File - Elizabeth Diviney's Portfolio


Senior Project

By: Elizabeth Diviney



• Major: Humanities-Prelaw

– Graduate Degree: Juris Doctor

• Colleges:

– Michigan State University (MSU)

– Macomb Community College (MCC)

• Graduate School:

– Michigan State School of Law


Degree Specifics

• Credit Analysis (4 years at MSU):

• General Courses:

– Writing: Science and Technology I (WRA110)

• 4 credits

– Writing: Law and Justice in the U.S. (WRA115)

• 4 credits

– College Algebra (MTH103)

• 3 credits

– Trigonometry (MTH114)

• 3 credits

– United States and the World (IAH201)

• 4 credits

– Area Studies and Multicultural Civilizations: The Americas


• 4 credits

("MSU: Course Descriptions” 2)

("HumanitiesPrelaw Program” 3)


Degree Specifics Continued

– Society and the Individual (ISS210)

• 4 credits

– Social Science Approaches to Law (ISS308)

• 4 credits

– Applications of Biomedical Sciences (ISB204)

• 3 credits

– Understanding the Earth: Global Change (ISP203A)

• 3 credits

– Applications in Biological Science Laboratory (ISB208L)

• 2 credits

– Geology of the Human Environment Laboratory (ISP203L)

• 2 credits

– At least 1 course from National IAH or ISS courses

• No courses listed

• 4 credits ("MSU: Course Descriptions” 2-3)

("HumanitiesPrelaw Program” 3) 4

Degree Specifics Continued

– 1 course from a second year foreign language course

• No courses listed

– At least 1 course from International IAH or ISS courses

• No courses listed

• 4 credits

– 2 courses that involve quantitative reasoning skills

• No courses listed

• 6 credits

• At least 15 credits in approved pre–law courses:

– Principles of Financial Accounting (ACC201)

• 4 credits

– Criminology (CJ220)

• 3 credits

– Abnormal Psychology (PSY280)

• 3 credits

("HumanitiesPrelaw Program” 1-2) 5

Degree Specifics Continued

– Law and Criminal Justice Policy (CJ474)

• 3 credits

– Constitutional and Legal History of Medieval England (HST350)

• 3 credits

– Constitutional and Legal History of England since 1400


• 3 credits

– Central Issues of Ethics (PHL440)

• 4 credits

– Introduction to Forensic Science (CJ210)

• 3 credits

• Additional credits in courses related to Humanities—Prelaw (2 to 16 credits):

– Criminal Justice (CJ110)

• 3 credits ("MSU: Course Descriptions” 3)

– Criminal Procedures (CJ235)

• 3 credits

("HumanitiesPrelaw Program” 1-2)


Degree Specifics Continued

• At least 15 credits in a discipline within the College of Arts and Letters ("HumanitiesPrelaw Program” 1) (Minor:

Philosophy and Law) :

– Logic and Reasoning (PHL330)

• 4 credits

– Philosophy of Law (PHL354)

• 3 credits

– Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy (PHL350)

• 3 credits

– Ethical Issues in Health Care (PHL344)

• 4 credits ("MSU: Course Descriptions” 3)

– Philosophy of Science (PHL480)

• 4 credits

("Minor in Philosophy and Law” 1-2)


Degree Specifics Continued

• At least 15 additional credits in a discipline within or outside the College of Arts and Letters ("HumanitiesPrelaw Program”

1) (Minor: Educational Studies):

– Current Issues in Education (TE201)

• 3 credits

– Dynamics of Personal Adjustment (CEP260)

• 3 credits

– Substance Abuse (CEP260)

• 3 credits

– Student Leadership Training (EAD315)

• 3 credits

– Reflections on Learning (TE150)

• 3 credits

– Urban Education (TE351)

• 3 credits

("Minor in Educational Studies” 1)


Degree Specifics Continued

• Total Credits: At least 120

– Earned 122 of 120 Credits

• Total 300s or 400s Class Credits: At least 30

– Earned 41 of 30 credits

• 37 out 20 earned inside the Major

• Minor: Philosophy and Law

– Earned 18 credits

• Minor: Educational Studies

– Earned 18 credits

("Minor in Educational Studies” 2)

("Minor in Philosophy and Law” 2)

("HumanitiesPrelaw Program” 3-4) 9

Degree Specifics Continued

• 2 years at MCC:

– Communications 1 and 2 (ENGL 1180 and 1190)

• Credit for Science and Technology I (WRA110)

• 8 credits

– College Algebra (MATH1410)

• Credit for College Algebra (MTH103)

• 4 credits

– Calculus for Business & Social Science (MATH1370)

• Credit for Trigonometry (MTH114)

• 4 credits

– Introduction to Latin America (INTL2000)

• Credit for Area Studies and Multicultural Civilizations: The

Americas (IAH211C) ("Course Descriptions” 2)

• 4 credits

("Search by MSU Course” 2)


Degree Specifics Continued

– Introduction to Social Sciences (SOSC1010)

• Credit for Society and the Individual (ISS210)

• 4 credits

– Earth Science (NATS1210)

• Credit for Understanding the Earth: Global Change (ISP203A)

• 4 credits

– General Biology 1 (BIOL1000)

• Credit for Applications in Biological Science Laboratory


• 4 credits

– Introduction to General Chemistry (CHEM1050)

• Credit for Applications in Biological Laboratory (ISP208L)

• 4 credits

("Course Descriptions” 2) ("Search by MSU Course” 3)


Degree Specifics Continued

– Principles of Accounting 1 (ACCT1080)

• Credit for Principles of Financial Accounting (ACC201)

• 4 credits

– Crime Causation (LAWE1400)

• Credit for Criminology (CJ220)

• 3 credits

– Police Leadership, Management, & Supervision (LAWE2350)

• Credit for Criminal Procedures (CJ235)

• 4 credits

– Abnormal Psychology (PSYC2800)

• Credit for Abnormal Psychology (PSY280)

• 3 credits

– Educational Psychology (PSYC2310)

• Credit for Reflections of Learning (TE150)

• 3 credits


("Course Descriptions” 2) ("Search by MSU Course” 3-4)

Degree Specifics Continued

• 2 years at MSU:

– Writing: Law and Justice in the U.S. (WRA115)

• 4 credits

– United States and the World (IAH201)

• 4 credits

– Social Science Approaches to Law (ISS308)

• 4 credits

– Applications of Biomedical Sciences (ISB204)

• 3 credits

– At least 1 course from National IAH or ISS courses

• No courses listed

• 4 credits

– At least 1 course from International IAH or ISS courses

• No courses listed

• 4 credits

("MSU: Course Descriptions” 2)

("HumanitiesPrelaw Program” 3)


Degree Specifics Continued

– 2 courses that involve quantitative reasoning skills

• No courses listed

• 6 credits

– 1 course from a second year foreign language course

• No courses listed

– Law and Criminal Justice Policy (CJ474)

• 3 credits

– Constitutional and Legal History of Medieval England


• 3 credits

– Constitutional and Legal History of England since 1400


• 3 credits

– Central Issues of Ethics (PHL440)

• 4 credits ("MSU: Course Descriptions” 3)

– Introduction to Forensic Science (CJ210)

• 3 credits

("HumanitiesPrelaw Program” 1-4) 14

Degree Specifics Continued

• Additional credits in courses related to Humanities—Prelaw (2 to 16 credits):

– Criminal Justice (CJ110)

• 3 credits

("MSU: Course Descriptions” 3)

• At least 15 credits in a discipline within the College of Arts and Letters (Minor: Philosophy and Law):

– Logic and Reasoning (PHL330)

• 4 credits

– Philosophy of Law (PHL354)

• 3 credits

– Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy (PHL350)

• 3 credits

– Ethical Issues in Health Care (PHL344)

• 4 credits

– Philosophy of Science (PHL480)

• 4 credits

("Minor in Philosophy and Law” 1-2) 15

Degree Specifics Continued

• At least 15 additional credits in a discipline within or outside the College of Arts and Letters ("Humanities-

Prelaw Program” 1) (Minor: Educational Studies):

– Current Issues in Education (TE201)

• 3 credits

– Dynamics of Personal Adjustment (CEP260)

• 3 credits

– Substance Abuse (CEP260)

• 3 credits

– Student Leadership Training (EAD315)

• 3 credits

– Urban Education (TE351)

• 3 credits

("Minor in Educational Studies” 1) 16

Degree Specifics Continued

• Credits from MCC: 53

• Credits from MSU: 81

• Total Credits: 134 out of 120

• Minor: Philosophy and Law

– 18 Credits

("Minor in Philosophy and Law” 2)

• Minor: Educational Studies

– 18 Credits

("Minor in Educational Studies” 2)

• Credits from 300s and 400s: 41 out of 20

("HumanitiesPrelaw Program” 3) ("Course Descriptions” 2)


("Search by MSU Course” 2-4)

Degree Specifics Continued

• Graduate School (Juris Doctor Degree):

– Advocacy (Credits: 2)

– Civil Procedure I (Credits: 4)

– Constitutional Law I (Credits: 2)

– Contracts (Credits: 4)

– Contract Negotiation (Credits: 1)

– Criminal Law (Credits: 3)

– Foundations of Law (Credits: 0)

– Lawyers & Ethics (Credits: 1)

– Professional Responsibility (Credits: 3)

– Property (Credits: 4)

– Regulatory State (Credits: 2)

– Research, Writing & Analysis (Credits: 2)

– Torts I (Credits: 4)

("Required Curriculum” 1-2)


Degree Specifics Continued

– Electives (Credits: 56):

• Advanced Criminal Procedure (Credits: 5)

• Applied Evidence (Credits: 2)

• Client Counseling and Interviewing (Credits: 2)

• Criminal Procedure I, II (Credits: 6)

• Criminal Trial Advocacy I, II, III (Credits: 6)

• Directed Study (Credits: 2)

• Evidence Seminar (Credits: 2)

• Externship (Credits: 3)

• International Criminal Law (Credits: 2)

• Juvenile Law (Credits: 2)

• Law Practice Management (Credits: 2)

• Trial Practice Institute - Trial I, II (Credits: 6)

• Trial Practice Institute - Forensic Science (Credits: 2)

("Specialties: Criminal Law” 1-2)


Degree Specifics Continued

• Family Dissolution Seminar (Credits: 2)

• Family Law I: Marriage & Divorce (Credits: 3)

• Family Law II: Child, Family and the State (Credits: 3)

• Juvenile Law (Credits: 2)

• Negotiation (Credits: 2)

("Specialties: Family Law” 1-2)

• Total Credits: 88 out of 88

– 32 toward major

– 56 electives

("Required Curriculum” 2)


Estimated Costs

• 4 years at MSU (Total: $87,156):

– Per Credit Hour

• Freshman and Sophomore: $420.75

• Junior and Senior: $460

– Freshman year: $21,220 (30 credit year)

• Housing: $8,526

• Tuition and Fees: $12,674

– Sophomore year: $21,220 (30 credit year)

• Housing: $8,526

• Tuition and Fees: $12,674

– Junior year: $22,378 (30 credit year)

• Housing: $8,526

• Tuition and Fees: $13,852

– Senior year: $22,378 (30 credit year)

• Housing: $8,526

• Tuition and Fees: $13,852 (“Estimated Costs” 1)

(“Tuition, Fees and Housing Calculator” 1)


("Resident Tuition, Fee, Tax And Housing Rates” 1)

Estimated Costs Continued

• 2 years at MCC and 2 years at MSU

(Total: $49659):

– Per Credit Hour

• Freshman and Sophomore: $86

• Junior and Senior: $460

– Freshman and Sophomore years: $4903 (53 credit total)

• Housing: $0

• Tuition and Fees: $4658

• Course Fees: $245

(“Tuition and Fees” 1)

– Junior year: $22,378 (30 credit year)

• Housing: $8,526

• Tuition and Fees: $13,852

("Course Descriptions” 2)

– Senior year: $22,378 (30 credit year)

• Housing: $8,526 ("Tuition, Fees and Housing Calculator” 1)

• Tuition and Fees: $13,852


("Resident Tuition, Fee, Tax And Housing Rates” 1)

Estimated Costs Continued

• Graduate School:

– Total: $129,906

– Per Credit Hour: $1,212

– 29 Credit Year: $43,302

• Tuition $35,148

• Fees $35

• RWA Lab Fees $200

• Books $1,458

• Room and Board $5091

• Transportation $200

• Personal/Misc. $970

("Financial Aid for Incoming J.D. Students” 2)

• Total Money Owed (4 yr MSU): $217,062

• Total Money Owed (2 yr MCC, 2 yr MSU): $179,565


Career Specifics

• Lawyer

– Yearly Gross: $112,760

– Tax Bracket: $83,600-$174,000 (28%)

• Federal: $47,951.30

• State: $4,624.43

• Fica: $4,624.20

– Yearly Net: $55,560.08

("Lawyers” 1)

("Michigan Employer Payroll Withholding

Rates & Tables Effective October 1, 2012” 1)

("2012 Federal Withholding Tax Table” 1)


Works Cited

• "2012 Federal Withholding Tax Table." 2012 Federal Withholding Tax

Table . Suburban Computer Services, Inc, n.d. Web. 07 Nov.

2012. <>.

• "Course Descriptions." Macomb Community College

Community College, n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2012.

. Macomb

< Students/Educational

Offerings/Course Descriptions/>.

• “Estimated Costs." Office of Admissions


. Michigan State University, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2012. <

• "Financial Aid for Incoming J.D. Students." Financial Aid for Incoming

Law Students . Michigan State University: College of Law, n.d.

Web. 06 Nov. 2012. < finaid/index.html>.

• "Humanities - Prelaw Program." MSU RO: Academic Programs

Web. 06 Nov. 2012. <


. Office of Registrar Michigan State University Board of Trustees, n.d.


Works Cited Continued

• "Lawyers." Occupational Outlook Handbook

Statistics, 26 Apr. 2012. Web. 07 Nov. 2012.

. U.S. Bureau of Labor


• "Michigan Employer Payroll Withholding Rates & Tables Effective

October 1, 2012." Michigan Employer Payroll Withholding Rates

& Tables Effective October 1, 2012 . Suburban Computer

Services, n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2012.



• “Minor in Educational Studies." MSU RO:Academic Programs . Office of the Registrar, Michigan State University Board of Trustees, n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2012. <

Programs/ProgramDetail.asp? Program=6735>.

• "Minor in Philosophy and Law." MSU RO: Academic Programs .

Michigan State University Board of Trustees, n.d. Web. 07 Nov.

2012. <

/ProgramDetail.asp? Program=5701>.


Works Cited Continued

• "MSU: Course Descriptions." MSU RO . Office of the Registrar,

Michigan State University Board of Trustees, n.d. Web. 07 Nov.

2012. <>.

• "Required Curriculum." Michigan State University: College of Law .

Michigan State University College of Law, n.d. Web. 07 Nov.

2012. <>.

• "Resident Tuition, Fee, Tax And Housing Rates." Student Accounts .

Michigan State University, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2012.



• "Search by MSU Course." Transfer MSU . Michigan State University

Board of Trustees, n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2012.



Works Cited Continued

• "Specialties: Criminal Law." Michigan State College of Law . Michigan

State University,n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2012.


• "Specialties: Family Law." Michigan State College of Law . Michigan

State University, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2012.


• “Tuition and Fees." Macomb Community College . Macomb

Community College, n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2012.

< Students/Student

Services/Payment And Student Accounts/Tuition and


• "Tuition, Fees and Housing Calculator." Student Accounts . Michigan

State University, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2012. <


