TPRS Movie Talk | The Smortlybacks Watch online I. Description of The Smortlybacks On a tabletop mountain a mahout and his strange herd make a surprising and never-ending journey. II. Description makers, producers Producer: Catherine Ann Berger, Ted Sieger, Stefan Holaus, Qi Ling, Sun Lixiang Director: Ted Sieger, Wouter Dierickx Screenwriter: Ted Sieger Composer: Christoph Utzinger Specialist(s): Alexandra Prosen, Dong Ming, Wang Luchum, Wang Xuanping, He Libin, Yu Dan, Meng Fanming, Ou Xiliang, Zhao Xiaofeng, Feng Chunying, Qiu Minjie, Guo Dazhao, Zhang Rui Rerecording Sound Mix: Tilo Busch Music: Christoph Utzinger Animation: Wouter Dierickx 3D Animation: Ted Sieger Characters by: Ted Sieger Techniques: 3D Computer animation Country Switzerland/China Year 2013 Running Time 5’59 World Rights Ted Sieger Worldwide Distribution Distribution Switzerland: Schattenkabinett GmbH Director WOUTER DIERICKX Born in Belgium in 1961. Educated in animation film at the St. – Lucas Institute Brussels, Belgium 1980-1984. Worked as a professional layout artist, animator and director since 1985. Founder of preproduction studio Graphics& Animation Belgium Co-founder of Animation production studio Sophie Animation China. Director TED SIEGER Born in 1958, he grew up in Chile, Peru, Australia and Switzerland. Before he started making films he travelled extensively and worked in all kinds of strange jobs, the best were counting eggs in an egg factory and sailing with a merchant ship to Africa. He creates, designs, writes, directs and produces animation (shorts, TV Series and soon a feature). He lives in Switzerland and has just bought new skis. Awards Sassuolo, Yasujiro Ozu International Short Film Festival, "Ozu Kidz 6-10" Award 2014 Utrecht, Holland Animation Film Festival, HAFF Junior Audience Award 2014 Bern, Berner Filmförderung, Publikumspreis Bester Kurzfilm 2013 Vila do Conde, Festival internacional de cinema CURTAS, Honorable Mention (M/3) of the Curtinhas Competition 2013 TPRS Movie Talk | lesson scheme Underneath also are mentioned the predominating multiple intelligences Lesson with The Smortlybacks III. Printscreens / Props, realia [visual-spatial intelligence. Make printscreens of important scenes. Are there important props or realia you would like to show/use] IV. TPR [bodily-kinesthetic intelligence – use before or as brain break; you could do TPR to pre-teach the target vocabulary] V. TPRS structures [verbal-linguistic intelligence. Recycle old ones, but can also be pre-taught and used in a story which you create together before doing Movie Talk, but the Movie can also be used as the already existing story; for beginners use Terry Waltz’s Super Seven or Mike Peto’s sweet sixteen:] structure 1 (tense 3rd person) structure 2 (i.d.) structure 3 (i.d.) recycled structures VI. PQA [interpersonal intelligence. Stay in bounds!] Questions to students about themselves which contain the 1rst and 2nd person of structures 1 to 3 and recycled structures VII. Dialogue [interpersonal intelligence. What’s the character saying/thinking/saying to him/herself/dreaming? And use with PQA: how does it connect with the students?] I [verb tense] you [verb tense] etc VIII. Grammar pop-ups/ comprehension checks [intrapersonal intelligence. When asking the movie & when reading together; also use the TPR words to have students show the meaning that way] IX. Retell [Several intelligences. Have the students retell what they’ve seen until then - see also Craig Sheehy’s workshop: variety is the spice of routine] X. Embedded reading 1/2/3/ [verbal-linguistic intelligence. After asking the movie (have the students) read part 1 of this embedded reading. You might before do a brain break with a song (musicalrythmic intelligence); do you know a song which contains the used structures or which has the same kind of theme as the movie you watched or does the movie have a song? Continue with part 2 and 3 and use different reading techniques] XI. Ways of using the video? [Do you start at the beginning or at the end or somewhere else? Do you use the sound? Do you start with print screens? Are there important points where you should stop? …] XII. Circling/creating the story [Several intelligences. Questions and sentences you say aloud which contain the three structures and the recycled structures and which tell something about what’s happening or happened or could happen in the movie] Depending on the level you’re teaching: Lower level Higher level short, easy sentences more complicated, compound sentences go slower higher pace repeat every answer fully less repetition of the answers Workshop Do-it-yourself Movie Talk – Alike Last – NTPRS15 – Thursday the 23rd of July – 8.30-12.00 - Washington I. Description (short) movie On a tabletop mountain a mahout and his strange herd make a surprising and never-ending journey. Country Year Running Time Watch online II. Switzerland/China 2013 5’59 Description makers, producers Producer: Catherine Ann Berger, Ted Sieger, Stefan Holaus, Qi Ling, Sun Lixiang Director: Ted Sieger, Wouter Dierickx Screenwriter: Ted Sieger Composer & music: Christoph Utzinger Animation: Wouter Dierickx 3D Animation: Ted Sieger III. Printscreens (Props) IV. TPR – about 10 new words verbs V. nouns other words TPRS structures 1) there are 2) they go to 3) they want to Workshop Do-it-yourself Movie Talk – Alike Last – NTPRS15 – Thursday the 23rd of July – 8.30-12.00 - Washington VI. PQA VII. Dialogue VIII. Grammar pop-ups/ comprehension checks IX. Retell – activities Workshop Do-it-yourself Movie Talk – Alike Last – NTPRS15 – Thursday the 23rd of July – 8.30-12.00 - Washington X. Embedded reading 1 X. Embedded reading 2 X. Embedded reading 3 XI. Ways of using the video? XII. Circling/creating the story Workshop Do-it-yourself Movie Talk – Alike Last – NTPRS15 – Thursday the 23rd of July – 8.30-12.00 - Washington