ mass -Peptides from different samples generate a doublet of peaks. The ratio of peak intensities is proportional to the protein abundance ratio • Data analysis and elaboration from different runs (label free): a posteriori Quantitative Proteomics •Labelling (ICAT, iTRAQ, SILAC, 18O enrichment, …) •Label free (AQUA, SRM/MRM, …) Isotope-coded affinity tagging (ICAT) To purify with resins conjugated with avidin Reaction with Cys (-SH) 8 hydrogens or deuteriums PRO: simply spectra (only peptides with Cys) CONS: •Quantification is based on one peptide only (or few) •Impossible to quantify proteins without Cys •In MS/MS the tag is fragmented noise in the MS/MS spectra •light o heavy peptides do not perfectly co-elute •Only two samples Isobaric Tagging for Relative and Absolute Quantitation (iTRAQ) PRO: •Reaction with primary amines •Multiplexing (till 8) CONS: •Variable efficiency of chemical labelling •Tags added just before MS (differences during samples preparation) SILAC (Stable Isotope Labeling of Amino acids in Cell culture) •Stable isotopes are added in culture media. •Isotopes are included in new-synthetized proteins. Natural isotopes in essential aminoacids (light medium) Stable isotopes in essential aminoacids (heavy medium) •Relative quantification in MS1, on the basis of the intensities of the same peptide •PRO: early labelling : no technical variability accurate quantification •CONS: only in proliferating models SILAC in Silac-mouse Label-free Normally used for clinical proteomics (many samples, same tissue, limited quantities) 1) Differential quantification of one or few peptides of the same protein in different samples (“intensity-based”); -Thanks to high resolution analyzers (ToF, Orbitrap..) -High reproducibility of chromatografy and of the analyzer needed -Algorithms to correct differences and allign chromatograms 2) Differential quantification based on spectral-counting -Rationale: the number of peptides identified for one protein correlates with its abundance -BUT the number of peptides depends also on the protein length normalization index -CONS: the proportion is not true for all the proteins -Difficult to quantify little differences Gel-free targeted Selected/Multiple reaction monitoring (SRM/MRM) •Only a defined number of peptides – corresponding to a protein of interest – are monitored Triple quadruple Precursor/fragment intensity is quantitative Ritention time of chromatography •A lot of preliminary work: find proteotypic peptides •Alternative to ELISA in clinical studies Absolute Quantification = to determine the concentration of a protein in a sample as ng/mL or number of copies/cell 1) Quantification is possible thanks to isotope-labelled standards (petides/proteins) -Standard Peptides (Absolute QUAntification -AQUA-) or proteins (absolute SILAC, Protein Standard for absolute Quantification - PSAQ-) are added to the sample at a known concentration -A lot of preliminary work to choose and synthetize peptides with a known mass (incorporated isotopes) 2) Quantification is obtained elaborating MS data and appliying algorithms -Es. APEX algorithm based on machine-learning: thanks to experimental data is possible to estimate the probability to detect a peptide What next? • You will call your preferred MS expert to ask her/him to identify your spots • You will get a list of protein names • What tells you that list?